xt7z348gj898 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gj898/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1944 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1944 Vol.15 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, May 1944 Vol.15 No.7 1944 2019 true xt7z348gj898 section xt7z348gj898 , ~~ * ‘ I " ., . .. .,. . ._ -.. —w 1
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ammo ave eetmg a e une - » 5 H ; 5 5. -
5 ‘ iii-1:55.555? '
I‘ . . . . “5: "r‘ ‘5
59* Program Plans tor. the mid - summer meeting Hit .355 5
- and war clinic of the lxentucky Press '5;;5555 5!
MID—SUMMER MEETING AND WAR CLINIC Association at Mammoth Cave, Friday ' ' i1: 5
. . - ~ , _' i -1151 5 C - . ‘.
Kentucky Press ASSOCIOTIOI’] through Sunday, June 9 lave pr'tc . “55‘ :5
tically been completed although sub- _, 5., ..
Mammoth Cave ject to last minute changes. 5;; 5 “Ti
' Registration will be held Friday 211} i‘ tiltslfizii‘l =
. . . i 5.15- w.
L . June 9’ 10' and 1 1' ‘944 ternoon and evening in the lobby ol the :55; E555: ': i 1
5’“ Friday, June 9 hotel. 'Early comers will have the op- 55;;355‘1551 i
. . portunity of meeting over bridge tables. it ‘Eltf‘ilii‘I a
ReQ‘STmhon, LObbY Of New Hotel The program will open Saturday morn- " l 5“. '
Saturday June 10 ing with Chairman Forgey’s committee ii i 2
‘; . I ' in charge. As 1944 marks the 75th an- '5‘ 55:55.55 5. 5.
5 5; 9:30 a. m. Call to order by PreSIdent Joe Richardson niversary of the founding of the A550. 5, 5.
.‘ Invocation ciation, the entire morning's program ' i 5.. 5i; .1
i' Address, ”The Kentucky Press 75th Anniversary,” Tom Wal— will be devoted to the history and inci- 5 “1‘55 .5
‘\ lace, editor, Louisville Times dents of KPA progress [or three-(platters E .l‘ 1.5 ' 5
i Recollections: J. W. Willis, lrvington Herald of a century. The principal address 5 l” /5 ,
5‘ William L. Dawson, La Grange Oldham Era will be given by Tom Wallace, editor ol’ '55 i; 5‘7l‘ 3
Vernon Richardson, Life Member the Louisville Times. Other speakers 5; iili‘iiiflih -"
_; ~ D. M. Hutton, Harrodsburg Herald will tell some personal reminiscences. . i5 .55 .
5 Appointment of Committees Saturday afternoon will be devoted l; 5‘; l ‘.
E 12:15 p, m. Adjournment for lunch to the war clinic and business sessions 3'“ 5:15: ‘.
2:00 p. m. Call to order by President Richardson. War Clinic. ““11 51533ke‘"_'1€f‘dcr5 “'0‘“ the Sta“? 5111' 5,3 . ‘5 '.
5 Address, ”Kentucky Salvage Campaigns,” J. J. Rice, execu- V336 Commlsswn, [he OPA’ ”9‘ War ‘ 5‘5: 5 5'
tive secretary, Kentucky Salvage Committee DUVC Headquarters, and 111“ (409110" 57f 5‘! 55,.l 5
51. Address, ”The CPA ln Operation,” George H. Goodman, DiS— Journal, lgllowed b1), “’IUP‘I'tabllf ‘1‘““5‘ 5 i .
. ‘ ~ .' - sions on tiese \‘ita su.) ecls. resenta- ’ {5.5:}; i .
‘ trict DlreCtorl-LOUISVIHe - ~ - - tion of awards for the lllLl‘l )rodu ‘tion ‘ :5‘5 ‘ ‘
Address, ”The Fifth Loan Drive,” DOVId F. Cocks, Vice Chair- ‘ _ ‘ ‘5 I ‘- . I 5
_ man Kentucky War Finance Committee contests Will be made, lollowed by a .35. .5553]; 5
r; I 3). ‘. H .J..' L r l . “l E;<;,,E -.
f Address, ”The Newsprint And Paper Situation,” Henry Mc- blld business SCWOP', A banquet WI“ ,.. .
Claskey, Assistant General Manager, Louisville Courier— F1056 5119(550'8 fCSUVMCS; Sunday mom‘ ‘5 E535 5
L Journal and Times mg a union church service will be held. 3'; ‘ii‘h'i; 5
? Round—table discussions In answer to a request that this war ;‘; fiiiil ‘ 'z 5‘
l . Awarding of 1944 Newspaper Contest Awards clinic should be termed “essential," 5§“t 5
. \. 6330 P. m. Banquet, main dining hall. George H. Goodman, District OI’A Di- 5} 555‘
{ rector, stated, “certainly this year’s mid— )5 551 5 5 .
Sunday, June 11 summer meeting is based on the most t‘5 15.55; .5
. l0100 a. in. Union church services ' seriously interesting and important ‘ i5l .5 f: .5.
~ : 55. 2'2. 2
. . ‘ iii}: if: j
. .- 5’ 5.5 ‘ i .5

 . :i ‘ g’
.1 iii . Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1944 l- Ma
: 35' I” , 3 L
V 'n - y i i ouestions that have ever confronted our John H' Perry Purchases Installation Given i,
. ‘ ; , country. The meeting should have full Frankfort State Journal ”It appears that some correspondems
. - . i attendance and result in much benefit submit daily news letters While others
. ,- i ‘ to the newspaper life of the state, and Sale Of the Frankfort StateJournaI to submit news at less frequent intervglis
' 3‘ through them to the people of Ken- JOhh H- Perry, owner ofia string 0f F101“ You instruct the corre5pondents as [of
, ' tucky. {da newspapers and-radio stations, and the type of news items desired and the“
. . . “I regret that this office has no au- Interested In other lines 0f business, was style of writing to be followed. Corresf
' . . thority to change legulations but it is anhmlhced May 30- . _ pondents are requested to cover specific
' ‘j‘ ‘ my feeling that the permissions existing Stating that possessmn was given hY assignments at your discretion and to
, j 1 will permit all members of the Associa- the C. T. I.)ear1ng. Company of hotns- prepare special articles on subects se—
’ i ‘ tion, except those residing at extreme V1116. 0f Whleh he 15 pre31dent, Wllham lected by you.
j 3 I“ ‘ distances from Mammoth Cave, to use G. Simpson added the company would “If a correspondent is tardy in com-i
. . . their cars in attending. retain its State printmg contract in its pleting an assignment. he is appropri-i
3 Another reply from Paul Dexheimer, LOUISVlHe plant and WOUId have a bus“ ately admonished and the refusal to ac.j
‘: District Mileage Rationing Executive, HESS staff in Frankfort in space leased cept an assignment would C0nstitute
; l . avers, “Mileage Ration Order 5C does from the State Journal. grounds for termination of his services.
* i i not permit the issuance of special gaso- Simpson did not reveal the purchase Material submitted by the correspond.
, ,‘ 1 line to an applicant to attend a conven- price, but indicated it was in six figures. ents is subject to revision and rewriting
tion, regardless of the nature of the Perry, a native of adjoining Owen by your staff employees. Ordinarily the;
. 3 convention. However, every automo- County, owns the Owenton News-Her- correspondents are not given by-line'
M 3 bile owner has a basic ‘A ration which ald. He maintains a house on his Owen credit for news furnished by them. The
3 i; can be used in any manner desired, such County farm, as well as residences in correspondents are expected to provide
1 ‘ i as attending church, going to a ball Palm Beach, Fla, and at Irvington-On- a substitute if, for any reason, thev are
.1 3‘ . 1 game, going to a' convention, or any 0th- the—Hudson, N. Y. unable to attend to their duties. [Such
4 . . i 3 ; er activity." In buying the State Journal, Perry action is reported to you and is subject:
' For the benefit Of those editors who formed a new corporation with himself to approval. The failure of a conesi
‘ ‘3: i [01" various reasons Wih hOt drive cars as president and Norvin S. Veal, a na- pondent to nominate a substitute might
. _ l“ i to the Cave, access is made by railroad tive of Madisonville, Ky., as vice presi- be regarded as grounds for terminationi
3. , g , or bus from Cave City. Taxis are avail- dent. of the correspondent's services. i
. , able there for the cave, and, we have Mrs. L. W. Newman, who had op- Tnx Liability Incurred
i ; i i been informed, lor sufiiment transpori erated the paper since the death of her “The information furnished indicates}
T“ ‘ i: . ‘ hallo“ .lor 31?, number at ‘I change 0 husband, James Newman, about six that you exercise, or have the right t0‘
1 .: ‘ ‘ iii-()9 per P6150": _ ‘1 . , d _ d years ago. recently 501d her interest in exercise over the services of correspond-r
‘ i As the Committee in L large .CCIPF it and in the hearing Company- ents performed under the circumstances
‘ 1 that the members and then families _
‘ 1 i, i . p. 1 e bound by set stated, such control as ls necessary to es-
t} , ii 3 f wouid [pielu not. [0 )‘ . 1 ‘ g s . tablish the relatlonshlp of employer and.
J. 3 i 110ui5_dnd menus, no (590:1 piogiam ”Country” Writers employee for Federal employment tax‘,
it I, . I. . or lotmal luncheons haxe been sched— )ur)oses Liabilit‘ f0_ 11 taxes is in-
fii i i 1 uled. However, a social banquet ”on RUled Employees lcurii d i, l t suc t. ' H
1 , .f 5 i ,, .- . ._ . e w1th respect to such serv1ces. j
‘ t . 2 i our own “111 be held Satuiday “131“ The Treasury Department has ruled _ f
‘ i i 1 with a nationally known speaker on the that paid country correspondents must ____._____ t
i ‘ i ”bill of fare." Members Wih be request be, for the purpose of taxation, classed S. I'f‘ d S . r
. ed to purchase banquet tickets at regis- among the employees of a newspaper Imp ' '8 pelltng ‘
' . it tration. This meeting is designed for and cannot be termed as “independent Much has been said and written about]
. 3 . rest and recreation with a wee bit of contractors." the urgent need of simplified spelling."
. : 3 “food for knowledge” thrown 1n,. and In a case involving the Sacramento The written English language is not;
, v all Kentucky newspaper folk are 1nv1t- (Calif) Bee, the Treasury Department phonetic like the Czech, or Spanish!
. ‘ ed to gather for three relstfullclagls. llzlake issued the following statement: The French is even worse than the Eng-
.» 0111“ reservations ear Y- - - ring u . . lish in this res Ject. To Give those clam-
» Zlong your swimming Shit and a deck . Itappears that your .coriespondents oring for this improvemgnt in our spell-A
.. ‘ _ brid e cards. s are div1ded mto three groups, .1. e., (l) , ff 1 _ d ~ ..
. , 0f g suburban correspondents covermg near- mg we 0 er tns cue an star [61' kl to
. ‘ ——‘——._—-—— , by districts, (2) string correspondents A henpekd 1116de (being as .C II‘
:1; i 'lwo Model ‘14 Linotypes are avall- covering towns further removed from xplan th lump on his hed) blamd 1t a l
able at Louisville, REL/30 fob. accord- Sacramento, and (3) correspondents on his yf.” :
i 1 ing to Charles Blanchard, 361? Hy— who are guaranteed a minimum salary. N0 dOUht the Plll‘iStS Will Obie“ mi
clilfe Avenue. One with electric pot; Correspondents in groups (I) and (2) - this what they may call an atrocity buti
1.? , one with gas. Contact Charles at the operate under verbal agreements on a imagine what a saving in time and pa-I .
above address. space rate basis but written contracts per material this WOUId bring abouti
————°'—‘——“ have been entered into with individuals NOt only that, tht brought dowf‘ to the i
John Forsee is the new managing edi- in group (3). However, the terms of the least common denominator, might 9"";
I tor Of the Owenton NewsHerald, suc— verbal agreements are the same as the en rival short hand, or stenograplly. if
_ i‘ ceeding John Githens who left last week provisions of the written contracts and . '
3 . to his new pOSt 011 the Journal, Pensa- all correspondents operate under the “
. 1 . cola, Florida. same circumstances and conditions. Meet you at the Cave? ‘
' it V ,7
it i . ,
S, ‘; 15 — _t_,, , , .

 V s— ‘ r 331:11“‘-'-3:7:}".3{1“3'VI'LEM‘Z5' 1. i I ,. it . V’ _'1_ 1 V”, 11 _ V 1 _1 _. 1 : 11111111112111 15:1:
. Z, ' 3' I: L; 1.311 .
. ‘3 ,L 'L 51111
5 . 1 ;:1._; #15121 a
944 1. May, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 1,311;
3 3 3:: a ..
(Fm L13; ‘3' . 1-
.espondenrs ' 111 1.1711 . 1
hile Others 3 1 3
t intervals.1 1 1 '
lents as [01 'L . , .11}
Ed ‘1 9 "T11 51‘ ‘
1.113233113131223 e pmg ousewwes . ’
0n and [o E *_
subects se— F 3 1 3: 1
o ' '3
d - '1; d 1 11 {1!}.
11‘” £033.: 33 Z 1merzca . 1 ;
‘ PPrOPTl-L 1 L . 31:11:51! .
fusal to ac-‘ ' 11V 1 1
constitute 3 1
Lis services, L * 3
correspond. « ' 1 V.
d rewriting ‘1, .
linarily theL1 1. 112 L
len by-line _ . . 1 .
them. The To feed her family adequately In these war days, your wrfe and 1 L LL12 :1-
m 11”°“de every other housewife must plan a 5-way budget. She must allo- L g1 {'22: 11
n, 16" are . 11:, 'L;
“ties; [Such 1cate her money, her ration points, her nutritional values, her tIme, 3 ‘ 11113. 1 -
i 15 “him3 and her energy. 1111 i315 .21
Lf a corres~1 1 L up :1; 11
't t ‘th . . . . . . . . '9. ,3
1161113112110“: The effectiveness wnth Wl‘llCl1 millions of women do this vrtal job 15:3 :11; . =1
l . . ' ‘ ‘ 11:1 L L
63- L directly affects the daily progress of the war program on the 1 . 1
"ed; _ L home front. _ 11, .13
3d Indicates; , 1. 11151211 11
1 .- 1H 3 . . . . . -! 11“. JL‘ 7;
2511:5110“; - To assnst them In every way possnble, the entlre A&P orgamza- 1:13.111 1 1
i ’ 1 ' ‘ ‘ 12 L-LL‘L '
:cumstances tion—from the buyers out In the producmg areas right through 1 1 111111 ‘1 1
33121311610111; to the clerks in our stores—are making available today the les- ‘_ 11. 1’1“; 5
3“ . 333*.“ ‘3 '
)yment tax‘, sons learned in 84 years of bringing good food, economically, ,1. 11 11
taxis mum to American families. .1 ‘11 L
serv1ces. L 1 1 _1 L11
_. 1 Today, when efficiency counts more than ever before, the men 1 '11; 1 ,
1 and women of A&P are doing the most efficient job of food dis- 11:11 ,
me“ 511101111 tribution in America.1 They are actively helping the homemakers , ‘3 L2: 11
31 )6 1n .w . . . 1 "11.711? V
2:01:25 mi; of your community and thousands of other communities do an , 11333;: 11
O I 1 ' ' ' 2; '1
>1‘ SpamSh'L‘ increasingly better job of feedmg wartime America. L1,: 11,: 1 11% ,g .
333mg- , L 11 L
those clam-1 ' L ‘11 1 1 ‘
n our spell- ' 11; :2 ‘1 '3 3
‘k .14 1193i 13123 i3
ng askd t0 V .11 .1
)lamd it 311i . ‘1 1 11:11 1
1 object t01 : 31 ,
may 1331 T RE - ..
me ”“1 Pa” ' L; 11311
ing about» 1,,171 ~
[own to [1191‘ 11131 I 1 ;
might 15:13.: ,
win- :1 :1 1 .V
‘ ~ 1133:? 9
, 11:11:21 1 1.1
i . :1 11 1.53 13.51 i
' ~ :3 ’1'}, ' ,

 .‘ 2,171.5“ i. : . . .
i. l5: : ‘ I ,.
'3” l1 . g.
1;. 5,1: M . Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1944 2‘ Mc
. ll ., i
\r l . . . . . _
. ‘1‘ t disbursement of public funds, shall at the ex- gaged In selling newspapers at retail, Without after which
‘2 i “ he piration of each fiscal year prepare an itemized, paying therefor, with intent to defraud Slich Provement.
' l . , sworn statement of the funds, collected, receiv- person selling newspapers. shall be fined not order to th
' 1 ’ . en‘t ' r13, 33 ed, held or disbursed by him during the fiscal more than twenty-five dollars or imprisoned establishmei
. ' V ' 1"» I" year just closed. The statement shall show the not more than thirty (lays, or both, 1 § 2. Subs
. .. . " amount of public funds collected and received, .3 2. Proof that any person refused or neglect-i Kentucky F
' ' . Oflicial Publication 01 the KentUCkY from what sources received, the amount dis- ed to pay for such newspapers upon demandl fiSfOllO‘VS:
_‘ ~. Press Association bursed, the (late of each disbursement, for shall be priiiia facie evidence of the fraudulentl' (2) The .
. . —— what purpose expended, and to whom paid; intent contemplated by this Act. tice in a n
. 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher provided, however, that only the total of the —————9——_ where any
. ' l , ————— amounts Pald ‘15 salary during the fiscal year AN ACT relatingr to esclieated, abandoned, and and by 1305
it 1 Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington to each official or employee of the governmental unclaimed property. of the distr
. j 1 . _____._____ “mt shall be shown 1" Fhe statement. The Of' {5 1. Subsection (1) of section 393.110 of the: trict that l
' 3 1 ' Kentucky 11,355 Association oflleen ficer shall procure and “‘Clllde 1“ or attach to Kentucky Revised States is amended to read Ml iiiissioner f.
1 Joe Richar-dson~_..~a.._._~____________1'imes, Glasgow tile report as :1 part thereof; 06‘ Ufficztelholrrn follows: :y the board 2
. ;‘ 1 . President tie casner or ot er proper o cer o t e )an s (1) It shall be the dut' of 1” st'it l , , The vote 5
‘ l Chaunce For e ...-._..,,_____.-~___Jnde endent, Ashlsnd ' , - . . . ‘ , ‘ ‘ l , ‘ ‘ 6 mm M‘. .
- l . y g y Vice-President p m lthCh the funds are 01 11.3w been deposued tional banks, trust companies. or other person» :1 written ‘
. Victor E. Portmann........~«....______.U. of K., Lexington during the I)?ISI year. showms‘ the balance. 1E and courts of [big Commonwealth or the a the numbe
i‘ “ ' SEMEWPY'MSMEET 'lliV of ublic funds to the credit of the officer ‘ i - ‘ ahents - >
. l , _ ‘ n P ‘ thereof, whether holdiiw estates or prOperti met, or if
“ ' ‘ Eiwutive committee, D‘str’Cts inakin the statement The officer Sll'lll witli- - - h ‘
1;. 1. y . ‘ g - ‘ ' ‘ ‘ as bailee, depos1t0rv. debtor. trustee. executor. amount 0f
1 ‘ ‘ Fred 8’ W3Chs’ Herald-Leader, Lexington (Sixth), in sixt' da's after the close of the fiscal year - - - ~ ‘ - . -
x .' Chairman; First. Joe LaGore, Sun-Democrat, Padli- - )h l ‘ 1‘ l 1.; ‘ ’ liquidator, administrator. distributor. receiver. land, Wltll
i “ . , cah; Second, John B. Gaines, Park City News. Bow- cause t e statement or tie comp ete autit re- . - . - , . , w . I
l ' mg Green; Third'JOhn H‘ Hoflgl‘md' Courier-Journal, )ort which shall include all the information 01 “-1 any Othel capaCit} coming “1mm lhel and assesst
if i ‘ 1 Louisville; Fourth, James M. Willis, Messenger, Bran- l 1 ' . . purView of KRS 393.060 to 393.100. to report, vote, or if
l , 1 denburg: Fifth, Virgil P. Sanders. News-Democrat, required for the statement herein prowded for. annually to the department as of July 1’ all, one hundi
. l I i Carroilton; Seventh, Walker “7- R°blns°m Herald, to be published in full in the newspaper pub- ‘ h ll l , l ,1 1 _ d l . 1. ‘ 1 fi 1
. i Paintsville: Eighth, J. W. Heddon, Advocate, Mt. Ster- , , . h l 1' 6' l ' property 6 t )y tieni ( ec aie )y tiis ciapter liene ts as.
.. l ‘ ling; Ninth. Harold A. Browning. Repuglllicam m— lfiislhed 1“ the county that “S “e arlnest mm to be presumed abandoned. The report shall count one
i l liamsburg; Tyler Munrord, Advocate, organ e , (e circulation in the oyernmenta unit or ~ . . - .
g1 "‘. state-at-Large; Seymour B. Goodman, Enterprise, (1' t . t f h' 1 t1 tgt t ~. ll'sl I be led iii the office of the depaitinent on or he. missmner.
:l E ‘ Elizabethfown, State-at-Large: immediate Past Pres- ‘5 “C or w 1C1 . “3 S a enien 1* P“) 1' 16“ fore September 1 of each year for the precerl and filed
:1. 1 ‘ ident, Vance Aimintrgut, aneZZourgzll; Louisville. and shall file a written or plinted copy off the ing July 1‘ and shall give the name of the; corded by
- 3‘ l .‘ Ken no 1/ was am 5 . Statement 0‘ audit rape” and a copy 0 the owner, his last known address, the amount and drainage r
‘ ‘ l Miss Mary E- Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President. published statement or audit report subscribed ,- . . . - . - .
i 1‘ . Miss Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport, 1 Y _ t . tl ffi f t] t' l it kind of propeity, and such other InfOimationy Hon of tl‘
‘ N l ‘ First Vice President; Mrs.J- 0- Young, Journal, DlXOn. ant Sl‘om 0’ 3“ 1e. 0 CC 0 1e couny C 61 as the department may require for the admin shall be f
1 1 Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell. of the county in which the officer holds office. islr'ition of this cha )ter The report shall he first “and
j" I . . Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J- R The fiscal court of each county not contain- 1 i - -' l ' - ~ . . I i
1 l Wallace, Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary: . (r ‘t [ t1 f . l ‘1 1‘1 ‘ ‘ l made 1'1 (lllPhCleC? the OI‘Igllifll shall be 15':l er and for
~ . Miss with Lucas. Indel’endentv ngsvillé, 00"?“ m“ a C1 Y o m If“ cass “a cause 10, )e tained by the department, and the copy shall} «inning or
1 .1 Ending Secretary, Mrs. J. L. Bra ley, nterpr Se”, published annually in the newspaper Pll)llSlll- be mailed to the sheriff of the county where» lftliere is
3. [11 . 1 ~ Cfl 1“} the C011?” .th‘” has the laigeit bona (lie the property is located or held. It shall be the. the count‘
i i‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ Y ' . . l .
1 1.. 1 l _. NATIONAL €DlTORlAl cucu ation t eieiii a statement SiOiilng' tie duty of the sheriff to post said copy on the 1“.th slial
l l ‘. 1 ‘ \+ /' ASSOCIATION names or all persons returned by the sheriff on courthouse door or the court house bllllClllll
1 ll . , ‘ ,{fim' . I. I If)” mm”? 0f [a\}\\'fllliilll9,1.alltl 9‘93"“?‘1m dulc board, and also to publish said copy in at least ’—
jj; l 'l V iom 9‘th for ,UC pieceting yeai. “In SUCI two issues of a newspaper published in tliH New B
i “all 1 l _ 0mm information .as the .fian] court deems county seat or. if no newspaper is published in' Corres
r v, 3 — - —" ' proper to be published, Within 30 days after the county seat. then in a newspaper of general |
‘l. “ ‘ ~ . ‘ . .
l“, l i ‘ . the return has been filed“ . . circulatlon in the county. The list shall be pull: Averai
i ‘ ‘ i i MEMBER fig??? (2) A“ ansPul)” publications 0" advertise- lished within thirty days of its receipt by the: mild t
l l . . ‘ leggy ments required by [hls section and all news- sheriff. The cost of the publication shall he: l 611
1“ i 1‘ l . paper publications or advertisements requlred paid I“. the state. The sheriff shall immediate ly news]
1‘ ‘ ll ' l K ‘ TUCKY PRES by other laws shall be ”1thth “.1 the news- 1y certify in writing to the department the dateS| cording
{‘ l' 1 5 paper published in the county which has the when the list was )osted and )ublished. The» [iii 1 w
' '= v 1 lrn'et lo fid ‘ lt'o ' th ' - I -i "(1‘ EC, '
l l ASSOCIATION a o S ) na C. circuai n ,m e govern- list shall be posted and published as i‘cqllllel 1‘65 onl
l . menial unit or district for which the publica- on or before October I of the year when it ig‘ P U
1:“ . ‘ ORGANIZED JAM/AH. 1869 tion or advertisement is required. The publi- made and such posting and publishing shall athryn l
‘l‘ . ’4_—.———— ————— . . . t ‘ ‘ i .
“ . . 7 _ 7\' Z S cations or advertisements shall be made in the be constructive notice to all interested parties was [he
. : I'olume szlun, . 11mm .wcn SIZE .Of type prov1ded by law and at the rate and shall be in addition to any other notice publish:
1 ; ———~—————— provxded by law, and paid for out of the funds provided 1),. statute or existing as a matter of Virie f~
.‘ . 1 . in the hands of the officer making the publica- law ' ‘ l .‘ S 1
‘ ‘ 1 l At the request of many publishers, we [ion or advertisement. If no newspaper is pub- S 9 section 287110 of the Kentucky Revised” inch.
” , -* herewith publish the new laws passed by lished in the county, the officer charged with 91111;“ k' repealed ' l Chief
. thC 194.4. legislature. These four laws having the publication or advertisement made a ' .___f__ the OH
1;. ler tllC ones in which tllC Kentuck , shall determine how same shall be made. . > . _ _ ‘, 1 S . l
1 1 1‘ _ l (3) Any public officer who fails, refuses or .\.\ ACF relating" to drainage (llSillCth an", llllfl-Vt
.. Fourth EState W616 mOSl lnteleSted' neglects to comply with the provisions of this § l- l.” COllllllef containing nmdm‘mchiflell magazm
V i A\' ACT relatinr to iiiblication of financial section shall be fined “0t less than fifly nor one drainage (Mina established 1m 61 .iiiitler. Rlieuarl
’2‘ . ‘ ‘1, telnents of governinental units 'imendinw more than five hundred dollars. The "fine shall 268 of the Kentucky Rev1sed Statutes. Oliwentn manage-
, b,“ . 9 g . ‘_ . ‘ ." ‘1 9 a be paid into the treasury of the county, city or the A“ Of 1918 from which It came. ‘eisl . ‘, '
,1; 1 Section 61,-90. iepcaling Sections 93..»90, l . _ , 1 . . h. h h . five percent of the landowners. 0,. the min soc1atioi
n . ,_ W . 0 . ,‘ . otier gmeinmcnta unit in \\ ic te con- . “4
.. . , 68.010. M220 and 84.1-0 and lepealing Sub- _ ‘ of twentY-five )ercent of the land. mm. at at,
, . . . . . . Victed officei holds office. 5 l . . 1, The
» . sections (1) and (3,) of Section 89.270 of the _ . _ 9 time petition the County Court for a (115cm ._
li ‘ chhitucky Revised Statutes. Section 2' Sections 92'390' 980/0 87'2-0 and tinuation of the improfiinent. The petition! concern
1 Section 1. Section 61.290 of the Kentucky 84-120 0f the Kentucky Revised Statutes are_ shall give the names of all persons interested lesp0nd
if, ’ Revised Statutes is amended to read as fol- herebyaepealed, and SUP'SCCUOHS ”land (.3) in the maintenance of the improvement and data CO]
,2. , . of Section 89.270 of the Kentucky ReVised Stat- . . . . ~ shall
.1, lous. utes are re ealed ' owning land in the district. The com[ rt surveys.
1. (I) lixcept in counties containing a city of ‘ ‘ P ' 0 place the petition upon the docket of the 606:6“ by 385
i the first class and cities required by law to pub- . ~ that convenes not less than fifteen days I: m )
‘ ‘i. lisli an annual audit of their financial affairs, AN- ACT for the [)1“)[0Cl10|1_0f PCI‘SOHS under its filing, and shall issue notices and cause ““3““ P3113615
,t' of the kind and character contemplated by this eighteen years Of age selling “8“":91331)erg at to be served upon all parties interested "0““ 'materla
. l section, every public officer of any county, retail, (1‘30“ng the proof 0f certain offenses ing‘ them that the court will ceiisidel‘flle'n‘énl‘ 0l5 cm
_ 4 graded school district. city. or subdivision or and prescribing penalties. the next term. If no valid reason 15 Shom Corrc
. , district less than a county. whose duty it is to § 1. Any person who obtains newspapers against the discontinuance of the iinpi'0“?“:i[’ 1
. l , collect. receive. bare the custody. control or from a person under eighteen years of age en- the court shall enter an order discontiniiuin - Tlonthl‘
i ]l . 1:
l. i 31 ._ W .1 .

 ,.,.31...3....:.3,:.:3—3-_;~;3...,...:. -:,1",I'.‘_'-:‘1«3:--1~--‘;‘3~:;1';;-3313‘3":"- --_-_1-1: 1-,: 1- '1 _ : 1 : 1 . -33 ,.. m _ _ , 1 1 ‘11 , 3,} 333333333.3..3 -.,33 1
'1 ' it:
' ' 1.1:» : 2
. ESE-1,. .
I - it: it. 1:
944 .. May3 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five ::.-:.:l‘:. .
‘ 333 l‘3E33ligs-v3 3l
«‘ . , , 1, l £51.} 3 -.
tail. withoutfafter which it shall cease to be a public im- common form of compensation, receive ence because the court declared that a, .3133, .1.- . 33
lefmud 5““ Plowman" An appeal may be had from ‘he an average respectively of $3.56 a month “newspaper reporters have not gener- E 33:3 3‘,
. . 1 1 3. . 3 3 3 ,31 3
re fined not order to the “£th court, ast provrded in the and 93 cents a week, With the most com- ally been recognized as members of the 3 El 3, 3
- ’ ~' - ~oveinen s. . , , -, 1 1: 1
3 "nPUSOHed, estgl’g‘sgngesgétign $1213..“ section 268160 of the mon payment being 351-00 monthly and learned profess10ns; we know of no 1 ' E 3; .1 E
- . . u - , . 1 , -
:d or neglect} Kentucky Revised Statutes is amended to read 50 cents weekly. They survey revealed state that requires of them an exaiiriira-13E :, 3
pon demandi nsfollorvs: that four publishers pald by the year, tion {or cornptency, 0r licen5e to prac- 3 ..1.3:E 3,, .3
le fraudulent (2) The secretary shall give “f'entl' day's “0‘ with payments ranging from $3 to $50, tice." The court then agrees with a -. 1 13-31 3‘3,
“C6 in a newsptapefl‘ EEE2)11(EE]:(:,,,;: 6512:}:31132: With the average being 3518-60, and the statement that the only practical school ME ;_~
—‘ 1ere an 21f 0 '3 - . . . , 3 3 ,3} .:1.3.,: 11
mdoned ’l l irfd by 13:“an three notices in each precinct most common bemg $10. of Eournalism is the newspaper oflice. 3 .23. _
..iit . : . . ‘. - ‘1 5L1 31:13.: ,
or the (timid. informing the owners of the d15- Less than 10 per cent of the publish- It is rather difficult to understand . 1.-
1 , . . ‘ ‘ - ~ 1.1: ..|,_- 1} 3
93.110 of the‘ tritt that they may r03te fol fl dlfllmge com‘ ers pay correspondents by the column, Whether the court would consrder re- 1 13.31%; .1 -
3“ ‘0 refldflli missionel’3f0rlealfh EFTS‘T‘ £1334 a sefrféglzhfg the average amount being 88 cents per porters and editors as professionals if .113] Eff " ‘
1 loart anttetisr'ic,\\'i' inasa . _ 3 3333 3,3
me [\1 31 fish-om $33333 be taken by the owner's filing column, the nrost common payments, all were graduates of specralrzed schools 1. 3,333,133, ,
. ant t‘a- ‘ 1 ‘ 1 , . . . 3 . 3 3 _ _ e .3,
"he, [ml-sow a written designation of chorce. together With $1.00, and the range varying from 25 of Journalism and were given an exam 3 - 33.3.3
0" the News the “umber 0f acres the "0‘“ 0“"‘S ”l the (113‘ cents to $3.50. Paying from 1 cent to 10 matron for competency and a license to ‘t‘; g}, .
0r 1‘0 em Fri“: or if benefits have bee” confirme“ the r item three )a rats who use )ractice. Anarentl not, for the court “. 1.
pp1 - - , : cents pe 1 ll l ll Y _ 1
[66‘ execum“ “mount 0f benems “558.556“ again“ the (“mars this form of compensation, make an av- believes the only practical school of - l111f 1
nor. receiver3 land. with the county Judge. Each acre owned 3 33 6 1 3 133 _ ti CW 3 ) a )e 33 Office 3,3 3,3, ,
3- “.mm, the, and assessed in the district 511311 mum one erage payment 0 cents per 1tem.3 Journa ism is re n 3.51 1 , ,3, ,3. .
00. to report. vote, or if benefits have l)een confirmed each Beyond cash payments and replacrng which rs also not sufficrent to produce ‘ F ;3 3
f July 1, in' one hundred dollars 01‘ fraction F‘lel‘COf 1“ caSh payments in a few cases, 94.1 per the status of a professmnal, even though 1
" thisc‘mP‘e‘ “mm assessed, agams‘ [“6 VOEe‘ES .‘and Sham cent of the 513 publishers reporting, there is the proper academic back 71;.- E1 .'
report shall count one vote or secretary ant (rainage com- f . . 3 3 . 1 1 1 .11 ll.
- : . urnish statrorrery and postage to cor— around. The medical student, tre teir- 11
cut on or he: mrssroner. The votes of the owners, when cast 3 o 3 3 3 ,,, E
t the preted~ and filed with the county judge. shall he re- respondents, 88.1 per cent give them a tal student, the teacher trainee. the law 3 3,3,. 333 .3 3":
name of the; corded lrv the secr'ctarv of the board in the subscription to the newspaper, 35.9 per student become profess10nals after re- . ' E33331,- , :E. .
‘émountffnd drainage reC0rd immediate“ after the e-‘(P‘m‘ cent give Christmas presents to corre- eeiving certificates with gold seals, pass- . E1“3 ‘:1E.§.
' Norman-m5” "on 0f the ”me. for Cwmq the. mm vows spondents, 8 per cent give annual ban- ing examinations that are largely theo« 1 9.‘ E1. -‘ -EE
:r the admin-‘ shall be filed With the countv iiidge bv the ,_ 3 ff 3 . . k t 3 . l 1 3 . . 1. S to )ra _ . 1 111, .1.: .33
P0” shall lie‘ fim “0nd,“, in April Fm. maimge commission- quets, SJ per cent 0 er3movre tic e s retrca ant receivmg a 3rcen.e l c 1 1 3 3.
shall be l'e-E er and for secretarv. for a term of one year be- and 3.5 per cent have picnics. A few tice what the books spec1fy. If. the only ,1
he COP" 3m“! “l""in‘l' 0" [he “1’1“ Honda" 0" “a" f0”°“’i“¥- of the publishers stated they paid noth- practical school for a journalist is the 3 l}: “13.3"1 E.
count“ Where: ”there is a tie mm in m.“ fame“ the ‘m‘ge 0f ing to correspondents, birt the majority newspaper office then it would seem that , Ef 3’7: . ,‘