xt7z0863808f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z0863808f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199610 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1996 text GLSO News, October 1996 1996 2019 true xt7z0863808f section xt7z0863808f Lfisgm . v, ' , '=
’ 3 ”1,14ij 9f OCtOber 1996
the mam gay m tastier: services organization
w? '” » * it;
(‘Lso AUTUMN SOCIAL . ‘ atheists, Buddhists, philosophers. and 95-9 ONLINE:
I and interweave are sponsoring an heretics.’ And if you are not on this list, we .
Autumn Social 011 Saturday, October 19111 at really need you to make ourcongregation even Peter-z thayl.00@ukcc'.uky.edu
8:00 at the Unitarian Church. Wishing Chair more interesting! ‘8" Elizabeth. b:e@m1-5-F19t
with Kiya Heartwood and Miriam Davidson SISTERSOUND M
will be the featured entertainers, their first set SisterSound, the Lexington woman’s and the media portrayal of us. Upcoming
starting at 9 PM. Lori O’Connor will be chorus, is having a concert on Saturday, movies are:
opening for them at 8:30. Lori played for us at November 16th, l996. The time and place will 9/50 Young Man With a Horn (1950)
the Pride picnic where the acoustics were be announced. SisterSound rehearses on 10/07 Rebel WithoutACause U955)
terrible. Come early to get the chance to hear Sunday evenings from 6 to 8:30 at the Park 10/14 Suddenly Last Summer (1959)
her sing. United Methodist Church, at the comer of High 10/21 The Children's Hour (l961)
Wewill be selling beer, soft drinks, coffee, and Clay. Are youawomen who likes to sing? 10/28 Goldfinger (1964)
and desserts. Any community groups or We are open to new members. Please callLloyd 11/04 Rachel. Rachel (1968)
individuals interested in setting up a table, Ann at 277—3541 or Connie at 276—2554 for Everyone is invited to this free event
please give us a call. We would also like to more information. @ (donation accepted to cover cost of video
hear from individuals willing to help with INTERWEAVE rentals and popcorn. For more
decorating, selling drinks, bakingadessert, or Interweave, a group for lesbigays and information about interweave, please call
whatever. Call Mary (266—5904) or Michael their friends at the Unitarian Universalist Davina at 271—6174.
(225-1828). Working at a social event is a Church (3564 Clays Mill Rd.) has afew events M.C.C. HAS MOVED
great way to meet new people. (9 planned for October. These events are open to The Metropolitan Community Church '
COMING OUT MONTH SERVICE non—church members. has moved to 387 Waller Ave, next to imperial '
AT THE UNITARIAN CHURCH Our monthly luncheon, held on the Plaza. They are temporarily 0“ the second floor
On Sunday, October 22 at10145,therewill second Sunday of every month, will be (there i5 3 sign.) They have regular SUNdflY
be a worship service at the Unitarian October 13th. We will meet at Don Pablo’s ”Win/“3d MP“? 3
Universalist Church (2564 Clays Mill Rd) Mexican Restaurant, 3757 Nicholasville Rd, , ,3
honoring Coming Out Month. Mary Crone will immediately following the church service the 915—0
be leading the service and will focus on coming (about 12:50 PM). Sponsor Of the N10 ””1
out as a spiritual gift. The Lexington Men's We are also continuing a video and
Chorus will sing. if you have never been to a discussion series, based on “The Celluloid
Unitarian service this is an excellent time to do Closet", Exploring Gay and Lesbian images Y0 u , th e
so, We are an interesting mixture of people, as in Movies. Each Monday through November .
one of our t—shirts says: “We are looking for a 25 at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship House co m m u n I ty
few good men, women. blacks, whites, yellows, (located behind the church), we will view a
browns, heterosexuals, lesbians, gays, film highlighted in Vito Russo’s book and _ see page 5
accountants, artists, Christians, Jews, Pagans, discuss What it shows us about lesbigay people _

&J by Margaret Christopher Cartwright by Davma Warner k b
@afigIIgIAN ive never asked you to do this before but , .1 h “1L { lCOHfESSlS‘OIi [10 ma e .1 V6 cent
w ”~': 4 ; t we . ., . J - ‘ t i r ‘iings, no
”use (O GiuT i’OUR BIBLh and follow me throu ih missing cm“ on unt 1} mo”
(“xii Be,” ’ § ‘ . .I .. g because of my new work schedule, but to
are; the scripture. i am reading fioni the MM 1 \’ , . W . I) I y H (i‘ 56
raviseu STANDARD viaRsroNf Remember, “‘1‘“ ’ "I“ ”’“0’ ”’Im“ OX'I ,
=:::«;;;fi V ’ - . , . Sundavs at 11:00 am). Set in mvthological
. ‘ i ‘ k vourBible is in a box in the back of vour closet ‘ ‘
Kefltuc )’ ‘ . . . ' times Xena tells the stow of a once ruthless
mgtof‘» . (no pun intended). it you don t have one, get I ’ I I
. LC" 1 one call I1 Gideon or whatever killer who now uses her skills to save the
' Rarely is being gav discussed in the New innocent, protect the weak, and fight for
Testament. Jesus said absolutely nothing lusticeXhand peace. 1 f' d 't H ‘ .
th e g [50 NEWS about it and Jesus lived an alternative lifestyle H ‘l woman m 1 ex ll aiating to
h (1—— ('1 future article) Thrn to Romans 104 77 watch a strong female hero, and Lucy Lawless
Publis e Monthly by the ‘ ‘ ,.‘ ‘, '“ '“ ' -. .. ,, .e ., .- .
. , This is maybe the first mention of lesbianism delivers 421“]: , 51: 90F brulnetltle ‘W‘tlrlm
Lexmgton Gay/ Lesbian in the Bible intercourse went from natural ENHCCSS' ‘ {i filfm “SC‘Im 621;: anpor,
- - - . i 2 2 2 ‘ I z ' r' i .
Serv1ces Organization intei‘coUise to unnatural intercourse for 111311.:Fl cui e I51? Light} $01“? 0 ‘disgilis ”11%
RD. Box 11471 and women. Men were consumed with lust for V1 ‘UIH‘S “Hg c—iantet’y. I1“ SWOI m MI“ ’
. other menl she fights gallantly With kicks, punches. high
Lexmgton, KY 40575 interpreted from the Greek word jumps, aerial flips and an unmistakable
“PHYSN” which me ant what was ananmln warrior yell. Put simply, she is amazing and
Editor: L . .t ,. . fun to watch.
for the dirty Gentiles to the Greek word I I I
Peter Taylor apARA PHYSIN" which meant “unnatural." its a lesbian i am interested in the rela-
Remember, this is a letter to the Gentiles in tionship between Xena Md her companion, a
Layout Editor: Rome on how to live Christian lives. Needless [geasziiitowgman namelgl Gabriel}: (playled 1?,
Tammy D. Strong to say, the Romans knew of passion for other enee onnor): W to enas “Em
. . I , . warrior, Gabrielle is definitelv a lemme. bhe
Graphics- men Without any sexual connotation. Men of I . .
. . war men of strong camaraderie fraternal IS the more verbal and expresswe 0f the two,
Ehzabeth A- Gilliam orders of whatever But the Romans (1150 often trying to get the stoic Xena to share her
1 l knew of the sexual excesses of their contempo— feelings: An‘lfélllhOLflgl; shzogenlyvaictis Wiille
Y ‘ 7
gfl Annua Dues and raries. especially the Emperors. There was a Xena goes do to lg? fa ”8 ed 151) ays
. ‘ ‘ i t 2 i '
Newsletter: $15 tension in the church of that time regarding luenllll an courtge ll Ohtig en angering
/ s , , .
Dues and Newsletter for Gentiles and the obseiyancejewish laws. Read 161381)“) save :OImeEf‘flm C 1 real
in Romans 1:28—51 all the traits of those who . espite t e” 1 eiences, eact woman
COUpleS: $20 are acting “unnatural". Read again how God admires Md 18$er the other. X6921 and
dealt with “unnatural" things in Romans Gabrielle share a speCIal ielationship, and
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSQ 1124 The unnatural practice that was although they may find a brief male love
News are those of the authors and don [IHECESSarllY referred to is believed to be the result of idolatiy interest, it is always the two women who are
represent those ONE 6150 Board Of Dlrecmrs' and is a very serious offense listed in Romans traveling down the road together at the end Of
Submissions are welcome. All submissions 1 28 31 . ‘ ‘ the ShOW.
become the property of GLSO and must indicate : ' ' - . . , ,
full name and address of the author. The staff Come see L15- “We talk about things like Wlth, these dynamics, Its easy to see why
. , . . . ,, Xena: Warrzor Prmcess has becomeafavorite
reserves the right to edit submissmns and ads to this at church. @ l b' i , I l ‘ “Th
meet publishing requirements, asweli as the right among 35 ians. n arecent attic e m e
to reject any submissions. Advocate (8-27—96), Liz Friedman, one of the
Placement of advertising in GLSO News Classified ad: Female Roommate wanted. ShOW'S co-producers and an OUI lBSbiflH,
denotes neithera person’s sexual orientation nora non-smoker. Must like cats Home in southern admits Xena and Gabrielle are gOOd friends
business’ customer preference. Lexington. ()all 225—0569 and leave message. continued on page 4
GLSO News Page 2

 ”€55 ea %/ a a; a any? ab
t 4‘ ”My , Medflrrg/i’fléw‘fl/a/ ”/xiwé/as
) fiam t/Jefronfpage learning that their loved one is gay, lesbian, will print the names on our Sponsorship
Worship Services at 11:50 am. Dignity also has bisexual or transgendered. page in October.
i services in their space on the first and third On Thursday, October 10, P-FLAG Many of you send us an extra $5 or $10
5 Sunday evenings ofeach month at 7:00 pm. (Q members will meet with Lambda at UK, and when you subscribe and some of you send even
e NETWORKING EVENING on October 24, they will participate with a more. We really appreciated your generosity
1. GLSO is hosting another evening for materials display at the Community andwould like to recognize all contributorsas
lesbigay networking on Tiresday Octzflth at Exposition there. sponsors. Any time you send us a donation
o 7:00 at the downtown Public Library. We have New members are needed and former you can request to have your name on the
;s reserved Meeting room B on the 4th floor members are asked to be there to help others. OUT AND PROUD page. We will not print
n. across from the elevators. There is free Friends from the lesbigay community are your name unless you request it. Q
r, parking in the library parking structure. especially invited so that P—FLAG can be aware LESBIAN AND GAY MEN
g Our Networking meeting in September of how it can be of the greatest help. P—FIAG PARENTING GROUP OI-‘F AND
i, went well and we are offering another has made an important contribution to our RUNNING
h opportunity for individuals interested in community, and your support is vital for its The September meeting of the Parenting
le meeting people and learning about some of ongoing work, so please come out to our Group was well—attended by approximately 20
(1 our communities organizations to get meetings on the Second Tuesday of each Lesbians and Gay men, and9oftheirchildren.
together This would be an ideal place to get a month at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. The children ranged in ages from one to 10,
1_ new group started or to spread the word about See you on October 8! (Q The children played in the day—care facility of
a upcoming events. Since the Library closes at QUEER AS A THREE DOLLAR the church and were attended to by a
W 19:00. some 0i us may wish to move to a coffee BILL CAMPAIGN babysitter. The group took up a donation to
:h 'rouse to socralrae after the meeting. Formore In honor of Coming Out month, GLSO pay her.
1e information call Mary t_266~5904) or Michael will print an 0W AND PROUD page of This month's topic was “Considering
0. (225—1828) hveryone is welcome. individuals who would like their names listed Parenthood.” We had a stimulating conversai
er £315th $f§§£filgPaL£f¥£ef£ format as financial supporters of GLSO. The E“: ibolu'tldthe fear; :l‘d EWPZCWH?“S 0t
le for meetings this year Following a brief minimum cost is $3 foraname (or a couple/s film?“ Te“ 3,5 lsdldns dnh Gal men.
ys business meeting. a speaker will make a namesl, $5 for a statement. This yea]- the c0];111i1[:;::lon iinc u 613] sucr 1 iszue; as
1g presentation. Then, after some socialization page W111 b? printed later in the year to give'us homo hobiq “MEN ocohcern: 2131:3315“ :1);
and refreshments a time will be given over to time to raise some new donations and give mmpql rest bnsibilities and time concert: 1
m help those parents families and friends who regular donators a chance to 35k that the” p r; 'p l . - . i
rd ‘ 'r ' . ‘ names be printed. In following years. we ileetmgs are held the Third Tiresday of
1d are struggling Wlth the 1551195 1HV01Ved in each month,6:30—8:00 pm. at the Unitarian
ire WOM’, that ’5'
Of 0t Read 1‘ x. ‘
7,3 0 $2 5 «4* f.—
hy ‘Q no} t ‘5. e3
”6 o o o Female-Oriented Cards N ‘i
‘he 0 . ("II .
he Oié} Mary Soyourner Crone .
confidential care for teens adults couola ‘ ‘
266-5904 mitigateanztaaisreét.m:“ptir"h («fil
ids licensed clinical psychologist - woodford '
hospital - versallles kenmcky - lust say V /
e 4 Dock-air Sheck-tur-mln - 606.873.5361
_ _—_—___________—____________
GLSO News Page 3

 COMMUNITY NEWS 593363 @1342ng WRITE” that come (spelling optional) with it (as
continued from Page 3 long as you’re doing it safely).
Universalist Church. Dear Gertie—Mae, Now the other reason people spend
Upcoming Topics: I came out about a year ago, and I have lifetimes looking, and I hope this is not your
October 15: Insemination been in Heaven since I admitted to myself case, is apersonality defect. We have all seen
November 19: Adoption that I am happiest with women. The people that just have that one grating aspect
MeetrngsareopentolesbranandGaymen problem is altho ughl’ve hada few fun—filled to them that even the patience of Job
parents, or those who are consrderrng relationships, they don’t seem to be what I’m wouldn t have tolerated! Now if you suspect
parenthood. Come join us. For more ultimately looking for. I mean, I know this about yourself, run don’t walk to the
information, call Laura: 276—2685, or Michele: women are for me, but i can’t locate Ms. nearest counselor, so. you can blame your
255'7206' Q Right. lseem to be stuck with Ms. Cute—But- mother for your mablhty to have a
UK LAMBDA MEETINGS BEGIN Unable-To-Commit—To—Me. Is this the bestl meaningful relationship.
AGAIN FOR '96'I97 can hope for? A series of almost-perfect NOW’ having [Old you what your
UK’s lesbigay student organization meets women? Will I ever find THE ONE? problems MIGHT be, more than likely you
every Thursday at 7:30 in Room 231 of the New Sincerely, will find THE ONE in time. And then you’ll
Student Center. Apart from getting together to Languishin g in Lexington no longer be Lngm‘s/Jr‘ng in Lexington but
discuss and discover lesbigay—related campus Rumg/be Relations/rip and asking for more
issues, the group does non-traditional activities, Dear L in L, advice.
like one from September. “UK Lambda on The most honest answer thatlcan give ,
Canvas" (or, “Paint Me Queer, as it was affec— is: MAYBE! Now honey, there are some Love and Kisses,
tionately known) brought lesbigays together to incurable romantics who insist there’s
paint representations of what it is to be someone for everyone. But ole Gertie Mae Gevé’re t‘ae
homosexual—bisexual-transgendered. The has seen a lotta people spend a lifetime
group also has a splinter faction of older and looking.
graduate students who meet regularly for dinner. However, there is either one of two reasons for
For more infonnation,c311222—3344. ‘9 this. The biggest is that you can’t appear too
LESBOLAND ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' . . I ' O ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' desperate. If you show up for the second date
continued from page2 with your suitcases in hand you may be
who love each other. But, are they lesbians? desperate. Furthermore, if you have only
According to Friedman, Xena was never been out for a year. you need to be enjoying
written to bealesbian, but she thinks it’s great your new found self and all the pleasures
some of the fans see her that way. In fact, the
show’s producers, aware of their lesbian
audience, have included some interesting
innuendo in a few episodes - a show I saw
featured Xena teaching Gabrielle to fish, and ' ’ ' ‘ ‘ - 'f
form their dialogue you could easily imagine w E w A O J
something else was going on. A '
So, if you’re looking for a little lesbian
love on television, I hi hl recommend the
syndicated seriesXena: lfg/arir'or Princess. But A S A VO L U NT E E R
beware, Xena is definitel too cam y for
anyone seeking serious drhrna. Xen: is a call MW’)’ fll' Zéé—quA’
guilty pleasure to be enjoyed on Sunday
mornings with a bowl of sugary cereal and a
piece of cinnamon toast. (p

 5 The GLSO Board decided that in order to achieve true financial stability,
it would seek a sponsor for the costs of the newsletter for one month, and use
d its other advertising income for a number of other ongoing projects.
E: For more information, please call Mary at 266—5904.
y The gLsg NEWS is proud to announce our supporters for 1996:
6 Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist 255—4964
(r Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law255-5766
a Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity
Kentucky Wranglers (Terry)255-S766
.r (Bill) 255-5766
11 Lexington Men’s Chorus 231—0900
ll Front Runners 254—6850
1t Russell Beam Bookkeeping 8( Tax Services 266-2903
'e Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road...........................................223—i448
seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 10:45
Metropolitan Christian Church 271—1407
Elizabeth 81 Tammy Gilliam-Strong
Pegasus Travel253—i644
Pegasus Travel donates l % of your ticket costs to GLSO
In honor of Coming Out Month, our sponsorship page is dedicated to all the OUT AND
PROUD members of our community - with particular thanks to the people who have given us i
contributions of time and/or money.
This support has enabled GLSO to...
@ publish this newsletter
<9 to co-ordinate Pride Month
9 to support other community organizations
Q to provide speakers for various groups throughout central kentucky
Q to hold social events for our community.
Would you like to help sponsor an issue of GLSO next year?
Check out our Queer As A Three Dollar Bill campaign (page 3).
_ GLSO News Page 5

 OCTOBER 1996 1 TUE 2 Wm 3 Hum 4 Fm 5 5m
' 12 :00 noon 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7: 30 pm. 9.00 am.
Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners Woodland Men's Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum)
7:30 pm. Park
Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm. \ . : '
8:30 pm. MCC E ‘ ‘
Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 I. ./ [bl/Id" ‘ "
HIV/AIDS Support Group ‘ l I, ,‘ I
8:00 pm. ' ‘9 ' ~ '
Gay/Lesbian AA ., ° ‘ ‘
6 SUN 7 MON 8 TUE 9 WED 1 0 THUR 1 1 Fm 1 2 SAT
11:30 am. 12:00 noon 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am.
Metropolitan Community Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) R E s T A U R A N T
Church 7:30 pm. Park .
1:00 pm. GOV/LesbianAA 7:00 pm. 5 57 S. leCStOIlC
Dignity 8:30 pm. MCC
4:00 pm. Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm. Lexington, KY
Kentucky Wranglers Mtg. HIV/AIDS Support Group 2 0 0 1 4
8:00 p.m. -
Gay/Lesbian AA 5 3
featuring the
13 SUN 14 MON 15 TUE 16 WED 17 THUR 18 FRI 19 SAT Famous Alfalfa
11:30 am. 7:15 pm. 12:00 noon 6:00 pm: 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm.
Metropolitan Community GLSO Board Meeting Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA 900 am
Chum" 7:30 pm , Pam) Frontrunners (Arboretum) We 6 Re 11 d B I' U n C h :
Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm.
8:30 pm: MCC .
Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm. GLSO News servmg blueberry
egg/AIDSSWDO” group Dead'ne buckwheat ancakes
: pm.
Gay/Lesbian AA b d 'pt 1d,
116 1C a rn O
20 SUN 22 TUE 23 WED 24 THUR 25 FR] 26 SAT €8.88 6 ’
11:30am, 12:00 noon 6:00 pm 7:00p.m. 7:30 pm. 9:00am. spanlsh omelettes, gourmet
Metropolitan Community Gay/Lesbian AA Frontmnners (Woodland Men's Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) h
Church 7:30 pm. Park) 8:00 pm.
1:00 pm. Gay/LesbianAA 6:00 pm. Btuegrass Cotts members desserts’ and mUC more. ' '
Dignity 8:30 pm: Dinner for HlVPositlve PWA 9:00 pm.
Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm. Bluegrass Cotts
MCC non—members
7:00 pm.
aggffsswm Gm“? All of our breads and desserts
' ”“9me are baked daily in our kitchen.
2 7 SUN 28 MON 2 9 TUE 30 WED 31 THUR
11:30 am. 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm.
Metropolitan Community Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice
Church 71D pm, Park)
N twok' gM etin 7:00p. .
5:301).me e 9 W!“ FREE EVENING PARKING.
Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm.
HlV/AlDS Support Group
8:00 pm.
Go [Lesbian AA
% "' 1T: W <—_ m

 OUR JOURNEY TO HEALTH The unique challenges we face in genitalia. Some transsexuals go through
AND HEALING claiming our place in the world is revealing gender changing hormonal treatment and
by Michael Taylor wonderful depths of creative energy. Our work operations, some do not.

As a people we are challenged to find and paths to wholeness are not only relevant to Feinburg includes “warrior stories” of
ways to care for ourselves and each other in queer people but are very much universal, many transgendered people. Petric Smith, for
the midst Of an often hostile world. For us, the transcending gender, sexual orientation, race example, is now a man only a little older than
“coming out process’ is foundational to our and culture. During National Coming Out myself who grew up as Elizabeth Cobbs in
wholeness and health. It challenges us to live Month let us honor these contribution and let Birmingham Alabama. In the late ‘505, when
truthfully and to be authentic, places we must us explore these many healing paths that are the black civil rights movement was receiving
arrive at if we are to move to deeper levels of opening before 115- ‘3? national attention, the 16th Street Baptist
personal and communal healing. Church was bombed in Birmingham. Four

As Queers, we are finding wonderful and TRANSGENDERED WARRIORS young girls died in the exrlosion-
creative paths and energy to heal and grow In by Mary Crone Petric Smith, a “female” teenager at this
September a group of 43 gay and bisexual Transgendered Warriors is the name of time, knew that his uncle Robert Chamberlain
men met for the 4th Flesh and Spirit Workshop the book by Leslie Feinburg that I misnamed and his KKK friends were responsible for
in Indiana. Cincinnati based therapists’ Kirk last month. Ihave not had the opportunity to taking the lives of these children. S/he had
Prune and Christopher Love led a wonderful read much of this book, and at $25 I am not been struggling to grow away from the racism
weekend of healing using breath work, music, ready to buy it, When do you think if will be and the homophobia of his/her family and, no
dance, guided imagery, ritual, and touch. available at the public library? I have read doubt facing a great deal of fear, was able to
Help at Okayed Retreat Center in Salem, short passages and I am impressed at testify against his/her uncle when the case
Indiana, participants were challenged to claim Feinburg’s research and her efforts to be a came to court several years later. Robert
their own history and power as artists, witness to the lives of transgendered, and Chamberlain was convicted on the strength of
shamans, visionaries, berdache, political particularly transsexual people. Petric‘stestimony.
activists and lovers. The term “transgendered” refers to all of I remember Birmingham Sunday. I

Saute Fe-based Spirit Journeys, founded us that demonstrate characteristics, behaviors, remember the trial of Chamberlain as being
by David l’rechtei‘, has been Offering retreats, or other modes of self expression which are one of the few of its kind to end in a
pilgrimages and outdoor adventure journeys typically associated with members of the other conviction. I am proud of Petric Smith who
for gay and bisexual men since 1987. The gender. That includes alot of you reading this put his life in jeopardy to do the right thing
work of Joseph Kramer and the Body Electric article. Transsexuals are individuals whose and I am thankful to Leslie Feinburg for
School in California continues to provide internal experiences tells them that they area brining his story out of the closet. Q
healing and growth for many men and different gender then is indicated by their
women around the country. ' » .,..’ e, . 3’9 i5? ' , ‘, ’ v , ' ’

Lesbians are contributing a wealth of Are youbemg alscnmmatedagalnSt in
healingwork through the women’s spirituality 2 2 Kenmckydneto yoursexual
movement, regional womyn’s music festivals, {15, j; .1 .
artistic expression in literature, poetry, , ’ ” Tonentati337/ejgflw
diversity and inclusion, and writing focused on :‘xezgéggge? ”33,; §~efiw ”3' £5; v7
healing personal and cultural oppression are efgt,§§§if§fiéfelgffffi
work on healing childhood pain, internalized 1%?“’3';é%f?’§§3%5§2%§”§:,f§§f;%ff§
homophobia, and addictions, as we struggle to ,LF;e,e,;«:e,%~§ee:§$:§y;gieagtegfijfigggégig
overcome racism, classism, ableism, ageism eéé‘leflggééffifiééiegflfififé
and sexism, we not only heal ourselves but {geesfig%§%§;:flze%§%rg§§i§§%§§§
else eueerei aeee%%

GLSO News Page 7

 COMING OUT: A Mom-:1, these feelings may not emerge until puberty or we usually search for and find other lesbigays
bY MflrY Crone even later. Sometimes this state is called to hang outwith (anything froma “passing”
Coming (hit 15 3 process. We know this “Identity Confusion”, a term I no longer use sub culture to an “in—your—face” queer group
hUt we often speak 0t it 35 3 one thhe event, because feeling different is not necessarily of friends). There are, of course, many layers
usually referring to the momentwe admitted it confusing. of acceptance and much internalized
to ourselves or the thSt time we tOtd another It is not unusual for part of this homophobia to work through.
person, Coming out is not one moment,but difference to be an awareness of atypical
many— some lOYOUSi some agonizing. It is a gender interests or behaviors, (dressing, Stage V IDENTITY PRIDE
lifetime OtStePS sometimes we inch along, playing, pretending, emotional or sexual An individual is out and proud. We are
hopingno one Wt“ notice, other times we leap, attractionsetc). in a time when gender roles moving beyond acceptance into celebration.
Stmti 01‘ prance forward are becoming more relaxed, emerging (“i’m glad to be gay!”) This may mean an
Whereveran individual is 1“ thisprocess, feelings of difference may take other forms. 0f immersion in the lesbigay world, with little
they need the love and acceptance 0f the rest Of course, people feel "different” in many ways associating with straight people. (The closet
US If someone seems to be less OUt then YOU for avariety of reasons. may be disdained, or used only for privacy,
are, they may hOt be actually be “behind" in or....for some of us, could the gay subculture
that they may have over come a lot more Stage II IDENTITY COMPARISON be just a bigger , less confining, closet?) Self
hOIhOPhOhh”t to get “little they are. Love ithd An individual enters this stage when it first love, spiritual growth, and political work are
hOhOt‘ them. occurs to him that he might be gay, lesbian or often part of this stage.
If someone is more Wt then you, ‘10 hOt bisexual. (Could I be bi— or gay?) This thought
assume that they do not have some of the is likely to bring with it emotional turmoil Stage v1 IDENTITY SYNTHESIS
same C011Ceth5 as YOU (th security, etc). (fear, despair, excitement, shame, joy, grief, The lesbigaytrans individual integrates their
support them- LOVthS 01” selves and each confusion, etc). it is common to spend time "queerness" with other aspects of self. (That
other is the most revolutionary act we can wondering and comparing internal experience ultra butch hair cut may give way to
accomplish, to what is seen on TV or read. Many of us go something more personally reflective of your
We do know that homophobia decreases quite quickly into denial, staying there for androgynous self). Most internalized
35 500” 35 a person has met and talked to a years or moving cautiously in and out of homophobiahas been worked through. (Does
lesbigaytrans person who has achieved some denial. (Closet? what closet?) it ever disappear?) There is less need to isolate
level of self acceptance. The more of us that oneself in the gay community, more comfort
are out. the more safe being out hecomeS- Stage III IDENTITY TOLERANCE in being out in all aspects of one's life. The
There are several coming OUt models A person is able to “try on" a label internally closet is definitely not comfortable any more!
that can help clarify the process. This is a (“I may be gay") but is still hidden about it.
short version, combining ideas from recent He is still in the closetbut at least he realizes that Wherever you find yourself on this
research and various theoretical models. the closet may exist. Some of us do not discuss October 11th, consider taking another step
I believe it is relevant for Sale lesbians, the possibility of being other than heterosexual out. Tell someone your gay. If they already
bisexuals, and transgendered people with another person for years after we have know that much, tell them how happy you are
(although for Sththtl’ t Wt“ hOt use all Of considered it within ourselves. “Tolerance“ is being gay. We too often keep our joy a secret.
these terms at every reference). Of course, often accompanied by negative and Wear a button, even if it’s written in code, the
there are thdtthuet ditteteheest a lot 0t homophobic ideas ofwhat it means to be gay. rest of us will see it and smile. Most
moving back and forth, and some of us have a importantly, love yourself and reach out to
number of closets to open. An individual Stage IV IDENTITY ACCEPTANCE each other withjoy. (3)
might reach a stage V acceptance 0t Whenaperson is able to claimahomosexual
themselves 35 gay then back UP to stage H 33 identity (“1 am a lesbian”) and is able to tell
they COUStder they may be transsexual. at least one other person, she has achieved
Stagel FEELING DIFFERENT some level of acceptance. This is the when 1
Current research indicates that many of us felt would consider a person to be out, even if the
different from a very early age (5-11). bUt closet is still often comfortable. At this stage
GLSO News Page 8

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name(s) to the OUTVAN/D PROUD sponsorship page in October, 1997.
____I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List
used exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.
Please become a member: help support and build our
community and receive your newsletter by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter PO. Box 1147], Lexington, KY 40575
Sex? Dating @ , ~
M ° it ° ° *” ’ "
S if
@fllfil Mflflflffi.x @i a
.x A wovksl/ioP Series {30v Lesbians and Bisexual women
_ ' "\itles: '
Topic possib‘ '
Friendships 9 Sexual relationships 9 Intimacy with others 9 Growing up
in a heierosexist world 9 Body consciousness <2 Coming out to r
family and friends r9 Dating relationships
Dates: , V V - I ,
October 21. 28 and Navember 4., 11 ' Dionne SO‘Dél HAD
Monday Evenings 2213—77-38;
‘ ,\ V . Fee: $100 ,
’ _, 'Cyudy Bowl, PKD.
Enrollment is limited; Call by October 18th to reserve a spot l l, A 263—6274
GLSO News Page 10 , ' a

 ““lt’ M L'f N t M L'f t l V“
A M1111 Film Festival
Sunday, September 29 at 7:00 pm
209 Pence Hall
University of Kentucky
behind the M.I.King Library
underwritten by The Lambda Strategy,
Brian Tremain’s portfolio investing in companies with a Commitment to our Community
in Kentucky, call 1-800-998-8766
Sponsored by:
— The Lexington Men’s Chorus . .
Lexington Fairness Campaign "“5 series 0f three
UK Lambda films is presented by
GLSO Dr. Sylvia .Rhue from
' ; Woman Vision, j = >
featured films WWW ”er
" ‘ De,e;15M;9fs;.bacner,
All God’s Children D,r._,_Rhue7 andfrances' ’
The African-American struggle against homophobia is examined Reid, an'awa-rd- ’
within the context of