xt7xks6j1s4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xks6j1s4r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19050312 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-03-dec12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-03-dec12. 1905 2011 true xt7xks6j1s4r section xt7xks6j1s4r 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Ma.y3lst,1905Page 39 (contid)

the.Station rank as 1st, 2nd. and 3rd Assistants and the com-
Sensation be fixed according to rank; that the scale of salarle s
according to the plan be as follows:

   l,Heads of Departments $1500.00 to $2000 beginning with $1500.00
and increasing $100.00 each year for five years.

   2,That the 1st assistant receive from $1200 to $1500 per year,
2nd Assistants $900.00 to $1000.00 and 3rd Assistants $600. to

     That the adjustments of the salaries according to this plan
for the coming year be left to the Board of Control with power
to act.
                                    R. W. Nelson
                                    C. B. Nicholas
                                    T. Carpenter
                        D. C. Frazee

                                                      Page 41
     Semi-annual meeting of Board of Trustees of Kentucky State
College, held at the President's room in Gymnasium Building, on
College Grounds at Lexington, Ky., at two o'clock, P. M., Tues-
day, December 12, 1905.

     Present:- Barker, Carpenter, Ferguson, Metcalf, Nelson, Clay
Kinkead, Mc~hord, Lafferty, Frazee, Nicholas, Stout, Patterson. i3

   Absent:- Messrs. Bell, Brooks, and Hopkins.

   A quorun being present the meeting was called to order by
D. F. Frazee, Chairman.

   Upon motion duly seconded andl carried all absent members were


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12,1905 Page 41 (conttd)

     Mr. Metcalfe was sworn in as a member of this Board by
Judge Kinkead.

     At this point the Secretary read the minutes of the last
meeting of the Board of Trustees, which upon motion duly seconded
and carried, stood approved as read.

     The minutes of last meeting of the Executive Committee were
then read by the Secretary. Col. Nelson stated that he did mot
think the Board should approve that portion of the report of the
Committee on Domestic Science, mentioned in said Executive Com-
mitteets report, which declared that the Dower of the Committee
is limited to the selection of suitable quarters for the in-
stallation of the Department of Domestic Science. Judge Lafferty
then read the report of the Com-rinittee on Domestic Science with
reference to the installation of the Department.

     (The report was misplaced and did not come into hands of
the Secretary).

     Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried the
report of the Executive Committee was anproved as read.

     A communication from the ladies representing the Women's
Clubs of Lexington concerning the installation of the Department
of Dorflestic Science and a list of the utensils needed for the
operation of the Department were read to the Board.   (List did
not come into the hands of the Secretary.)

     After discussion of the location and needs of the Department
of Domestic Science, action was postponed until the reading of
the President's Report.

     President Patterson then read his Report to the Board which
is as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 42 (cont Id)

                                 Lexington Ky Dec. 1905
To the Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College of Kentucky.
     I have the honor to submit to you the following general con-
siderations, for which I bespeak your careful attention.

     I may premise at the outset that the matriculation list of
the current collegiate year, which opened on the seconded Thurs-
day in September, has surpassed that of any previous year in the
history of the College. Not only so, but there is an increasing p.43
large attendance every year-of students who are prepared to enter-
one or other of the classes of the College proper. The number
entered in the Academy are about the same as last year. The num-
bers entered in the Normal School are considerably in advance of
the matriculation of the presiding year. The Freshman Class and
the Sophomore Class are each the largest in the history of the
College, with a corresponding growth in the Junior Class. The
numbers in the Senior Class remain about as they were last year.
The Senior class would have been much larger but for the fact that
the rule has been adopted that all conditions and all unfinished
work must be worked off before the student has admission to
tutition as a Senior. This cut off a good many last year and has
diminished the numbers of the Senior Class aTrmreciably this Year.
The prospect is, however, that succeeding classes will in numbers
be largely in advance of those in years gone by.

     The Legislature of the Coimmonwealth will meet early in January.
It is a matter of congratulation that the bill passed by last
General Assembly, increasing the annual income by $15,000 a year,
and whose constitutionality was questioned and ultimately deter-
mined by the court of Anneals, was decided in favor of the College.
This appropriation and this decision are valuable from two points
of view, first, the added income which was much needed and which
now becomes available, and secondly the precedent which it establishes
for Legislative liberality. It is further valuable, because of
the fact that the question of constitutionality which was-brought
up in connection with that aonrooriation is forever set at rest
by the action of the Court of Appeals.  This leaves the way open
now for further appropriations by the Legislature of the Common-
wealth, unembarrassed by the convictions that their constitution-
alitymight be questioned and an adverse decision rendered by the
superior court. This Board of Trustees owes a debt of gratitude
to the last General Assembly for its liberal appropriation and
to the Court of Appeals for their generous anti datriotic construc-
tion of the organic law.


MINUTES OF THI BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 44} (coat'd)

      I am well aware that policy of Dresent administration is
 one of economy and that while the construction of the Capitol
 is under way that the Legislature will not be disposed to grant
 money for pur-poses that are not considered urgent. Nevertheless,
 I believe that an appeal may be made to the General Assembly in
 the interest of Agricultural education, which they will not
 willingly ignore.

     Everyone of the "Land Grant" Colleges, organized under the
act of 162, are liberally provided by the respective States
in which they are situated, with the necessary buildings and
appliances by which Agricultural education may be made effective.

     The principal industry of Kentucky is and for generations p. 45
to come will be agriculture. The competition is so keen and
the aggregate acreage of the United States so large that unless
intelligence be brought to bear upon the cultivation of the
soil, those who are owner of land in Kentucky instead of be-
coming richer, must gradually become poorer from year to year.
No soil however fertile, will unless its elements of fertility
be replenished, from time to time, last forever., In many
localities, the wear and tear upon the soil is already beginning
to tell seriously upon production. The farmer then should be
intimately acauainted with the origin of soild and their con-
stituent elements. He should know what these elements of fer-
tilitv are, how they are .issipated and how they may be re-
plenished. This implies an intimate knowledge of the mechani-
cal cofstitutents of the soil and their chemical properties.
I t is a Dart of the Agricultural College to supply this infor-
mation to the farmer. This is done partly by the education
of the young men, who have matriculated in the Agricultural
courses of study, and partly by the bulletins issued from time
to time by the Experiment Stations connected with the "Land
Grant" Colleges and dissemination gratuitously among the Agri-
culturist of the State. Not only should the intelligent
farmer know the mechanical and chemical constituents of the
soil, but he should'know how the plants feed and how plants

                                                      Page 46
     That is to say he should know the elements of nutrition
orawn from the soil and drawn from the atmosphere. This
knowledge is supplied by the Agricultural College through in-
struction given in the germination of seeds the nutrition
of plant life, and the development and growth of the plant.

     F'urthermore the products of soil in herbage and in grain
exist in our Commonwealth largely for the benefit of the
stock to which they are fed. Our horses and. our cattle, Cur
sheep and our swine, and our poultry, transform the products
of the soil into flesh and". blood, partly for use and partly
for consumption.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 46 (Coit'r)

     It is essential then that the intelligent stock feeder and
stock breeder should know upon what animal feed, and how they
grow, that they should know the laws of oroduction, the laws
of heredity and orinciples of cross-breeding and fertilization
in order that the most economical results may be obtained.

     These with the preceding, necessarily imply an intimate
knowledge of both Botany -d Zoology, especially in their
economic relations. Now in these three lines of study, namely,
the knowledge of the soil, the knowledge of the laws of plant
life, the knowledge of the laws of animal life, Physics,
Chemistry, the Physiology and Pathology of plant life, and the
Physiology and Pathology of aninal life are intimately concerned
and from the foundation of the education of an intelligent

     The Agricultural and Mechan~ical College, though itPage 47
been in existence for years, has never been adequately provided
with buildings and equipments for rendering Agricultural educa-
tion effective. We have done the best we could with the meager
facilities at our disposal, but the time is now come when it is
imperative that larger provisions, on a much more extended scale
should be made for instruction in Agriculture and Horticulture
and in stock breeding than we have ever had hitherto.

     The farmers of Kentucky pay a large proportion of the tax
levied for the support of the college and are in justice entitled
to corresponding benefits from its operations.

     I therefore believe that the time has come when by a united
effort we should endeavor to obtain from the General Assembly
an appropriation, generous and liberal, for the erection of the
necessary buildings and for their prooer equipment in all that
is needed for education along Agricultural lines.

     Of equal importance are the claims of the teachers of Ken-
tucky and the common school system of Kentucky upon the State
College for the maintenance of a school for the education and
training of teachers. There were, I understand, several hundred
school last year within the State of Kentucky, which were not
provided with teachers, and consequently, were not kept during
that scholastic period. This is not as it should be.

     The State College has for years been doing what it could to
maintain a Normal School of reputable character and proportions.



     It has done best it could with the means at its disposal
but we are painfully conscious of the fact that the results
have not been commensurate with our wishes.

     With an independent building and a larger educational staff,
we could have attracted a larger number of students, and con-
sequently could have benefited the Commonwealth to a larger ex-
tent. Within the last twenty-five years the assessed valuation
of Kentucky has more than doubled.  The facilities for the in-
struction and training of teachers has not, within the Common-
wealth, kept pace with the corresponding growth in wealth and
in population.

     It now seems to me to be an opportune time to redress this
balance and to make application to the incoming General Assembly
to make a liberal anoronriation for the erection and equipment
of suitable buildings, whereby this work so auspiciously begun,
may be carried on upon a much larger scale than we have been
able to do heretofore.

     The general intelligence of the people depends upon the
efficiency of the common w hools. The efficiency of the
common schools depends upon the educa~tion of the teacher; this
latter element. It belongs to the State College to supply.
Let it oe understood that the State College does not stand in
the way of a liberal Drovision for schools for the education
of teachers elsewhere. To these it would ever be ready to
give a healping hand, but the school for training teachers, or
the Normal School as it is generally called, in connection
with the State College, is co-eval with its reorganization, and
should be maintained and supported with a liberal hand. Give
us the means by which to educate the teachers and to make
education effective and we will be able to do a work for the
public at large, out of all proportion to what we have hitherto
done, benefictent though it has been.

     During the last twenty-five years, hundreds, perhaps thou-
sands of young men and young women, have received their education
and their training from the Normal School and wherever they have
gone and engaged in the work of their vocation, they have stood
foremost among common school workers in their respective counties.

     There are other urgent needs of the College, to which I de-
sire to call your attention. The Department of Physics, though
fairly well equipped, has for years been at a wreat disadvantage
for wnnd of necessary sPace. It is at present established in
the basement of the Main Building of the College in three rooms


IJUNUTES OF TH E BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. hi.2, 1905 Page 49 (contd)

with low ceilings and badly lighted, the seating capacity is
relatively small and the Physical apparatus is inconveniently
crowded into about one fifth or one sixth of the space which
ought to be allotted to it.

     The Department of Physics is one of the most important of
natural sciences, upon which all the varied lines of engineering
depends, but on account of the inadequate space at the disposal
of the department, it has been very much cramned and its use-
fulness correspondingly diminished.

                                                       Page 50
     The Department of Mining Engineering, recently established
by the Legislature of the Componwealth has not yet been oro-
vided either with buildings oT the equipments. Two small build-
ings (wooden), hastily put together and very meagerly furnished,
constitute the only facilities that we are able to offer to the
general public for education in Mines and Mining Engineering.
And yet mining is an industry in which the State of Kentucky is
largely interested at the present and will be much more largely
interested in the immediate future. The mineral resources of
the State are incalculable in value; they are now beginning to
be opened up and exploited, mainly by Eastern capitalists.
Their wealth will be developed and coal and iron and fire clay
and zinc and lead will be brought to the surface and thrown
upon the market, but this, at least in the immediate future, will
be done not through educated Kentuckians, but through foreigners,
brought into the State to do for the mine owners what Kentuckians
ought to do for themselves.

     Kentucky capital should develop her mines. Kentucky intel-
lect should open them and engineer them. It is nothing short
of a shame that we should be obliged to go beyond our own
boundaries for money and intellect to do what we ought to do
and enjoy the proceeds of the wealth resulting therefrom.

                                                         Page 51
     We ought to rise above the idea of being hewers of wood
and drawers of water for the millionaires of the eastern and
middle states.

     Phybios and Mining Engtneering are closely an intimately
related. A building, therefore, ought to be provided and equipped
for the joint use of these two branches of education.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 51 (conttd)

     I have in former reports called attention to the straightene.
conditions under which Civil and Mechanical Engineering are now
taught. There are no courses of instruction which have brought
more credit and more reputation to the State College than these.
Their graduates take high rank among the engineers of the country
and are in such demand that the State College is not able to
furnish a little of what she could supply, if the conditions
for engineering education were improved.  Thle graduates of these
courses of study are to found all over the Union, where engineer-
ing enterprise is being carried on, with profit and succees.

     For years to come Mechanical and Electrical and Civil Engi-
neering will be in demand for the construction of Railways, the
building of bridges and the manufacture of machinery. In these
branches of instruction the State College stands well to the
front. It has no superior in the North and no equal in the

     Fifteen years ago, the number of engineering matriculates
was relatively small and our facilities for education were then
deemed ample. Within that period we have grown out of all pro-
portion to our exoectation and the conditions that met our necessi-
ties then are now altogether unequal to the demands placed upon

     Buildings and equipments costing a good deal of money are
urgently needed. To maintain our reputation we must keep pace
with the great institutions of the north, or fall behind.

     The wealth of Kentucky actual and prospective, is now equal
to all the demands which the State College can legitimately make
upon it, and I feel convinced that if these fact were brought
before the Legislative body in their simplicity, that they would
readily respond to our needs.

     I am not so sanguinal as to hope that appropriations for
all these necessities can be obtained from the forthcoming General
Assembly.  Perhans it would be unwise to urge them all in their
entirety. It would then be wise for the Board to determine which
of these necessities set forth in the foregoing pages are con-
sidered most urgent and to concentrate our efforts and our energy
in obtaining these.

     One of the vexed questions with which the Board and the
Faculty have to deal is Athletic training, especially in its re-



lation to football. For years oast during the earlier part of
the Collegiate period namely, frown Sentember until after Thanks-
giving, the Collegiate authorities, and often the student body,
have been in a ferment in consequence of controversities arising
within and without, upon the relation of the College authorities
to football, and the relation of this College to other Colleges
in the State in that connection/  Largre sums of money are      Page53
annually expended in the promotion of these exercises and sports.
Within legitimate lines, they are altogether right, but when they
degenerate into contests over ringers, promoted by gamblers, they
become an abuse ar a hindrance to substantial progress.

     The Board of Trustees -nd the Faculty desire to promote health
and clean athletics, but often times, they are embarrassed and
compromised to a degree that is to say the least of it, perolexing
and sometimes humiliating.  The complications growing out of our
relations to the sister institution with which we are most fre-
quently brought in contact, resulted this year in a rupture of
Athletic relations and disarpointed not only the Colleges im-
mediately concerned but the general public, and as generally happens,
when controversities of that, or indeed of any nature, arise in-
volving the State College, we are sure to get scant justice from
the local press.

     Indeed, it seems that every question of policy and management
and discipline within the State College are virtually taken out
of the hands of the authorities and discussed and decided upon
by the local Dress in a sense invariably hostile to this institution.
This a matter much to be regretted. The sense of right and the
sense of justice of a large and intelligent body of the citizens
of Lexington & Fayette County not only believe that the presence
of the College in Lexington is a substantial benefit to the Com-
munity, but they are ready to support the Board and the Faculty
in what they believe to be discreet and wise management. It is
peculiarly unfortunate that the institution owned and controlled
by the State, which has done so much good, not only for the State
at large, but for the County of Fayette and the City of Lexington,
should we be traduced and maligned upon every possible occasion
by the local press. We have hitherto been discreetly silent.
Perhaps this is still the best policy to pursue.

     Without anticipating the reoorts of the special committees
to whom was delegated the duty of finding a local habitation for
the Denartment of Domestic Science, created by the Board at its
last meeting, I may be allowed to say that during my recent visit
to Washington to attend the meeting of the Association of Land
Grant Colleges, the subject of Domestic Science formed an Important


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRJUSTEES,Dec. 12, 1905   Page 54 (contS1)

topic of discussion in one session. Prof. Mathews, one of my
colleagues, was present and listened to the papers read. We
both came to the conclusion that Domestic Science, whatever it
may mean and whatever it may comprehend, is as yet ill-defined,
and in what might be termed a formative state.  No two persons
agree upon what it should include or exclude. It seems to me
therefore, that when the machinery of this Deoartment is Dut in
motion, that we ought to begin upon a relative tenative and ex- P.55
perimental scale, that we should do what we can to meet reason-
able expectations required of the general public in regard to
instruction on the preparation of food and of this domestic ar-
rangement that constitute a well regulated household.

     Exnerience as we proceed will suwgest in what direction we
should expand, and whether this expansion should be from within
or without, whether by developments of the nucleus of a healthy
organism, or by accreetion acted from without.  My colleague
and I also iincluded that the denartment could be established
profitably and economically in connection with the Agricultural
course of study, and if we are successfully in obtaining from
the Legislature the money necessary for an Agricultural Building
and its eouipment, that provision for this Department, namely,
Domestic Science, could also conveniently an; advantageously
be made in the Agricultural Building, ant in immediate connection
with the Department of Agricultural Science.

     It will be remembered that sometime ago an appropriation was
made of one Thousand Dollars, by this Board for the purchase of
a telescope for the use of the department of Mathematics and
Astronomy. This instrument has been finished and is ready for
delivery. It is a fine piece of mechanism of high magnifying
power, the object glass being eight inches in diameter. It is
believed that it is the finest instrument in the State. However,
valuable the instrument is in itself, it is useless until mounted.

     A suitable building for an observatory and for the proper
care of the telescope will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of
$2000. I have the honor to request that you will take under
consideration the recommendation here made for an appropriation
of that amount for the purposes named. I am well aware that all
appropriations should be made at the end of the current collegiate
year, namely, at the midsummer meeting. This however is a case
of urgency and will, I think warrant a departure from the authorized
method of procedure.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 96 (cont'd)

     The additional income derived from the State through Act
passed by the last General Assembly anpropriating $15000 each
year, will if judiciously and economically expended, relieve us
from all present embarrassment and enable us to strengthen the
existing departments of the College.

     For some years past, six or eight of the departments, namely,
English, Modern Languages, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Physics,
and Civil Engineering, have been in urgent need of assistants.
These I think we will now be able to supply. We must be careful
not to go beyond our income. This we are all in danger of doing,
if we give heed to the numerous applications for money which we
are certain to have to deal with in the immediate future.

     I desire to call your attention to the fact that although
Prof. Mathews was withdrawn from the duties of Horticulturist
in the Fxperimental Station, in order to give his entire time to
the College, two or three years ago, the place vacated by him    P.57
has not yet been filled, that Professor May gave up his work as
Professor of Ahimal Husbandry in the Station a year an a half since,
and that his place remains vacant, Prof. Harper resigned his
place as Agriculturist last summer. His place has been temporarily
provided for by a graduate of last June.

     In some direction it will thus be apnarent that notwithstanding
the large income of the Station, it is in these respects unmanned.
These are important Dositions and the Federal Government, as well
as the State, may wish to know why they are left vacant.

     In conclusion, I beg to congratulate you upon the auspicious
opening that the College had in September last, and its present
prosperous condition, The outlook for the future is good, but our
growth in the future, as in the past, will be determined largely
by our material conditions and the facilities which we can offer
to young men to induce them to remain and obtain an education at
home, instead of seeking it beyond the bounds of the Commonwealth.
                                 I am with much respect,
                                      Your obedient servant,

     Whereunon the report was ref ered to the Committee on Presi-
dent's Renort.



     The Chairman appointed the following as members of the Om-
mittee on Pres1ient's Report.

     Messrs. Ferguson, Chairman, Carpenter and Metcalf.

     At this noint Mr. Metcalf moved that the Committee on Domestic
Science to-wit:- Judge Stout and Judge Lafferty, be continued and
that there be added to it Judge Barker, Col. Nelson and President
Patterson; that this committee have full power to select and adopt
a place for the Department of Domestic Science, after conferring
with the ladies; that it be authorized to expend a sum not ex-
ceeding one thousand dollars in equipping same; and that it be
authorized to employ a teacher for same at a salary of not ex-
ceeding $600. per year.

     The motion was seconded by Judge Kinkead and carried unani-

     On the request of Mr. Metcalf that he be excusedfrom further
attendance at this meeting, a motion made to that effect was
duly seconded and carried.

     President Patterson then announced that Mrs. Wallace, the
manager of the girl's dormitory, had extended to the Board an
invitation to supper, which invitation was accepted with thanks.

     The Report of the Business Agent was then brought before the
Board, which upon motion duly seconded and carried was refered
to the Committee on Finance.

     Mr. Nicholls, the chairman of the committee on Finance, then
read his renort on the Business Agent's Report, which is as



                                   December 7th, 1905
 To Hon. D. F. Frazee
        Chairman of the Board of Trustees
                       A & M College
Dear Sir:-
     As a member of the Finance Committee of the A. & M. College,
the other member not being able to be with me, I have examined
on this day the books in the Business Agent's Office, from Novem-
ber 1st 1903 to December 1st 1905, and find them to be correct
and vouchers on file to correspond with items charged.
                               Respectfully submitted
                                     C. B. Nicholas
                           Member of Committee on Finance.

     UTpon motion of Col. Nelson, duly seconded by Judge Stout,
and carried, the said report was approved.

     Mr. Nicholas then brought the Board's attention to the fact
the Finance Committee in going over the accounts of the Business
Agents had audited an account for about a thousand bushels of
coal for use in Patterson Hall, which coal was purchased from a
coal dealer other than the one to whom the Executive Committee
had awarded the contract for furnishing the coal to the College.
After discussion it was moved by Judge Barktr that any contract
for furnishing commodities to the College made by the Board
shall govern all the departments of the College in the purchase
of such commodities. This motion was seconded by Mr. MoChord
and carried.

     The Secretary was then directed to make out and present to
the Board a full and complete statement of the cost and erection
of Patterson Hall.

     At this point the minutes of the meeting of the Board of
Control, held June 27, 1905 were read to the Board by the Secre-

     At the instance of President Patterson and Mr. Ferguson the
Board then entered into a discussion of the action of the Board
of Control with reference to the promotions in the Eouirment
Station under the advise of Prof. Scovell. After an informal
discussion, further considerations of this matter was postponed
until a later time.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 60(cont'd)

     At this time Judge Stout asked the Board to decide what
fee shall be allowed Messrs. W. 0. Davis, and the firm of
McQuorow & Brown, the attorneys who represented State College
in the Court of Appeals in the matter of proceeding to compel
the Auditor of Kentucky to sign the warrant for the $15,000
appropriation made by the Legislature. Judge Stout presented
to the Board letters from various attorneys throughout the State
each of whom stated that he thought a fee of 05,000 a reason-
able compensation for the services rendered.

     After considerable discussion, President Patterson moved
that the said attorneys be paid a fee of five thousand dollars
for their services in this case. Said motion was duly seconded
by Judge Barker, and was carried by members voting as follows:

     Ayes:- Messrs. Barker, Carpenter, Ferguson, Nelson, Kin-
kead, McChord, and Patterson.    7

     Noes:- Messrs. Clay, Frazee, and Nicholhs.   3
     Not voting Judge Stout.

Upon motion duly seconded and carried the Board adjourned to
meet tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at 9:45 o'clock A. M. on
Wednesday Dec. 13, 1905.

     Present:- Messrs. Frazee, Barker, Carpenter, Ferguson, Nelson,
Clay, Kinkead, Lafferty, Nicholas, and Patterson.   10

     Absent:- Messrs. Stout, 1etcalf, Hopkins, Bell, Brooks, and
McChord.   6

     A committee from the sebior class comoosed of Messrs. Scott
and Riefkin came before the Board to solicit aid in getting out a
college annual by the senior class. Action upon this matter was
podtponed until a later time.

     Judge Barker, of the Committee on Domestic Science made an
oral report of the action of that committee which is as follows: