xt7xsj19pr0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19pr0f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1986 1986 1986-02-14 2020 true xt7xsj19pr0f section xt7xsj19pr0f c L l i
c renewed- .. . - . . ' —
With,“ W Wu flowers ityot Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since I971 Friday, February to, me
Committee , « .. 3 ~ ~ ‘ ' 9 ° ,
- - - - - mm s isc osure
" . * .H " '!
hears Plans 3 5’ *‘ - of secret dru robe * "
., .2. . is, 6" . . .
"‘ , I13". . I
for parking . a, . . \. , . . _ _
i . . . . -, upsets investigators . r.
' Lack of funding ,3 3 , ,, . _ , \ 3, -. , . . ., _.
- (.71, a ‘2, ‘ 0 , ‘2“ ByPETEYOST ———— 3, '3 - , '
i ' " ‘ ' ” " ' ’ . . Associated Press . -' '. 3‘ '
blamed for delays i ,3; .v r ~ “’ we“ \.‘* .' Several Justice ~ ' 3 , 3,
:sj * 3, , WASHINGTON — Justice Depart- - . x -. ~.
By SACHA DEVROOMEN h l ' \—\ 3, ment officials were aghast yester~ Depart-met“ OfflClalS , _' 3 ' 3
ManagingEditor A , ‘ day over statements by the head of . . . said they were . , " ' ‘
a, ,4 , the Drug Enforcement Administra» disma ed Dru ,' 3,. .. j .3
Fred Herman says he does not 4 , Q . \ . tion which led to exposure of an un- ‘ y g _ , 3:35; ‘2
own a parking permit. he owns a ..\‘, 3,. “, . . ' dercover invesltigatiten éntot alleged Enforcement 2 3, .f - ..
huntin rrnit. ,i‘. ‘- .3 cocaine smugging y as ern Airs . . . . ‘, .; ‘ “13-,"
Herigapfi, a business manager for , i 3 if ‘3 line baggage handlers in Miami. AdmlnlSlratlon Chlef ‘ , 3 :3'
the de rtment of medicine, said he 3;, ‘ ‘ . * sources said. ~ .‘ , fi‘ 1. ~ ':
has topliunt every morning to find a ' ‘ “'3' 3 A federal grand jury in Miami is JOhn C” Lawn WOUId '~ ‘ ‘ 3 3' :j . :
parking spot in the “A" lot, howev- », :3 , i -. 3 rleceiving evidence in £th cahse. and have revealed SO much ‘ . ' '5 x r" 9.;
er, he usuall ends u rki in the .- ‘ my - " ‘ h ‘ t e investigation. w ic as in- , . L 3 : . _
“B"lot. y p pa n8 " A ‘5, ‘” 4*. 3 3 -_ volved the use of undercover opera- dbOUI an ongomg and 3 i‘ '. ‘ 3' r
This kind of problem was on the ’ ‘ e . . ,, " it . ’ tives. is continuing. said several Ian sensitive undercover j y " 3 -3 _-
agenda when the parking and traffic W ‘ ‘1. ; enforcement sources here. nho . 3' 3- ‘ ~ " "
control committee met yesterday to ‘ . ~ .. j; - - ' ‘ . g spoke on condition they not be iden» Operation. -' ' .3 ,
discuss the plans the University has _ ‘ .. 1 3 . ' titled. - . a, . 3
madetoremedythesituation. 7 r - i ‘ v ‘ DEA Administrator John (‘ Lauri —_ j ‘ , _.
Herman, who also is a member of ~.- - ' ' 3 disclosed the existence of the probe statements. which were made dur- 3‘ _ » - ‘ _
the committee, presented Gene “’11- " ‘ 33 3“ 1 3 ‘ , -, Tuesday following a speech in San mg appearances Tuesday and -‘ ,‘ ' ’-
liams, aSSistant Vice chancellor for t e; 53 Jose, Calif. after answering a ques- Wednesdav in California. 3 - . - 3 ,
business, Wit-h 276 petitions, demand- ' - ' ifih' , ' ' tion from the audience concerning The DE'A chief was continuing a - ‘
ing that the University take action a 3 3 " ,,. 3 "-1"? ' cooperation with major alrllll(‘\ in round of speeches m San Francisco - .3 ' - .'
to remedy parking problems. They . . - ' ‘ -, ” ' f a .. , 3 fightingdrugsmuggling. testerday. and could not immedi- 3 ‘ ‘ 3
were collected by Herman’s constit- " " . 3‘ ,. ~ ‘ When an Associated Press report atelvbereached for comment. . . , _ 3 ' 3 i
uents intheMedical Center. 7f ' o ' . , : . er later asked for further tleliiils «ii spokesman Cornelius Doughertv . . 3
Williams said the University is a , W ' the case. Lawn said the Justice Der find the agency would have no com- ' _ _ ' ' .
working on all kinds of plans to in- ‘ ;__ ,,,___ . partment is preparing indictments men, about the'flap . -. 3‘23
crease the number of parking - , ‘ f i against about 50 employees of :i Law enforcement sources subse- v , , '
spaces on campus. He said all possi- - . - fl ‘ ‘ , major airline, for smuggling cocaine quentlv described the trafficking Op— . ~ 3 ‘ ' 3
ble space on 3 campts has been » ‘ . , 3 ,3 - - 5‘ from South America. 3 ethh as a cocaine pipeline from . '3 _
turnedintoparkingspaces. 3 9 Lawn did not name the airline Bogota, Colombia which allegedly 3 .
Since May. the parking depart- ' ,, V. ,1 ' ' t i - But he did say charges would be was run through Eastern baggage ‘
ment has gone over campus areas, {3: ”9322.2 - - filed on the East Coast The DEA handlers at Miami. ‘ ‘-
and converted spaces that were for- ’.~A* _ ; ' 3 , . ” chief also said “the indictments \t‘lll B h dl . h ll edl' ' ' '
merly marked With YEllOW lines into . "7.4.7.“ vhf” . 7-; g0 within the next several weeks " k [aggage a? ders 1, ere a eg , l ‘
127 new parking spaces, said Don 3f.,,.eI’.-.f’r;»}fe3.v* The next day in San Francisco. .EP coeaine~a en “Pg-gage away ‘ ' ‘s -
Thornton, associate director of ad- ' 'i“ ,., Lawn again discussed the lnveslliid W“ l 5 fusion“ 0 K1315 through ' ‘ -
ministration and transporation. .. . 4 .3 , ., tion withreporiers .i when 0 hmcks. and the baggage
Williams said it would have been £3374? . ‘ i . Several Justice Department iil’l: "’““f‘,“‘“g t e cocaineuas then re- ‘
nice and preferable to do it before . ' ‘ 3 3t: ' ' - cials, insisting they no, he named r\outttiyonlt(o dogiesthc jets flying to
the construction, bl“ the University -. . w" I. ' publicly. said they were dismayed ' e“ . or an 0t er Ea“ (3085‘ Z '
did not have the money for the park- 3' . - I: 311:. ~ ‘1‘ l L ' i '4‘ that Lawn would have revealed so pom" _
ingprojects. » , ' ..... '. a- ‘ ‘ 3 . , much about an ongoing and sensi- On Wednesday, after Lawn’s I ,
“We are not short on long-term ‘ -_ ~ arr ; _; 4 . 3 I - tive undercover operation statements, various federal law en- . '
planning. but one thing we are short 3 ' 3' ' i" " ' One department source character- t‘orcement officials confirmed that ' _ .
on is‘fmgterm funding," Thornton v «~e . . - i - ,5. ,, ' " " r3 ized his comments as stupid,“ tlieprobcmvolved Eastern. .
said. ' ‘ ‘ ’w 3 . 2 . ' while another said offiCIals were _ _ 3 3 g ' . '
“The petition I'm wanting is the .- J“ j, .' ,ng " ‘ 3 “amazed" that Lawn would have re 3lri an interi'iew With NBt hews. '
petition that will let us increase ’ j 3 ‘33, 3 33 vealedsomuch. Eastern Airlines Chairman Prank _ '
parkingfees,"Thomtonsaid. '9’ 3‘ ’3‘; » 3 ,5 3 ~ -'*-.;a‘ .. "It was unfortunate, there‘s m, Borman said the airlinewas coopere '
On nations] average it 005‘s 3 w five—A31» .' ' . '. . question about it." said a federal atmgwtthfederalauthorities, . '
minimum 5147 to $265 per year per 9’; «it: age» "‘ i . .l .* law enforcement source “u““le the In a statement released yesterday. ' f I
space to keep a parking structure. :1,” ”hair I ‘ =‘ “so: Justice Department. also speaking liorman said the probe "‘was "h , ‘ , ‘ -
This includes maintenance, utilities ,3 ‘ *‘fik‘tg‘f‘fiagf‘ ‘3 ’ 1» W“ 0" condition 0‘ anonymity tiated at our urging" and was known V ' l
and persomiel, Parking ”mus my . ,. ,. .m ,rri) u, - L, ,_ 3 r. .. :s a a 3,," ,3“ A third department SOUI‘CQ. noting only to a few Senior Eastenn exec. 3 1 , , 3 3 ,3
for only part of that amount. Park- ““W/“"""5’°“ that officials discussed the matter at umies 3 _ , ' ,, "
ing permits are $72 a year for “A" SHOW fun a morning meeting in the Justice ' ‘ . 3 ' , ‘
stickers and $48 a year for “B" Department. described these offi- "'I'ntil this unfortunate. premature 3: . 1- . . 33
stickers. Koren Bermann, a visiting assistant professor the Chemistry-Physics Building. Bermann, who cials as “aghast" over the disclo~ disclosure. the matter has been han» ; " ~ - '
Besides graveling a lot in between of architecture, walks through the snow near is from from New York, teaches drawing. sure. . . '“ed Mm .CX‘Wdeary d‘SClplme ' i ‘ - '
Publicly, Justice Department offl- and confidentiality." Borman's ’ . ’1 »
SccPARKlNG, Page l4 cials had no comment about Lawns stiitementsaid. - ‘ 3_ . _3 1 'i 33 ,3
. . s. ' 'V 3 I , c i. , .
Press coverage hurts primaries V -- """ McConnell
e e 3. ,
Columnist says media shortcomings make process irrational «go. to VlSlt U I: . " “n i '-
By BRAD COOPER In describing the hectic process of “And so what we do instead, is to ' ‘ t :' ~ Y. r ‘, , ‘.
3‘3“ Writer covering the presidential primaries. contribute to what (the media) know Q; U . omorrow i ' ., i 3 ' 5 "-2
The mass media‘ build of eroder said the media have little to be the most irrational element of - 3 3 3 _ 3 3 3 ‘ 3. . g‘_‘ 73'; 3f
i dential can di datessduri “P . pres- time to pack up their belongings and the entire nominating process, " By UMBER” blob - , / . ;_3 . 3 3; 3
has t 'b ted the “8 WM” go from one state to the next, find which is the buildup of momentum . .3, l *. StaffWriter 3 33 ,3. . _ 3,33
con “ u to _ W0“ “73”“ sources, understand political strate- for whoever has won the previous ‘ 3 3 3 ., ' _ .' ' -- -. ;. ";
nal part of the nominating process, gies and philosphies and inform the contest,"Broder said. 3 3; Sen. Mitch McConnell Will hold a ,- . h '- _», , ",
Sa'd Davrd BM": national corre- public of necessary information. In addition to the media‘s contri- . K it)?" “town meeting" 0" the. UK Campus ' “l i l-‘i
:mwarfinsgfigsayd columnist “It is literally beyond the capacity bution to the nominating process, 31“: 3 3“ tomorrow to discuss this year s top 33 r ‘ -3 33; ,_,3 3
Broder told about m people last of todayis information systems in Broder explained how that process 30.. ‘3. leghslgitiiirixzsritie: h me Re mm. 3 .3 I. 3}
night at Seay auditorium that the theUnited States," said Broder, who has changed from a closed forum ’5? 33,3 3 C t hung? . t if) . 3 3, .,
edi ’ 3 bl] t k has cover“! every presidential race dunng the Franklin Roogevelt ad- .: ‘t tan \tna or “I a ress ax re orm. 3 . .3 3 -3
”tr”: as Inarl ty 0 ”p up since 1m. “It is something that the ministration to the conventions of \» the effects Of the Gramm-Rudman 3 . 3 . -'
mbuted glwm;mb§ :sancgi- networks, newspapers and mag- the ’305. m. mm... “MW. federal bugget-balancgntghe 2:0;8 on 3 3 t . , 3i
turn for candidates who have won nines do not know how to do under Discissing the emotional and tu- Washington Post political columnist David Broder talks to Sam Efflfifikgthérgusgfiifisfles o cco . ‘
previousprimaries. the’timeteble that We???” 1“ ‘0' multuous 1968 Democratic conven- Eden, 0 political science senior, in an informal discussion with McConnell uis very interested in .‘
The constant influx of information day snominatlng process. tion, 370d“ said many Democrats School of Journalism students and faculty yesterday afternoon. hearing from the student population I ' .
from the networks, mm and Md "‘9 media's inability to work "m3” they “3' imam ‘h‘? “ids at UK,“ said Lynne Melillo. McCon- ' » ‘
magazines about presidential candi- under ““3 timetable has allowed it were 5‘19““ against them '" the reason they lost is that one candi- in the nominating process: demo- nell‘s press secretary. “McConnell
dates, Broder said, has become a to contnbute ‘0 the irrationality in nominating process. date was a daydreamer and the cratization. decentralization and det- feels that students at UK are very ,
“mindless" mm- the media as today's premdential nominating “But that was a misreading on other was dead.“ Broder said there onation. interested in government and what . -
wellasthepublic. process. their parts," Broder said, “The real are three ways to view the changes SeePRFss. Page 14 is happening in Washington.“ '
e e . McConnell started holding meet- '
3 Nomlnatlon races b n f ‘G T , ings in western Kentucky last Au-
p S egl S or rea eac ers gust, He would like to hold a meet- ,
l ing in every county in the state in
;.*<:-:. -- By KATY MCCROCKLIN The criteria for choosing a great submit a nomination for teachers they felt, thought, the way they the "ex‘Yea'" ‘w°'M°"“° 58”
j ‘. 3 33 3 ContributimWritar teacherare besedon five main qual- theyfeel are great lived. To have a significant impact Melillo said the reason behind Mc-
?’ . - ities. The most important qualities To be eligible for the award. in— on helping somebody and to help Connell‘s town meetings is to discov-
W :~ 3”” ‘ It takes many qualities to be a emphasized by the Great Teacher's structors must be at least assistant make a difference in their lives is or the constituent‘s concerns. “If ~
m .3. “mi“ good teacher. A thorough under- Award program are knowledge of professors and a member of the UK very rewarding.“Baker said. anyone has a concern and wants to
,3. ‘We: standim of the subject matter and the subject matter, effectiveness of faculty forthelast three years. Don McClanahan. chairman of voice an opinion. these meetings are 3
i ‘ " the way it’s communicated are firm presentation and dcmomtrated in- Robert Baker. in psychology pro last year‘s alumni association Great agood time todoit,“she said. ‘
.“wenw 3 . 3 portant. tereet In students, said Jay Brum- tensor and 1982 recipient of the Teacher committee. said an instruc- 3 3 3
M “T“ t Teacher: who possess time quaL field, director of alumni affairs. Sec- award. said many qualities are tor‘s outside work is considered in McConnell is using the meetings
v.3». I ,3 $433 ides and still manage to show a gen- ondary (polities include contribution needed to make a great teacher. but theselection process. 35 3" Informatimsatherms E‘ld ‘0
M " ““2 uine inmt in students are “gr-eat" to Western] organizations and in- one of the most important is the de- .. Any papers that they have we see how people feel on certain Issua
floor“: v toddlers. volvementinetudult activities. siretoteech. pared fol- profasional journals. arti- andhowthey feelheshould VOte.
" “ ' ' Mortar Board and Omicron Delta “The standards have finally solid- “1 made teaching my major em- cles and books are taken into consid- . ’ . ,
l Kane halter societies will be assist- ified. For a time we were changing phasis at the University." he said. oration .. McClanahan said While “COM?!" ‘5 W‘mnll’
' in; the UK Natimal Alumni Asso- criteria," Brumfield said. “About "I enjoy it. The University em- nwmhi‘ papers helps make mm a‘ {toldlnsngle meeting to answer it“?
3 . _ ,, ,, .. ciatial in solicitim nominations on six years ago we hit upon a format phasizes research over teaching. I better teacher." ,'°“S i’ 9°55“ h‘tveumly "5‘" m’
m *3" ; the lexington campus for the 1% that gained acceptance and did the feel that sometimes teaching gets The deadline for submitting nomi- gma '09 0 81“ 00 . a 0‘ new
. k ~: i; x , Greet Teacher‘s Award magi-am. job that we wanted it to do. so we theshortendofthestick. ' nations is pet, 233 Applications can : “mm“ '3‘" come WK,“ (“‘9'
i 3. ester ~ ' The award is dven annually to UK havenotchangedourformat." Baker added that student feed- be picked up at the Alumni Home. '9'; a “MW" sessiom, Melillo
w you“ winner's“! who or: nominated by Masada: as mug.3 as six backhoe enhanced his own teaching M.l. King Library. Student Activ. 53‘ '
.~ 1» s '7 Mt: “1”!“ «mm m. am given ' year. abilities. ities Office and the Commons Com- ' '
has? in Student camera in each of inn with at least one ewerd going to I "it...“ cums come back pm, mm? ffififlfi mi $13.:
a”; " ”g ' WWW colleen-will ob mmwfitycollesemtmctor. and tell me that out of all of the tea- Completed nominatiors should be ral Sciences striding North on the
“ 3‘ W” “In mil-"m from their um All «rolled salient: {Ind resis- chers they had at the University, i sent to: nieoMonroe. oox. 100 Sea— corner of Cooper Drive .nd um.
mam“ " M III-It tend Mt «Inflation- my bad the most impact on the way tonCenter.m02191. stone,

. . , Warnings
Miss Ky . Valentine a . - . v .
g _ . V " 9 ;‘::h K
ee- {“39 . announced
., vi ,a g . 9 9 .
crowned yesterday * - ‘- - for Tylenol
By ANN ROGERS Childs, faculty adviser for the or- 9»; 399 r" 9. '
Contributing Writer ganization. - 9 . Alisocmhwdgmic
. "We were very pleased be- " g .9
' Red roses. smiles. and gifts are cause we had a real wide range - 9' _9 ‘ 9 _
traditionally a part of Valentines of student organizations that en- 9 ‘ s 9 9 .9 9 wwdelggtsiflbyedd‘ylgloml was
Day and the annual Miss Ken- teredthecontest,"Childssaid. are 9 - f on a store shelf yesterday.
tucky Valentine contest. Five UK in addition to crowning a ’ _ 9 prompting its manufacturer to issue
‘ women had a reason to celebrate queen four runners up were . _ . a nationwide warning not to use the
Edgyamlgznzveisenmttiefignemgng awarded prizes at the leception V V' V - ‘e .. h ' ‘ painkiller in capsule form.
‘ . received a _ . ‘ .
the ”nmywerday' £3223 £2333 winning the , L i ‘ ' Federal officials said the second
p amma . 9 - ,_ ' ' 9. sa
. - was crowned queen for the day The ("St m“. up Of the con- ~ ‘ ’ .9 ; death of awoman last weekend.
~ - from a field of 28 contests. in ad- test was Marie Wilkerson, a sec- 99 '9 9 * 9 9 9 9
. . * dition to being a little sister at 0nd _ year pharmacy Student g 9 9 3 99. 9 “We found cyamde9 9m “-99" said
' the fraternity. Marcum ‘5 0“ the Shh” Sue S" C13" ' a finance ’ . . ‘9. Food and Drug Administration Dl-
" . Student Development Council, in sophomore. was named the 5°C“ a? . ' . ' w ' 9.929;; - rector George Gerstenberg. of the
V? the Honors Program. Keeneland Ohd runner9up. Lynn Zaremba . _ f second bottle. “It was taken off the
- . - , ' Hall house council and was a fi- placed as third runner “P- She l5 - t 9 g. shelf. it had not been sold."
V ' must for the 1986 homecoming a pre~pharmacy freshman. Holly - 9 9 9 9
.‘ V ' V queen. 93:91"; 9:: {ffihgmg‘efim‘ was 9 99 - 9 Westchester County osfvlcullls said
’ V ' Pagea'“ “hem“??? “‘5 9°” V FE- »? is V . .. 75;- sttoh‘easa ta?"bibrcoirmic: liomooth‘emrialg
‘ . 9 1 . . . ing new to the political selence The contestants were selected ' " g .3939 :55.“ 9;" 9. .9 where the first bottle had been _
‘ . -‘ sophomore as she won second on the basis of a 15minute inter- ‘ ' ‘3‘“ “fig; 4% chased pur
.- ‘ 9 9 place in the Miss Wish/me con- view. They were given points h 9 9993- 9; '
. ’ ' test last week and Wi partiCl- based on extracurricular activ- ' V I
' ' n pate in the Miss Lexingwn c°"' ities. grades. poise and the way “-1-; 13:22:0ng .9199 a statehliznltnhhii'hil:
9 - test next weekend. they handled themselch during $1.95? - the area of immediate cohcern is
- ' . - V‘ ' The Miss Kentucky Valentine the interview Childs said. Mar- e" i .3: - ' ' -
_ . - 9 9 . _ . . . . . _9 New York, we are issuing a nation
-' contest is the biggest actiVity for cum Will VlSit the pediatric ward --' wide warning in the interest of giv-
' " ' the Commuter Cats. which is an of the UK hospital today and give 9 9 9 9
.- 9 9 . . mg the public the Widest possmle
_ . organization that promotes better Valentines to the children to pro- a" ”WM“. 599“ protection n
~. - . communication for students who mote the love and good will of 9 9 _ 9 9 9 9 9 ‘
live off campus. said Sharon Valentines Day. Mindy Martin crowns JillMorcum, apolitical solence sophomore, 1986 Miss Kentucky Valentino. Diane Elsroth 23 of Peekskill
9 ' died Saturday at the Yonkers home
9 _ . . 9 . . where her boyfriend, Michael Notar-
9 9 nicola, lived with his parents and
a , J ournahsm school to offer ethics workshops again W...
I ‘ ' 9h 9 Stephen Lewis, a lawyer for the
. H) BRAD GEMEINHART anthropic organization CSlahhShEd Because credibility in the press workshop and two-thirds of the news of the Courier—Journal and The Notamicola family, said yesterday
. ' ' Contributing Writer by Gannett Newspapers, SUPPOFtS often hinges on ethical questions. transportation expenses to and from Louisville Times. teaches a class in he had been assured by the FBI and
' ~ , ‘ educational and char itable projects Lambeth said, the two instructional Lexmgton. news reporting at UK and was a 9fac- Yonkers police "that no one in the
9 The School of Journalism will dealing with journalism. sessions will be directly focused on The foundation donated the money ulty member for one of the preVious family is asuspect."
. again oflezdiggtworkuséiops to help GanncitétyNgwastpapers is the9i9iews- the subject of teaching ethics in memogdecause tit "wfistfilgafsedt “tilt: workshops. El 9999 de 999 ted 999
romote cr i iiyin press. pa r in owns severa arge - ' _ g recep ion 0 lrs w sro s a promp ou-
. p The Gannett Foundation donated dag; newspapers, including USA 10%19'9iz9ahvsvrcr91rk5hop faculty members workshops, one in 1984 and one in “The response thfil got from Q9199 sands of stores nationwide to pull
- $41000 late last ear for national Today. .- ' t n teach- 198$,” Lambeth said. participants was g Hawpe sai . the painkiller off the shelves and re-
. \K'grkShOPS COhCCI‘hVihg the teaching “We are grateful for the 90“” 2r? 2? agilitonsghggsai‘id eigumalism He said he hopes the teaching of “They seemed to be active in the called the 1932 death of seven Chi-
Uf journalism ethics. The workshops dence that theGannett Foundation ethics.editors and journalists. ethics in journalism will help pro- discussmns and l think that these cage-area residents who died after
. mil be the third and fourth pre- {has expressed in (Eur workslbigph fa‘c9- A panel of national judges will no- mote credibility in the newimgedi: ld workshops doalot of good. taking cyamde-talnted Tylenol.
4 . s ntedat UK. ty." sai Edmun 3- Lam t . '- ‘ 1‘ nts se- The first worksho wi e
’ 9999999 foundation, WhiCh is the phil' rector 0‘ the 5°h°°l~ lgthetziotd‘pafiicgbattteinat’filairkshop here from May 31 to gune 5, with the Hawpe said he has high confi- The family “has absolutely noth-
' V V series by March 1. Those accepted second slated fora comparable peri- dence in Lambeth for selecting a ing to hide." Lewis said. “They
.— - 'COUPON - - a - - COUPON' - n'n - - COUPON- — - will be provided with meals, lodg~ odof time in October. fine teaching staff and for recruiting want to see the person responsible
V - : : | EARLY BIRD I ing. the cost of enrollment in the David Hawpe, managing editor for competent participants. apprehendedand prosecuted.
, I We"?
. . 'Io 6 | SPECIALS . .. , .
* : 30 min : 30 m... : ”.m-niaom : Her dream was to coach high school football. . 3%?“
' ' es»: one _ . "9/ '- ’,- 3 ..,,
' 9 : Seam" : Sessions I 810(2.50sessioni : Her nightmare was Central High. 9x ,9 3 33 3399-9“
' I 923737.509 ' 9319.759 : 10 Sessions I . 9 If”; " ;.« .9 "u. - 99 . o
. session 3.29 'o . ’ ' - . ‘ 9e? " :7 9 . 9 '
- I SAVE $22.50 I “£3322 I "gigging???” ' V w \ [VV ’ ‘V ’"n -, \ VVQ‘ V‘ ' '
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' 9 . "5 9 53-”? ' w 999 '1 9 0 9 9.
erne 9 ."/ 9/49," . ’ 463-32999 ,V ”1&- ‘ " 99 :V
' Editor in chief Elizabeth Cams 9 99,? - 9999999‘9 a; 9 9 g f N
V ' Managing Editor Sacha DeVroorrien . e"? 3%” ' e g 99‘ "l 9 9 .- .9.-’
9 V News Editor Fran Stewart 3; Ms; ;‘ . M I = ’ 9-
9 9 Assistant News Editor Linda Hendricks 3.2;, “‘9 9- V i \ '
9 ‘ Assistant News Editor Cynthia A. Polormc- ' ' 3 « -W 99 i9 99 M 9, ,9 9.
‘ . ~ Editorial Editor Alexander Crouch 1., 9 W9 99) 9 1 ’3», '
i” ‘ 9. " Sports Editor Willie Hi0" ”V 9.? 3 fig J g ’ ’
V V V’ Arts “in" Gary Pierce .. “a ..<=-’ ; a. .. ”3’4”” V .
9 ~ 9 _ Special Projects Editor Scott Ward 9399 99 ‘ 939 99 9??? 99, 9994‘ .33 , flag; 99 gr) ‘
‘ ~‘, Features Editor Kakie Urch """ :99”? .3» 9 i ’g
9 ‘ ' ‘ Photo Editor J.D. Vanoose ‘” ' _ 9 f 99999.‘ 9 ' '“9 9 m
. 9 9 .' - .‘ - Adviser Paulo Anderson ”.3 9 39999999999 V - W A.“ .
91 - , ~ Advertising Manager Linda Collins '9_ ' _ 99 3x39 (99/
9 -' Production Manager Rhonda O'Non ' - 3'39 ' 2, ’=., ”2,9999 9999:953- 9
. V _ ' . The Kontucky Kornol is published on class days during the academic year if V ‘3‘ a ’ ’03.- “ "" 95'
. .‘ ‘9 and weekly during the summer session. ‘ . . 9-.» .‘9
9 ‘ ' 9 ‘ _ '. '~ Third-class postage paid at Lexington, KY. JOSH. Mailed subscription rates e 9 V ' .9 1 ""324” « 1V .. '
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A .V‘. 'i." ’c “\ 395 S, Limogfong ”"‘ “““"_‘““‘““““——“—‘“‘“M"
. , '. , lg. fin " ' zss-usu ”QDQLQl-Emfim
V IV 'VVV 1:";
, - . . ,- . Mon“, . mm... 9...... m3... WllDCAlS JAMES KEAUH swoon KURlZ Production llemgned by BORIS [EVEN MUSIC by HAWK WUUNSKI 8 JAMES NEWTON HOWARD
' 9 ' magi: - “Idle"! "'9'" Produced by lNlHEl SYlBERl Willlen by EZRA SACKS Ullecled by MICHAEL RllCHll
'- r r ‘i We Drinks 33mm“, .- .. . .--...-
9 ' 9 “ ‘ 9; 'l l91‘l.y Iii . I Hi; I» M‘- "3v DULUEUF_'F’9“ ,3" V “ U‘ \‘P "V N“ N -‘
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. ’, 50c cone -
0 Thursday - Droft Special 25¢
0 Friday - Margarito Night 99¢ lumboe
. mm" V A" w." mm m KICKS OFF FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14th
“At Bach’s o l
get more for your money LG I
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my . 1/ rec concert eatures a c aSSIcal quartet
a o ' . .
f?» K. o. - By nos OLSON Unger. director of public arts pro-
. l {in ‘ I Contributing Writer grams forthecenter. , ' _
-' s 'l o - , .
. - The quartet was named after Jo- - 1
. ,. _. - , break rorn musical . i
a; w Nee? a {- your will seph Joaclum, a 19th century Hun- (3 / ‘
grind.At8p.mthlsSundayyou . 'l"t teach nd \)
, have a chance when the Chamber 83m“ Vlouus. er a com- A\ x . -1 1.
Music Society of Central Kentucky poser. Joachim was_very influential s - --_ t, 1, .
; is a free rformance of the in the muse of his time. His friends // , 5 , '
Austin dry Beleen — 2350 Woods" shopping Center. Tonight and tornar- preset} . pe nd dm'rers in luded Sch nn __ 4 . . - 1
row country rockersTheGr AustinBand 9 m toi $2 Joachim String Quartet 0‘ we“ Ge!" 3 a I c uma \ , ' '

. '0 - P- - O-M- C0”?- man in the Recital Hall at the Cen- who wrote “Fantasy for Violin and \\ \ - 1
m I. — 224 E. Main St. Tonight w tomorrow, TOP n/dlxo Mk a] C y the orchatran for Joachim _ and J0- \ . . ’ ' ', i
sound system. 4 p.m. to I a.m.; after hours on Saturday from i to 5:30 p.m. ter {9' ”'5‘ . hannes Brahms who dedicated one o ‘ r ‘ .. .1 . 1 ,l . .' .' _ j.’ _
”m.“ an rance M" be one. or of his violin concertos to Joachim / .‘ 1 ' " ‘ ‘1 '1
Bottom Line — sol w. Short St. Tonight and tomorrow, Velvet Elvis (original sever?‘ mats °" ““3 FWD 5. ”it , ' . \\V//’ «~ l8= ‘ “I?" . _ j, _ f 1'." ~
rock),9:3o p.m. tola.m.Coverls$3: “tot-couples both nights. American ‘0“? NW this '5 Joachim was well-known for his - -- 1 \fl . \ I 2;! r _ ‘ 1. -. .- 1’.1."
Brass A salaaa_ 2909Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Quadra (Top the“ “m “5“ ‘0 “‘6 ”med Sims subordination of technical skill to . . -‘. ‘ 1 ' _. '1 , .. , r11 {‘1
40rock).9p.m.to I a.m.83coverafter 72:!) p.m. the group has performed “m'Vf’ly 35""!th values, and his legacy sur— \\ ”3% ‘ , ” ' " , . ‘1' ‘1 . If 1'1; 1 ».
Inedlng's — 509 W. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. The Wilder Brothers Wow Europe, North Africa Viva withthequartet. " .g’ .. " W l l ‘ l V - " ,‘ 351.",
(bluegr‘aass) will for Doug Breeding and the Bunch (country rock), 9 p.m. to i an???” Fgrlgftlhas 180 , ed In fact there are many links be- 5-31.53"??? —T/ l/ V" . ,1, ’fi/ 1- 3" 1." ; . 1."
a.m. cover. e q a recelv ' . ,_ ' 1 . r» ., - . '. Z.', _-‘f

. . 1 1 tween the old master and his mod- 1‘1" I ,, ..,5,g- , , ,1 . 1 . -. 1 . . 1. ,
Cele ulnar — 307 E. Main St. Tonight. The Valentine's Day Drag Show many me‘fb Since beginning In em prom”. The quartet originated 1' . I 9/ - . ' ' ., ,1
, (male and female impersonators). 9 p.m. to i am. S4 cover. Tomorrow, Ls. 1978: meludmg m? 1978 German in Joachim's hometown of Hanover ’ 1 1N, ‘1 r" 25‘ ':_ 3". "fl-(I
(original rock),9p.m. ,0} gnaw,“ Misic Competition in Bonn and the West Germany and first violinist ,4: -, -,-'1,1-",5"~(1
Crystal's — Hyatt Regency Hotel. The lounge features Top 40 dance music on 1%3 German MOI-lime Critics Volker Worlitzs’ch performs with a 1.1mm" “M'G'wh'” ' , "fir”. f" '1."
a sound system, in addition to your favorite videos on a large sum TV. Award for then recording of the B0- violin once owned by Joachim The concert will include Mozart's Student tickets are free and avail- ,- :3, “If? ’ ,'
Openevery night untilla.m.Nocover. rOdeuarw‘S- ." Quartet No. 15 in D minor, Kriesl- able at the Center for the Arts box ;. ‘_ "-,'-',_";,‘-','.yj£_
Jettanan Davis Inn -— i02 w. High St. Tonight and tomorrow. Lush Pyle “We are so proud to have such a Other members are Friedmann er's Quartet in A minor. and the Office with a valid lD1 Regular ttch- ' ‘- ; 3 I 1-1.7- 1. .'_- ,;'1 ‘5
(original rock), 9p,m, to) gnaw“, renowned group playnhere on their Kober, Violin; Monika Huls, viola; award-winning Quartet in A major ets are :7 For more information, 1- |, I 1,; :"
L. A. OIIVOC’I — Holiday inn on MS and Newtown Pike. DJ Mike Morris spin; “'5‘ America" ‘0‘"- Sald “an“ and Stephan Haack. who by Alexander Borodin. call 266-5456 or 269-5022 1 1- .11 1;} f- 3;
the hits. Tonight. Bottomless Beer Mug Night, where $5 buys all the beer you 1 ‘ "- 7,” ll 1'1
can drink from 10pm. to i a.m., andyou keeptheglass mug. Nocover. BKY ff , ._ ' . “I . . .
um —— 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, The Attitudes (original programs 0 er . ,‘ 1" l , 1, ,Y
and popular rock). 9 p.m. to i a.m. Tonight, happy hour from 5 to 8 p.m. with l ne 0 S c ar , ‘ . .1 fi 1i
a $3.50 cover after 8 Pm. Tomorrow. free Godfather's Pizza and Si drinks 0 1‘ - 1. " 3 i 'I
from7to9P.m. ($2cover). witha$350cover after9p.m. J w d h III '" - 3-. I a.
spirit! — Rodisson HO'Ol Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, Phillip Paul and Patrol azz , ne S an u our Th . y _ ed P _ _ 1 .‘ ' 1. . , .' " '
(hard rock), 9pm. to i a.m. Nocover. . e Assouat reSs 1 j 1. ‘
r it —333$.Li - _ -- - _ _ ' 1- -
9:3", mm", 52cm.':”'m St. Tome“ and mmrmw' R'U'O'K' (60‘ rock" Staff reports pfmfiflmre: giflgleinflwomgh(l?£t The followmg are Billboard's hot record hits as they appear in next 1. - , '5
Ml-VIP Club—5539Athens-Boonosboro Road. Closed for renovations. For all students who thought UK'S Garrison Keillor recounts the won- yveek: 55:3 0‘ Btielébootr: magazine. Copyright 1986' Billboard Publica- ' ~ ' ‘A‘ ' "‘
own WBKY radio station was for lis- deg-fully bland. delightfully down- mm‘ "C1 eprin “’1 per "“55”” .1 . ' ' ' ' - ' '
tenets who graduated when hula home. often off-beat goings on in the nor SN, F, - 1 1.“: 5 1,
- hoops were all the rage. till: note: mythical villa of Lake Wobegon. 1 1 ' ‘ ‘1 - 1 - 1 .-
lts weekend programming ers ev- ,_ .. ,, . , 1 -. - y .
' ‘ 1 u H - . . ‘ l ' ' L 1 _ 1.» , -
F e O erything from Jazz to space mUSlC 9 p.m. — Jazz Tracks: One speClal ; $331333; fi?§erygggfi) Hous on ‘Answ’ . -_ -
- tosynthesued sounds. feature of this hour is that all music 3'1‘When the Going Gets Tough“ Billv Ocean , Jivev 1' . ' ' 1'
1. And tonightvs “Adventures in is played with lasers on the popular i11Sar a" Starship (Grunt; - '. '1 .
0' Good Music" offers a Valentine‘s compact discs, This week features 5"“Living In America“ James Brownl Scotti Bros , ' 5
Day special With 5°n85 0f l0V9. Modern Jazz Quartet with host "“Th , T b 1. Sad 1 ' ' ' 1 11
.a it To keep you inf