xt7z610vtk5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtk5n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1982 1982 1982-09-29 2020 true xt7z610vtk5n section xt7z610vtk5n KENTUCKY . ..........,....-.......
—\ . — / ‘ . 33 Former Kernel managing editor Guy
t \3 3" Mendes has branched out since his ten-
f. _ 3 _ are in 1968. He is now a photographer,
«it (‘7‘: ’0 ’ I a part-time art instructor, a writer of
sq . . ’ television scripts and an amateur farm-
in ‘2 er. He is also talented and opinionated.
. I ‘ for a look at Mendes out of the class-
. room see Centerpiece. page 4.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 36 Wednesday, September 29, 1982 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, lexington, Kentucky
WEDNESDAY Lebanese erI decide date of exrt
I -
Fromm mom Reagan says U S to re—enter Beirut
Brown probe linked to ’technical error’ .
WASHINGTON — President Rea- erring to strife in Lebanon, the pres- the nowstandard format of Reagan long way to go, with economic indi- ,
FRANKFORT — A chain of events that began with bank gan said last night that American ident said. “Frankly, in the climate beginning with a prepared cators pointing to a continuing
officials' failure to record Gov. John y, Brown's Social sew. Marines will re-enter Beirut today to of things going on. we didn‘t think it statement that defended his econom- slump and with unemployment at 9.8
rity number is behind a reported federa| probe of Brown's begin a peacekeeping mission that was the timetodoit.“ ic program and blamed the Demo- percent. But, he said “we’re better
withdrawal of more than $1 million, a bank spokesman w‘“ last3untll the Lebanese govem- ° Declined to comment on the Na- crats for3thestateoftheeconomy. . offthanwewere." ‘
said. ment IS in 3:11 3pontrol and “able to titonfil b1:;ootb333z3ill League pliayers; hall? said inflatlotn has bee‘reldcut in He urbgfiegl Calla-less to act onteco-
. . preserveor 1'- s ri e on sayi “it oesn’ , in eres ra es are ining. nomic ' inc 'ng appropria ions
I Estafan AMP“?! a3liaw3y3er fohr m: ALI Am3erci3ca3n Nattion- Reagan said at a White House seem theiye was thggconsideration and “there are other signs that to fit his budget, a constitutional
0 an m. "m" 35‘" l 0' l e 0" °' 9 ° ° '°'" news conference the Marines will re- for the fans that there could have we‘re heading toward a good recov- amendment to require balanced
Browns Socual Security number when the governor opened turn to the Beirut mission from beenandshouldhavebeen." ery.” budgets in the long-term future, and
0" OCCOUM 0' lhe institution The OCCOUm has smce been which they were withdrawn on Sept. The conference was presented in Reagan acknowledged there is a the administration jobtraining bill.
closed, another bank spokesman said. 10, and “I can’t tell you what the
Brown said Monday the transactions involved the with- time element will be" on the dura-
drawal of $1 .3 million in cash in a two-year period. tion 0‘ their stay. 3 '3 .w
Federal regulations require banks to report cash depos- “The Lebanese government “’1" .
its or withdrawl transactions exceeding $10,000. galhfhemfs to will ‘5 whendthey feel 3 I ,,, W»
The unreported withdrawls in the Brown case were the gohomex'rfieglgacnzarigd‘ an we can 3
result 53‘ a ”Wino" 'eChnimI Vi°|°li°"'” Fem" “mi in a tele‘ He said he believes an Israeli and ' view ,
phone mtervuew Mongow 3 Syrian forces Will be withdrawn rap .a..2:.‘4rkiimfinz‘g;,43zs».3¢- .,
Management 5 failure to report the transactions, Ferrer idly, with the [1533 French and Ital- 1'
said, attracted the interest of federal bank examiners and. ian peacekeeping contingent back on - £3 - , .
in turn, federal prosecutors. the job. , *3; '-
"l'd be surprised if there was some foul play, seriously." Onotherpoints, Reagan: (3/
said Ferrer. e Said he “never has had any ? 3 33
The Miami Herald reported Sunday that information con- l-hOUShl" 0f undermining the Israeli .. . ,y.
cerning the case was shown Thursday to a federal grand govemment3of ane Minister M3en- ‘ m” h 1"”
‘ur in Miami. achem Begin because of its re5lst- 3,3,3
I y ence to his Middle East peace propo- : ~, , . We}
Flat rate tax proposal investigated He said he does not believe the 15- WW WWW“... " ~ "
raelis are3trying3to undermine his ,e..,-, .. . 3 T. 33 W . 3, _3 3 ,_ 3 .._
WASHINGTON -— Members of the Senate Finance Commit- plan, despite the" .“Flecm’” Of his I V " h” '-
tee and the Reagan administration agreed yesterday that alderhflrorgamifiessduuraasighng‘lolh: - " “ ..,
the income tax system is ripe for a top-to-bottom overhaul, West Bank andinthepéaza Strip. ,.
but cautioned that many proposed reforms would boost . Again defended his economic .3.
taxes for most Americans. program, saying there are signs of _3___,,... ,3 .. ---3.-.3. 3_.... 3., 33 3 3
"The present tax code has lost all credibility," said Sen. recovery soon, and blaming Demo- 1‘ '
Charles Grassley, R-lowa. Added Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D- crats for problems of recession and '
Texas, "There is a growing feeling of unfairness in the tax unemployment W
The complaints were registered as the committee began u e er W133 P 3 me313‘lca ' 1t,
hearings on a dozen variations of a "flat-rate" tax — a pro- ha? from the brink Of disaster. he. m
posaI that in its pure form would wipe om a” deductions sal 1.3383836333333333 the Justice 033333333333 ., . .
end tax everybody at the same rate, regardless of earn- ment will go to court in an effort to $3
"‘95- overturning existing school busing
A flat tax, said John E. Chapoton, the assistant secretary orders on a case-by-case basis only -: M
of the treasury for tax policy, would mean a tax cut of $40 in instances where the local commu- 3 °‘ " ' ’ .
billion for those making $50,000 a year and a tax increase nities involved are trying to get the , i '5 _ 3 3 M
of the some amount for those making less. “(1813011308013 3 3 3 3 “l ‘ . n
One flat-rate plan would allow a $6,000 standard deduc- mAs'lllegdtowzgurlllls figgdzgatt'lm “‘35 33 = ., . .
tion per couple plus a $2,000 exemption per dependent and 0‘" , er , a ‘0", , ‘ 3 .
tax the remainder of income at 20 percent. People earning $3 :Sbta'ngd intgdpxaefidTmls'
$5,000 to $10,000 would pay about 13 percent more; the poseoit‘b b85359 there's Beensug-o _ ,_ _ ,_ ._
$20,000-to-3530,000 group would pay 18.5 percent more, and much court ordering and some of it . 3
those making $100,000 to $200,000 a year would get a 29 seems to be a violation of the rights ' ‘ '
percent tax cut. of the community, of the school ‘ .-
Sen. Russell 8. Long, D-La., described the flat tax anoth- boardandsoforth." 1' 3.,33.:_.=,. 4 ’ ‘ " 33L
er way. ”If you're rich you'll love it: if you're not — look ° Said adminstration sanctions ““ . ,. fits ‘
out. aimed at countering Soviet involve- ’6» m 9 if
_ ment in Poland and elsewhere are _ . 3 _ 3 3.
Egypt urges U.S. restraint of Israel sucmsgui because they have given 3.3 . -» .. . t3
the Soviets “a pretty good under- ”' » 3 3 t;
UNITED NATIONS — Egypt urged the Reagan administra- standing. . .wherewestand." “ 3;
tion yesterday to take a firmer stand in the Middle East and “The Soviet UHIOH. WhiCh has . ~ . .. 3.
to ”promptly restrain Israel as President Eisenhower did" been 9"thth over the years - -- d 7 .
during the 1956-57 Suez crisis. they ”We“. expanded 3“ fixm‘ ' ' '_ ‘
Butros Ghali, Egypt's minister of state for foreign affairs, 52:32:22;an we got here, the ,_ .3 3‘ ., _ ,_ ,3 3 i_ 33 ' _ *
in an address to the3U.N.3 General Assembly also called on p . Ruled out a tax increase next 3 ‘3 c " \ 3 J ‘52.?“f 3 ' .- I 3 " 1‘7;
Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization to reassess year “unless there's a palace coup 3, ‘ 3 .,_, 3
their "‘U'UOHY antagonistic POlICIeS- andl’m overtakenoroverthrown.“ -' S“;;~9>;.:a_;.-.;.- .___.. W“ ' 2‘ , ‘ ~ "
Despite "tragic events" in Lebanon and elsewhere in the - Disputed contentions that many ,. ,1 3 ' ‘3 \-
Middle East, Ghali said, hope for a fair settlement of the ot the budget cuts he has pushed w 333. a
Arab-Israeli conflict ”has not yet been extinguished." through Congress have been Panlc‘ ' *m ‘ _ .. , , . g; -
Ghali hailed as "foremost" among recent positive devel- ularly 31‘3"th ‘0 poor people While ' ‘ ,
opments President Reagan's plan, annOunced on Sept. 1, for the middle class gets a tax reduc- 3 .. . . ., ..
a "broader peace" in the Middle East, providing for Pales- mall" be f . ta tho f o 3,3 '
tinian self-government under Jordanian authority. It was, case; haggnhothigglig dehcevji‘th 0:: H“ " . .
Ghali said, a “major step forward towards a iust solution of budget cuts," he said, citing reports . 3 33m ' 3 3
:re Pa|3e3stiman question and a lust and comprehensive set-3 of people suffering from losing bene- . . . ° J_._“,...°°,.,K,_.me.5.o..
emen . tits. Instead, he s ested, bu-
The Reagan initiative indicated a "commendable attitude reaucratic «for is oft‘el'glgresponsible Ven‘llng hls Trusfrd‘hons 0
on the part of the American administration," Ghali told the for truly needy people losing govem-
Lizehol'on assembly 0" the second day 0* "5 general de mfnstalifjnaefggnding sale of F-16 fight- Jim (33ahn, of 1112 Kilrush Drive, found the weather nice enough Yesterday to doff his shirt while
ers to Israel “is still on tap" even Egggrzgséennts and replacmg screens on a building near Cooperstown used by the Public Service
. . . . tho no formal notification of the ’
Schmidt’s former alliesjom ouster effort 5813?; been sent to Comm Ref-
IONN. West Germany — The Free Democrat Party ioined I .
the political opposition yesterday and decided to try to 00 can er see 8 a, ram 8 u an ts
topple Chancellor Helmut Schmidt with a no-confidence vote
in Parliament. W only providers3of blood to 43 coun- spring. “It attracts between 500 and Complex Commons on Nov. sand9.
The liberal Free Democrats had been coalition partners y Re rter tlesand38hospltals." 3 700donors."shesaid. One problem the CKBC has is that
of Schmidt's Social Democrats for 13 years until Sept. 17, p0 The blood center continues to 09‘ Other campm drives are planned “during (”main economic times"
when the four Free Democrat deputies pulled out of the crate primarily on bl°°d drlves. she forthenearfuture. they compete for donors With the
' government over a long-running economic feud. . ##_ 35%?! $22ng around a: a]? On Thursday students can donate plasma centers that pay for plasma.
Free Democrat deputies caucused yesterday, and 34 of The Central Kentucky Blood Cen- blood is drawn 3;}; $3233: cene- b12033] firgegreanawporfommof 1:386 Shzxig' bl h ha . th t
the 53 voted to turn their backs on Schmidt. The chan- ter is now depending more on UK ter."Wilsonsald. 3m to 10pm p. ' p. .a durin 223;?" einhde:yof gels e21.
cellor's longotime conservative foes, in a caucus of their students for its blood supply than in The biggest of these is the campus .Other drives are planned for north their gblood supply is always Iozver.
own, then reaffirmed unanimously that they too were ready the past.3 3 drive sponsored by WKQQ every campus on Oct. 12 and 13 and the 11.59 times are during the prime
to try to topple the Schmidt. The Parliamentary vote is According to Suzanne Wilson. vacation months and around the
planned for Friday. community and volunteer services ' Christmas holida s Wilsonsaid
coordinator. factories where the T . y ‘ '
blood center has held blood drives « ° °“se‘..‘“‘s' "‘9 CK.“ he“ a
have closed as a result of the eco . . “Donorama around Christmas last
\ nomic situation. 33 33 33 _ 3 ‘33 $333333” year. According to Wilson. this was
\ / She said the center needs about 20 WNW" and one ‘5 Flamed tor
percent of the student population to A fl "“3 Christmas which wdl mclude
WEAT _ be donors but there have not been . ._ free discount coupom and a live
that many. “5% blood I' t I
CKBC. which is at 330 Waller Ave- . § the en hassupp les 3.9 Vitam‘
\ nue and has branches in Somerset CENTRAL KENT U P 5%? center a system m V." I e
and Prestonsburg. is a self-suppOrt- ‘ . ' x. 13:21. :nVc inghdlgr 3:13;?111'3‘
Today will be foggy In the morning and sunny loter. Egmémgroggugggsflgt re- ‘ have Isiadtzvogrises since January.
7". MI" W". h. l" "‘0 “PPOI’ 70s. It is also a member of the Ameri- B LOOD CE N T E R According ‘0 Wilson. glvmg .bl°.°d
Tonight wIII be mostly clear with as low In the mid can Association of Blood Centers, so tammund 3‘53.mm“‘°- “'3” m3
' ‘ 50s. it exchanges blood with other cen- FAYETTE C‘DLJNTV 3 :creeningregll: 8233;)“ :nd dupericdd
Tomorrow will be mostly sunny and warm with o :gwhen they are low on a certain A ‘ MEQ'CAL ”NW" of relaxation. The donation itself
high In the low 00s. “The local hospitals rely solely on 33333 3‘33 33 3 3 3 3 talnrdesttrom flveto310mlnute3péalm be
us for blood." she said. “We are the - - - is. *‘i V2» ”* K 3' - ~ ... ~_‘\. 03 anyone in Sgood .
ee BLOOD. page 5

Illl Mellon Andy-u Oman John Orlmn Steven W. lowohov Llnl S. Kodak JD. VIM Don Club“
Editor in Chief News Ednni Am Editov Sports Editor Special P'ollns (duo: Photo Edt'ol Graph-u Editor
P E Rs AS ON Jams Idwln NI'VII Clndy Mu “than '. kilo. Mlclioy "new Kuthlo Million IonVInNooll Chris Ash
l I I Managingtdttov Editorioleditor Illll.WldonorJrl AsststantSponsEdnov SpociolPromuAsslstoni cntoll'hoiogmphev Cow Desth’
Assistant Arts (duo's . _
Ne R' ht’s fa'l re 's g d f cl moc ac “
To those of little heart and less intelli- power torule on the issues. -
gence. it must have seemed like an impend- Effectively, a small group of fanatics . ,
mg victory for what they like to call “grass- would have imposed its will on the citizenry ROUND L IE I {VS mtmwklgh .ON:
roots America : Sens. Jesse Helms and Orin without recourse. If tyranny ever threatened
Hatch. leaders of the ultra-conservative co- in democracy, Helms and Hatch were its
‘ alition in Congress. had introduced bills that names. And it is noteworthy that President KEEP YWR SLJMY HANDS
seemed to have a reasonable chance of mak— Reagan lent his public support to their ef— 1-0 RT I
, ing law their narrow-minded. repressive forts. ’ WURSZM D‘ BAG“
\ plans for SOCietY- More encouraging than the defeat of the Z Z // .. g-
Helms backed a bill that would have re- bills on the basis of their limitations on the M‘ ‘s p
instated prayer in public schools attached as Court’s powers was that the conservatives’ ‘~ tf (
an unrelated rider to a bill raising the feder- tally of major losses has risen to four, in- ' _ _ f ’/ 5;}. - 4., \\
a1 debt ceiling. which Congress must pass by cluding the defeat of a Helms-backed bill l / f t- 5i;
Oct. 1 if the nation is to continue operating. that would have illegalized busing as a tool «1.) / ~ 9 ; ,7 ,.
He also sponsored a bill that would have for integration of public schools. " r; r \ - Z;
denied all federal funding for abortions, in- It is hoped this and Reagan’s defeat on the ‘ ' I ‘\ 4/; a”) .
eluding money for federally aided medical budget bill earlier this month are part of a { (i Z; (35%
. ' ' ‘ ::/¢;C/1 ‘ 5
schools that teach students ho“ to perform pattern that Will continue in the future. The \ . / l « //////2/ 5g
abortions. conservatism that swept Reagan into office , I 3/ Z;-
. . . . . 7/; /2
His ally. Hatch. went a step further, push- and his friends into power has obv10usly ' , , //' ;%a ll
. . . . . a J / / ;;;
mg a‘ measure that would have called for a crested, and their failure to “turn this nation A. , % %,/%
constitutional amendment setting conception around,” as promised, has returned to haunt i 6 / l l a? fig; —-+
as the beginning of life, thus outlawmg abor- them as an empty mockery. : J / , ;;;r//€
tion. The prospects appear healthy for the oust- . ‘0 3 Kg% 3
Both, fortunately. were narrowly defeated er at the polls of those who would combine 4, W %é/,% g .
recently after a lengthy filibuster effort. church with state, further impoverish the «' ,, \ Z; Z1? ’5
Rather than a defeat, it was a victory for the poor while lining the pockets of the wealthy . , / . . W/ i f‘g
American people. not only because the bills and otherwise rewrite and redefine the Con- 3- .§?/ / g -9
sought to legislate morality — an evil with stitution. ' - 4%? 9 a
no parallel — but because. particularly in With a little luck, democracy may be , “ / .’ - \ Zz///; s
the case of Helm’s bills. the legislation saved because of the ineptness of its ene-
would have limited the Supreme Court’s mies.
’W d f UK W rId’ ' I d W'Id t L d and D i
on ers o 0 me u e I ca a 99 PP :
In the beginning there were “The Seven Wonders of the Modern It is from this background the Unia wash dishes. while some colleges were struggling school football games, and outdoor g
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World." This list had a different versity of Kentucky was founded in But what’s with its name? PPD tostay accredited. concerts. The money generated .
World“ — seven instances of awe- look from the ancient one The won- 1865. Although never documented, sounds like a paramilitary offshoot The project was privately funded, from this could be allocated to help .
some human achievement spanning ders were equally awesome — the UK had its own set of peculiarities, of the Russian KGB. It could also be but UK supporters should be con- the so-called“minor”sports.
almost two millennia and three civi- _-—-—— its own wonders. But now these won- a renegade fraternity or sorority — corned more with boosting UK aca— 8. UK Football Team. Its record
lizations. The Egyptian Pyramids. ders are documented in “The Seven the PPDs. And, if you say “Division demics than with providing the al- makes you wonder how a team with
the hanging gardens at Babylon. the Grog ‘Wonders’of the UK World.” of Physical Plants” it makes even ready too big-time basketball so much money, so many backers,
Colossus of Rhodes: had civilization These wonders are atypical in that less sense. program with more money. and such a first-rate trogram could 3,7
reached its peak? , M A DDOX they’re physical wonders that 2. Tolly Ho. This establishment UK has a nationally-recognized turn out so utterly mediocre. Maybe 1‘:
Then. as the Roman Empire gave “make you wonder.” Since so many makes you wonder how a burger basketball program. Too "bad' its». Commonwealth Stadiumurshould the
way to Medieval times and Medieval _ items qualified. the list was extend- this good can come from a place academic program isn’t as presti— renamed Commonwealth Graveyard 7:
times advanced to the Renaissance, ___.____——. edtolo. that looks so shabby. gious. ‘ " ‘ ' "‘— enough UK teams hafié been bur- . 1;-
The Renaissance evolved into the Suez Canal, the Eiffel Tower, the 1. Physical Plant Division. You But “the Ho" revels in its deca- 4 Student Health Services You ied there. 3%}:
Enlightenment and the Enlighten- Golden Gate Bridge — but they were wonder just what specifically this dence. It‘s part of the aura that sur- wonder why private physicians can’t 9. Cliff Hagan. Mr. Enigma him-
ment paved the way for the Industri- built with a new tool: the human group does. Whether it‘s landscap- rounds the place. be as quick and efficient as the ones self. This man Mk5 you wonder if “"2":
a1 Revolution. technicalmind. mg or repair you can bet the PPD 3. wildcat Lodge. This building here The staff is friendly and seems he would have gotten as far if he to,
After all this evolution of human The founding of the New World has a hand in it. Those guys are ev- makes you wonder if the skiing to care about the individual I've had looked like Dan 18561 instead 0f -
thought. a monumental event oc- lead eventually to 13 colonies and to erywhere. I can envision a day when down Harrison Avenue is really heard some qualms about the al- looking like Cliff Hagan. ”E
cured: the technological spark was the American Revolution. As Ameri- PPD outnumbers the students. good enough to warrant the lodge. ity of the staff h - . qu But he looks like an athletic direc- J.
. . . . . . . .. . . . p ySlClanS from some . .
achieved. allowmg the modern SCI- ca expanded. an old Indian hunting Maybe then each student could be This place gives misplaced priorl- students but I‘ve never had an tor and, believe me, UK worries
entific age to arrive. ground would be carved into a new assigned his own PPD worker to ties” a whole new meaning. Some problems there I also think 50m: about whether an applicant for an
This age built its own list: “The state: Kentucky. carry books, tidy up the shrubs and $750,000 were spent on this building ' . . administrative job looks the part. -’
students have a base distrust of . l k lik . 7
. . . . . health clinics. Mme“? mu“ °° . . 9 PM" .'
dents. Sincere and distinqulshed;
9mg 3 co umnls may mean recelvmg ate mal .. ...... m... ..... -
Terminal. This new addition makes and scholarly; and coaches must
you wonder if the campus really look like coaches, tough and deter-J i
Letters. I get letters. Oh. yes. I do. umn isn’t worth a hill of beans com- wonderful). but just once in a while nally figure out that I’m a very bor- needs an airport. I‘ve been by this mined. ‘i
In a strange way I like getting let- pared to the problems of the world. lwould like to hear some people like ing person and writing columns place dozens of times and have yet A150~ in jobs With public exposure, ,5.
ters that concern how bad a column But. if you all think my columns are it. I haven't ever written a column about important things will have no to see a flight on schedule. Doesn‘t UK ”k” a bit 0f charisma 311d [1‘05-
ist I am. It means people are read- so awful. why don't you try writing with hopes of pleasing anyone but effect upon them whatsoever. the helicopter pad by Common- ence. Charisma and presence kept é;
ing my column. It also means my something of substance every other myself. Ialso do not feel qualified to make wealth Stadium provide enough ac- Fran Curci around longer than nor- :.
column is causing people to think week? From the comments and letters, statements about earth-shaking mat- cess for the big-wig alumni? This m31~ . , f.
and take the time to write in. -———-—— I’ve broken the readers into a num‘ ters. There is only one thing worse project rivals the Flag Plaza for the 19- UK Spending. UK likes tothink
Bless you all. A ber of categories. than a lousy columnist — a lousy biggest waste of money scheme. 0‘ itself 35 the leading univerSity l"
Some — well. actually all — of the W l. The people who read my colum- columnist that writs about some- ‘ . Kentucky. And It IS - It leads in '2':
letters directed at me or my column _ ns searching for profanity. Actually. thingonwhich she is uneducated. 6- Certain professors. Some of wasting money. The validity of 33%
have been pretty hateful. But that‘s profane words would never, never, But, 1 do get my columns in by these teachers make you wonder 1‘ building the Flag Plaza, Wildcat *
what makes everything so nice: I SALLEE no never be uttered by me. I just deadline. the mandatory retirement age Lodge and the new Student Center 3
get to say what I want and readers _-.___—___ use those words in my columns to If people wrote more letters about shouldbelowered byafew years. Addition makes me wonder how lt j;
get to dolikewise. give the profanity searchers some- my columns, there would be a lot 7. Commonwealth Stadium. Some- can wastesomuch money. ~ %
But, some of the letters, for God's What are columnists? We are mo. thing to 100k for. It keeps them on 165 space for my column and then times you wonder why this big out- UK thinks of the darndest ways in :4- A
sake. are ridiculous. I‘ve gotten let- ple writing commentaries about their toes. we’d all be happier. Believe it or growth of concrete and beams isn’t spend. money Whllo other stateunl- ’» 3;
ters from people criticizing me for things we have seen or noticed 2. The people who read my colum- not, after a while, people run out of used more often It should be the versmes 80 begging for SUI'Vlval- ?
my poor use of the English lan- around the campus. ns and complain about my whining really wonderful ideas that will af— sight for soccer games. big high Plaques and memorials adorn UK we;
guage, people saying I should 1 hope other people can relate or way of writing. Once again, being feet the readers oftheKemel. like a cemetery. And everything is
change my major. change my pic- come to an opinion about the col- the eternal optimist I am, whining is If you do have any suggestions for - labeled by those ugly (and expen~ g :
ture and clean up my language. umn. But gee whiz, why don’t the somethinglnever do. suitable column topics, please, by L P I- SlVe) blue Signs that need replacmg .-,
With all of the trivial things tyes. peoplewhoenjoyitwrite‘? Gosh, I‘d rather shoot my dog all means, send them to Barbara fitters 0 Icy everyyear. . _
Iadmlt my columns are as trivial as Maybe they don’t exist. than whine. I just use that tone in Sallee, Letters to the Editor, Room I’ve noticed some new Signs this :
anything life has to offer) that sur- I've had people tell me they my columns to give this group of 114 Journalism Building. PW?“ “mm“ ““9" ‘0 “‘9 year. In tron.t 0f_ the Blandlns-Kir- ,
round people during their UVCS. you thought my columns were okay, but people something to look for. It also The best suggestion will be print- Kernel should address “'9“ com- wan dormitories IS the 51811 “Dormi- i4:
lUSt have to wonder about one insig- those are the people who never write keeps them happy and sending let- ed, and if you want, you can help me mama)?“ and double-spaced to tory Complex." i
nificant column ruffling so many letterstotheeditor. tersaboutmycolumn. write it. Less work for me. and Bueildiniwr 3‘ "4 Journalism And, byabusshelternext to Com- .1
people‘sdander. It’s not so much the negative let- 3. The people who say that I have maybe you all can see how much '1 g. UK,40506-0042. monwealth Stadium IS the 518“» ::%
Mellow out. ters bother me (after all, my col- nothing original towrite about. Once fun itis towriteacolumn! W ters must include the“ “Bus Shelter." Now, I’d hate to :g
To mess UP a QUOte from a famous umn made them feel strongly again, I do this for a purpose. I'm 4. The type of person who hates llama, agdresses, telephone think someone might mistake that r_ 5;
movie. something like me or my 001- enough about it to write. which is always hoping that people will fl- my column worse than life itself, but ""m '5 3" their m‘jm' ““5“" busshelterforalatnne. r «fl
_ doesn’t take the time to write in. fications or connection with UK. Despite the history and achieve- a":-
DRABBLE a by Kevm Fogan Well, if you hate it that much, you Identification willbeverified. ment 0‘ the 383 behind it, UK’S de- ”’1'
really don’t have to write in. But, “'9 Kernel reserves the right gree of advancement is rather du- elf”
l FEEL KIND OF 51w... HMMM... E our lF you use our, l'LL it's nice to know you all are out fag: 1:13: :Tg'lmac‘zm’ggd‘m blous. a
i went at Runnme 466, ileum, g vou‘t or out) 10 we ~lou there. material ”“5 . . . . R."
h TEMVERM’URE! \ “MM #00 ARE. § WORN... MOUTH To THAT 5. The type of person who is am- ' Greg Maddox Is a undeCided Junior g, »
h MOUTH WOULD bivilent about my column. They andoKernelco'um'I'St ‘ .
g ‘ % RESO‘JGTATlON. REAL“ won’t read tlus anyway. So, enough
. " g g . MAKE ME said about type No. 5.
a ,1. d g 4 6. The type of person who likes my 0 ~ .
U! ‘ CN / as». ,3 by, 5‘CK- column, but never writes in. Unlike W
- - ,_ \ J; E ‘ :i 9 type No. 4, I'm always hoping you c . .
5 5‘ 7:51 i [37: a _.., , 4; all will feel encouragedtowrite. NW CW p
flags“ ,..7 " , __ ,.\ , r .. a / .. ,. 7. This is the type of person who 1
1%,Q - , {"3; fi§3 J . ”J"? #3 @Q . . ‘Q, - fig 2 likes my column, and writes in. Un- '
” -‘ I" " 'J' 3} 31° » ~—3 “‘J £10» ’4 f" ‘ -- fortunately, this person is rumored ’
nottoexist. 7;. -‘ h"
i ’ ‘ an 9 ., s o, \
I mount to BRING you 001,100 LOOK Milieu! int 5; 1m 5 we taunts l at mafia}; mug“ 'g‘amgfdfilfi ,1 t - a, 1
SOME Ftooetts SINCE ”ME 400 RLALH TilAT 616K OR ' i $001111le 1'0 SPREAV letters “W :33 double -s f u s - . \
I «. .5 We“) to "-‘i /’n.* . ,
NOT FEELING OELLMKNW Do ‘iOU ALUMS LOOK LlKE . \x A LiTTLE coming in and please keep reading K...“ 5’ ' ,,g , ( I 7, . — ,,
. . tins N THE MORNING? {YA _, g“? summit... too. . . my, w “.7 . , ,7! i ( : g
1 if? i , WI % WP " t -. 2:; Believe it or not, I'm very glad ?" e o /, ‘I » *0“ “i l .
l r, , _ - ,7 ‘ . w‘ , , .q
a“. «d “ . . L ‘ ;. people are leading my columns and ‘- . V’ ‘m-la . - ’ ,
/J a. £5 ’ , - @ 0n .4 ‘21’ L 1 writing in letters. ' V (“J ( ‘. . ,
7 ”E $3-; ‘ . ' , 5% , .;.;' 3 c9) ‘ L‘ Thankyouverymuch. l g. p “’5 J
’-.: . ; ;J z .4 n .. U - f , ...:
I u g; «. It}, ,- § . _’.’ f i E p 1‘) Barbara Price Sallee is a journalism 5‘“ I
"4 5,: 4?.- J .‘ ' ‘ " 5.1 a \ fl , "”0 'A senior and a Kernel assistant arts . - a a
_ .. fit". ' . Mk. 4. y «’ T“ . editor. gradient

 THE KENTUCKY KENNEL, -Wmsdly, SoptmbOIZQ, 1m - 3

Players are fans Ever since the unfortunate brea- aged roads, polluted water and a 4.5 three days before he would have en- dents. Student loans would be elimi- bodis, as a taxpayer for the past 35

kup 0f CQR, there has been 8 bad percent severance tax that doesn’t teredUKMedlcalSchool. nated for all students according to years, I resent your expecting me to

In response to the letter from Ann moon arising over the rock Industry. cover thecost. Joe was stabbed six to eiflit Reagan‘s plans. pay for her abortion.

Murphy and Elizabeth Hayden in The WWO? 9183 WM run the Mk "I" As Harry Caudill, professor of his- times, and required surgery twice. While serving in the Kentucky I resent paying taxes for (fifense

the Sept. 2 Kernel. I feel it was nei- dustry have produced almost noth- tory, has rightfully pointed out. cor- His condition remained critical for General Assembly, Hopkins voted equipment that sets and rots in
—‘ ther unnecessary nor inappropriate mg but listl-I elevator mustc and porations making the most out of three weeks, but mlraculmsly. by consistently to provide funding to fields, for junkets of members of

for we members of the basketball macho rock ‘ Kentucky — Peabody, Occidental the grace of God, he ls expected to education. He has won awards from Congress and for welfare payments

team to help With the enthusiasm at If rock is to. surVive as we roll Petroleum, Diamond Shamrock — fully recover. He was released from the Kentucky Education Association to people who can work but choose

the pep rally held before the UK—Ok- along the river into the future then it ought to find it in their warm cor- the hospital on Sept. 19. for his work in the assembly for edu- not to do so.

lahoma game. must embrace 1‘8 energetic hen- porate little hearts to contribute to Since Joe will have to wait a year cation. Furthermore, in Washington, I also resent having to pay a wom-

We were asked to come and we tage. Creedence Ckearwater Revwal higher education in the state if noth- before entering medical school, he one of Hopkins’ highest priorities is an's expenses to become un-preg-
did. Many of the football players isthatherltage. ingelse. plans to enroll for extra courses at education. nant after she exercised her free-

’ and coach Claiborne himself (Of course, don't forget Armand UK next semester. I do not believe it is fair to distort dom over her own body and enjoyed
thankedusafter the rally. Thaddeus Tarpey Hammer of Occidental Petroleum In the meantime, he would love to facts and make generalizations herself while getting pregnant.

As far as the insmcerity of our en- and Glenn Snyder was generous enough to loan UK his hear from hisfriends. His address about candidates because of their Taxpayers already pay for print-
thusiasm and support for our foot- _ ‘ onbehalfof the art collection after rubbing elbows is: Route 1, Utica,_Ky- 42376. In care party affilations. The legislation ing educational material on how to
ball squad, maybe Ann and Eliza- National Alliance 0f Hippie Types with Phyllis at some California of Dr. Earl R. Harrison. Hopkins has sponsored has been bi- avoid pregnancy. Why should we be
beth should pay more attention to , , , cocktail party.) . partisan. His efforts have been co- obligated topay to terminatea preg-
the game and less to the vociferous- column drlvel Though Ashland Oil‘s contribution Barbara M. Harrison sponsored by Democrats such as nancy because someone has deter-
nessof thebasketball team. may have been rather paltry com- Lexmgton Paul Simon