xt7xwd3pwc2b_51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29.dao.xml unknown 0.3 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 46m29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Fayette County Library Project records African Americans -- Kentucky Bookmobiles. Libraries and community -- Kentucky -- Fayette County. Libraries -- Kentucky -- Fayette County Libraries -- Kentucky. Library extension. Public libraries -- Kentucky Newspaper clippings regarding Library Project activities text Newspaper clippings regarding Library Project activities 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29/Item_1/Page_20/Multipage209.pdf 1938 November-December 1938 1938 November-December section false xt7xwd3pwc2b_51 xt7xwd3pwc2b P. To A News ' Linlee Parent-Teacher Association met Friday. Mrs. Melbourne Mills, ' the president, read the message of the state president, Mrs. C. A. Schroeter, in the Kentucky Parent Teacher, and told theggroup about the Pack-horse library project. A contribution. of one cent per mem- ber will be sent to the librarian of the Kentucky Congress of Parents and teachers to aid this cause. Mrs] John Rutledge, publications chair- man, discussed the National Parent Teacher magazine and the state bul- letin. Mr. W. J. Hale, the principal, discussed school libraries which are built up by the voluntary effort of teachers and patrons. The organization voted a gift of $5 to the library and will sponsor, the Linlee Boy Scout troop. Mrs.’ Melbourne Mill and Mrs. John Rut- ledge gave interesting reports of the district conference. The third grade, Mrs. Verna Boots, teacher, and Mrs. Wellington Moore, room mother, won the prize for having the most par- ents present. The membership has been increased to 56. Following the business meeting, Mrs. Henry. Moore, program chair- man, introduced Mr. O.'B. Wilder, executive secretary of the Fayette Community Council, who led a dis- cussion on “A Rural Recreation Pro- gram.” Mr. Wilder defined recrea- tion as that activity engaged in' which relieves the body and mind of the strain upon it, and compared the value of various forms of recrea- tion according to the type of per- son. He explained the plan of the 'Fayette Community Council, which includes playground recreation for young people, also physical type recreation for adults, such as base- ball and soft ball; dramatic produc- tion, in which the aim is recrea- tion; picture shows, educational or for entertainment, community sing- ing, pie and ice cream suppers, par- ties for children, parties for adults, lclubs and organizations. Dir. Wilder said the _ circulating librarymuld _ assist the "school library.-- "' Mr. W."’J. Hale, the principal, ex- pressed a desire to co-operate with the circulating library, and to pro- mate a feasible recreation program for the Linlee community. HEARLD~ LEAD€R 'SUN.Nov. 3.0 H38- .knn. . ; . ‘ Douglas High School Community Library books may be had by send- ing children. The hours, are 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mrs. P. E. Stephens and Miss D. E. Combs are librarians. HEARLD- LEADER . 15an NW. 10 Hat's. 1“ P. T. A. News . H i Fayette County Council of Par- ent Teacher Associations met Tues- day in the Y. 'W. C. A.«club rooms. ~Mr, O. B. Wilder, executive secre- tary of the Fayette Community Council, led a round—table discus— sion of “A Plan of Rural Recrea- .tion."’ Mr. Wilder described the kinds poi“ recreation that are feasible in ‘-‘:Fayette 'cOunty.. Although country, {children hate the opportunity for fetxercise in fresh air, playgrounds (are necessary ’to develope citizen— ,slgip. For adults he suggested base- ball and softball for physical re- elgcation. ' " ‘7 'Dramatic productions in which the : aim is_recreation, picture shows. ,c'ommunity singing, parties, clubs {and organizations are all within the reach of rural people. Much inter- ‘ est was shown in this discussion. ' ‘Mrs. A. H. Mattmiller, seventh dis- trict magazine chairman, gave a re— port of the state magazine confer- ‘ ,ence which she attended in Louis~ ville, and presented two magazine , skits which are available to all local ' / magazine chairmen, Mrs. Mattmiller, who is also council magazine chair- ‘man‘jwas assisted in presenting the skits by Mrs. J. ,R. Johnson and Mrs. Henry Moore. C01. D. Y. Dunn. told the group of I provisions madeby the county board for playground spaée on school premises, and that he was in favor of music festiVals‘ in the county schools. Those present lwere Mr. David Young, Council president; Mrs. Mc- Kinley King, Mrs. Claude Wiley and Mrs. Lonnie Wilson, all of Athens; Mrs. J. P. Sharp, Shelby; Mrs. C. A. Arnall, Mrs. D_ J. Jones, and Miss Jessie Yancey. Kenwick; Mrs. “G. .C. Wilcoxen, Bryan Station; Mrs. George Antle, Russell Cave; Mrs. J. R. Johnson, Mrs. Fred Beeler, Mrs. George Gard, Mrs. Bryant Carmichal and Mrs. A. H. Mattmiller, all of Picadome, and Mrs. Henry Moore, Linlee and Bryan Station. . Mrs. Hammond Dugan, supervising librarian of the Fayette. County Cirs culating Library, told the council of ithe plan for a story telling hour for ‘ children twice a week over the radio. ‘ L ex. LEAD ER { AND HEARLD NOVEMBER 1%, was. ..../ .A. H ,_ - . ,.,, ._ ..,a..:-....,. .. . P. T. A. News _ Linlee Linlee Parent-Teacher Associa- ' tion will meet at 2:30 Friday. Mrs. Hammond Dugan, supervising li- brarian of Fayette county circulating ; library will address the association. Executive meeting at 2:30. LWHWMZ ”454133) toecwaP/r m’i"°‘t39