xt7xks6j1v2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xks6j1v2p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1943 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 13, 1943 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 13, 1943 1943 2012 true xt7xks6j1v2p section xt7xks6j1v2p 0, 7Zze l@¢•1»Ziucéq rqlunuuu
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ui;   ’.‘·,   Pi ».‘_   . “ ‘ ‘ j · U ’· y i · Colonel B. E. Brewer
    . · y. V ~ . _ . 4‘; · , _ Commands 3,000 Cadets
mrs —_   _;(e:_ j = ;_     . I , I I . Colonel Boltos E. Brewer, a graduate oi the
gm     R . ‘ »r¢‘ g     University of Kentucky and Commandant
He I  3; " H ° · ` ‘ ‘   · 1, of the University R.O.T.C., was assigned by
was Y,;;.gi:j`;;_;r.;;.;;.—‘._~   ° _ _ the War Department on March 31 to take
own   " ‘ A . A · ’ I. over the additional duties of Commander of
gted   » i . · » = the 1525th Service Unit which has been sta-
ml;-   __ . i   _ i . _     tioned at the famous old Phoenix Hotel in
y of .   · . . · Lexington since the Fall of 1942. As the
uw- , `   Alumnus. goes to press Colonel Brewer is
gm.   V · . awaiting the arrival of the first group of the
per-   . .   i A A Army Specialized Training Unit which has
nich ` ,‘*%z`;·  i `f been assigned to the University and will be
rsity _ ‘   A Y .; A accommodated for sleeping quarters in Pat-
_   _ ‘   -°Q ·  _ terson Hall and the three dormitories form-
mm,.       ‘ 0 erly used by men students on the Campus.
hi   'j ' `     Approximately 3,000 men will be under Col.
was ·   ” - Brewer”s command when all the Army Spe-
i {V} cialized Training Units have arrived. .
.,mk_¤ ‘* ° .‘ . As a Kentuckian "Bruce" Brewer very
loads 1 bf ` · ‘ naturally attended the University, was a
uber · I ? . _ student in Agriculture and completed his
For, ily;. , work with the class of 1907 although his de-
uoadé _ , _ gree was conferred later. As was the case
Ed ,0 Q, with all students of those days, military
gorge    M  ‘ ` was a four—year "job" and while his first
S C  _· _  _A _ ‘  L.    position took him to the Philippines as a.
{amy.   U     tobacco expert for the Bureau of Agricul-
4_—i é·` , Y . .  l, {fx _ r ture his eyes were attracted by the Army
    ‘ 4/ and he returned to the States to take the
·   ,   entrance examinations from civilian life and
. V H • · . was received into the United States Army in
,‘stag  r 1911, returning directly to Manila on mili-
moe,. · _ tary duty. Having a leave of absence in
it th, · j. j _ 1915, Lieutenant Brewer returned to Ken-
1, N0. “ 4 ,  {L · *·$`.. tucky and ma.rried Miss Frances Shely of
retired, _i,   l ,- Lexington and together they went to the
Of hg /<     ·»’ Philippines and remained there until 1921.
 il, fi >< A soldiers life offers much in the way of
mmm   S variety and we nnd the Brewers following
gouggi "      the familiar pattern in the technicolored
imma.   ` Y picture. There was the Infantry School at
follow. it V =i ··*:—°*“‘°‘ Fort Benning, Georgia in 1924; Command
E ri. ._ and General Staff School in 1925 and ad-
1;;%,, I ka e vancement from Second Lieutenant to Lieu-
I as, g tenant Colonel by 1936. Meantime in 1932
mm y Colonel Brewer was assigned to the Univer-
Of Lk sity of Kentucky as Commandant and Pro-
bmw _ fessor of Military Science and Tactics. By
m ag ` ` special request from the president of the
his rr Colonel B. E. Brewer University he was permitted to remain in
"‘i"—rr "·——·#—··#-·-— —————·—r~·i~#+—éY‘     his native state and served two years over
, acm ooMMENCEMENT CALENDAR Friday_ June 4 the regular term of duty on the Campus.
rd coil Thursday, June 3 10:00 A.M.-Meeting or the Board or irrus- In 1938 he was ordered to the 11th_Infantry
ist sul 9100 A.M.—Registration or Alumni, Student tees, Presidents Onice. at Fmt Bsiilsmih Him'is°ii· Hsri`is°ii· In'
irvedi Union Building. 1:00 P.M.—Commencen1ent Luncheon- diahs·» as Assistant Chief Of Stag- In igiig
variili 2=30 P.M.—Bseea1oui·eote proooeoion tonne Guests, Friends, Reunion Classes, a¤¤ther ¤rd€r Sent him to Fort Haves. Ompi
gs, oft on Plaza between Physics and Alumni, 'I‘rustees, and Faculty where he Was Chief Of Stag of the Ohio
re COX Mining Buildings and drive lea.d- of the University; Student Military Ai`€¤ and it Was while Oh this Post
ie a ii? ing to Administration Building. Union Building. that his Di`0hiOllOh to 3 C0l0¤€l¢Y WHS made-
lien li. :*00 P-M.—Baccalaui-este Sermon, Memoir- 2;:lo P.M.—Annua1 Meeting Alumni Associ- F¤Ft¤hst€lY f0i` K€ht¤€l¤<>l Br<-aw was back t0 the Biussmss
Miles, Pastor, First Presbyterian 7:00 P.M.—Commencement Procession forms €0i1hti`Y ahd his Ahhh Mate? ahd ih APi`il of
>rof€Fi ' Church, Lexington. on driveway in rear of Student last YBRF h€ 1`€tili`h€‘d to L€XihSt0h» t°°k up
of A€i‘ $:00 P·M.—P1`eSident and Mrs. Donovan at Union Building. . his pieseiit iissigiimeiiiii at ieast ihefiiisti
he Kit ij home to Trustees, Faculty, 7:30 P.M.—Commence1nent Exercises, Stoll Dart of it Willi ills RO-T·C·» and estabiisiied
was ii, _. Alumni, Seniors, and Guests of Field. Address by Joseph C. his h0¤i€ at 432 l"s·5`€il€ Ps~i`k· C°l°ii€i Brew'
ml will the Graduating Class, Maxwell Grew, former United states Am- er’s three daughters are students in tht?
erald- . Place. bassador to Japan. (Continued on Page 3l
   erl i       ;

§ -————··—————-————-———-;—- ——;-— —-.._... _ __ _ _ _   ;
1   The Kentucky Alumnus _ _ _ CITATIONS Tu
I _   I Major William Nelson Boaz, Ex, Paducah ., · (,0
 Q i , Lt. Thomas Wesley Spickard Ex Princeton M .  ·‘ " ‘ ` , i'
  » OfT'l1 0 f n Al 1 A 11: x an . _ _ ’ ’ . _  .-=__".,=:,,,,-1‘  .;_ ;
  i Uavéisity ,,’$“£2.i.?,,,ct§* putditd i,s,?§,?.;T§‘ 8., ,},2 M- R;¤h¤¤¤ Samuel Steiks Ex, Midway    — ~ —      - r
y   , campusof the University, at Lexington. Subscription Lt. V1CtO1` Edsel Comley, ’42, Nich01a,sVi11e     ., ..  l E
— 7, to non-n emb · , $1.00. M mb r li (T A l · . » ,     . °'*?*"'**- ,    · ,
 * { the Associatioglsincludes subsecripftigii Ito thsepgluninii; Captaln Gmdgn SympSO11’ 37’ Baldstown       .._. .    Qi 'I`2  mu
 ; ,,   Lt. Fred B. Hill, *42, Somerset egg; 4 =—· 2   · »,‘r5,2;¤g ; ,;.ggg=;j;_g=  ant
_ g Entered as Second Class Mutter at the Post Office Major Norce Whitaker, Ex, Roxana       ber
    · §a£§§‘gjg;‘g’Q§_KY·· May 2* 192** ““"‘·" °h° “°“ °‘ Lt. Lewis Page Johnson, Jr., ’41, Crummies   ‘`-·’ §*¥  1i’ `T _,iQQ._i;&;z1§;, ,,.,     Uni
 _ — ` i -———·——-————-—-l- LU Col. Bell G. Crosby, ’31, Spring Station ·=E;i@=5=,   if  ‘`°‘ " ``_°.   ;,E§§5Z— _. wg Woi
>.    J Mereumte IM-eutvliliii --s-»——----~~—-———--------- P ·-»»—-—- ;—- Edlm Lt Jack Reeder. Ex, Lexington ‘   ._.,.     .i .     ”   as r
    ,  Slat?été?ifTZ.,1;;;;;;i;i;;;;;;1;;;;1;;;;;ii;;;;1iiiii 1X‘§§Z,iii€5 ESQZL ¤¤n¤- View Neiele ’4<>, Wanna ohio   " , ¤` n _ his L _
[  i Helm Kms —-»-...—--.-—...-———...—-———.—»-—--..—»»--—--— Acme T¤`€¤S¤*°' Captain Edwin Wilson Rue, EX· Hai'¥`°d$b¤¤`§ Q5;z§§}i§§;§f§§?§z;§;a;·_ .§f*’?Q  , ·. _ ·=*it;’j_£,_;,;; _.,.» f _ Ja
 ,     nxsourrvn COMMITTEE Lt N°*m¤ ·i“*`“’{* Wide ’39» Lfxlngmn   ‘:’;` Y7?*t"    @2 f!,§’"
 ;· . i iraisimii same ri. x. rmiiei Lt- ·’·_L· Lfggfm 3* L€Xmg*°¤   =‘‘‘ ‘ ; ».   ‘;.;z?€i?iE??¥?T;1E -=1‘ ‘ ‘.1‘’‘   I at
·_ , James park T., ii. cutie: Lt. William Henry Gentry, Ex, Harrodsburg   .  t , _— . :,;éi"`gé’   .==` , Aria
· ‘ , §;ti,‘§==t‘Z§Eli°‘"° ¥¥l}i?€“‘SE`t,?J“"‘°" Lt Beet Jem G*‘b?1`”·EX· I-ef1€¤ Strulik
ee y€31`$· l er’s command would surely reflect with 8dd· mad and transferred to the C` & O' the air and the fOi11` stud§nt:Igea5?1llllti;d gn di `iz
——— i ed luster on the work of Pershing Rifles same yéiil`. _ can Flag and the Universit gm 8 in md
LATED which was established on the Campus in From 1902 to 1920, he filled various po- the mmsium Th ybl dg 93919
l LeXin¥1"“ 1931 and is a basic military fraternity or- sitions with the railroad and was supcrin- Stoodgfevereml ‘ ud Batafsilh ue aul ESC;
:11 1 mid 91 8&¤iZed by General Pershing to promote in- tendent of maintenance of way from 1920 ml U 1 lgiluoop 110::2* ytépp 2:*;
id; ··On UW terest in R.0_T.C_ training and to del/el0l¤ to 1926- During the ensuing Seven years he Vlla gs   zligicoi ‘, thmell S Pd?] b mo the
ltterw Ro€<1· qualities of good Citizenship and American was assistant to vice president. He was mov- Eenier Of me Eigotu AHB “{S°}Va_1‘°“i1 °“ _ B ‘
111 of 111991 ideals. The Kentucky ehapter has won ed to Cleveland in 1933 as assistant to ex- icc Hm which hu;} YEIB ailgg kw gag};
thc wat€1`·` regimental drill championships many ti1n€S ECUUVB vice president Of the   & O" Nickel speakeis stand g Ou 8 Wa ac 0
mer studelll * among the young men in the armored forces Plate and Bee _Ma1qu€tt€ 1mh°adS’ a. DOSE After the singing of “America the Beauti-
las lj)€C1`1 OH   are to bg fgund the names of those he   uutll hls advancement to asslstant ful" and "On\va1·d     S   rs" Dr
  llis p[]]'· whose first trials Of Stamina and courage to the presidellt Of the three lilles three Cllanlberlairl presellt/Ed tile 1g1‘€S?d€]'$t]    
came to be observed as they upheld 1116 Years &gO· University and Dr Donovan expressed the
__ standards Of P 91`Shmg Rm"s· —`  belief that the number of graduates and
RATED K Omicron Delta Kappa, honorary leadership REUNION CLASSES former students already in the service, in-
C(?1'   irietemltyy pledged Colon?] Brewer when he 1893 — 1912 — 1931 — 1940 cluding 60 women, would possibly approach
nm (1 cio: ogxmed to me Campus m 19%*2 and h°. be` 1894 — 1913 — 1932 — 1941 6,000. Explaining that the convocation had
?fJ$§11»ll1—p1¤ of tl$e&AlE;];§€2 Of thi. EXTCUEWE Ctznglttee 1895 — 1914 — 1933 not been planned for "sad farewells nor deep
‘b lb frag. pomtmem H Ssocm Km as mon y ep 1896 .. 1915 — 1934 emotional e>ipe1·lences," President Donovan _
' Eine qt fl These Bright S _1 d H d Colonel M -.1. 2».  »—r» ——-   ~- expressed pride in thi? Quality Of me ymmg
ra ~ < _ rii a s n , .
O1`?1tiOn t°°k? Br€W€1` with his stiff gr ninseteeh officers gn in times ot peace will be familiar but even gms? ig?) hz; bligimzl   bioggyegl  
lliams b€€"“ th€ Campus or with his other stag of ten in these troublesome times youth iS much aosé dmnalatic and trggic eveits in the l_€_C_
ved oV€1`$€“FY°m€€·1‘S, including the medical Stag, at the the same as after the long gloomy Winter gds Of mankind you me c1_uSnd(_1_> M
ltly WHS Stir Phoenix Reservation and to oid Students finally the sun becomes Warlner and the · ···· 4‘ ____   _'
the Spring time scenes of military activities shade of the t1’€€S 1¤€1`€¤S€S b1' thc mmum lccmmmed Ou Pago

  lv   I Q
 l   ` 38 G°L“’ *1**55 BLUE   ANNABEL ACKER C00KS0N—1913
   T  ‘    ; ’   Mrs William E- ¤¤¤l¤l¤ Where he was made blshop oo- "“
 e f i l $10 Seerzcivegi r1?g)‘ar3eda;nI;l0§l;s fa az;} cou; he was assigned in 1942 and has been al; adjutcr. Two years later, in 1916, he was  
_ {    ev W _   p_ p   San Antonio Smeg February, lg4g_ named bishop and assumed control of the  
¤ ? A  eee and ¥’&““°“Sm m the p""*°”"’*m°“· C‘?1· __._.._..--— diocese which covers -10 one square miles  
 .    1; Brewer. a Veteran of World War I and en JAMES BU T MIN Bishop Capers is survived by his wife  
gl 1.   alumnus of the University, represented the R ER . Mm Rebecca Holt Capers. three Sons Em;  
-. l. =l armed forces. I I Dr. James Burt Miner, 69, Head of the son Howe Capers, Poughkeepsie, N.   the  
 V E  i Robert H. Hillenmeyer of Lexington was Psychology Department in the University R€v_ w_ T_ Capers Jr Vicksburg Miss glld  
 Q selected to represent the R.O.T.C. He ex- since 1921, died at his home in Lexington, mo Rev Samu€l6r1·éap€rS Of Sém Auléonm ’·*$·
· ·  l pressed appreciation to Governor Johnson Wednesday afternoon, March 24, 1943. Dr. .°-- i `  
 ’ jb Ll f0l` "the high ideals and democratic prin- Miner is survived by his wife Mrs Jessie lie
    ciples for which the University stands;" to Miner, and a son, Dr. Horace Miner, who 1 JOHN W. W°°°S“18°6  
  '_   President Donovan "f0r his tenacity in up- is serving with the Army in North Africa. HJEAE  -W?Od§' 73h9fdAShla'nd’ Ky" bang-  
r_   ll holding those tra,diti0ns," and to me faculty DL Mlm. was Considered an authom on “° ee "*· le $““d**Y· Merch ~8»g  
_ ag h ·. · {.-1 ·t t· d h l M _ Y at a Hollywood, Fla., hospital where he had; x
.   for @ 911 m nl 6 Da 1€¤€€ en _€P· I`- mental 1llness, was the author of many ar- boon und · t t I
l ¢ Hillenmeyer said on behalf of his fellows: · · Ergomg rea mem'- The body Wm .
. _ _ _ _ tlcles and books on the subject and spent rgturngd ll Ash] cl { ·  
3 if "We cannot leave without admittmg sorrow, three sabbatical years in Europe Where he . . O . an. or bunal ML Womisl  
Q ill but a sorrow mingled with strong pride and visited 100 msmmm H f d 1_ t IS survived by his w1fe; three daughters, Mrs. l;  
.. ‘ ll d t rmmation that as Sons of the Umvep _ O S OY 8 mqutm S end Walter H1llenmeyer of Lexingt0n· Mrs. Roger i.  
{ Q a_ 8 8 _ _ H feeble-mmded in England, Germany, France, Thompson and Ml-S Edw d E '· k { A l.'  
_‘ · s1ty we are inspired to do our utmost. And and Italy He Organized the mst h 1 - ‘ er mm: O Sl  ‘€""
` · he concluded with a quotation from an ad- · · ` psyc O cgi- land and thm? $°¤$· John W- W00d$. Jl`··i€‘E
[_ _ cal clinic west of Chicago at the University and Wllllam Woods of Ashland and Rohm  
 { . Q dress made recently by President Roosevelt, of Minnesota in 1908. Organized the Research _  
h ·d. 4rTh h tl f     ' d _ ’ _ Woods of the UH1t»€d States   L29}?
V Q W O sm · 6 ear O 6 na mn ls goo * Bureau for Retail Training at Carnegie In- · LIFT?
‘ l the spirit of the nation is sound and the Smute Of Technology in 1918 and came to   Woods was gfaduated from the Ulll‘  Cal
5 rama or the nation rs eternal" » . . Velslty m 1896 end Wes Fl member ef lull  7ta·
. . .· · Kentucky 111 1921. Dr. Miner served as edi- football loam In 1902 he became a msideul lg. ly
. The final note was the presentatmn of the tor for psychological publications and as Of Asm ` . . 4?§#·¤As$0<>
. _ _ _ and and began the practice of lallvwslt .
. _ servlce flee and the assembly stood for the consultant cr the clvrl servlee Board or Lam ll b · l - - l   he L
A   singing of the national anthem and "On, Lexmgtoo in Febrjar eiirgeegn €i`€;t€fid;¤t ba¤t};“%I_ g se1·viC
E »   On, U. of K." and the R.O.T.C. retired in Born in Berlin, Iowa, he attended the Notlonol éalnk of a;;)h§;;ldnb1?g 1.;mlllcd W€S@Z
  V · A l j Ordelt U . U University of Minnesota where he received clmll-mam of the Board Of Directors   h*`0D
   tl  l¤~,»lx¢ _The Unlverslty Llttle Symphony orchestra. a Bachelor- Or salem; degree and lam. an _____T___7 ll;ll  
    . `‘l‘  lo _r4_ _ d¤”€cl¤€d_ bY Al€Xa¤d€1` CQDUFSO, Sal/e the 2}*2- M. S. and an LLD. His Doctorate was re- Rho, Zeta Psi, American Psychological As· °auS€
at il  ;— ¤.l... _¤°mPamm€¤t~$ for U}€_SmEm€ and the in- ceived from Columbia University in 1903. sociation and South n ‘ t, h' o 0 l1l‘·—t$L‘  F
rl ‘"-**   0 ati n nd benediction were o1°fe·ed b · · · er So