xt7xd21rh38c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rh38c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19790518 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 18, 1979, no. 275 text The Green Bean, May 18, 1979, no. 275 1979 2014 true xt7xd21rh38c section xt7xd21rh38c y J UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
5/ 18/ 79 N0. 275 A
0 Workshogs
i· May 25A On—Line Reference
June l » Accessing Census ‘
June 9-16 A PR ‘ Y
V August 9-10 · Convention a‘, i`
Exhibits: Nuclear Power Plants, Engineering, continued. _
Rainer Maria Rilke letters, King North, foyer, continued. · 
Recipeients of Honorary Degrees.Y Special Collections
‘ ,’ James Still, Carl D. Perkins -
. - Swarupchand M. Shah, Lyman T. Johnson A
contributors: Colleen Holmes, Rebekah Harleston (editor), Garry
Stottlempyer, Lee Hisle, Paul Willis, Faith Harders, Judy Sackett·

i CRL Academic Library Management Intern ` “
1 This program of the Council of Library Resources is designed to assist
; in the development of managers for the nationvg large research and
academic libraries. It provides its participants with the opportunity ·
y to spend an academic year working closely with directions and senior
I staff of a number of those libraries. The Council will pay the salary
I and benefits for each individual accepted.
Information on making application for the l980/81 program is available
from Faith Harders. k ky
I Reorganization "jjl ‘
i A sign on the wall of the North Dakota State University V
‘ Library: ”Due to the reorganisation,the basement will
be on the second floor. Half of the second floor will
be on the first floor, but half uziill remain on the
second. First floor will move to the basement. we A
_ » l suggest you ask for help."
i Gary Stottlemeyer found this gem in a Readers Digest. Does it remind
you of anything? °
~ Part-Time position
{ Part—time position in the Community College System's Administrative _
i Offices. Arrange, catalog, and maintain a small professional collection.
_ $3.00 per hour; 15~20 hours/week. Call Lee Hisle, LTI, 8-4919, for /
»`_ further information. /
9 To A Very Special Film Series
{ "Reflections on Aging." Presented by College of Social Services. This
L should be of interest to the young as well as to the older. The com- I
plete schedule was sent in a general university mailing.
, ' ROOM l06, 4:l5·p.m;
May 16-` Wild Goose 20 ndnutes `
T May 17. Nobody Ever Dies of Old Age 58 uunutes
A A May 18 Weekend l2 ndnutes
· . ‘ I Naturekswhy 26 mhnnes
May 22 Arthur and Lillie 30 ndnutes
I Think They Call Him John 26 ninutes "
· May 23 Art of.Age 27 ninutes
‘ Peege 28.miQute$
May 29 Old, Black and Alive 30'n@nuteS
Passing Quietly Through 30 ndnutes
May 30 Wild Goose 20 ndnutes
Weekend 12 ndnut€$ .
(repeated) i
May 31 Don't Have Time to_Die 30 ndnutes
June 5 The Resolution of Mbsbie Wax 90 usnurss '

 -5- V
To A Reception
Your are invited to attend a reception for Dr. Paul H. Owen Director
of the Office of Instructional Resources on May 22 at 3 p.m. in the
President's Room of the Student Center.
Microfilm Boxes V
The Newspaper/Microtext Department has over 350 surplus gray plastic
microfiche boxes with lids. The boxes measure 3 3/4" high x 5 l/2"
long x l l/4" deep and are a good, dust-free method of storing 3" x 5"
_ Microfiche. If you would like any or all of these containers, please
contact Lil Balckburn at 7-2666 before May 25.
An August 9-l0 workshop on the‘Eonservation of Library Materials" is
being offered to select libraries by the Southern Illinois University
Library. Its purpose is to prepare those people in academic libraries
responsible for the physical well-being collection to make the best
decisions. For further information, see Mr. Willis.
Peabody Hosts PR Workshop I
Planning library handbooks, writing annual reports, and using pre-packaged
promotion programs are some of the topics to be discussed at "Library
` Public Relations and Accountability," a workshop June 9-16 at the School /
. of Llbrary Science, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville. n
The workshop will focus on ways library PR can be used in the account-
ability and evaluation processes and in bettering library community
relations. For more information, contact the School of Library Science,
P.O. Box 501, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, TN 37203.
On-Line Reference
At Columbus, Ohio. A reminder of the May 25 affair. For information
see Faith Harders.
Accessing Census Data
University of Kentucky workshop on Accessing Printed Census Data, June l.
For further information, see Nancy Little at the College of Library
Science. Still available for UK librarians. Invitations exuambd to
any others — campus or others. _
QPEQB | [Mil l |:E§ E 0R_PBOE[QS$ION-AL  
Reference. Purdue. Salary $12,000-14,000. Application Deadline, July 15.
Cataloger. Purdue. Salary $l2,000—l4,000. Application Deadline, June 30.
OCLC Cataloging Supervisor. Purdue. Salary $l2,000—l4,000. Applicaiton
Deadline June 30.
Director of Library Services. Cheney State College, PA. Salary $23,335-
30,357. Application deadline June l.
‘ Head of East Asian Library. Univ. of Minn. Salary $15,800 or 17,400.
Application Deadline, August l.

 9 __L!_ -   •'S·.
Assistant Engineering Librarian. Stanford University. Salary $14,500-
16,500 (1979-80 scale) Application Deadline June 15.
5BA11.&QE$ IQ u0Rn