xt7xd21rk027 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rk027/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-07-17  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, July 17, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, July 17, 1942 1942 1942-07-17 2020 true xt7xd21rk027 section xt7xd21rk027 lit



Minutes of the University FaCulty e June 19, 1942

President Donovan discussed with the University Faculty the
importance of a greater effort on the part of representatives of the
institution in the purchase of war bonds. Whereas the present goal in
this connection has been tentatively set at 10 per cent, the University‘s
purchases actually represent only about 2.8 per cent of the payroll.

It was the opinion of the Faculty that this matter should be again
called to the attention of the special committee, headed by Dr. C. C.

President Donovan indicated that the loss of members of the
staff was becoming increasingly serious. and that it was doubtful if
the University could maintain its efficiency if additional members of
the staff are to leave. It was the general opinion of members of the
Faculty that no further leaves of absence should be granted, except in
the case of an individual actually entering military service. although
it was recognized that an exception to this general policy might on
occasions have to be made. '



July 17, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President“s Office
Friday, July 17, 1942, with President DonOVan presiding. Those present
were Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, W. D. Funkhouser, Henry H. Hill,
Frank D. Peterson. F. E. Randall, W. S. Taylor, D. V. Terrell, and
Edward Wiest.

The minutes of June 19 were read and approved.

Dean Hill reported on the meeting at Columbus, Ohio. which Colonel
Brewer and he attended. This meeting covered the Fifth Corps Area and
was held for the purpose of clarifying the responsibilities of instie
tutions in connection with the Enlisted Reserve Corps and the programs
of other branches of the military service for reserve enlistments. Dean
Hill indicated that five different arms of the service have programs
for reserve enlistments of students, and that in the fall there would
be a meeting on the campus at which representatives of the five branches
would outline their plans. It was pointed out that the University is
already approximating its present quota in the E. R. C. Dean Hill
emphasized the fact that the student should realize that-his enlistment
in the E. E. C. means that he is actually in military service and that
his call to active duty is only being deferred. He stressed the imporo
tance of the institution enlisting only able men, since the principal
objective of the E. R. C. and the similar plans of other branches is
to provide a reservoir of officer material. The fact that the Univera
sity's quota is lower than it was originally expected to be was given as


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Minutes of the Faculty of the University = July 179 1942

an added reason for careful selection. The Faculty discussed the
academic standards that should prevail for students who are to continue
in college in the enlisted reserve9 but no definite action was taken.

It was the general opinion of the Faculty that the Deans of the Colleges
should be responsible for recommending students for enlistment and for
seeing that proper scholarship records are maintained by those enlisted.

Deon Hill suggested that the University should make some provision
for necessary precautions in the various buildings on the campus in
case of air raid alarms. He pointed out that most other institutions
had already taken steps in this direction. The Faculty voted that a
committee be appointed to investigate this matter and to recommend that
proper action be taken in each building in case of an alarma

Dean Hill reported that Dean Holmes had requested that minor
changes he made in the rules recently adopted by the Faculty of the
University before they are reproduced and distributed. It appeared
that the change to the quarter system had necessitated certain amendments
to the rules relating to initiation into fraternities and sororities
and to certain other aspects of the social programa The Faculty res
ferred this matter to the Rules Committee with power to act in making
the necessary changes.

The following procedure to govern the granting of degrees at
the close of the summer, winter, and spring quarters was approved:

I. Students completing requirements for degrees at the close of
the quarter would be granted their degrees under the following

1. All work would have to be completed and all marks
reported during the week following the close of the quartero

2. The official list would be made up and the diplomas pre=
pared between the close of the summer quarter and the opening
of the fall quartere

3. After the opening of the fall quarter the Faculty of the
University and the Board of Trustees or its Executive Com6
mittee would approve the list at the earliest date feasihle.

40 Following approval of the list, the diplomas would be

5. These summer graduates would be carried in a separate
list in the June commencement program, and might partici=
pate in that commencement if they oared to do so.

II. Students completing requirements for degrees at the close of
the fall and winter quarters would be carried over to the June
list. They would he expected to attend the June commencement and
would receive their diplomas at that time. Their names would be
listed in the June program in their appropriate places. and in
all respects they would he treated as though they has completed
their requirements at the close of the spring quarter.


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Minntee of the Faculty of the University = July 170 1942

At any time after they had completed their work and before
commencement these students would, on request, be given a letter
stating that they had completed all requirements for their degrees.

Coach Kirwan appeared before the Faculty of the University to V ‘
present the problem faced hy the athletic department in securing the type
of athletic material necessary to enable them to comyete with other
schools in the Southeastern Conference. He explained that students
who cannot be admitted to the University of Kentucky are admitted to
other institutions, the stated admission requirements of those institu-
tions notwithstanding. coach Kirwan cited specific cases to illustrate ' J
his point. ’ m

The following report was made by Dean Wiest, for the special
committee appointed to consider previous proposals to govern the presenw
tation of new courses:

The committee appointed by President Donovan to study the
procedure for authorizing new courses met on July 2 in Dr.
Chamberlain’s office and gave special consideration to a Uni6
versity standing committee composed of staff members, hut after
some discussion decided to recommend the adoption of the plan
previously submitted to the Faculty, which is as follows:

1. In so far as possible all proposals'for new courses
shall be presented in written form to members of the
Faculty of the University at least several days before
the time of the meeting when action is to be takeno

2. With respect to all proposals for new courses involving
duplication of work offered in another college, a conference
shall he arranged by the Deans concerned with a view to
arriving at an agreement before the request for anthem-icea
tion is presented to the Faculty of the Universityo

3. If duplication is indiCated by the discussion in connece
tion with a proposal for a new course in a meeting of the
Faculty of the University and no prior conference among the
deans concerned has been held. the proposal shall be referred
to them for discussion before final action is taken.

The report was approved by the Faculty of the University as presented.

On recommendation of the College of Engineering and the Depart‘9
ment of Military Science, George A. Scott. Jr, was excused from the final
semester of the basic course in military science. Mr. Scott had Been
notified that he would he called into active military duty shortly after
his graduation in August.

The following resolution was presented to the Faculty by the
special committee appointed to prepare a statement concerning Dean William
Edwin Freeman:



















Minutes of the Faculty of the University a July 17, 1942

"The Faculty of the University of Kentucky at its regular
meeting held July 27, 1942, took cognizance of the death, on

Thursday evening, May 21, of Professor William B. Freeman, Assisa gya'
tent Dean of the College of Engineering and Head of the Departe
ment of Electrical Engineering. and expressed its deep sense of
bereavement and loss caused by his death.

"Dean Freeman, 3 son of John Chandler and Nancy King Freeman,
was born in Fayette County, near Lexington, Kentucky in 1380»
He was graduated from Transylvania College with an A.B. Degree
in 1901. earned a B.M.E. Degree from the College of Engineering
of the Uhlyersity of Kentucky in 1904, and was granted a
Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from this College in

"He was appointed to the Faculty of the College of Engineering

as Professor of Electrical Engineering in 1911, and was made

Head of the Department in 1914. He served as Acting Dean of ‘pfi‘
the College of Engineering during the absence of the late Dean -g
F. Paul Anderson during the scholastic year of 1921:1922, and upon *
the return of Dean Anderson in 1923 was appointed Assistant Dean 4
of the College, which position he held until his deathe .Follow=

ing Dean Anderson's death he was again made Acting Dean of the

College and served in this capacity during 1934635, or until

the appointment of Dean James H. Graham.



”After graduation in 1904 Dean Freeman spent seven years with the
Western Electric Company on research and development work in the
Bell Telephone Laioratories, in Chicago and New York.

"During the scholastic year of 1920621 he served with the Westinge
house Electric and Manufacturing Company9 as Director of their

Personnel Training School, upon special leave of aisence from the
College of Engineering. for the purpose of acquiring this outside

exp erieuoeo M

"During his long service as a member of the faculty, Professor
Freeman gave freely of his experience in industrial and eleotrie
cal engineering gained from these and other industrial companies,
and from his own valuable knowledge and judgment in engineering,
educational. and personnel matters.


"Dean Freeman, with his likaile, pleasing and cooperative personaltw
as well as with his upright Christian character, endeared himself

to his associates in the faculty as well as to the many students

with whom he came in contact. His zeal and interest for the ;
welfare of the University were strongly evidenced at all times.

”He was a staunch memier of the church; a member of the Kentucky
Educational Association; the Society for the Promotion of Engineer“

ing Education: the Committee for the Advancement of Engineering ‘El‘
Education, of which he was chairman for the Southeastern section; ”
the Rotary Club: the American Institute of Electrical Engineers;
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraternity; Omicron Delta Kappa.



 3n 9


Minutes of the Faculty of the University - July 17, 1942

"men's campus leadership fraternity; Lamp and Cross,
senior men's honorary fraternity; and other social,
professional. and scientific organizations, thrOugh
whose memberships and activities he was able very
materially and appreciably to adVance the interests
and prestige of the University.

"He was also a member of the Board of Curators of
Transylvania College for fifteen years and Executive
Secretary of this board for a number of years.

"In recognition of these facts and of the long, faith»
ful, and valuable services rendered to the College of
Engineering in particular and to the University in
general, it is the desire of the faculty of the Uni-
versity that these expressions of appreciation he re.’
corded in its minutes and that a COpy of the same be
sent to the bereaved wife and family."

The Secretary was requested to send a copy of the above resolution
to Mrs. Freeman.

Dean COOper presented a preposal to the Faculty relative to
leaves of absence of members of the staff or those entering military
service. The Faculty referred this proposal to a committee composed
of President Donovan and Dean Cooper. and empowered this committee
to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Subsequent to
the meeting, this committee submitted the following revised report
for inclusion in the minutes:

"Permanent members of the teaching, research or exteno
sion staffs of the University of Kentucky, who enlist in the
armed forces of the United States of their own volition or
who are inducted under provisions of the Selective Service
Act. and who apply for leave may be granted a leave of ab-
sence without pay for the period of active service; and upon
application for reinstatement, provided it is made within
forty days after the time of honorable discharge or other
certificate covering active service. he will he reinstated
within 60 days from the receipt of his application. as nearly
as can reasonably be done. in the status occupied at the
time of his leaving the service of the University of Kentucky

-to enter military service.“ (Amended later. See Minutes of
September.lle 1942)


On recommendation d’the College of Education, the Faculty of
the University approved a petition from Mrs. Martha Dean Arnett. In
the summer of 1930, Mrs. Arnett had earned a total of 15.6 credits
in residence and correspondence. In accordance with the rule govern»
ing the summer lead. Mrs. Arnett was allowed only 13 credits tOWard
graduation. Her petition asked that she he allowed credit for the
1506 hours earned in the summer of 1930.

On recommendation of the College of Engineering. the petition
of Mr. John R. Spicer was approved. Mr. Spicer petitioned to be









































Minutes of the Faculty of the University - July 17, 1942

allowed to graduate with the degree of 3.8. in Mechanical Engineers
ing without work in addition to that completed at the close of the
second semester of the past year. At that time Mr. Spicer had a
total amount of credit in excess of the minimum requirement for
graduation from the College of Engineering. He had not. however,
completed certain specified courses in the curriculum in which he
was enrolled. He had intended to complete these courses during the
summer quarter but shortly after registering was ordered to report
for active duty at the Amphibian Training School.

President Donovan discussed with the Faculty the proper use
of the payroll change blank prepared by the Office of the Comptroller,
and asked for cooperation in the use of this form.

On recommendation of the College of Law. the petition of
Charles B. Shipley was approved. Mr. Shipley asked that he be
allowed to graduate with the degree of LL.B. in August with 90 weeks
of residence instead of 108 weeks as ordinarily required. Mr.
Shipley had earned the number of hours of credit required for graduae
tion from the College of Law. The reduced requirement in residence
was in accordance with a recent ruling of the Association of American

Law Schools governing the case of men appointed to service with the
F. B. I.

The following course changes recommended by the College of
Arts and Sciences were approved by the Faculty of the University:

Bacteriology 57a. Bacteriology 2i Water and Sewage. 4 quarter

Changed from Bacteriology 57.

Bacteriology 57h. Bacteriology of Water and Sewage. 2 quarter
hours. Continuation of Bact. 57a. 'A’cdurse in the bacteriological
analysis of water and sewage to supplement course 57a. Microscopical
examination of water. Tests necessary for the Operation of water
works and sewage treatment of plants. B.O.D. test. etc. Laboratory,
4 hours a week. Prerequisite: Preceded 0r accompanied by Bact. 57a.

Note: These two courses total the same in quarter hours as the old
course 570

Bacteriology 207. Bacteriology gi Water and Sewage. 6 quarter
hours. Changed from 4 quarter hours. This restores the credit to
the same as the old course.

Military Science, Basic Course. Increase i3 Hours per Week.
The Faculty approved the request of the Department of Military Science
that the schedule of the basic course for ROTC students be increased
from three to four hours per week without any increase in quarter
hour credit. This extra time will be devoted to a more thorough
preparation in classroom subjects which will be required in the
students' future training.

In addition to the above courses, the recommendation of the
College of Arts and Sciences covered the courses in Military Science



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Minutes of the Faculty of the University - July 17, 1942

and one course in Chemistry approved at the meeting of the Faculty
on June 19 and incorporated in the minutes of that meeting. These
courses were approved on June 19, subject to the subsequent approval
of the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dean Boyd stated that further study of the recently adopted
rules governing the classifiCation of students indicated the desiraa
tility of a change to read as follows:

"A student in any college except Law shall he classi-
fied as a sophomore. or junior, when he has within 10 quarter
hours of the normal requirement?"‘"

The rule as originally stated had read 15 quarter hours instead of
10. It was noted that if the rule was left unchanged it would be
possible for a student to change his status from that of a freshman
to that of a sophomore after only two quarters in the University.
The recommendation was approved.

As a result of a recommendation of the Registrar and the Dean
of the University, President Donovan announced that he was appointa
ing a committee to consider special cases arising f rom the assesse
ment of nonaresident fees. It was pointed out the the Registrar
would refer a case to this committee when he deemed it necessary.
The committee named By President Donovan is to consist of Henry E.
Bill. Lee M. Chamberlain, Frank Murray, and Frank D. Peterson,

President Donovan pointed out that when the budget was made
for the current year a small item was included to cover unexpected
expenditures that could not be anticipated at the time the budget
was prepared. He stated that demands already have been made on this
sum to the point where there is little flexibility left in the Unie
versity's budget. President Donovan indicated that requests for
additions to the departmental or divisional budgets would probably
have to he denied.

The Faculty of the University voted that hereafter the minutes
of that body should be mimeographed and distributed to all department
heads in the University, with the understanding that mimeographed
copies are to be made available to all members of the staff who may
desire to see them.



August 18, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office
Tuesday, August 18. 1942. President DonOVan presided. Those present
were W. D. Funkhouser. Frank D. Peterson, George Robertse\W. S. Taylor.
M. M. White. and Edward Wiest. W. L. Roberts,