xt7z0863866k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z0863866k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 2000 2000 2000-04-11 2020 true xt7z0863866k section xt7z0863866k Personal ads

What they

The real meaning behind
the abbreviations in
personal ads

stt the women ..
40-ish 48

Adventurer Has had
more partners than
you ever will

Athletic F lat-chested
Average-looking Ugly

Beautiful Pathological

Contagious smile
Bring your penicillin

Educated College

Emotionally secure

Free spirit Substance

Fun Annoying
Gentle Comatose

Good listener
Borderline Autistic


Outgoing Loud

Poet Depressive

Romantic Looks
better by candle light

Wants soul-mate One
step away from

40-ish 52 and looking
for 25-yr-old

Athletic Sits on the
couch and watches

Unusual hair growth
on ears, nose, 8 back

Educated Will always
treat you like an idiot

Free Spirit Sleeps with
your sister

Good looking Arrogant

Honest Pathological

Huggable Overweight,
more body hair than
a bear

Like to cuddle
Insecure, overly

Mature Until you get
to know him

Open-minded Wants to
sleep with your sister
but she's not

Physically fit I spend a
lot of time in front of
mirror admiring

Poet Has written on a
bathroom stall



THE 4“


5.7 4.2

Enjoy the rain hiatus,
it will rain the rest of the
week and the weekend,


VOL. H105 ISSUE 38135


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have the

| 4



A - ril it, 2000


Entering history

A long way

Oscar Combs, Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame inductee, discusses the evolution of Journalism with former Herald-

lucnoutca l KERNEL STAFF

Leader Journalist Hell Vaugn, yesterday in the Marguerite McLaughlin Room of the Grehan Journalism Building.

Homegrown reporters: This year's inductees to the Kentucky Journalism

Hall of Fame reflect a diverse group of protectors of freedom, liberty

By Jill Gorin

Six UK alumni journalists joined
an elite group of people yesterday as
they were inducted into the Kentucky
Journalism Hall of Fame.

Surviving members of the group
attended a luncheon and dinner at the
faculty club where they expressed
their sincere gratitude to the school
and remembered their time here at

“Working at the Kernel were the
best years,” said Jim Hampton, Hall of
Fame inductee. “It’s great to be back.
It’s my heart and soul.”

Hampton was editor in-chief of the
Kentucky Kernel in 1959, the first year
the Kernel became a daily newspaper.

The inductees had traveled from
Los Angeles to Miami, doing what they

“We are in a profession that re-
wards hard work,” said Tim Kelly,
publisher of the Lexington Herald-
Leader and Hall of Fame inductee.
“We do what we do for our communi-
ties and society."

Kelly has been executive sports ed-
itor of The Philadelphia Inquirer. man-
aging editor of The Denver Post and
held editor positions at the Daily News
of Los Angeles, but he is happy to final-
ly be back in Kentucky, his home state.

“It’s taken 25 years of twists and
turns," he said.

“I feel like today, I’ve finally been
accepted into the UK School of Jour-
nalism and it feels good."

Kelly admitted journalists may not
exactly be golden when it comes to be
ing cordial and sympathetic, but
stressed the nature of the job depends
on getting the truth.

“We won’t win many congeniality
awards in this business," he said.

One inductee, the late Mike Barry,
knew this all too well. He made his liv-
ing writing amusing editorials chastis-
ing local, state and national politicians
including “Happy“ Chandler, Louie
Nunn, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan
and Joseph McCarthy. His youngest
daughter Ann spoke on his behalf.

She recalled when “Happy” Chan-
dler retired at the same time Barry
was closing the Kentucky Irish Ameri-
can newspaper. Chandler asked if his
retiring had anything to do with Bar-
ry’s leaving.

Barry replied, “What good is the
slingshot if the blimp's not flying?"




Mike Barry

sonal ioumalists In Kentucky. He was editor of
the Kentucky lrish American from 1959 until the
paper ceased in 1968. He also was a sports
commentator for HAVE radio and television In
Louisville. Barry died in 1992.

Oscar L. Combs

Combs began writing for the Courier-Journal in
high school. He was editor of the Eastern Ken-
tucky Voice, which he later purchased. He start-
ed The Cats' Pause to cover UK sports. The
Cats' Pause has readers In every state and
many foreign countries.

Jim Hampton

Hampton was a former editor of the Kernel. He
has worked for the Associated Press, the Court-
er-Journal, and was editor of the Miami Herald
for 21 years. He covered the 1968 presidential
elections, anti-war demonstrations and the Kent
State killings.

Mary Jeffries

Jeffries joined MHAS radio in Louisville In 1983
and later became news director. She has
received two Peabody Awards. two Associated
Press awards, two Headliner Awards, and two
Scripps-Howard Awards. She anchors afternoon
newscasts and covered the Carrollton bus crash.

Tim Kelly

was a sport writer for the Ashlarid Daily inde-
pendent. At 25, he was named sports editor of
er of the Herald-Leader after being executive
editor there.

Ted Poston

Poston began his journalist career in I936 at
The New York Post. He covered the civil rights
movement in the South and the Integration of
Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas. He retired
from the Post in 1972 and died in 1974. Many
refer to him as 'the dean of black journalists:

0 what we do for our communities

and society.”







Senate OKs

By Mark Boxley

By John Wampler

In what should prove to be very beneficial to students. two
SGA-sponsorcd proposals concerning academic advising and
student representation were accepted into UK policy by the UK
Senate yesterday.

The first proposal dealt with the creation of an Academic
Advising Standing (‘ommittee that will, for the quality of acade»
mic advising and set standards. review and examine faculty and
professional advising.

For the Senate Council. it will make recommendations re
garding academic advising and will consider all other recom-
mendations made to the University Senate involving academic

“We sponsored this bill because the SGA feels that many
students get tripped up in their academic career when it comes
to academic advising," said SGA senator Edwin ()range.

The bill passed unanimously. and appeared to have a large
level of support.

“I think we’ve got it pretty curing faculty and staff. They
want what‘s best for the students," said Keisha Carter, senator.

The second proposal that was passed requested that one. stu-
dent from each college or graduate school‘s Student Advisory
(‘ouncil to also serve and have a vote on the college or graduate
school‘s faculty council or equivalent body.

The stipulation to this proposal was that the student serv
ing on the faculty council would only be involved in decisions
involving academic issues, not promotion or tenure.

()range said this was because not even associate professors
are allowed to vote when another professor applies for full prov
fessorship. It would be unreasonable to expect a student to be
given such permission. he said.

Also. ()range felt that students' focus would be placed more
on academic issues. such as grading policy, than on tenure and

Other Senate action: A proposal was presented, and later
recommitted to committee for further evaluation that would re-
vise the cross-disciplinary requirement in the general education

The proposal would unpair cross-disciplinary courses and
allow the departments within the university to pair them more
accordingly to fit a student‘s individual major.

The premise is that with the current setup, certain classes
are paired with only certain other classes.

The proposition would make it possible to pair a class with—
in a persons major to another class within the major and have it
satisfy the cross-disciplinary requirement.



wins Pulitzer

Cartoonist's mighty pen: Joel Pett wins
Pulitzer, other great writers awarded


Joel Pett of the Lexington (Ky) Heraldlcader won 1i
Pulitzer prize for editorial cartooning on Monday.

Each winner receives $5.000, except for the public service
award. which earns the, winning paper a gold medal.

Prizes are given out for a variety of categories. including tic
tion. nonfiction, drama. poetry and different types ofjournzil

The Washington Post won three Pulitzer Prizes. including
the public service award for the second year in a row. The Wall
Street Journal took two honors. and The Associated Press won
for investigative reporting on the killing of civilians by PS
troops at the start of the Korean War.

Denver's two daily newspapers each won a Pulitzer for their
coverage of the massacre at (‘olumbine High School. which has
come to symbolize America's gunvviolence epidemic The staff
of The Denver Post won for breaking news reporting and the
Denver Rocky Mountain News photo staff won the spot news
photography award.

Carol (iuzy. Michael Williamson and Lucian Perkins of The
Washington Post won the feature photography award for cover»
ing the plight of the Kosovo refugees. The winning images in-
cluded a heartbreaking picture of a little boy being untangled
from a barbed wire fence he was trying to climb.

Washington Post reporters won two other l’ulitzers: in pub
lic service for stories exposing neglect and abuse in local group
homes for the mentally retarded. and in the criticism category
for Henry Allen‘s writing about photography.

The Wall Street Journal's two prizes come for national re-
porting on US. defense spending and military deployment in
the post-Cold War era and for commentary for Paul (ligot‘s
columns on politics and government.

"I want to thank President (‘Iinton for doing so much for
the cause of political journalism." (iigot said.

Another notable award included an Associated Press story
confirming a mass-killing of villagers by US. troops in 1950.





The Low-down

And it’s
time for
me to

move on.”

- Ill'lhe
w, writing
in Sunday's New

Yorlt Times
Magazine. on
why she's Ieav~
ing her longtime
home in
Westport. Conn.
for Manhattan.

Nasdag lalls more than 200

NEW YORK . Technology shares slumped
yesterday, dragging down the Nasdaq composite
index as investors wondered whether first-quar-
ter earnings reports will justify their high prices.
The Dow industrials gained ground. The technol-
ogy-focused Nasdaq. which remains vulnerable
after last week‘s steep swings. was down 206.34.
or 5 percent. at 4.240.11 just before the close.

Elian's family snubs doctors

MIAMI ~ The government sent psychiatrists
to meet Elian Gonzalez‘s Miami relatives yester~
day in the first of what Attorney General Janet
Reno called the final steps necessary to reunite
the boy with his father. But the relatives didn't
immediately show up. The Miami family had
made it clear they were unhappy that the psychi—
atrists would not evaluate the 6-year-old boy dur-
ing the meeting. The family also faced a deadline
of this afternoon in their appeal of the federal
judge‘s ruling that affirmed the government‘s de-
cision to send Elian back to Cuba.

Barak's coming to Washington

WASHINGTON r Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Barak. responding to a summons from
President Clinton. will be in Washington tomor~
row to plan for an orderly retreat from Lebanon
and for more territorial concessions to the Pales'
tinians. Barak is scheduled to meet with senior
US. officials and Cabinet members before talking
to Clinton. Israel already has ceded 40 percent of
the West Bank and all of Gaza to Yasser Arafat‘s
Palestinian Authority. Another chunk of land is
to be given up in June.

Historic meeting for Koreas

SEOUL, South Korea South Korea and
North Korea said yesterday that their leaders
will hold a summit in June. marking the biggest
diplomatic breakthrough in half a century of con-
flict. The meeting between South Korean Presi-
dent Kim Dae-jung and his northern counterpart,
Kim Jong I]. would be the first between leaders of
the two states since the Korean peninsula was di-
vided into the communist North and the US.-
backed South in 1945.

Allegedly stolen art shown

BOSTON u Boston‘s Museum of Fine Arts
posted photographs on its Web site yesterday of


z | meson. APRIL n. 2000 | WY mm

IE8: "Nothing
As It Seems"
Pearl Jam's
sixth studio
album and their
seventh release
in less than a
decade, won’t
be released
until May 16,
but lans will
get their first
taste of it on
April 10 when
the lead single
"Nothing As It
Seems" makes
Its world-wide
debut on the
Web. It will be
available as an
Apple Ouicktime
stream through
April 24 at
t. www.sonymu-
PearlJam and

Courtney Love
is in final nego-
tiations to star
opposite Ice
Cube in Screen
Gems' “John
Ghosts of

seven paintings that may have been stolen from
their rightful owners by the Nazis during the
Holocaust. The museum said it has exhausted
other means of determining the backgrounds of
the artworks. The museum is the latest to pub
licly identify art possibly stolen by Nazis.

Wells Fargo on First Security

SALT LAKE CITY — Wells Fargo & Co., the
nation‘s seventh largest banking company, plans
to buy First Security Corp. for about $2.9 billion
in stock. The combined company would have as-
sets of approximately $241 billion. operations in
23 states and would rank as the largest bank in
Utah, Nevada. Idaho and New Mexico. The deal
comes just 10 days after First Security‘s plans to
merge with another Utah bank. Zions Bancorpo
ration. were shot down by Zions shareholders.

Women's soccer league a go

NEW YORK ~— A women‘s professional soc-
cer league to open in April 2001 plans to play in
eight cities. hoping to capitalize on the strength
of last summer‘s World Cup. The Women‘s Unit-
ed Soccer Association said yesterday it will have
teams in Atlanta. Boston, New York. Philadel-
phia, Orlando-Tampa, San Diego, San Francisco
and Washington. In addition, the league agreed
to a four-year cable TV contract with TNT and

Budget compromise sketchy

FRANKFORT. Ky. —~ The budget compro-
mise tentatively reached Monday by House and
Senate negotiators spends millions of dollars
more than the plans put forth by either side, but
the source and amount of the new money is
murky. The budget conference committee added
more than 200 additional “community develop-
ment" projects. from grants to volunteer fire de-
partments to multimillion dollar arts and con-
vention centers.

Republican Senate President David
Williams. who for Weeks said the state should
“fast" for two years during lean times and de-
clared the Senate‘s budget looked after people
over pork barrel. said the new projects were a
matter of fairness. “We added community devel-
opment projects to balance out the way the Re-
publican Senate districts and the other Senate
districts were treated." said Williams, of

Compiled from wire reports.



Law will allow
British pubs
open 24 hours


Hoping to cut down on rowdy scenes as thousands of
Britons pour out of pubs simultaneously at the mandatory 11
pm. closing time. the government on Tuesday proposed allow-
ing pubs to stay open 24 hours a day.

Scrapping closing time was the centerpiece of plans to liber-
alize and streamline licensing laws that were inspired by fears
of munitions workers getting drunk during World War I.

“Fixed closing times encourage binge drinking around last
orders." Home Secretary Jack Straw told the House of Com-
mons. “The result is lots of people hitting the streets v and
sometimes each other _ at the same time."

Under the government proposals. released as a discussion
paper. any pub. licensed cafe or restaurant can apply to stay
open for 24 hours. seven days a week.

While some US. cities and towns are moving toward earlier
bar closings to combat heavy drinking. in Britain. the bureau
crats, police and bartenders all believe that longer hours will re-
duce binge drinking and alcohol-related crime.

Children will also be allowed into pubs for the first time.
Eighteen is the minimum legal age for buying liquor in a pub.

“This is a step in the right direction toward the repeal of ar-
chaic laws set during wartime." said Mary Curnock. director of
the British Institute of Innkeeping which represents 16.500 li-

Police and pub keepers expect the 24-hour licenses to be
confined to the centers of London and other big cities. with the
main aim being to stagger closing times between 11 pm. and 3 am.

In Cambridge. Ceri Garrett, landlady of the Baron of Beef
pub. has long pressed for change. Rowdy deadline drinkers re-
cently smashed an ornamental stained glass window at the inn
beside the River Cam.

“Some people down several pints just before closing time."
she said.

As an experiment. bars across Britain were allowed to serve
alcohol around the clock on New Year’s Eve and the night
passed peacefully. encouraging Straw’s officials to go for a radi-
cal overhaul.

The changes would affect 140.000 pubs. restaurants. hotels
and nightclubs in England and Wales. Scotland. which has dif-
ferent drinking laws. already allows pubs in some areas to re-
main open until 3 am.

British studies suggest that alcohol abuse contributes to 40
percent of violent crime. 78 percent of assaults and 88 percent of
criminal damage cases. A 1993 government survey found that 16
percent of all violent incidents happened in or near pubs or
clubs: a study the previous year found 47 percent of violent inci-
dents near pubs happen between 11 pm. and midnight.

The new policy. which could be law by the summer of 2001.
would bring Britain into line with other European countries.


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A variety of e-mail
servers await users

Which is the best? That depends on the
intention, and how much ‘spam' one can take

By Lamin Swann

()ne e-inail account is not
enough for today's students.

Many students who take
advantage of the POP (Post Of-
fice Protocol) e-mail at UK also
have other e-mail accounts.
such as Hotmail or Yahoo?

"1 have two free e-mail ac
counts along with my POP ac
count." said Kevin (lritfis. a
telecominunications senior.

“1 use the POP account to
correspond with friends and
also academic use but use my
free accounts when l'm re-
sponding to things on the web."

Students use POP accounts,
which store mail on a computer
disk. usually for academics and
correspondence without the
junk mail. but use web—based
accounts. which store mail on
remote computers owned by the

email company. when respond
ing to items on a web site.
"Students are taking ad-
vantage of both (pop accounts
and others). pop accounts usu-
ally for academic purposes."

said Sidney Scott. manager of

the UK Information Systems
help desk.

Web junk mail. often re-
ferred to as spam. is e‘mail mes-
sages sent to multiple e-mail ad~
dresses. usually containing so~

POP accounts are less in-
clined to receive spam because
ofdifferent authentication pro-
cedures with the sender‘s ac»
counts. Scott said.

Despite POP accounts be
ing more "spam-proof,“ some
students are not comfortable
with the software incorporated
with the POP account.

"1 dislike the Eudora Pro
program. It’s kind of complicat»

ed." said Chris Hall. an econom-
ics graduate student, Hall
would like to see the university
incorporate e-mail services sim-
ilar to Hotmail.

Due to limited technology
funding. the university is un-
able to offer services similar to
web-based providers without
increasing the technology fee in
a student's tuition.

()n the World Wide Web.
there are many web sites such
as Hotmail or Yahoo that offer
free e-niail accounts with ser-
vices from forwarding email
from other accounts (like POP
accounts) to listening to your
messages via telephone.

“1 use the Hotmail e-mail
account because the access l
have of retrieving my POP ac-
count along with the e-mail in
Hotmail." said Bobby Iii-
Pasquale. a journalism sopho~

Hotmail otfers a service
that you can access your PCP
account email through Hotmail
account services link. Have
your PUP information ready.


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 Amanda York
Scene Editor
Phone: 2574915 I [-mail: kernelartftyahooxom






Flip Fi hters, red
hot an smokin'

A little. bit of m.


The Foo Fighters, special guests of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, stole the show Sunday night in Rupp Arena with
their performance of old as well as new songs and David Grohl's manic vocals.

Put up your dukes: The Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Foo Fighters
provided Lexington with a change in pace and a great show

By Matt Mulcahey

Finding a good concert in
Lexington is like finding an oa-
sis in the middle of the desert.

While somewhat disap
pointing. last nights show was
an oasis in the desert that is the
Lexington concert scene.

Rock and roll may be on life
support these days. with rap
and bubble gum pop dominat-
ing the charts. but Sunday
night‘s packed Rupp Arena
proved that good old rock and
roll excess and mayhem isn‘t

British import Muse set the
tone for the night with their
heavy. adrenaline-fused open-
ing set. Disregarding the slow-
er. more emotional songs from
their above-average debut
Showbiz. the band instead opt-
ed for a non-stop guitar blitz led
by frontman Matthew Bellamy.

Although the set was ener~
gized. the group's emphasis on
decibel level overshadowed

their best feature: Bellamys
soft-vocals. reminiscent of Ra-
diohead's Thom Yorke.

The Chili Peppers may
have been the show's headliner.
but the minute Dave Grohl
bounded onto the stage it was
clear who was going to own the
night. The former Nirvana
drummer turnedFoo-Fighters-
guitarist-singer supplied the
perfect mix of angst-filled rock
and slower tunes. highlighted
by a slowed. stripped down ver~
sion of “Big Me" and a high-0c.
tane rendition of "This is a

The highlight of the night
came when Grohl leapt from
the stage and decided to take an
impromptu tour of the arena.
The crowd erupted as he darted
through aisles of fans and
downed beers thrust at him. I
doubt you're going to see N'-
Sync or Britney Spears do that
during one of their bloated pro-

The Foo Fighters were a
hard act to follow. and the Red

Hot Chili Peppers failed to live
up to the task. How enjoyable
the set was depends on which
type of Chili Peppers songs you

If you enjoy watching Flea
and guitarist John Frusciante
riff for ten minutes at a time
while singer Anthony Kiedes
jumps around. you might have
enjoyed the set.

But if you wanted to hear
the slower (‘hili Peppers song.
you had to settle for “Under the

While their set was some»
what uninspired. especially the
prolonged encore which fea-
tured about 15 minutes of feed-
back and little else. the Chili
Peppers joined the Foo Fighters
in putting on the kind of show
that we don't get around here
too often.

Pulsating with raw energy
and filled with the excessive ex-
travagance of a true rock con-
cert. The show was an oasis in
the Lexington desert.


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From Britain

to Rupp. a

word with the Muse

Behind the scene: British band, the Muse spoke with the Kernel
about music, influences and the pressures of success

By Patrick Avery

With a record deal from Madonna‘s label.
Maverick Records. Muse seems poised to ignite
the United States with their searing electric
sound and soaring soprano vocals from the lead

On tour with the Red Hot (‘hili Peppers and
Foo Fighters. Muse gets many comparisons to
another popular British band. Radiohead.

Emily Demaresc. a I'K student who won tick»
ets to see Muse through a radio contest. said the
hand even sounds like Radiohead.

“The lead singer has a good quality voice."
T)emaresc said. “It's live and it‘s jiving."

Despite the fact that many critics claim the
Muse's influences are Radiohead and Nirvana.
drummer Dominic Howard said he sees things

“Our influences are different than Nirvana."
he said. “We certainly like those bands but we
were influenced more by Primus and some Bel-
gium rock bands."

The presence of the piano in the Muse's de-
but album. Shou-hiz. highlights the musician's
capabilities. However they do not use the piano
with live shows.

“We like the heavy hard rock edge of playing
with electric guitars." Howard said. “We do
many acoustic shows but We love playing electric
shows better."

Touring with the Red Hot (‘hiIi I‘eppet‘s and
Foo Fighters. a blessing for the Brits. allows the
banrl to play to over 20.000 people nearly every
night. The band is grateful for the opportunity to
play the I'nited States with these bands

“It's been fun playing with these guys.“
Howard said. “We have admired them fora while




Muse blues
British band, the Muse, opened up for the Chili Peppers
and Foo Fighters Sunday night.

and enjoy listening to their music. especially

The band prefers pleasing their fans rather
than receiving critical success.

"It's nice to have so-called music critics say
they like our stuff." Howard said. “But who are
they? We would rather have normal people listen
to our stuff."

“It's sometime hard to get on stage because
some people don't want to see us." frontman
Matthew Bellamy said. “People don‘t pay $50 to
see us. But we have succeeded in winning over a
few people every show."

The band plans to headline a small US. tour
after playing with Foo Fighters and Chili Pep-
“We plan to play the East Coast after this
tour." Bellamy said. “We hope to tour later. but
we'll have to wait and see if anyone buys the al-

i. I\

Campus Calendar
April 10 - April 16, 2000

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Ollice at Student Activities. Registered Student 0r 5. and UK Depts. can submit information For FIE
' online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: http://m.ITdeI/StldontConter/Stdeltktlvltlos

Call 257-3867 for more information.


'Moster Your lime Workshop, 2-2250pm. Frolee Noll

'Molh IO9:3-3:SO 8. ”3:44:50, 203 Frolee Noll
'an IOI, 6-9:]5pm, Holmes Lounge B Commons BoIlroom
‘Sponish, 5-7, Holmes lounge & 4-8. Noggin Computer Lab
'Itistory IOB BIO9, 2-4, Holmes lounge
‘llistory I04 BIOS, 6-8pm. 306 Commons
'Physics, 7-9pm, Holmes Lounge
'Moth 6-IOpm, Commons 308A

'Alpho Phi Omega, 7 30pm, 359 Student (tr
'TllT, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud, Union
'leltist Student Down, 6:30, 228 Stud Ctr.

‘Whillle Boll Tourney Entry
Deodline, T45 Seoton Center
'Tennis Doubles Tourney
Entry Deadline, I45 Sooton (enter

'Rugby Practice, 5-7, Club Sports Field
'UK Boseboll vs. EKU, 6pm, Hogan Field

'Movies: Dune, 7:30pm, Worshom Th.
'UK Suximphone Ensemble, Bprn, SCFA
'Recitol: M. Schnell, M. Iberhom, I.Shonlis, I2prn, SCFA
'Rugby Practice, 5-7, Club Sports Field
‘UK Baseball vs. EKU. 6pm, Hogan Field




203 Frame Noll

TUTORING '(Irernislry 7-IOprn, llolmos lounge 87-9pm, Noggin
'llislory I08 “09. HI . Holmes lounge 'letli, 6-I0, Holmes Classroom L6-9prn, Commons
'Eng IOI, 6-92I5pm, Ilo mes Classroom & Commons Boll 308A
'5 nish, 5-7, Ilolmes Classroom 8 4:30-7:30, 306 Common; 'Hjstoyy IOA 3105, 4-515, Ilolmes Classroom 3. H
:( emislry, 7~10pm,lloggin(omputerlob pm, 30¢, Commons
.Moth, ”PM. Ito "I Lounge 'Sponish, 6-0pm, Noggin Computer lob & 4-8, Commons JO“
PIIYWS “0PM ommons WNW“ 'ilistory I08 RIO‘I, 2-4, Commons Ballroom
MEETINGS ‘French, 4-7, Reenolond
'Dlinner at the Dorms with the Itittel/Iewish Student Org , 6 l5. Blazer MEETINGS
Ito . . . . . .
'Toble Francois, 3-5pm, Mogic Beans (ole