xt7xgx44v275 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xgx44v275/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1983 1983 1983-02-10 2020 true xt7xgx44v275 section xt7xgx44v275 l
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“ ‘ ——————-—_—"“——_—_——_—_'—_——_ 5.
KEN l UCKY s lady Kenton. 4

I \ a“ to. newly lourth-ronkod Lady Kots fi- .
l.‘ [C ' 4 ' ‘ nolly lost 0 game in their "Fabulous '

‘ ' Five" series last night tolling 9585 to
\ 4 i the sixth-ranked Tennessee Lody Volun- _

J ‘5 _ tears The team's other loss this season ._ __
'“’"'""m‘ ' \‘J‘ \ also came the next game otter it had
2 a \\ ‘ climbed to lourth place in the AP Wom
ensfopYO See pages
* i i .

Vol. LXXXV No. lll Thursday, February IO, I983 An independent student newspaper Universny of Kentucky Lextngton Kentucky
SGA vice president sa s veto of b'll ho I k f t t

ByANDRl-IWOPPMANN based on mutual trust and respect Bradford. considered by some t0 bill".‘ and some amendments were orders in the past specifing whether
News Editor [ don‘t know what has gotten be a likely candidate for SGA presi- made."Hradford said SGA. state or student activitv fec
~r intoJim."hesaid. dent. denied Dinkle's charges that Although Bradford had no objec money was to be spent Specific leg

WM. _. . H . ....,._.,.._.._._. , " Dinkle. in his veto memorandum. the scholarship program was a vote tions concerning how the scholarship lSlalltin. such as the scholarship pro

4 charged that the original date the gettingploy. would be financed. he called the gram. has not been earmarked in

Student Government Association ;' *' 4 ' g scholarship was to be awarded i “The idea for that bill came from Senate's action to specify money the past
President Jim Dinkle‘s veto Monday . ; i ‘3: March 21 _- was “positively politi- a brainstorming session with our from the organization's "154i" ac "The $1 per student lee l\ ap
night of a special student rights ' v cally motivated" because of its faculty adviser iJW. Pattersoni. l count“unprecedented" proved annualh l)\ the Board oi
scholarship displays a lack of “rm 5’ " .i it proximity to the son presidential pr0posed the idea and he thought it SGA‘s 150 account consists of Trustees. ' he said ‘- who . going to
tual trust and respect," SGA Vice M .. 3 election. was excellent. We sat down the next money raised from the SGA Student sav for sure that money is going to
President David Bradford said. "-5... ‘4 it“ % “The student government Office .. day and draftedthe bill."he said. Directory and advertising sales of a be'there vear after year";

.Dinkle vetoed the program v de- ' " ' “"i‘ in no way. shape or form .. can be The program was intended to poster calendar. Money collected Dinkle said Bradford's scholarship

- Signed to honor two students annual- ’ * ' used for political gainj‘ he said yes. begin accepting applications one from student activity lees goes into program is one of SUA 5 finest
ly who have made outstanding ef— .. ‘ , terday ~-1 interpreted the bill as p0. month after the Senate approved the a separate account ideas~ despite the controversy gm.
forts to protect. enforce and further _ (£35 litical , . . the day it was to be bill. Bradford said The scholarships The original program did not spec rounding his veto '
student rights — and indirectly ac- a awarded was the first day after were to be awarded about two ify which monies slate tunds. stir "We struck a good compromise H
cused Bradford of using it as a ”per- - Spring break _ a day before cam. months after the program‘s incep— dent activity fees. or siiA proiii rev he said 'ThlS is one of the best
sonalpoliticalvehicle." DAV") BRADFORD paigningfortheelectionbegins tion. enues would be used for the ideas that has been placed before

The Senate. which approved the founded. "There‘s absolutely no sub- “[‘m not accusing him of being po‘ "1 d' .. . ed h, t l . h . , . scholarship the Senate in the past two vears l
bill unanimously Jan. 24. reintro- stance tothem, litical " Dinkle said, "I would have ITS-cuss I ( n lwitu lmordl "It's l()l'lll\ unprecedented " have been wifhth- :— . ' I

4 . . < _ » (organization
duced the bill after the veto was an- "I have to seriously question vetoed it if it was trulv politicallv people. Bradford bald No one Bradford s'iid “\‘ever i f i ' -~ -
_ 4. 4; _ 4 4 . 4 . . . brought up any problems while it _ -t - 4 PO“ tn d My working relationship with
nounced and passed it with amend- Jims motivation when he makes motivated. no matter who in my ad- w s 'n _ v" th 9 't bill have we specified where the [)avid Bradtord has n”, “H.” ”n
merits recommended by Dinkle, such a serious accusation while I'm ministration sponsored it not “:6 Ugo"??? k?) 401:0? thegfinge money Cnmpg from That’s some. paired. . lhnkle said 'l'welve
Bradford, attendinga national stu- out of town and doesn‘t discuss it just David Bradford. for rt Fm“ :2: T?“ e l 9. thing that is handled by the adminis- months alter l \t‘lt‘t'lt‘tl him it? be
dent government convention in Col- with me while I'm in town." he said “if the bill wasn't political." 0‘ wen 0 (4nd e. tration " my running mate i .~'~ll hau- the
lege Station. Texas. said 'l‘uesday inatelephoneinterview. Dinkle said. "he «Bradfordi won‘t “I specifically asked. 'I)oe.s any- Dinkle disagreed. however. saying same trust and respect -r; him as I
that Dinkle's accusations were un- "I thought we had a relationship mindthe date being changed." one have any problems with the the Senate has approved executive did backthen
Adult student for n m r l .
s ced to bala 09 ha e, we k, c asses ,
4‘ §§ ; 4 4 , W paant. (runlsntht' (4::(:ntiliighseigyfifi- with the \ational board
3 .44 \ E3» . 4 i I; ~4, 4 Spec-ial rim-1m.” Editor It: fit 4”" ’1 lib 3‘ r4 “”1 5‘ . 4 Rowe attxises students returning
2 as at; wfit‘fi ~:.=:;‘ a ‘x t _ . ,. y K s u .cn s in~ i .if cinoon ant to school to seek academic coun
4 s. g§¥§§ will 4 l .C! it, cooks dinner for her own family seling and h, attend refresher
‘5 Méfit Mt i » : S _ fl _ 4:. . . , 4 4 4 4 and often henney s in the «we mm,””1585““ka
\ §fi §V§§ \Ng ‘- l a?“ . '- if {i ‘1 ' Mdr“ Bonnet 4” h u 5mg“) ”mg "Bet“iUse of the distinct- the
st: «sec K ;~ .. it M fgfgg ;, t1: «>5 4 f; parent of four children She is cur "In having your own business ‘ ‘, 4 4 ‘ ;
g ; l “is: lsl s? ‘§*3?'I§“ ‘ * rentlv writing a book titled the Di you take a chance you need lots length of ”me away ”Um school
‘ tire. '4 “a « . . ‘ . . . . * . . ' ‘ . 2 W H? W’plt‘ WU“ ’X‘ “0”"
’ tr ’“K§‘»‘§§ti‘€x%‘§3" to 4 .. l '1 vorce (rum? henney has taught of energy and you need to estati- 4; j -. , "t h, .. d
f ,4 ft; "‘. .; ...: w $ .5 school in Nebraska. worked as an lish priorities.”.lones said m Win" pnp‘ud "m ( M1
4 4’ ’ Tie; .“HWHU’ f 4; I g is? " 4‘ i Q; airline hostess. helped pay for her "I think you learn to recognize Although How e said he never my
\ i 44 in . 3 ,i’f‘“ husband's education and operated trivia those little things 'hat tended to go to college. he re-
4 ' Q” » .t :- adaycare center. aren't important. that used to fill turned in two to improye his quail

: '4 , t. > . Now; she is fulfilling a personal up mylife.” illL'lllltllb for a management

4', ”W goal along with about 25 percent .lones returned to school iii 15473 position at int-depot.

i ‘W of l'K‘s students She has re» after "the syndrome of chasing iv.- been a tulitime student

3 . "'W - turnedtocollcgc dust balls for nine months ‘ and and worked tort time lye gone

i ) 2".“ ‘0 . How does Kenney. a Junior in now she holds a master‘s in edit to school lull time and not worked

.‘4 - p t ...... psychology. balance family. bust cation l ye only worked I \f‘ been a par'v

i *‘ ' F q“ ness and school" "You go in- “The first class I took in 197: time student and worked full

4 ‘ ruin. . . sane." Kenncy said “l think I was very worried about doing time. liowi- said '.\ .\rmy “Pitt" mum-cs gi.lii‘.it‘.!\?l‘;llltiit also filltl>

i to complete interupted educations or begin new careers. less busy Jones. 40. also a single He spends his weekends on diity wr- ADULT, ”a.

_ "we can‘t trace down a phone like that. it has a 30-mile
student center head denles THURSDAY range. He may be out of range by now.“ i

MWMM Morris, 25. was lodged in the Doviess County Jail after
' he was indicted on theft charges. He made his escape when
t t t b k t he was taken to the police station forquestioning.
reques 0 renova e 00 S are Gasoline pricedips under $1
‘ ~ Despite violence, truck strike eases
—_—H TI-I’ll\\ll~ “ \ll\H{ h 4 IVANSVILLI. Ind. ~— Some people in southwest Indiana
\S J I '. testiro iswitio ”s‘acc . -

4. ~ Reporter “4:44?“ ulfubm.‘ Sign“? ('oncerned 0'49 paying '9“ ”‘0" 3' a gallon '0' 9‘350l'h"e "0‘”: and: There were signs that the truck strike was tapering off yes~

2 Students president. said he thinks pricps 0" 9‘99”“! to decline throughout t 9 state 0"" terdoy in Kentucky. despite overnight gunshot and rock '

i the renovation would benefit the stu April, ll” “003'" Mmor ClUb 5°V5- domr 93 to three trucks. '

4 dent body Dealers operating with already-thin profit margins 09- Some ‘tood distributors said deliver-es were near normal
hunk .lidrm' Mild?!" (limit-(1,], m". .mgmilmimib N S I.“ purl“.- pear to be cutting prices to move gasoline, sold Hugh Orr and. a truck stop manager said pickets who Cut dawn on
rector. has denied a request it} flu ulari hate .in .l(‘.l(lt'ml( approach 0‘ “... HoosiorMotor Club in Indianapolis _ , , ‘ _
[.(wmmfl student organizations to and largmmdom pm.m-ipation.” , _ ' ‘ 4 busmess during the first week of the independent drivers
1.0mm,“ 1m. old lmwrsm ”“1, mm" my ”w lack 4" mm; its been three years.sfnce Hoosiers could buy gasoline strike were gone. 4
Bimksltti‘t'ftil‘tifflt't‘spat‘t‘ tilillll} |\ it lt‘glltmlilc reason." l0! IOSS "W" 0 dollar 0 gallon. BU? three Vincennos stations There WQre no injuries in two shooting incidents and O
The groups involied in the request Faber said if they already have a brok. the Barrier Monday by lowering their prices for sell- rock-throwing Tuesday night, officials said. ' “
ii i‘lllilt' Socially concerned Students. problem witii the number ot meeting some. fOQUlOr to 9&9 centsogallon. Since the strike bpgon 29 trucks have been shot at m
1"}: I" .l‘ is l'nion ~ 5 .u; . . c-i . v \ , , . . '
thiiiiiirriiipi .ililtiiiilisltrri‘ir -\m('rt(';i. illiiilldtieiiliiiileliiliivwill)""'1 ("10mm Wh'k "lf'nr‘m "mm“ '" EVQMV'l" °"d "“"bV H"? Kentucky and eight have been hit by objects. mostly rocks
\lllllt‘\l\ International and Student tini- student orgaiii/ation. liowi-v dorson orent "‘0' '0‘”, ’er\Pr""’5 have ”"9"“ ”“5 thrown from overposses. state police said.
Iiii\t'l'lliltt‘lll .\S\H(‘l.’llltlll er. had little difficulty in obtaining WOOk. Stations along US. 4| between Evansville and Hen‘ One trucker was injured 0 Virginia driver shot m the
\‘l' iiist tl'ill i think it would be ii office space within the Student (‘t'll' dgrson were charging $1.049 Tuesday for self-serve regular. shoulder Friday near London.
.ond ltlt‘.‘t to have these groups it fer I h' Student \gencii-s. located in ' ‘ . .
i.i‘li't'lllt‘ renovation ll.irris said llhl Student (enter. obtained office 'd?Y:.]',° 3 €40an ho: 0, w.“ agzérminevcasg?‘3:32;“: There have bean 9'94!" démons'mhons or protests SUCh
l‘li.ii would make if still of it per space through a special agreement ‘0 org" I" open .0 s w“. c 9 9 ' ' 05 "‘1‘" parades and P'Cl‘elmg 0' "0C" 5'0953 59W?" C0565
. il.il.t'lil .irriiiici-ii t'lil for thesi- with the i‘niiiirsity. ltayion Iii-y COUP" 0‘ pennies. , of vandalism, such as nails in the road and cut was and air
.It'iiii‘ MM ”1" we |> ”“t'mlt‘d "'l‘ ttttldx ”(5“ itt‘t‘Mtlt‘nlo‘éttd hoses, and live rOPOrts of citizens band radio or telephone
N "- .ill t‘t‘ll|\l"t‘t"l \llttlt‘nl ”Film" "We are incorixirated with the W .0” 00¢" “a” i ' '
/illltifl\ university In our contract it states k mt by ""00"” accordmg '0 5mm pOhC. records.
liol‘i-rt Ziiniwinkle \ice t'lii‘lll lflill office splice is in be prtwided.” 4 _
iclloi for student .iifziirs met with he said Student .\flt‘li('lt‘> does not OWEN.“ ._ Prisoner James Morris hasn't boon om
:‘cpresentativi-s of the fin orgatiiln pay rent tor their office space. but it sine. h. «coped during quutioning at polic. headquarters. '
iions last 'l'hiirsday to discuss other pays for llt't’i'sst‘ll'} officeequipment but ,4” “”9: in touch officials ”M y.".'day_ ,
ptssiblewtiysfoobtiiinofficespace \‘ivh stressed the fact that when ' ;
We are requesting to use room the Student t'enter Addition was up Mon“ mum." ("mm 0‘" a wmdow chm" 5:” p.m. \'
iii. temporarili (iiir long-range proved. the old bookstore was to be Tuesday W." .3. W33 dw '0 9° '0 a bommm on m WEATHER
plans are to eyetitually have office usedforstiideiit organi/iifions second floor unattended. Owomboro police said.
spillf' in the old bookstore." said "That was .in inherited commit H0 rmmd a, hf” yesterday. but 59'. Jim Iyrd said
lim liinkle. Stilt president "StiA ment 1 recciied.‘ Harris stud “l h. M "d m. , '6'" dfllt .".m|
has offered to subsidize the costs if understand the needs of the groups. c° Wm" COMP I r
thegroups are ElYt‘Nlht‘ space H but lcan't manufacture space " “m Ml". m. "W. ”7” h. M mm” mm lo —
Harris has his“ based tht‘ (it‘nlill 0f Zuniwiiikle said he cannot act on lake canolandwouldbobock.
the requests because of the present the request for room no iitttil he re "w. “Ni know fwfly mg. h. cqllgd from or what,"
useof room lllliiais ilhl‘llt‘t‘llnfl room 1 ceives the written request from the ”a Capt. W.M. WW. "H. is m 9 "Wk Wm, a mo_ I. ”I“ b. neatly M m ... ml“... TM 5]...
.ibove a . we to constier o . .n o s .. . w ’
whal would be fair for everyone rgitttlh(:lt):4nm fl;l\l‘ some of ”HS b". M l" l" m M“? "Wk m (WM stolen “I" h. h M M '. I!“ “I. m .... ... ..-
Taking one Of the meeting rooms 0!" [ronpd out “‘llhlll it “00k." Zun] M "V. block. m ”'0 ”l“. .m'lofl he" on M' “M w, 'nmm“
Just isn‘t the answer." he said winkle said "i really can‘t act on if Morri- W 'm V". b. M '"h . m “ fllll. "l".
Vincent Yeh. Amnesty lnterna until I have received a written m N not "y. M. Wig". WW gold, end IMMMH‘“
lional presndent. said. “It would he memo and discussed if with my
valuable to the university to provide staff “ ‘ ~ ‘
wi»v>tv.r-~’~v0"'“' ’ ‘1
. J h

 L ' [Mu-_._"
W‘ E ,-\4 . ~
13,533? I ‘W V. “i . t ‘ h ' " " “ ’ ' ...-...a...‘.,.,., 1-33-. .
a .
: Keene" I ‘
Illl notion Andrew W John 07M!» Mom I. who! Mal I. lobb- J.O. V0.0...“ Ola “Mord ‘
(duo: in (Not Hows (dour An: Editor Sports Editor Spoeiolhotun Editor Photo Editor Graphic: Editor
P B RSUA S ION JIM Cit-In Norm .Ibor- Prlu Sella. III! I. WI“ J'- Mkloy MW (I'M. Mullen Ion Von Mod: (lull Ash *3
Monagmgidnoi tilnitututmim. Au-unniAmEd-tor AuntontSpomtdttor swiolProtuioAmuant ChiolPhatogiuphoi (Upythlsl-t’r-i-t ‘
_—-‘-—-_‘. WW — , ‘
If wrestlin is discont'nued V
g I I . v Q \
.1”. I"5‘Y' \
f . i 17“.: ‘4
un S must e use WISE "7" ’ t”
’1‘ It "l
‘ git 3 .
Sometimes bad things are unavoidable. The money being channeled into the wres— W. ‘
Sit-ti is the case with the dropping of wres- tltng program needs to be used for a new I -
tl nu. as a varsity sport. women‘s sport next year rather than cast off
:i. . .in» iiiiam-e with the Title ix clause. the Into Umversty prOJects unknown. \ . ;
I'niit-isity was forced to add a new varsity If the finances equal the status, the UK ’ 4
~ . . ' .' ,' _ i
w UIIlt'Il . sport and drop one of the men s. athleticprogram “111 be closer to hath ac }
Wrestling .ms the obvious choice to bite the tualparity.
ttilst . . . 7‘
) . . . ' . “ . . s. 'd .h . i ‘ . ‘15
I iesitit i.t tltis singletary sat c ances Fortunately, there is one women s varstty ».
were the wrestling WOUId have been sport that will probably never have to worry , . _ ‘,
dropped t‘\ttIIlU‘cill.\- anyway. Besides being a about support again. I .- “it )3 i)
financial 'ttll‘dt‘II with several scholarship The Lady Kats basketball team seems t0 d
players. a full-time coach and traveling ex- finally be getting the attention it deserves. _, . . 9 i .
penses. w restling is dying out in major 001' Coach Terry Hall‘s team has achieved an 18- v. . , i; t
193““ ““1." two ““90th m the'boutheastein 2 record this season and is ranked fourth in ‘ f '_,:/ A
Conference still maintain varsity wrestling. the nation. \ ’ . //, a
and Singletary said one of those has indi- The Kats' 8066 triumph over ()ld Domin- ' . g
Fitted 1t “’1“ 5‘00“ drop the 590” ion last Saturday night was played before a ‘ ‘3’
If anything good will come of the Athletic crowd of 10,622 -— a record crowd for a wom- , y
Association Board‘s decision to drop wres- en‘s basketball. " '0 i .
tling. it is that a new women‘s varsity sport The team lost to Tennessee 95-85 last \‘V'Vflt _ T ‘ 2 l
willappear. night. but 8.200 people showed up. and “my ‘ 2 fig 6 i
The whole point of Title [X is that women cheered the team on until the finalseconds. ( t V f/ ' " i
will not be discriminated against in higher Although givmg up on the men‘s basket— til 7 " :
education. including athletics. As the t‘niver- ball team would be unfair at this point in the g g
sity will soon be complying with the clause. season. the University and Lexington com- “' ._.__._s
. ‘ ' . . . *. . 2— t
it needs to remember that it does have to munity should not worry about not having a . m M- g j
sponsor a real women‘s varsity sport. not team in the NCAA Final Four this year. The . _ _==. ' .
just a halt»hearted attempt to stay legal. Lady Kats deserve all the support they have —""— ' " .. 3
Varsity sports deserve varsity support. been receiving. i :
———_____———-—_————__—_—— t
l l l l l ,
M t owls face evenln s I e W” - our stores —
Due to rccent circumstances. This is whenthetuii begins “KarmclKornl’opkornKit.” "Happy” and ends with the name of watch MTV. the channel I watch Oates are rhythm and blues. and .
readers I hau' bt‘t‘i‘mt’ .i late night You know. the late night I)..l. anationallandmark. second-most and believe is creating they play them.
er whom you speak to all the time but If you don‘t think you can handle amusical monster. I don‘t know. I like those guvs. ‘
.\'ot late night when people are out tiever I'ace—tof'ace when you make a such deep. thought-provoking pro» Ever since MTV made the songs and their last album is the sgcdnd
there dating. drinking. dancing and request wattage Mister Please.“ grams. there is always The Last Re- ”Who Can It Be Now?" and “I one I bought in my life. I mention all
drug-taking I mean so late that Emanuel please Mister”t and go minutes later sort. These are composed of the fol- Ran." there has been a lot of atten- this because I believe that if” this ‘
“ht‘n WU 98“ *‘tmeehe 0“ the Phehe ‘ BROWN you hear yourself saying. “I hate to lowing cable channels: The Atlanta tion drawn to the station. Let‘s face controversy keeps up. MTV will not
they say 'It‘s morningso how come ‘ disagree with you but Barry Mar Channel. WGN. “hit. the (‘lassic it. “I Ran“is garbage and MTV sin- be around much longer. (‘atch it -
it s still dark nilow is not punk rock and that is his Movie Channel. and the one. the gle-handidly pushed it to the top. whileyou can. ‘
You know. the time inevitably re realnoset" only. the dreaded. All News Chan- With this kind of power evident. If none of these appeals to vou for ‘
t‘erredtoas"t‘n-tiodly " You have to have cable There is nel. the black record companies have late-night activity you can alwavs
l have not become a night owl be .-\s all real late nighters know. absolutely no way you can survive These channels feature such “requested" that MTV give them read. ' _
cause .,t insomnia I sleep like a 10% there is a great deal of information without It. It‘s your lifeline to the greats as ”I Was A 'Male War similar exposure. MTV says it plays I hear there is a great young c0]. 1
yet hear a feather drop on snow at that you pick up to survive Like daylight world since the moviechan Bride." “GI Jane.“ beach blanket contemporary rock 'n' roll. which umnist writing for the Kernel. “
_‘o pimps I work at a full partAtimt» that little restaurant across town nels show such captivating and rea- movies and the entire Itoad series happens to be played by mostly Goodnight
,th This means that I don‘t work that serves lunch until noon You get listic programs like "lltl T8,." with Bob and Bing. Then there is the white groups, while black music is i
“(in day but when I do work. 1 on a tirst-name basis with the clerk "The Swinging Cheerleaders." assault of 2+h0ur reality. the news indiscriminately labeled “rhythm Emanuel Brown staved up all
“orka io~hour shift in the all-night grocery and the at- "She‘s 19 and Ready” don't ask channel, Certainly wait until you ar' and blues.“and they don't play that. night to write his latest Vntastvrptt’ce
when I leave this gemoflagiob it‘s tendant of the 24»hour gas station what she‘s ready fort aiitf ”(‘Ieopa- through eating before you take this Also. if they play "R & B." they and happs it will not take readers
usually after .t oclock. and since I These people you have met when tra Jones goestoJapan ” one on.kids. will have to play “C & W." which I quite that long to read it He is a .' .
haye an 8 o clock class I don't both- during latevnight madness you went [simply refuse. however. to watch If you don‘t want to be bothered surely don't want to see or hear. Kernel columnist. but he‘s still not
er sleeping madly in search of a place with a any movie that starts with the word by such delightful fare. you can However. some blacks say Hall and sureabout his _veoror major
Y t t d b 1' UK; W . L . B ' h
0U wan O ’93 a O" . I”? ('0 183 Irnbac %
Just about a year ago. [ published fore their deadline; and. with the in. imals on their clothes tend to make personal. . .and itstank. sands to read — and for one person 201 E- 50th Street
an article in this newspaper that formation gathered from interviews my skin crawl.” I remember the first time I read t9 make EObS 0t money 0h- Birnbach New York.l\' Y. 10022
quite instantly made me one of the and three questionnaires. compile That got a chuckle. I started to Fiske's essay and ‘0’ be truthful I filled a Phillips Exeter dorm room You tell her what ['K'S like. And t
adminis rations best friends. and by the b00k scan the page for something I could “(is insulted ‘1 thought I'd done. a With money 0“ the Preppy SCthCk, then you can complain when the t
coinCidence. immediately ensured really flv on. and found it. “ ‘I)o you . . ' . . , . _ and now she wanted me to help her book comes out i
- . good Job picking a school at which to . . V , , . . ,. ,
the impossmility of my ever being know the name of your student body finish my education and here was h“ d Country Day dotm room 0" llliustsitandwatch.
employed by The New York Times * , preSidentT‘ " I asked. Smirking all somebodh telling me‘l was a bimbo this one. And she wanted me to i
I had taken on the Times. and one ' J"“ the way. I said. “His ('hristian one I‘m not a)bimbo lthink ‘ writethe funny lines. ‘ ‘
of its senior editors. late in January at HARR|S or what others call him'.‘ I know ' We“.gangther9'5 heraddress: Jim Harris is a journallsm senior 6
i982. with the intention of proving . them all " And I wouldn't want anybody tak< Lisa Bimbach and managing editor ofthe Kernel. -
that an unflattering review of [K J, _ Laughter sprung out. "(‘an I tell ing what I think about this school c/oPeterGethers
had been written without much. if Dinklethat""somebodywondered. and putting it in a book for thou- Random House '9’“ Jimlmm
any Int't‘StlgfltIOn ”T research The I naturally assumed that. since I figured this would be a raging
0553} ‘ “ rltten for [he ballyhomd She had Sent me a questlonnalt‘e. She success‘ If I Could keep up [he COme- “E”
New You: TImPS Selective Guide to would be yiSiting L'K. and that [K dy and if Bimbach used it. So after
Colleges I982 83. galvanized the [DIV would wind upinthe book. deadline Monday. I sat down and
versity community into a united ex And that set me to thinking I‘d completed the questionnaire.
pression of discontent No one. they been a part of this game once before I wrote some sterling silver an- 1
said. could talk about their Big Blue ,, the questionnaires. the supposed swers When I was asked. “What is '
like 'hat and expect to get away interviews. and then the shock of the best social place to study on W
with at reading something like. "At the lm- your campus"” I answered. "You .
Well the fellow who did the talk versity of Kentucky the atmosphere mean like the malt shop‘.’ Forget it." Letters pOIICY
mg got away with it sort ot Ali is social and sometimes academic They wanted to know if my school
though l never found the elusive stu- but never intellectual.” Just for I un. was homogenous I told them. “No. 3:33;: 3?:33'73;:l::::‘.':h'.";'.'r;:l":"'. :::r::l'.::"°::'::'#“mezm';m,;m‘;" """’ "“ °""‘°"' WW" '“"" """'
dt‘lll \\ ht) g8 \‘t’ Times education I dug Out the SPIPCIIW’ Guld? and 91 percent Whluj and 3 percent black All mvovioi um lor (onsldorutlon must b. typonnlnon and doubt. one“. erton mm lncludo their name, uddvoum, telephone mung
editor Eduard B FlSk" tht‘ lowdown glanced ()\'(*r Fiske's essay isn't homogenOU‘g ' bout-1;: m|:::r::|::“i”::. or connoctlon wlth Ulrlndlvtdwluwbmlnln. :ommonnlupormlhouldbrlnguuiIn or dvlvor‘llkonu.
on how bad I'K really was. I did find And then I glanced over Birn< “Is parking on campus a prob- J..2.'.'.'...‘1...i..'."..'...33.7?Zfliillfilmfflmimwxfi3.3.2..immune"...
the 23 questionnaires that supposed bach's nine-page questionnaire. lem‘.’" "Do you call walking three
l_\ formed the research base tor the which appeared to be fresh from the miles to class a problem?" I re , is a major improvement over the er just because he had a bad game.
essay in the files of the former dl' ditto machine ‘.Ia her IBM Selectric sponded “Is it expenswe?" “I‘d call Morbld cartoons previous cartooninits slot. instead, you have to encourage him
1"“ "’r ”l Wht‘l «Wt budget. where The parallels. as they say. were $24 for a sticker. $21 for tickets and to bounce back on the winningtrack
l.-t~-iieyetfthey belonged striking $20fortowing expensive " I have written on this subject be» J0hh Abell Jim Master contributes as much
\Iltt there was something else The questionnaire begins with the "What is the best party this fore. but failed to get my letter Economicsgraduatestudent to this team as anyone else And
they were olank He hadnt distrib- obvious basics "Why did you year"" Birnbach continued “Probar printed The Kernel could present a WithOUI coach "311.5 gundancc GUI”
.iu-tfifieni tort-ompletion choose to attend your school"? Was bly the last home football game of much more professmnal appearance SU off the Cats basketball team might hht be as
I confronted I-‘iske about the dis your school your first chmce'? If you the year." I said "We were (HO-l if it would clean up its political car- pp good asitis
wit-rt tic rt-titsc". to comment had it to do again. would you re- thisyear.ifyou recall “ toons. The team needs the support of all
'Kltl' it and I was left in a Mexican apply to your school” Describe the One question. "Would you conSId» The majority are downright mor- Being the “true blue fans" that we the fans. Let's get behind the (‘ais
tatidotf with a good clip. some bestthing about your school." er the student body at your school bid. A clever “attack" on Reagan by are. we agree totally with Deanna and goalltbewaythis year
.miplinmnts and a feeling that I‘d Well. I was in one of my wise-guy attractive“ gave me some trouble the LA Herald. for example. tends Johnson‘s letter supporting the Cats
lone my too to the best of my ablll~ moods. and Since I had an audience. After all. I‘m a faithful man. I have to brighten one's day A glance at that ran in Tuesday's Kernel. We be- Pamela Akers
'y The Fourth Estate once again I began answering the questions lust in my ht art. just like Jimmy the typical Kernel-produced cartoon. lieve that every win is a team effort Undecided freshman
roared its vigilant head aloud Carter. but I've been strictly a look- however. tends to turn one‘s stom- and the losses have to be taken in
[thought that experience was long “ "Was your school your first don't—touchkindofguysmce1979 ach.Theyareextremelydepressmg. stride. Editors note: This letter was
behind me. but on Monday I got a ch0ice”‘ ” I asked. “Not exactly. ' I But that didn‘t deter me “You On a positive note. Bloom (‘ounty You can‘t come down on one play signed by‘four other students [
very curious letter. one that may replied to myself “I wanted to go to mean are there girls here?" I shot ,
have implications for all who dare Harvard but my parents couldn't un- back “Yes. but I‘m married " BLmM COUNTY by “I.“ “NC“ ~
apply to I'K in the future as well as derwrite the construction of a biolo , It continued. for nine pages. The MR BINNLY m BUT ITH NKmtAN “TO MY -
i ' ' ' ' t .‘t .‘ t . - - I
illwhoatttnd here now ' . . gy labora ory _ dorm 'ques ions I told her Keene WMYERWNTSW WWMRMWJG m
Lisa Birnbach. the mid-twentytsh I got a laugh from a couple of re land was the best place to live on mmmsam meow WENOIEOUTWDTOTHE m5, FINE w)
Manhattanite who authored the now porters. so I went on. “ “Describe campusl. the fraternity questions GIRLS..65MMYWI'M fij, msgmpgm- m‘mmy ”Ne “TIE o
infamom The Official Preppy Hand the best thing about your school.‘ ” I l"D0 you belong“ “No." “Why?" mwumm? QWILY HUMIURTING. YCS.’ I m
book. had written to tell me about ordered myself “Its prOXimity to in- “I don't like seeing someone tied to \ , A \ [a \ ,\ '
her newest venture -. a book outlin- terstate highways that can transport a tree and havmg excrement poured ”a 4" t . . \ ~ ” Q
ing. in decidedly breezy form. the one to places far. far away from on his head “t. the administration .3 I”, . - .-h 41/ , ,1 - ‘» _- (s ,s
Virtues and drawbacks of the 200 Lexington," questions tI told her I admired you. " Fl‘1 ". in)» 5 g H ”W . 1’ " - 3 ‘33 V]
mOSt 9091“?" colleges In the Uhited More laughter I was on a roll. I Jack. You're public busmess. now ‘3 ‘. “, t ‘1' j ’ ’ . :1 c C} I ‘ - ‘3‘
States turned thepage and the rest of the tripe _._-=— \ .\ ' ,. l; ’ ~ A ’ \
She and her assistant, Preppy co " Describe the worst thing about And after I punched the last peri- _ 3 t " “6’ ‘v - . : .
_ hort Carol McD Wallace. plan to your school . .. I thought for a sec- ad on the paper, I pulled it all to- __ . i \ Q, h 5 _ _ .
visit the colleges sometime in the 0nd, then said. "The city it's in getber and studied it It was wryly a - ‘r'i—a f V . ‘ :1