xt7z610vtk90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtk90/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1986 1986 1986-01-31 2020 true xt7z610vtk90 section xt7z610vtk90 .________———___________________________________——————————————
A N l suite. N0; 5‘ '7 ' 'l “as “Wm; Mrfs‘sa 9% a University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since m . Friday, January at, 1986
“L“ ~ ~ . \ -~ “U ”octet .i -'-...« . ,. r.
I NASA investi ators
3 1 stud bone debris ‘ ‘~ , < . ' .
l y ’ . . ”e WW.” .. ,2. V ‘ : . I ; . (V V
o 0 «iv i - ' ' l
986 in ongomg search .- g. . 7
B)‘ HARRY EROSENTHAL failed rockets and the discarded a. ‘-. _ " ‘\\\ .. ' '-
Associated Press first stages of hundreds more. a - ‘ , ' -.i”:'*::’”fl \‘ .. y ' . .
“It will take some real expert to ' «1 $6521}? 7:"; v '13.; . .. . . . , >_ .; . .‘
CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. — A take pieces and say it‘s not Snark, “fig ~- ' ~
Coast Guard cutter yesterday found Redstone. Pershing, Atlas and on - 8‘?” " " . 7 _' , "w -1_ p
a large piece of debris believed to be and on," he said. Snark and '~; .15 Fwy! ‘ . : .' . ‘ . . :_
part of the fuselage of the space Redstone are two of the early mis. ‘ ' f4” \ . '_._ k
shuttle Challenger and said parts of siles ofthe 19505 . p ‘ ' V r. ) xx .7 . f f '3',‘ g' -.
the cockpit appear to be floating on 72')” _ ‘ « \. , ;~. f .-‘;_ ’. 5",“
the Atlantic Ocean. Experts had not studied the elec- .- , . ' 1 . '- j, _. '. "

NASA said it was sending ships tronic control panel to see from \ ' - ‘s _; ‘ . ‘- 1ng fjj'n“.
and divers tocheck the report. which part of the shuttle it might . , ., \ a -‘, _ .
An investigating board spent the havecome. , .. \ -.i , . ‘.;I; f. a; .
(lay checking TV tapes of the liftoff _ , ‘5 .- i 'y I
taken from different angles and Experts were also examining a it ; -> .
Mic said the focus was on one of piece 0‘ bone which washed up on a -_ . . ~- i ) . .(_ - '~ ‘. ,9:
thesolid rocketboosters. . beach and was found by a private ‘r y , “x; ‘ ,. ~ . '_ ' ”I

Reporter Jay Barbree said a citizen. ‘ .. / x _- ; » .. ;-.- -

frame-by-frame study of the widely- , - p , ‘ ' V. g
sccn video tape indicated that a A bone with blue fabric attached : ' Q‘ / . . - ‘ . . ; a... ' 3
splice between two of the booster‘s washed up on a beach, and medical a... ' .. - .
[”1" segments sprung a leak and technicians examined it to see if it ’ ' ‘_ ‘ ' ~ . -‘ »
“served like a blowtorch and burned belonged to one of the seven astro- “ ’ .1 i ,, ._ ;
through the tank — a 6.000 degree nautskilledinTuesday's explosion. _ _ . ‘7 ; . ~‘ '
blow torch." . . ~ 1

NASA has also expanded its The bone was found near Indialan- , . ‘ - ' “
search for Challenger‘s wreckage tic. 35 miles south of Cape Canave- A} 7/1" ,:_ ' ° -' 7 ‘ ;
and dispatched six Navy ships to ral and taken toa hospital at nearby " ~' . » - ' if
“the missile graveyard of the Patrick Air Force Base. NASA ) .’ , " / ;,. ~ . - ,
world.” Crews recovered thousands spokesman Hugh Harris said the - ..--” r’ V . ‘ ~ '~ '
of pmmds of debris, including one of bone and tissue fragment measured I a“ ow!" ; . ., H ; ._ ' . ’ j
theshuttle'scaitrolpanels. four inches by six inches by one Amazed “m '-

Jim Mint]. a spokesman for the inch. . . . -_
Kennedy Space Center, called the . . . . . . .
area offshore “the missile NASA officials did not know what Michael Blankenship. an advertismg senior, studies on the able to grab a qUIet spot before midterms make the library . ‘
graveyard of the world" because it kind of bone it was, and there noth- fourth floor of the M.l. King Library last night. Blankenship was one of the University's most popular night spots. - ‘
Cuntains the “vreckage of scores of ing was to lmk It toan astronaut. . i; ..
February M ‘ U of L fan fired from UK ' b   "

‘ . o o o ~

celebrates M I Off1c1als question student’s loyalty to Kentucky basketball - ,

li)‘ ELIZABETH (‘ARAS unteer work for t’ of L without noti- teercd to work litl‘ l' of l. «luring lb
0 O aCkS ‘ U Editor-in-(‘hief fying sports information director basketball games llimciei'. he said ' ; '
‘ Russell Rice. according to a copy of his in\'ol\eiiioiit lltt‘it‘l' interfered ; . - '
Astudent assistant was fired from his em lovee se aration sheet ob- With his work Lil l ix and sees no . .

Speakers, concert the 1K sports information office for tained b: the Kontfirhy Kernel. reason “lb ht‘ ‘lmlll‘l haw been 7 .

. . . acknowledging his allegiance not The separation Sheet. signed by fired. , '
t0 hlghllght month only to UK basketball, but to the Dumstorf. Rice and UK AthletiCs Di- “1 (tool think it s notified at all." ' .
L'niversity of Louisville's program rector Cliff Hagan. states that said l)Ulll.\li)l‘I. List yi-nr's Kernel _' ,

Bi HVAJJHNKLE - as well. Dumstorf "made no secret of his sports editor "They say I wasn't ‘ . ,-

Contributing Writer 7 Andy Dumstorf. a journalism se- love of the University of Louisville loyal. but I hosted my butt tor those . - ‘ ,
nior. was fired from the position he basketball team and even made pcoplc for 2 , )0111‘s I tins their top ' ; ‘ _ 1'

This year's theme of Afr0-Ameri_ held for 21: years last Friday after trips with them to the NIT and worker “ . ~. , ‘ '
can nigm Month reflects the re- he acknowledged his admiration for Memphis The matter came to a The statement on tho separation ,' . . ‘
cent strife'over apartheid in South t' of L basketball to UK basketball head when he was confronted by UK sheet states l)Ulll.\'li)l'l "\\.i.\ a top ‘ ' , _ ; '
Africa and its effect on blacks in coach EddieSutton. basketball coach Eddie Sutton.“ student il>>l>lillll \Utl‘kllltl with the = ,
America. """m‘" "°"‘°'°'°°"'“ Sutton said someone with such Rice. contacted at his office yes» basketball program " Hit-o did not ' _ _ ’ ; '

Feb. 1 marks the beginning of the flection of Afro-American involve- gallery is 0p?" “Gilda! through Fri- strong alliances With U M L terday. refused comment, saying at.“ any "1 ”‘0 (“pl‘l’u'W’ll‘ '70" db" 7 3 V ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘-
month-long annual observation cele- ment in internationalaffajrs. day from 11 am. to 5 pm. and ad- shouldn‘t work at l'K‘s basketball “It‘s an internal matter." Rena iiiissal on lllt' \lalmllt'lll. such as in- p = _, ,1 - ‘ ; : : ‘-
brating blacks' contributions to so- The first of these scheduled mission isfree; office. "Loyalty to me is a; very. Koier. assistant sports information subordinatuin llllpl‘tipt'l‘ conduct. or . '. ;
ciety. events. an exhibitofwork by W E B Randall Robinson. a leading very important thing." he said yes— director and Dumstorf's direct su~ unsatisfacton «ielccliic or improp- . '1 . . _ ;

ln concurrence with the national DuBois, a sociologist who comme-m; American spokesman from the terday.“loyaltyis the key word. pervisor. referred all (”’5“an on er lwrk “1 ("'WL‘HHU“ m Dums- ‘ ' ~i '- -.
theme. the UK offices of minority orated and recorded the blacks‘ suf- South African freedom movement "Anybody that is a Kentucky fan the matter to Rice. Hagan did not tort s iol. canluaiioii ‘.\t'l't' rated (’1’ , 1 ,. .. -

student affairs and the vice chan- fering. will continue until Feb. 7. and the executive director of would fully understand. rt’lumathom‘t‘éllllrm“ the Kemet the" "“"‘”"”l ”l ”“1 “ml there 4 ‘ r ', ' '. ' .
celtlrtlir for nliinority affairs. . along The showing'of materials collected TRANSAFRlCA. an international Dumstorf also had asked another Dumstorl. whose job was to publi- agilfllnlnflmw (1N mhndr" ac- 7‘ _- ‘I ;_
:1 scaecg‘al student associations from DuBOis papers is m the Ras— anti-apartheid lobby_ Will sneak on student to take his place at a recent cize UK volleyball. swimming. gym- l'K lemnm [Wm \ann Paul . .- .» 3, .; I... _, .;

ave sc u ed four events as a re- d9“ Gallery. 249 Student Center. The See BLACKS. Page 2 gymnastics meet so he could do vol- nastics and basketball. often volun- \, l mil Pm . ‘_ _ ; ‘ e_ f- ; :

~ “ k l" , .‘ ~~' ‘ '.' .r
UK student to talk about dru addiction on national rad' ’ L "I '
, g _

Ii)‘ BIL-ti) COOPER Cates. who started wing drugs the day morning at Possiblities Unlimit- ered it. “The biggest reaction I had families have been absolutely torn and this is what you mu hnxc ioo‘ . ; ‘ "; I ',-.'v’. :4"

StaffWriter summer before she entered junior ed. Inc. in Lexington. where Cafes was fear." Nanita Cates said. apart. But because of the way Jo it‘s there for you if you want to take . ' ‘ 3 3.“; l fill
_ .. high school. will be featured along underwent drug rehabilitation. she “The minute i learned. my first Ann played her game -. she pro it,“Cates said. .‘~ It. -‘.'.'I ‘,‘
She was a straight “A student with her parents on a national radio explained that the focus of the radio thought was. she‘s not doing drugs jected to us the perfect child so she Cates said she couldn't talk to her 'I ' ' ' . ,i' ‘ 3'; u‘f"

who attended church three times a show titled"FocusontheFamily." program will behope. alone and so she's in cars with kids could get all of the priveleges that parents and "wasn‘t about to listen" .' ', ‘ ._‘; ,
week and followed “all the house‘ The show. which is broadcast to Possibilities Unlimited is non-prof— thatare probably high."sheadded. Shewanted."said Cates'mother. to any adVicc they might give be- '- , .. ‘1' . 3- ‘ _
hold rules. Joe and Namta Cats more than 400 radio affiliates, is it organization devoted to helping The drug problem the Cates fami. Cates. who currently serves as a cause they had never experienced ‘ -' ,» '..‘ "Lt-3"
neveii; thought their daughter would hosted by Dr. James Dobson, an as- geoplebrehabilitate from alcohol and ly faced was one that they think is staff member for Possbilities Unlim- the same problem. . » v. ; g ‘ i
use ugs. sociate Clinical professor of pediat- 1183 use. unique to families with similar prob— ited. said the organization helped , . _ . _ . . " 'f j-_

“Any kind of kid can be On drugs rics at the University of Southern _“KidS can get kids into drugs and lems. her to rehabilitate from her prob- h(?e:,f1:heg1zfiso.§al(1fllIgeofram ' - ' . " ~

_ even the kid that makes straight California. kids can get kids off drugs.“ Cates Instead of disrupting her family‘s lem. "VIII” “ml felollTlisn thce" {3 gm . ' - ; . , .

"A“s and goes to church three times 'The two-part program will be car- said. “The radio audience is‘going to life. she gave her parents . empty u] guess the biggest thing is hear- tvpe gfpiohlcin - ‘ . ' 1 . V g ,g .
a week - and it‘s not just the people “ed locally on Feb. 3 811d 4 on “5th ‘0 somebody whos been kisses and hugs trying. ‘0 PTOJeC‘ the ing other people my age, who have ' "You hai (. a real lonely feelin . '
who live on the other side of the WJMM 106 PM at 9:30 am. and through thesame thing." imageof the perfect child. been through the same thing say— I’ . - ' g. ' .

. . ~ - . . ike he\. liii the Mk one in the . - -
tracks.’ said Jo Ann Cates. a part- againatSpm. Cates had been usmg drugs for “I think our case was probably ing. ‘This is what I‘ve got and this is world in.” has lhh 'l’til)lenl ~~ he ' ‘ '. ~ ~
time UK student. A! a press conference held yester- five years before her parents discov~ different from some because a lot of how I went about (rehabilitating) \ald ‘ 7 ' p ‘ ' ~ ' -

Priest says morality Group to r ' f d ‘
.. . »- . a o o . .
any W exhibit ariiifg. has role In olltlcs from graduating senlors .
M will open on ‘
W 0' Wig.” ( gafsfiii‘fitgxnfikwx “It's exciting \\l'lt'll you realize
“W as.-.” . . ° ° '1 what it can do." \‘illtl .liinc (ireene.
. ' AdVIser to bIShOpS on forelgn pOhCy The Stud nt De elopment (‘0 n 'l chaii‘uonian of the fundi‘aising com» ‘
mm mmm” . . - hasalot togo littlztime todoit‘ u 9‘ lillllt‘f: The Miami of Ohio plan .
W9" lfll’fbfloflfph Says questlon 0f I'lgl'tt Vltal to debate That was the message of Chair- 2:55;“:Sfiziiixhiilyhni and tub be
W Tl’fl. “It! -”s By ALEXANDER S. CROUCH netic 00d? have given people a 08' / man W5 Straub to council mem- The council also discussed next
M d W-- - , m V". “.1 Editorial Editor pacity to do unimaginable things, bers at the SDC meeting yesterday- Wednesdai's Kentucky Advocates
m w“ f f: and have made it ObViOUS that “we ‘ He said that m the "9’“ two weeks rally supporting higher education in
.' ' . ' y 5 in a whole range of issues in the ?amot make policy without an abid- the committee Cha'rme" need l0 or- Frankfort. James “059- 50'3““ Pm-
- ~ ~ » ~ ‘ 1m and v”; the moral factor is ing concern for what makes right ganize their'respective committees jects committee chairman. said the
central to the direction of foreign Policy."hesaid. and getproiects underway. "Once rally will include a bus from the
policy. said the Rev. J. Bryan Hehir. Hehir is currently secretary 0f the the preliminary work '5 ,d°“e~ the Medical Center. u pep band bus and
' a man who has helped Rattan Cath- U-S; Catholic Conference‘s depart- "’5‘ wtllcoastalong."he.said. ; three or four busses for students
_; » «is 3%... olic bishops address this “inter-sec. menlti of sociald :vemeglt and 83611:": T9 lgdndf'mmfl Pmlefts “(9 (‘h r l) ; w"
. .‘ .. As: . a, i {V}: tion“ofthemurlland lltml. WOI‘ ace; an S 'l-ector C s pann 0|I um er ' 8' man 8V“ 1 com-
2?,- “Qmmfl “In an age when "p2.“ do almost of its Kline of international justice 1' BRYAN "[5an are sponsorship of a Little Kentucky mended connoilmemhers for their
in ' . W's s x ‘ anything. how dowe decide what we and peace. of the moral argument“ in the 705 Derby golf tournament and initiation work on a petition dru-n tun weeks
1*“ owht to do?" he liked a crowd of A colleague in those activities and ‘805, Hehir described the two ofaSemor Challensepromm _ 889- The two 0a.» viiori garnered 1.-
,..~ . to . ' . ' ' more than no at the Newman Cen- ' - ~ ‘ m ‘or - attitudes that till Senior Challenge is a fund-raismg l50 Signatures on a petition support.
3M, 77.. .» , . i. .. Archbishop of Louisvdle Thomas 8.] preceding 3 . - . . th C I. .

it, , -~.’ . .3 W...“ . m ww‘M- Kelly. was in the audience for the remain to some extent in I”. The effort begun at M9“ ”was"! of ing‘ 9. 0mm} 0" Higher Educao

it? “‘3'. ' F 1% t‘fif :53 The very nature of the issues are speech. the third in the Newman first. Wilsonian interventionism. 0"” “mm“ mm“ graduating ,59' “ms strategic Plan “for 5'8““

5c“ fl ms. “at? such out one car!!! avoid their Center‘s season of Distinguished took a strongly moral attitude to for- mots Willing to donate a specific education in Kentucky. If we d had

g;‘h . _; moral implication, he said. Split- Speakers. eign affairs; The realist reaction amount of money to a scholarship more time it would have hecnix-tter

.. -..* _. sausammu tim the atom and cracking the go- M a backdrop to the "mm SeenIFsT.Paceo andd‘gaamfig period after said“ was good for two days. Witt
. ‘ u

 2- KENTUCKVKEMEL My, “31, 1. f
. Bl aCkS Continued from page one a D ‘
“mm“ "“m mg" 0'“ called Dumstorf‘s dismissal "a loss When asked whether Dumstorf's
"t' 5 Southern Africa Rela- Woodson, a Harvard-trained his- to the University of Kentucky athlet- loyalty toward U. of L affected his . .
tions" at .i pm. Feb. -i in Memo torian a Harvard Universly fac— ‘05- Work 3‘ UKv Dam 53'“: "m“ 3" It’s LOVE NOTES time again... '
i‘liliHa“ ulty member. “He was the only member of the extremely subjective area to get
Robinson's appearance is co- Grundy said Woodson estab- sports information staff to ever do into. For Andy‘s sake. I don‘t want
Sponsored by the Student GOVCTW “Shed Black History Week in 1926 anything for S“""‘!'“"8 for the last toanswer that. . This is Your opportunity to tell the world or at least
ment AssoCiation and the Student in reaction to ”a harsh wave of four years. he said. adding Dums- Both Davts and Sutton said that h UK . t h f l b t th t t .
Acmnes Board. repression, racism and terrorism torf was a “very excellent worker. although Dumstorf was not formally I e' campus, “‘5 ow you ee 3 cu a cer am some-
Former Congresswoman Shir~ in the country‘" when blacks very intelligent and very easy to get reprimanded. he had been warned one. EXPTCSS your feelings In a short “013 0f 10 words 0"
‘ M. ”“50““ will speak at noon were relegated to “non-citizen alongwith.“ . . . several times that his relationship less for only $2.50. if your feelings over flow the 10 word
' Fob 21. ill the Worsham Theater. status.“ The week was expanded DUmSiOFi‘ a native 0‘ Louisvule, With LOUISVIHC might affect hIS POSP limit, you can choose a heart in which you can inscribe
(‘thlim mil ask “What Has Hap- into a month—long Observation in 53'd 't was "0. secret b.°‘h m and 0‘" tion “UK . . your message. Small hearts are $5.00. Medium hearts are
pened Sm“, The Sixties?" the 19705, of the sports information office that Dumstorf said he was unsure if he $10 00 And Lar e hearts are $15 00
Finally a concert by native- Grundy said the goals for the he was a t' of L basketball fan. He would take any legal action against ' ‘ g '
ansm‘han “one, Hampton and month are “to raise public said it had become a running joke the University and said he hasn’t . .
1133 ”p.999 orchestra will be pre- awareness of the vital role Airo- among his co-workers who “had a begun looking for alternate work. Forms and blank hearts are available in Rm. 210 Jour-
si-nted at a p m_ Feb. 25, in Me- Americans have played in the heyday 8\'€r.\'llm?U0”180ibeat~" Asked what he would do different nalism Building. You have until 12 Noon on February 13th
‘ morial Hull hlSiOFY 0‘ this country. but also . {BM Brad (EaVits. assxsdtantrsports g 'f :‘efhad.ét t9 dlo we: agaililnd to send your love in IO words or less and until 4:00 pm.
t‘hesty Grundy. director of the raise some contemporary issues in ormation irec or. sai. , “ 0 sim- ums or sai Simp y: “ wo . . ‘ . .
_ mlw 0i mmom.\ student affairs. about some topics that are of ply say he was ?.l‘°9'sv‘lle fan is a have gone toUof L.“ on February 12th to inscribe your message in a heart.
said the idea for an Afro-Ameri- great importance to black 99°91“ gross over-Simplification. , .
can ”Mon- 310nm first began but of equal importance to all ‘ “Granted, it _was the subject of a information for this story also was The LOVE NOTES Will appear in RED print in the
‘ _ ' mm the efforts of Carter G. people.“ Joke ~ . ~ But ‘1‘ 8,005 a 10‘ deeper gathered by Sports Editor Willie February 1401 edition orihe KENTUCKY KERNEL.
~ > than to say (his dismissal) was be- Hiatt and Assistant Sports Editor
' causehewasaLmtisvillefan.“ John Jury. Q. ‘
\‘_\ “ "‘l " J I I
_. - . , . i. 3.»
. . " . l- .. . “i. ‘
V. .. £1: I . , 1 01.29“ .\ Cs, _:', l'x‘ .1
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‘ ' 1 Chicken Parisienne Chicken Teryi aki f“ : V ; i" 0’ '“él\\
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3 3 5.3 7:: Drinks 1 50 - ' For 8 Price-
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_g -. ‘ v a _1 h. | UK Center for the Arts } . -
. 3 I W. 3 r, _ , 'p Presents
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.t " ' “'fo _.\ ‘1! f: ‘33
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2 j a “ A ‘Thc gagging"; ‘3an Nothing else comes close.
_ . , .3. ,_, ,iien'ruciiv "'2m
‘ ’“H l .‘ _ q. ‘ ivunvu..~..« ,3. ”to MIC?”
.. ., ._ g- $2.15
_i ‘. : f ‘. -. staff The weekend Ear'y... lock byloquostl
1;.7 W. - ' . "oauccwnnasrunoca"
J} j. - j . ' Friday 5:30-8:00 Friday Midnight!
i , 2 "PINK now me WALL"
* ~ ~ ‘ °°° "‘""°"
.. .' . . . At 9:00 Friday 8- Saturday Nights "MON" pvrnon'suou Gun"
- .‘ . , St rt
. . . . g! The Greg Austin Bond CII'IEmn 1.3.3.
- '. .3 f I entertains til 1:00 20. ”mm“ . A MW”.
_ ’ s 't . x 1.
. ' .3 , Come on cut and party all night! . 1‘30“ - l‘ 4: /, with Li).
7: .» . iii" A 3 . /
3 '. ,I ' m-num x/ '/i' a“ MTEDX
3 , Kernel “9......
. 4 - . lm'm.’2.15
v, ' ' Editor In chief Elizabeth Coras
' ' , News Ed!’°r Fran Stewart E 3. .' a v3.335335;.-;;:_;.-.-;.a,.-.;...;.;;.35»:...-;.;..;53:§5§§i$‘
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f Editorial Editor Alexander Crouch mwfisim :9 ' '
: .1 Sports sane. wmae Hiott MW WWW] WHUN HEHJHB
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' . Special Projects Editor ScoliWard IRE‘EEAHRHMQEE a;
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