xt7xd21rh37s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rh37s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19761210 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 10, 1976, no. 158 text The Green Bean, December 10, 1976, no. 158 1976 2014 true xt7xd21rh37s section xt7xd21rh37s   » Pt! 9*
12/1Q #6 Nm. 153 y
10 December - Library Faculty meeting — Gallery, 8:30 AM
Student Brass Quintet playing Baroque Christmas
music - Galleryy Doon, Open to the public
5 Open house at Lexington Technical Institute Library,
g ‘ 2-5 PM - for UK Libraries faculty & staff
E l7 December — Administrative Council meeting - Gallery,
A 8:30 - 9:30 AM
t Staff Christmas Party - 3rd floor, MIK-North
i 11:30-l PM (see note)
; Current Exhibitions: King South Lobby: Paintings by Rebel
i Paris (through 3l December) - Special Collections: Local
1 Light (photographs, through 15 December) - Gallery: AAUP »
Q Book Show 1976 (through 10 December)
] .
i Contributors to this number: Cliff Black, David Farrell
i _ (editor), Alice Morgan, Gay Reading, Jeff Sauer, Jeanne
¤ _ Stevens. _

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Staff Christmas party scheduled: · · °
The Library Staff Organization is planning iter annual
I Christmas party to be held December 17 from 11:30 to 1:00;
The luncheon will be served from ll:30 to 12:30 with enter-
—2tainment following. The party is being held on the third
floor of King North, in the Administrative Services area.
If you plan to come, and we hope everyone will, please bring
a potlunch dish (which will serve six) and serving utensils.
Please bring the dish, ready to serve, to the Administrative
Services area, by ll:00 on the 17th. Sign—up sheets for the
various dishes are already circulating in the departments.
The catagories are: meat casseroles, relishes, rolls and
butter, vegetables and desert. Drinks will be supplied
f by the Director's Office and eating utensils by the Staff
Please also plan to bring a white elephant, wrapped as a
Christmas present, for exchanging at the party. Please
come join us and celebrate the Christmas Season!
N.B.: Please put your name on bottom of serving plate and
rember·to pick up your dish when the party is finished.
Christmas Concert:
The Student Brass Quinet of the School of Music will per-
form an hour of Baroque Christmas music and carols in the
Gallery; at noon on the 10th of December.
Apprentices needed at King Library Press:
The King Library Press has openings for a limited number
of apprentices for the 1977 Spring Semester. Apprentices
at the Press gain practical experience in printing with the
hand press, typesetting and book design, case binding, and
paper decoration. The Press publishes only books for sale.
There are currently three works in press and a fourth in
Students (undergraduate and graduate) of the University of
Kentucky may earn credit for this work by arrangement with
their departments; other members of the University community
are also welcome. we are sorry that there are no paid
positions at this time.
Due to the small number of apprenticeships open, those
interested should contact the Director as soon as possible.
The Press is open from 9:00-5:00 weekdays. New apprentices
will begin work on l2 January 1977. Individual work schedules
can be arranged.

UK{U of L automated circulation studied: I A
The University of Louisville/University of Kentucky joint
study team dealing with the automation of the two circula-
tion departments hested an on—line demonstration presented
r by the Computer Library Services, Inc. (CLSI), On Wednesday,
·December l, 1976 in the Instructional Services department.
In attendance were the company’s President, Vice—President,
and a sales representative and a cross—section of the King
Library and U. of L. staff. ‘ . A
Library publicity note: » A t
If you know of library services or library—related events
that deserve public attention, please let David Farrell
know. As public information coordinator, he maintains
contact with the Kernel, Communi·K, Teaching News a Notes
and other on- and off—campus information services. News
articles, interviews, and advertising can be arranged.
A dedication program for the Sub-Regional Library for the
Blind and Physically Handicapped, in Louisville, will be
held on Saturday, ll December, at 11:00 AM. Dr. Arthur
Keeney, Bean of the U of L School of Medicine, will speak
at the public ceremony at Fourth Street and Library Place
PQOF§§S{OWll EFiP§0Y?"!ENT QP?€lPTl%F3IlY ,
Director of Libraries. University of Colorado at Boulder.
Application deadline: February l, 1977. Appointment: Sept.
1, 1977.