xt7xsj19q20x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19q20x/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass. Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass. 1992-03 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, March 1992, volume 10 number 2 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, March 1992, volume 10 number 2 1992 1992-03 2024 true xt7xsj19q20x section xt7xsj19q20x CENTRAL









During the next month, a
number of events concerning the
Holocaust will be held in

Temple Adath Israel will
present a lecture by Dr.
Michael Morgan, Professor of
Philosophy and Jewish Studies
at Indiana University titled
”Jewish Thought and the
Holocaust: Before and After the
Six Day War.” The lecture will
be Friday evening, March 20,
during the Erev Shabbat Service
beginning at 8 p.m.

From April 5 to May 17,
Central Kentucky Jewish
Federation, and the University
of Kentucky, will co-sponsor an
exhibit of 57 drawings by
Gyorgy Kadar, a Hungarian
Holocaust survivor, at the UK
Singletary Center. This exhibit
from the Vanderbilt Holocaust
Art Collection depicts scenes
from five death camps where
Kadar was incarcerated. He
completed these works in eight
months following his liberation
from Buchenwald in 1945.

The formal opening for the
Kadar exhibit will be held on
Thursday evening, April 9 at
7:30 p.m. in the Singletary



Center for the Arts, when Dr.
Raul Hilberg will present the
Lexington Theological
Seminary's Moosnick Lecture
about the Holocaust. A retired
Professor of Political Science
at the University of Vermont,
Dr. Hilberg is an
internationally renowned
scholar of the Holocaust and
the author of The Destruction
Qf_th§_European Jews. Preceding
the lecture, the art museum
will be open from 6:30 - 7:30
p.m. and coffee will be served.

Dr. Hilberg will also
speak at 10 a.m. on Thursday
morning, April 9, and Friday
morning, April 10, in the
Fellowship Hall of the
Lexington'Theological Seminary.
The community is invited.

The Central Kentucky
Jewish Federation with the UK
Art Museum recently held a
workshop about the Holocaust
for more than 70 Fayette County
teachers. Chaired by Carrie
Zack of the Art Museum’s staff,
the session featured talks by
Dr. Linda Levstik, UK Professor
of Curriculum and Instruction,
Rabbi Slaton, and Steve Caller.
Information for teachers about
Holocaust video and book
resources donated to the Art
Museum, a bibliography for
middle and high school
students, a list of community
resource people, and other
educational materials were

The main purpose of the
workshop was to provide
information for teachers
bringing students t1) the art
exhibit or attending a dramatic
version of the popular book 1
Never Saw Another Butterfly.
This play will be presented by
the Lexington Children’s
Theatre at 10 a.m. and noon on
April 14 and 15 at the Recital
Hall of the Singletary Center.
Many Fayette County teachers
have already arranged to bring
their Classes to see it.

The Kadar art exhibit will
be viewed on May 17 by about

150 delegates from Hadassah’s
Central State Region (Michigan,
Ohio, West Virginia, and
Kentucky), who will be
attending the spring conference
in Lexington.

A Central Kentucky Jewish
Federation Committee headed by
Marilyn Moosnick and Rose Rita
Wurmser has been instrumental
in arranging most of these
Holocaust awareness events.
They have received substantial
assistance from Harriet Fowler,
Director of the UK Art Museum,
Sharyn Sharer of the CKJF staff
and Judy Levine, Chairperson of
the CKJF Community Activities


CKJF Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee chaired by Marty
Kaplan has presented the following candidates for
CKJF Board Election. They are:

Sandy Adland

Judy Baumann
Ellie Goldman
Michael Grossman
Jim Mischner

Marc Plavin

Art Shecket

Lyn Shraberg

Mark Simpson
Bose Rita Wurmser

At the next CKJF Board Meeting on Wednesday,
March 251h at 7:30 PM, additional nominations will
be accepted from any member of the Federation.
The nominee must be eligible to serve, and have
agreed to serve. The nomination must be
submitted in writing and seconded by four
members oi the Federation. All Board meetings
take place at the CKJF office, 333 Waller Avenue,
Suite 5, and are open to the community.





Summer is still far away, but it’s never too early
for parents to start thinking about camps for their
children. The following five should appeal to the
young in heart and body:

Camp Shalom: A three-week day camp for
children ages 4-8 sponsored by Central Kentucky
Jewish Federation. The 4-5 group will attend for
half a day (0:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.); and the 6-8
group for a full day (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). Camp
Shalom will be from June 9 - June 26 at the
Richmond Road area location.

Camp Shalom will be holding its 23rd
session. The Director is Mark Scarr and the
Assistant Directors are Sandra Mason and Tareasa
Pearl. All inquiries should be addressed to Jessica
Ross 273-4231, or Sharyn Sharer at CKJF 252-7622.
Brochures will be mailed in April.

G.U.C.l.: Located in Zionsville, Indiana (a
3—4 hour drive from Lexington), the camp is for
boys and girls entering grades 4-10.

There are two sessions: June 16 - July 12,
and July 14 - August 9. In addition, there is an
OVFTY Institute from August 10 - August 16 for
members in grades 9-12 and an AVODAH
work/study program from June 11 - August 9 for
campers entering the 11th grade.

A Union of American Hebrew
Congregations’ camp, G.U.C.l. will hold its 33rd
season of Reform Judaism programming. For an
application form and brochure, or additional
information, call the Temple office 269-2979 or
contact the Camp Director, Rabbi Ronald Klotz,
9349 Moore Road, Zionsville, IN 46077.

Camp Young |udaea: Camp Young Judaea,
sponsored by Young Judaea Hadassah and

located in Waupaca, Wisconsin, is for children
entering the 3rd through 9th grades. The first
session will be held from June 22 - July 15. The
second session will be held from July 21 - August
13. A mini session will be held July 21 - August
3 for 3rd and 4th graders only.

For further information, contact Sara
Chamey Cohen or Neal Saxe, Young Judaea
Office, 2935 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor,
48108, (313) 973-0038.

Camp Tel Yehudah: Camp Tel Yehudah,
sponsored by Young Judaea and Hadassah and
located in Barryville, New York, is for children
entering the 9th through 12th grades. The first
session will be held June 24 - July 20. The second
session will be held from July 23 - August 17.
This camp offers an opportunity to
explore Jewish life, learning and culture in a
positive community atmosphere. It includes

creative programming, an active sports and
recreation program, enthusiastic Israeli cultural
activities, and traditional religious observance
that instill the individual with a lasting set of
Jewish and personal values skills. Shabbat and
Kath observed.

For more information, contact Neal Saxe,
Young Judaea Office, JCC, 2935 Birch Hollow
Drive, Ann Arbor, 48108, (313) 973-0038.

Anflown Kentucky: Anytown Kentucky is a

one-week summer human relations/leadership
workshop for teenagers. It is now accepting
applications from students who will be juniors or
seniors in the Fall.

Teenagers of varied cultural, racial,
religious, and ethnic backgrounds come together
to share their unique individuality. Workshops,
discussion groups, sports, cultural and talent
nights, campfires (and Er) will make this an
unforgettable experience.

The camp will be held June 14 - 20 near
Leitchfield, Kentucky at beautiful Rough River
Lake Camp. Tuition is $195.00 with financial
assistance available from NCCJ based on need.
For more information, contact Lauren Weinberg
at 277-4434 or write: NCCJ, 2029 Bellefonte Drive,
Lexington, Kentucky 40503. CKJF also offers non-
need related scholarships.



Chabad of Kentucky is offering
an exciting Jewish study experience in
a spirited Yeshiva environment. On
March 1 7th, and again on March 29th,
Chabad is sponsoring Project Talmud
for the Lexington Jewish community.

There will be two sessions each
evening. The first will run from 7:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Subjects will include
Talmud 101, Bible Study, and The
Origin Of The Oval Tradition using the
works of Maimonidies as a study text.

The second session will be from
8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Classes will focus
on Advanced Talmud, The Messianic
Age, and The Laws and Ethics of
Everyday Life.

All classes will be held at the
Lexington Chabad office, at 333 Waller
Avenue, adjacent to CKJF. For more
information kindly call Avrom Epstein
at work 233-5868, or at home 269- 70 71.






Guardians of Zion, a major gifts
event held by CKIF each year, was a
huge success. It was chaired by Liz
Broudy, who deserves many thanks for
her efforts. The event was attended by
almost fifty people who pledged a
minimum gift of $1200.00.

The speakers this year were
Addisu Melaku and Yuri Feldman.
Addisu arrived in Israel with the
Ethiopian airlift in May 1991. He spoke
of his efforts on behalf of Beta Israel
(Ethiopian Iews) in both Gondar and
Addis Ababa where he was one of the
airlift organizers. Because of his efforts,
he spent a total of3 Ifl years in prison
in Ethiopia. He now works for the Joint
Distribution Committee in Israel.

Yuri Feldman arrived in Israel
from theformer Soviet Union in Ianuary
1991. He spoke of his experiences as a
[ew in the Soviet Union and his freedom
in Israel. He is now a radio-and
molecular-physicist at the Casal
Institute of Applied Chemistry at
Hebrew University. Both Addisu and
Yuri spoke to the Religious Schools on
Sunday morning to share their
experiences with our youngsters.

Stuart Pressma, a Young
Leadership Award winner from
Louisville, joined us at the Guardians of
Zion Dinner to present the needs of
Israel, [ews throughout the world, and
our local community. Stuart’s remarks
were warmly received, and we thank
him for his well-spoken presentation.



Pictured abovefrom left to right are: Gloria Katz - CKIF Campaign Chair; Marilyn Gall
and Liz Broudy - Women’s Division Chairs; Indy Saxe - CKIF President; Stuart Pressma
- Guest Speaker; Adissu Melaku - Guest Speaker; Leon Cooper and Abe Levine - Men’s
Division Chairs; Yuri Feldman - Guest Speaker. Absentfrom the picture is Tomas Milch

-Men’s Campaign.



Dr. Michael Morgan To Be TAI
Scholar In Residence

TAI Adult Education presents
Dr. Michael Morgan, a Professor of
Psychology and Jewish studies at
Indiana University, as this year’s
Scholar In Residence, March 20
through 22.

Dr. Morgan has achieved
national acclaim as an author,
teacher and lecturer. His
forthcoming book, "Horror and the
Mind’s Limit ' An Anthology of
Philosophy, Christian Theology,
and Jewish Thought After the
Holocaust" will be a fascinating
look at the impact of the Holocaust
on contemporary theology and
thinking. He has been a faculty
member at IU since 1975.

Dr. Morgan will give three
lectures at TAI. The first during
Erev Shabbat Services on Friday,
March 20th, at 8:00 p.m. on "Jewish
Thought and the Holocaust: Before
and After the Six Day War." The
second will be an informal lecture
/ discussion during a pot luck
lunch on March let, 11:30 a.m.,
with the topic: "The Jewish
Thought of Emil Fackenheim." The
third lecture will be Sunday,
March 22nd, 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
on the "New Dilemma of Liberal


Central Kentucky Jewish
Federation Newsletter
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5
Lexington, Kentueky 40504-2901
Judith Saxe, President
Linda Ravvin, Executive Director
Sliaryn Sharer, Program Cmrdinalor

Member of Council of Jewish Federations

An Experience You Can’t Miss!

Midwest Small Cities
Federations Conference
May 1-3, 1992

South Bend, Indiana

Join over 200 Jewish leaders

from small midwest communities...

Enjoy Shabbat..rDiscuss current Jewish issues..._
Celebrate Israel lnderwndence Day...Fxrx‘rience a taste of
Sephardic culture....l’articipate in lively discussions with
prominent speakers on important topics in Jewish life...
Enhance skills and make new friends.

Program Highlights:


0Dr. Jonathan Woocher, ScholarinResidence

ODr. Yitschak BenCad, Consul General of Israel to the

°Special Israel Independence Day Celebration

'Federation Program Ideas Exchange

OUJA Skill and Training Workshops

Registration Fee: $125.00 per person (includes materials and

Kosher meals)

South Bend Marriott: $79.00 per night, per room

w . Forfnrtlrer infommtion,
Ell contact your local Federation.






Lexmgtan Chapter of tladassah
1AM Meganwood Circle
texmgton, Kentucky 40502



The Lexington Chapter of Hadassah
is sponsoring an art auction
featuring the works of the
Kentucky Guild ot Artists and Craftsmen


Temple Adath Israel

124 North Ashland Avenue
Lexington. Kentucky


Preview at b 30 pm / Auction at 7 30 pm

Auctioneer: Rick Hayes
Light Refreshments Served

For Further Information Centact
Linda Ravvin 26974130 0! Katie Baroni 906 22l5





Enjoy Food and Fun

818 Euclid Avenue

March 29, 1992
(note new date)

6:00 pm. To 7:30 pm.
Need 0 ride or more information?

Coll Suson Goldsrein 01269-0908
or Austin Confor of 278-2530



Pictured below ore:

Susan Conror
CKJF & Hillel volunteer
Shoryn Shorer
CKJF Program Coordinator



Poppy Seed Chilton Cake

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 1/4 cups sifted cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons poppy seeds
5 egg yolks

1/2 cup oil

3/4 cup orange juice

grated peel of 1 orange
grated peel 01 1 lemon

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 cup egg whites (6-7)

1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar
powdered sugar

Combine sugar, flour, baking powder, salt

and poppy seeds in large bowl of electric mixer.
Set aside. In another bowl, combine egg yolds, oil,
orange juice, orange and lemon peels and vanilla.
Add to sugar mixture and beat until smooth.
Beat egg white with cream of tartar until stilt and
golssy peaks form. Gently pour egg yold mixture
into egg whites, 1l2 at a time, unitl well blended.
Pour into ungreased 10-inch tube pan. Bake at
325 degrees 55 minutes, then bake at 350
degrees 10 to 15 minutes or until top springs back
when lightly touched. Invert pan on rack until cold.
Loosen sides of cake from pan with sharp knife.
Just before sewing, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Makes about 12 servings.



Multi—cultural Diversity Day at UK was a
great success thanks to all who assisted. The
highlight of the CKJF booth was the film
”Operation Moses” about the escape of the
Ethiopian Jews. Everyone at the multi—
cultural day stopped to watch it. Many
interested people stopped by to learn about
Jewish culture. Anyone interested in
assisting in the booth or the planning stages
for next year are welcome to participate. It’s
a lot of fun to be a part of this special day at
the University of Kentucky (and the food is












Havurah Purim Celebration - 7:00 p.m. at the
Lexington Speech and Hearing Center

TAI Scholar In Residence at TAI

Hadassah Art Auction - TAI Preview 6:30 p.m.
Auction 7:30 p.m.

CRC Meeting - 7 :30 p.m. at David Kaplan’s House

Campaign Committee Meeting - 8 p.m. at Gloria Katz’s

CKJF Board Meeting - 7:30 p.m. at the CKJF office

Hadassah General Meeting
Holocaust Art Exhibit Opening - UK Art Museum
TAI and OZS Board Meetings

Moosnick Lecture - Raul Hilberg, Guest Speaker at UK
Singletary Center for the Arts

Hadassah Board Meeting

TAI Interfaith Sisterhood Luncheon at TAI
Passover - 1st Seder

8th Day of Passover

Graham Miller Bar Mitzvah - TAI



Singles Day At Keeneland!

Sunday, April 12, 1992
Please RSVP to the CKJF office
at 252-7600 or 252-7622

Everyone will meet at Chamber of
Commerce parking lot on the
corner of Rose Street and Main
Street at 11:30 a.m. QB you can
meet everyone there in Section F.


Singles Day at The Derby!

Saturday, May 2, 1992
Please RSVP to Chas Hite at

Everyone will be leaving at 6:00
a.m. from Lexington. On arrival at
the Derby everyone will find a spot
in the infield. Housing will be
available in Louisville.



For the past twenty years we have
had a "Matzah of Hope" as part of
our Seder to remind us of Soviet
Jews who could not celebrate
freely. Our hopes have been
realized! We have in our
community new American families
who are looking forward to
celebrating Passover in freedom.
CKJF is looking for families
wishing to invite these new
Americans to join them in their
Passover Observances. Please call
252-7622 or 252-7600 to offer your

There are also Jewish
University students in the area who
would appreciate home hospitality
for the holidays. If this is a
possibility please contact CKJF.




Non-Prom Orr;

LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40504—2901 Pe'm'm" "9

Lexmqlon Ky
