xt7z610vtm56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtm56/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1991 1991 1991-09-06 2020 true xt7z610vtm56 section xt7z610vtm56 --ln.side: Football ’9]

Kentucky Kernel

Renovations for



to be dedicated

Contributing Writer

The Catholic Newman Center at
UK is dedicating its newly renovat-
ed and expanded facilities at its 5
pm. Mass Sunday.

The ceremony is pan the center‘s
“Dedication Celebration" — a
weekend of activities celebrating
the completion of the center‘s Sl
million expansion.

"This dedication is the culmina-
tion of years of research. prayer and
hard work for the people of the
Newman Center." said Rev, Dari
Noll, pastor of the parish.

Sunday's event will he followed
by the annual parish picnic at () pm.

Renovations started last Septem.
her and were completed late last

The center is now outfitted with a
new addition for its music room.
conference room, and new kitchen
and restroom facilities. The lobby
has been expanded, as well as. a
new roof and siding for the exterior.

There are also other. less visible
improvements such as, a new heat-
ing and cooling system: sprinkler
and fire alarm system.

“Refurbishing for the center was
very important since the center had
not had any work done since 1972,
when it was originally built,“ said
Katie Boneaii, media coordinator.

According to Borieau. the center's
siding was deteriorating and was in
need of new heating and tooling

Improvements to the center Will

See NEWMAN. Back Page

More UK students
using ‘5-year plan’


951F107 Stilt Wrigm
"The T ‘lllll sax»: ll all

sour lite "

tht lest ‘ lor (it years ol

The} used to s:i_\ college was the
best tour tears oi sour life

Now it seems college students
want those good times to last a little

'lhe l'niversit) 's most recent
graduation report to the \illlll‘nlll
Collegiate .\tlilctit :\\'\'l\‘l1lll(‘ll\‘l;tl
ed that dis 4 percent ot the freshitien
vs ho entered l 'K in the NRA-89 at‘a
demit year had graduated hv Au
gust ot WNW

According to l'riivers‘itv officials,
many students need five years to
complete their programs because
more students are working to pay
hills or buy luxuries

“My sense is that there are more

people taking 5 years to graduate
than there used to be," said Randall
Dahl, L'K registrar .

”()ne of the things that has hap-
pened in the last 10 or 15 years is
that more students are working and
students that are working are work-
ing more." Dahl said.

In addition to financial needs.
Dalil said some students are en-
rolled in colleges that require more
than four years, “There are a num-
her of programs at the l'niversity
that are realistically four and a hail
wars "

l‘K requrres 1le credit hours for
graduation. which means most stu—
dents would have to carry about 15
hours each semester tor eight regu-
lar session terms in order to gradu—
ate in four years.

At that rate, however. a (‘ollege
of Architecture student's l76~hour

See STUDENTS, Back Page







Operation qucale, a University program Graves is Currently taking classes at Lexington Cor'v'irv'. frills-«tie

Program offers University employees
a second chance at high school degree

Contrrhiiting Writer


Who“. \lart‘ellus
dropped out of l afayette it ‘h
School itter his ~itinior year it
NW, he ligtircd he'd riexer sll iii
a classroom again.

llut "iraves', ‘8. has firmed

Jurist... ..‘l|g.

\ ljls' employee who eamed his
General “tllllVlllCl’le Diploma in
W”. liraves ts working toward
an .isstx‘ldlC degree in one of the
applied seiences at lexington
community College as part of Op—
eration Ftlucate at l'K.

'lhis time.

(‘iraves said, he’s

sticking \Isllh stilts-t t.-. i: . i
run because the l,l]t‘vt’fsil\
stuck hv him

‘I think that the tiroerani
helped to l‘tllltl up r‘) stilt
teem." (iraves said. ‘ is: also ‘ 5
three to tour Vioh titers s. Vii"
started 1 now have three t Nit--
classes and T i’eel criml’ortah“




terday alternoon.




CAMPUS GEAR: Jake Karraker takes a moment to chain his mountain bike to a rack Outside the White Hall Classroom Building yes-








avert: is Java W

~‘i=t‘_i‘." v. m!- ‘
.Il liit‘
rirtillcd !‘ ‘


mm b
their L‘lli‘t‘ulii‘”


Plans for field house
reach funding snag

Sports Editor

We” . : indoor yr. . :m
has hit a
oi dirt has heen turned

Because a hind-raiser tor the Lela
house has not reached its iroaL titt-
l is -\thlctics i\\’.\0\’l.'llltlll rr-oartt
soled yesterday to allow
trom other department .i-.ttitilils t-
he used tor ._ oiistiitttioii

The motion passed hv trie atriici
x's‘ hoard iiittt it as i-e ;‘; "
the iioard ot
meets Sept. 1 7.

lhe iield house will now he Lint;
cd by 51 ‘i r'iillioit :rotit i‘zt lllt
White restricted tiind and is 4i.
million from .i Blue-White «.tias:

ihe Bluchhtte l'iund s main l til
pose is to provide financial .issis
lance to the l'ls' :ithlech program

Former athletics director t liti
Hagan began the tund in up; ‘
provides scholarships Mr l a
dent athletes, money to upgrade
.ithlctics tacilities .iiid planning ‘
ltllllfs‘ projects.

the approiiiiiate cost ot the lit 1a
house is expected to he QX * rail

it was to be lunded with private
gills of $3.5 million and available
Blue-White funds.

UK athletics director CM New
ton said the field house is "an ahso

.tag‘ l‘k‘llllc lit in '

"iUll’s‘ V

irtislt‘t‘s. allitl‘i ‘.


ie‘ 'I ‘i t \\il'~

.l t

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H'tslr’iitlltin \s‘t)



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whiirifii ll ‘iti ll 3,: _' i... ‘ii 3.5:!
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The stiutiuie would to we l !t\l
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\tadiuiii. liaris \' \tllldi
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‘ikll \ l‘.l\l\tii‘.lil lsitlll l‘l.l\v\

.osli lt‘llinalt‘tl

7 -44~-"'t:"t\ "ton—n" W

The College of Architecture is hold—
ing a historic preservation colloqui-
um tonight at 6 in 209 Pence Hall.

Lady Kats golfer Tonya Gill
driving for “All American.”

Story, page 3.

“Dead Again" resur-
rects mystery gen-
re. Review, page 4.




 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Friday. September 6. 1991








Curry expects ‘brawl’ in UK opener g

ASSistant Sports Editor

You'd have to take a “Bill and
Ted‘s Excellent Adventure" back in
time to find the last time UK beat
the Miami (Ohioi Redskins and the
first game in which Cawood Led-
ford called playby-play for the

Set the magical phone booth dial
to I011. Destination Oxford. Ohio.

it was there that the Cats were
last able to slap high five in a 13-8
w iii oy er \iiamt

Then its oil to 1053 when Led-
t'ord, a Harlan County native. began
the first ot 3s years as voice of the

Since, Lediord has become Ken-
tucky ‘s Spirtscaster of the Year 20
urnes. He also has been inducted
into the Kentucky Journalism Hall
or Paine

'l‘he la~t time L'K met Miami was
in front of 57.849 fans at Common-
wealth. Stadium. in that game. Red-
skins quarterback Chuck Hauck
converted a two-point conversion
me in the game to win 15-1-1.

But now it‘s Sept. 7 at 8 phi. and
the phone booth has crashed into
Commonwealth Stadium‘s parking
lot tor the start of the Cats '91 sea-
son and Ledford's 39th year behind
m.- microphone at L'K

This is Ledford's last season
broadcasting UK football games,
and second-year coach Bill Curry
has something special planned for
the departing sportscaster.

At a press conference this week,
Curry promised Ledford he would
leave him with “something to re-

To do this. the Cats must first get
past the Miami Redskins -— a team
that held Ball State to minus-eight
yards last week in a 15-7 victory.

Curry will start junior quarter-
back Brad Smith, who won the job
last week over freshman Pookie
Jones and junior Ryan Hockman.

"Brad showed up ready to go,“
Curry said. “They were dueling
throw for throw, they couldn’t of
planned it any tougher for us. We
have total confidence that we can
put in Ryan or Pookie and still win
the game."

Whoever is at quarterback will try
and find a couple of small but
speedy Wildcat receivers from Pa-
ducah. Ky.

Senior Neal Clark and junior Kurt
Johnson will hope to get open
against a Redskins defense that was
ranked 9th in the country last year.

“With both of us being from Pa—
ducah, the City should get a real
kick out of having two of their boys


UK - Miami (Ohio)
Records: UK 0-0-0
Miami 1-0-0
When: 8 pm. Saturday
Where: Commonwealth
Radio: Live on WVLK—
AM/FM with Cawood
Lediord and Dave
Television: Delayed on
WKYT with Ralph

Hacker and Sam Ball I

starting for UK," Clark said. “And
Kurt and 1 plan to be ready to per-

The Cats will use a number of
young tailbacks on Saturday. in-
cluding freshman Damon Hood,
Carlos Collins and Donnie Redd —
along with sophomore fullback Ter-
ry Samuels.



On defense, the Cats will have to
stop Redskin quarterback Jim Clem-
ent's favorite target. wide receiver
Milt Stegai.

“Stcgal is a game breaking type
player," Curry said. “They will line
up in many different positions in or-
der to get him the ball."

The job of grounding the Red—
skins' air attack belongs to defen-
sive backs: junior free safety Brad
Amstead, junior comerback Ster-
ling Ward, senior hit Gary Willis
and senior rover Larry Jackson.

Also starting will be junior defen-
sive tackle Brad Shuford. senior
nose guard Joey Couch and senior
Derrick Thomas.

“We don’t have to intimidate,"
Jackson said. “We just want to be
aggressive and put a hit on whenev-
er we can."

The Redskins. who play in the
Mid-Atlantic Conference. are
coached by Randy Walker. His
Redskins will try and come away
with what Miami fans call a “Toma-
hawk Win” — an away non-
conference victory.

Cuny said he would rather had an
easier opponent for opening day.

He said he was looking for “the
Tim Buk two lil‘ sisters of the



“The MAC conference has had a
history of beating Southeastern
Conference schools,” Curry said. “I
expect this will be brawl for us.
There are a lot of great players in
Ohio. Ohio State can't sign all the
best players in that state.








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GREG HMS/Kernel Stall

Sophomore fullback Terry Samuels will start tomorrow as UK plays
the Miami (Ohio) Redskins in Commonwealth Stadium at 8 pm.


Volleyball team visits
Big Four in Louisville

Senior Staff Writer

While the basketball version of

the Big Four Classic is deitinet, the

volleyball version is alive and kick»

Make that spiking.

The two-day volleyball touma-
merit involving UK, Louisville, ln-
diana and Notre Dame starts today
at Louisville's Commonwealth Con-
vention Center.

The Cats, who went one up and
two down in their own season»
opening totimairieiit, “in battle .\'o-
tre Dame in the lil’\l match tonight
at 6 pm.

Saturday at 4 pm., win or loo“
Kentucky battles tmditional I’K ri
val Indiana.

Twenty-second ranked Kentucky
is the only top 25 team in the Clay»

Nevertheless, senior middle
blocker Cathy DcBuono said that
when the serve is tip a player‘s con-
centration can‘t falter.

“You have to stick it a little bit
more because you don't want to
take them for granted," she saiti


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The senior outside hitter said that
despite being slightly favored over
their competition. the Cats bore the
burden of victory.

”We have a lot to prove because
(in last year‘s Classic) we didn‘t do
so well,“ she stud. adding that she
was particularly looking forward to
the match with the Hoosiers. who
beat Kentucky last year.

UK coach Kathy DeBocr said she
was initially concemcd With Notrc

"1 think we're going to see a lot
of good things from Notre Dame
...tbtiti we have the players to beat

Deilocr said she needed her vete-
rans to anchor the team, particularly
at this point in the year.

“In the early part of the season
you need to (lead) by your upper-
class people. .Calhy DcBuono.
Yvette :‘yloorehead. Ann llall, we‘re
going to look to then: to carry the

Even with the focus on the squad
elders. DcBoer said she was pleased
with the play of freshmen Krista
Robinson and Melody Sobczak in
last weekend‘s tournament.

“They did fabulous for their first
weekend in college volleyball." she

Although the (fats won an emo-
tional 32 match against Texas Tech
before falling to Wisconsin and Ne»
braska 3-0, 3—0. chocr said her
played inconsistently in last week
end's toumament

“What I‘m looking for is for them
to bring the level of intensity it
takes to be a good college volley.
ball team two nights in a row." she
said, her voice rising. “it's easy to
come to the gym to play a top 20
team and be pumped up."


: Read the Kernel :

I it dour" get any Healer than that I


— FAYETTE mu ”


macros um?

rrtivti-v. .. /6\.‘: _

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ID = I": scored to Mlixii"

e um ”momma, At to” p











 Evans’ Lady Kats swinging beyond greens

Contributing Writer

Tonya Gill is tired of being a
brain on the bubble.

lt' s not enough that she‘s Aca—
demic All-American.

It's not enough that she placed
16th at the NCAA Women's Golf
Tournament last season and led the
Lady KaLs golf team to a lOth-place

She wants it all.

“'lhe last two years we've been
on the bubble and just barely
scraped into the. (NCAA) touma-
ment,” Gill said. “This year 1 don‘t
want to have to worry about that."

Gill and the Lady Kats have their
first chance to prove they are wor-
thy of an NCAA tournament bid

this weekend at
the Lady Ta-
rheel Invitation-
al in Chapel
Hill, NO The
16-teain touma-
ment includes
the University
of Texas. which
finished sev-
enth at the
NCAA tourna—



ment last year.

Gill said her goal at the start of
every season is for the team to make
the national toumament. Still. she's
not afraid to admit she wants some-
thing for herself.

“I want to be All-American." she
said. “1 want to be a ‘playing' All-
American. l've been an Academic

Football tickets
still available

Staff reports

A thousand tickets are still availa-
ble for LJK‘s season football opener
with Miami (Ohio), btit UK offi—
cials are confident that Common»
wealth Stadium will be filled to ca-
pacity at 8 pm. tomorrow

Rodney Stiles, director of admin-
istrative services, said L'K distribut-
ed about 2.000 tickets yesterday and
expects art even greater rush today.

“Friday, in the past, has been a
more active day." Stiles said.

Students still can pick tip tickets
from 0 am. - 4 pm. today at Me
mortal Coliseum by presenting a
student ll) card and a class sched~

Students also may purchase end-
zone guest tickets for Sll and side»
line guest tickets for Slfw.

Soccer team to open season

The l'ls’ varsity soccer team will
open its first season Saturday
against Butler 'c'niversity.

L'K Head (‘ozich Sam Wooten
said his team though it has never
played in the varsity arena is
ready to win

"We've got some real competi-
tors," Wooten said. “Regardless of
the situation, they'll play hard and
keep going at them. They’re chom»
pin' at the bit for this first game."

Butler, which lost Its opener to Iti-
dIaIia 5-0, rettim all starters lrom a
squad that finished 14-6 last season.
The Bulldogs are currently ranked
tenth in their region.

The Cats will need to keep their
composure and stick to the game
plan to beat traditionrtch Butler,
Wooten said.

“They‘ll come out and workh Hard .,
but we need a couple games undei
our belt to get into the season." he

Wooten expecting an even
matchtip. but says a good crowd
could make the difference

“Fan support will help dictate the
progress of this game. The club was
undefeated at home for two years
and. like the basketball team, we ex-
pect to “in every home game.“

The game starts at 3.00 pm. at
Cage Field next to the Shiyely
Sports (‘enter
Admission is free with :i strident

V tor adults and St for Lhil'




All-American the last few years. but
I want it for playing. 'lhat’s my goal
for this season."

Focusing on individual achieve-
ment is not something her team-
mates frown upon because they‘ve
all been there, Gill said.

“There‘s not any animosity on the
team about that,“ she said. “We all
have this saying that if you're play-
ing good, then you're playing for
yourself and if you’re playing bad.
then you're playing for the team."

Head Coach Bettie Lou hvans
said (iill is a big hitter and an excel-


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Kentucky Kernel, Friday. September 6, 1991 -


lent putter. Gill‘s 78.55 stroke aver-
age led the Lady Kats in W90.

Gill said her ability to bit long off
the we developed while playing
with the boys' team lll high school.


constantly do well so that I
wouldn't get pitked on, llut 1 en
)tt)’Cd II a lot."

Gill, Juniors l)el.ores Nava and

players WI” have to look to the vete-

rans for leadership and expenence
“(hit three retuniing starters Wlll

be our strength," she said. “We'll




‘ Lisa Weissiriueller, senior Laurie “N have to wait and we If we can
‘ ln (ueorgia, we don‘t have girls (ioodlet .tnd trt‘shmari lracey .x‘t‘l Noam-“on out of young girls "
teams so I played on the boys“ Holmes make-up 1 is‘s team Ill Although [me vmr‘e ,quadhm the ,
team," she said. North Carolina. will well off the tee. it needs to 1m .- I,

”l leamed a lot because we layans said her squads voting WW" .Le mun m“... l Hm \mi “
played farther back. I think that's ',
where l got my distance. I think ; -'
that's also where I get a lot ol my
' Hr?‘ . ' ' ‘-.'

they were constantly giVing me —"—'-—-— _ —_- l n, .
a hard time. ’lhcy made me want to {BEGJMHNG F1; QA/ SE'PYCMBE ‘ 5‘ “

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 4 - Kontucky Kernel, Friday, September 6, 1991








‘Dead Again’ resurrects the mystery genre

Contributsng C' {c

Alfred Hitchcock and Raymond
Chandler have come back from the
dead to collaborate on a new movie.
Or is it the work \‘l Orson Welles
and Stephen lxtng‘

Actually. it‘s number llut this
kind of ntoyie magic ts back on the
Big Screen. in .i thrilling. entertain
mg new f.].'i 'i‘y ." ' ‘ I l l\.‘t‘:‘.ie‘.h

murder l'

~\c.t;tt“ l\ ,t. loyc \zotx‘

‘yslczy Z'=_tl l.lhc\ ‘.-y . .

times and the help of both an eccen-
tric hypnotist and a fomter psychia-
trtst-tumcd-groccry boy to unravel.

Along the way, karma. reincarna-
tion. fortune~telling and an obses—
sion for antiques provide the neces-
sary clues.

The film centers around a young,
beautiful wotnan (Emma Thomp—
son» who is found trying to break
into a gothtc Hollywood mansion
that for years has been a Catholic
school for boys.

The woman does not speak, does
not know who she is. The nuns let


Contributing Critic

Easily one of this year’s finest
films, Jonathan Demmc‘s ““The
Silence of the Lambs" became
an insunt classic of the horror
genre when millions of movie-
goers squirmed in their seats at
the grisly sights before them.

Anthony Hopkins‘ haunting
portrayal of Dr. Hannibal "the
Cannibal" Lectcur is more chill-
ing in its Simple, charming mal-
ice than Freddy Kruegcr or any
of the hack ’n' slash movie nas-
ties ever were.

The terror of “Silence" is in its
realistic feeling. The characters.
with all their quirks, look like the
rest of us. FBI agent Clarice
Sterling played to subtle perfec-
tion by Academy Award-winner
Jodie Foster, pulls the audientx:
inside a wortd of real terrors

‘Silence of the Lambs’»
proves horror films can
seem frighteningly real

which lie not in some external
blood‘crazcd fiend, but some-
where deep within the hearts of
everyone you know.

Dentme’s direction is top.
notch. He practically recreates
the genre with a gritty. almost
documentary style. We are not
watching a more adaptation of
Thomas Ham's' best-selling nov-
el, but the unfolding of seeming: a
ly true-life events no different
from those depicted daily on the
evening news. He puts us in the
middle of the action.

“Silence of the Lambs” is a
grown-up horror movie for peo~
pic who take getting scared silly
seriously. Compared to this an»
vie, all the other thrillers are just,
well, child‘s play.

"The Silence of the Lambs."
rated R, is showing a: Turfland
Mall Cinemas and the Worsham





The following is a sample of some of the events happening

.ir;_~und campus this weekend.

0(‘ommonwealth Stadium:
That's right.

'l'K Art Museum:

i in.


a1 public

-\Vorsham Theater:

-The Wrocklage:


-l.) nagh 's lllues l;lllp()rit.;".

it‘s football season once again . Tomorrow
night‘s opener at home features the Wildcats taking on those
rowdy Redskins from Miami. OH. Kickoffis at s.

The L'K Art Museum will host an opening lecture for the ex-
hibit. “Ttme...Picces." Sunday at 2 pm in the Recital Hall of
the Otis A. Singletary Center for thc Ans.
exhibit features many clocks and other imaginative 1n-
vcntions used for measuring time. David Stockham. L'K Dean
of Studans and an “avid clock fancier." will give the opening

The exhibition will be at the museum through October o.
Both the lecture and the exhibit are tree and open to the gener-

loltnalhan Dcmmc‘s hit “The Silence of the lambs" is play-
ing at the \Vorsltam through Sunday Showings are tonight and
Saturday night at 7:30 and ll), and Sunday attcmoon at 4. All
showings are $2 with a lIK ll)

Cannons favorites Government Cheese will return to the
Wmcklage tonight w ith the Threads
for additional tnlomiutton call The W rocklagc at 23l-7655.

Michael Johnathan performs tonight and l-needom of Exprcs.

call 259-9944

- Breeding‘s:

Larry Rcdttton plays for tree
-(,‘omed_y on Broadway:

son Uni-min.


ston retum tomorrow night. for showtime-s and cover charges

Thumpcr and the l’latd Rabbits perform tonight. This band is
another regiona; :ayontc and well worth checking out. Tomor-
row math The 'l‘rcndclls take met the stage. Cover charge is
$3 tonight and S4 tomorrow. Also, upsldll‘s at the Brewery.

l'l..s weekend‘s comedy lineup is headliner Paul Kelly, l.i~
and Alex Bard. Sliowttmcs are it and 10:30 pm.
Adttitsston I\ So in. and S7 Sal

her stay for a few nights but become
concemed when she wakes up
screaming and frightened by terrible

Private detective Mike Church
(Kenneth Brannagh) is called in to
help trace the woman's identity. To-
gether they tackle the “Past" in
search of the woman’s identity and
the cause of her frightened, mute

Things begin to warm up when
the detective and the woman stan to
fall in love.

No progress, however, is made
with the detective‘s search until
Franklin Madsen (Derek Jacobi), an
antique dealer with a knack for hyp-
nosis, appears on the scene. He
takes the woman back to her
dreams, where she finds her voice

and begins to tell the story of R0-
man and Margaret Strauss, a com-
poser and a musician who fall deep~
ly in love with each other in the
glamour and glitter of post-World
War ll Hollywood.

Each hypnosis reveals, however,
that the lives of Roman and Marga-
ret are filled with jealousy, bitter-
ness, obsession and financial diffi~
culties —- all of which lead up to the
brink of murder.

The story takes a twist when
Franklin reveals that Roman and
Margaret Strauss actually did meet
and many in a much publicized and
celebrated Hollywood love affair.
The year: 1947. Their home: the
same gothic mansion, now Catholic
school, the lost woman took refuge

The following year, Margaret
Strauss was murdered and her hus-
band Roman sat on death row.

What does all this mean? No one
is quite sure, nor is anyone closer to
finding the identity of the woman
with amnesia.

A psychiatrist (Robin Williams)
who lost his license and now stocks
groceries for a living, warns the
couple of the karmic implications of
past lives.

He assures Mike that they are on
the right trail; it seems a murder vic-
tim in one life will return to exact
revenge in the next. The woman
with amnesia could be Margaret

And Mike, the man she's falling
in love with, could he be Roman?
This is just starting to get compli-


Quite simply. "Dead Again" is a
nail-chewing suspense thriller that
keeps you locked in a state of antici-
pation to the very surprising (and
gruesome) end.

The film is great fun. There are
black-and-white sequences, lighting
effects and camera work reminis-
cent of gothic mystery thrillers from
Hollywood's heyday.

The wonderful, riveting musical
score by Patrick Doyle keeps the
pitch and the pace at full volume.

As events unfold, you are
shocked and delighted at the same

"Dead Again." rated R, is show-
ing at Southpark Cinemas and Man
0' War Movies 8.

Hepburn talks about life and the movies

Assoclated Press

NEW YORK —— She attended
Bryn Mawr College, her mother’s
alma mater, and decided to become
an actress. She married a Philadel-
phia socialite. Ludlow Ogden
Smith, in 1928 and divorced him six
years later. She appeared in a few
plays, was spotted by an official at
RKO Radio Pictures and in 1932
made her filtn debut, playing John
Barrymore's daughter in “A Bill of

She is actress Katherine Hepburn

“I wanted to be a movie star,"
said Hepburn, who‘s autobiography,
“Me," has recently been published
by Alfred Knopf.

“I think making movies is fun. It
suits my nature. It's in the daytime
and the theater's at night and that's
harder for me to be fascinating."

Hepburn recalls being labeled
“box-office poison“ in 1938. She re—
members her comeback, two years
later, with “The Philadelphia Sto»
ry."Hcr career was hardly limited to
being Spencer Tracy's sparring part-
ner. Before, during and after her
years with the actor, Hepbum was
so much more than the sharp—wilted
lawyer in “Adam's “ or the suppor-


E’lfllCl this summer I was drivmg
down Main Street. weaving my way
around the construcuon work gomg
on, when l saw something that
made me think there is hope for re-
vitalizmg downtown Lexington:
The marquee of the Kentucky Thea-
tre was lit and the familiar “closed
temporarily" sign was gone.

Since the Kentucky was damaged
in a fire four years ago, its fate has
been surrounded by conjecture and
rumor. It looked like the proposal
for a lake in downtown Lexington
would be rcalired before we would
again be seeing midnight showmgy
of such socially important films as
“Monty Python and the Holy Grail“
or “This is Spinal Tap.”

It was these types of flicks that
gave the Kentucky a large part of ll\

Now, thanks to the efforts of a
group of people dedicated to reo-
pening the Kentucky ‘—- particularly


"I think making movies is fun. It suits my nature.
It‘s in the daytime and the theater's at night and
that‘s harder for me to be fascinating."

Actress Katherine Hepburn


tive wife in “Guess Who's Coming
to Dinner."

She could handle period pieces
(“Little Women"), slapstick
(“Bringing Up Baby"), Southern
gothic (“Suddenly, Last Summer")
and the adventures of “The African

She acted on stage and on televi-
sion, in plays by Shakespeare,
Shaw and Tennessee Williarns.Her
greatest work may have been in
such later films as “The Lion in
Winter" and the tragic “Long Day's
Journey Into Night," in which her
characters rage and break down,
aware everything they believe in
has been destroyed.

This is a painful process to watch
in any performer, and especially
one like Hepburn, whose very ap-
peal was based on the idea of
strength and character. of living by

an ironclad set of principles.

There's a moment in “The Lion of
Winter" when she is seen in tight
close-up as her character, Eleanor of
Aquitaine, contemplates her shat-
tered life. Her hair is fallen, her
head pressed between her hands, her
eyes hardened, her mouth pulled
down at the edges. No longer do her
wealth and beauty protect her; her
lances hav