xt7z8w383r6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w383r6c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1972 1972 1972-09-12 2020 true xt7z8w383r6c section xt7z8w383r6c I ‘ meeting and talking to other women. We by women’s liberation. movement for women. we are a movement
were trying to find solutions to problems, Pam Elam, a liberationist and leader in to humanize society."
m: M Then we got more into politics.” Students for McGovern, joined the Elam says the organization has 870W" ,
1‘9 s-..” " i I it Some leaders in the feminist movement Women‘s Political Caucus when it was appreciably since it was formed. At the
e; "" ’ *st on campus feel the loss of women's formed in July, 1971. “1’51 statewide meeting held a year 380.
‘ ' £5” nearly 350 people gathered. A similiar _
. , 3233‘: {133333;Sgfigfififl
r3”; . 1' i VIEWS vary on Honors WOT'HI 500 to 1,000 people. I'd think the number ~
a , . » ' would be closer to 1.000.“
' By MICHAEL CARR director, feels HP fills a very real need for Many 0f the early activities 0i Women's
' Raw: Kernel Staff Writer its 450 students. Liberation involved “consciousness
The review of the Honors Program, now “The program recruits gifted. good ”Wing-H
Physical plant worker Davie Vickers being undertaken by a special board, may students for UK." said Evans. “More than “We started out,“ said Sutherland.
mows rows beneath the rows under Stoll find that students’ and teachers‘ opinions one—half of our students would not be in "With COhSCiOUSheSS raising groups. This
Field‘s bleachers. (Kernel photo by Art on the program’s worth vary greatly. school if not for our program." gives you a perspective to look at your own
Roberts). Dr. Robert 0. Evans, Honors Program ('ontinued on page L column I t'ontinm-tt on page 7- ”mum" 5‘
. Ari. art. The dog days are back. ‘~
'"S'de the Kernel ROTC enrollment ison the rise at UK. according T d o lfl0k.f0i,d Nil"? highlhm it:
to page seven‘s Campus Wrapup. The Kernel's o CY’ up?” w “0‘ .dyd. 0“ m e m
. . Mt s tonight. and a high near 90
Arts-Entertainment page presentsa lineup of Wednesday. Partly cloudy skies
l K theatre productions on. page'five. 'And on dog days today will 0”“, a chance of a
pa“its'ile'imlii‘éustpilif’ofd'iifulit'ffo33253;; ‘“""““"S""W"r “"“’""“‘"" b‘"
now e . c t — . . .
of his crimes with his perennial “It's Only a return 32):) insyallhong‘filiixn 22:35::
(iamc. tomorrow

 TKhet k :;1::,":::°..L°."M...w... 5:25:33;322.22.":‘2243'553:was: EdllOl'lCllS
en UC y :gjgzrrnggy';::;M;,';,",,, .::.:,::.M:.:3:.:EW$325338”
Kernel Campus Editor Mike Yierney Editorials represent the Opinions 0! the edliors, not the Unwersniy
If I ' d d
Honors Program deserves se ru e, In epen ence
Last fall the UK Honors When the Honors Program The review committee will be placed under _the control of
program asked the Senate asked to be included, the Senate able to set the future course of the another Umversnty unit, we fear it
Council for a small procedural Council instead launched a foil. Honors Program. The present might be shunted into.a low- ,
. change in the Governing scale examination, at one pomt salary solution 15 only a stop-gap priority budget niche. This would
Regulations that would allow all even recommending shifting the measure until a permanent ac- impair its mission of prov1ding
its teachers to be brought under administratively- independent commodation can be workedout. quality education to superior
Honors Program jurisdiction. The Program to A&S control, which Questions, of who decides students, and mean a long-term L
- resulting unexpected debate over might have endangered its (on- professors tenure, promotions leadership loss for the Com- 3
this apparently simple request ding. In the .end a compromise and raises still must be argued monwealth. . i
has finally quieted down, and it and some finanCial finaggling out. And the continued 1n- Thus we hope the revxew :
seems some basic questions may Shifted the teachers’ salaries to dependence or subordination to a committee report, expected for ,
finally be answered. the Honors program budget and department or college must be the end of the semester, wilt P
The Honors Program is an left a review committee the job of settled. recommend the continued m- .
institutional structure providing deciding exactly where the d d d dependence 0f. the Honors .
, special academic apportunities Program fits into UK’s academic In epen ence 900 Program—a unique Umversxty '
- for top-rated students—some 463 Community. Were the Honors Program to be educational umt. '
this year. Its six teachers have ,
joint appointments in both the | I Q
Honors Program and various A&S _ W . fi/fl i
. departments, and therein lies the @ - - “ ‘ ' \ "”1 , l
difficulty. . 7;» l x? ‘ . ‘ .v 1 @l
l . ;.' Ki '
Honors Program professors £1? at 2.1; f, ) i A. _'
have found themselves in a \\‘\?i; 6 ll \ 1%, ?._ .I. 2‘, i
jurisdictional limbo, existing in a x” V g \‘Jl‘ . 2%:3 t m ‘ ;
, twilight zone of informal joint K; L i ... "\\\ gilt/“ix 1.43 V [7%. 1
appointments. They complain of is; i W .l'f‘"~t"f"'“ ., a ’4. "V .52:
being passed over on merit raises, '"éf‘ “:5 i \ ‘3 ’ “~43 t5“? ‘/ ' flfl)‘@
tenure and promotions. Some HP ‘1 ‘~/“ lg} g {I ‘ ‘4 / l he? 2
teachers don’t even teach in their l _ s} eh "‘ 9 {r l /// “ll , '
official “departments” they 2 ‘ i '_" -' , 9" 3 / \ i
\ ;’ . ~ ' x \
serve only Honors classes. ll . * i “s 2-. A A , 5; ‘ i 7 \
“ ‘*“"¢ l \ a?" . . a}: as: s f / iv. in
Consolidation needed \ -_ -_ \ E " g 7/ g E
Consolidation of appointments ‘ N‘Qim —E"
under Honors Program control ‘, SOQN- ’ ‘
seemed the proper solution. ‘ fightifl’p l 1
Unfortunately the Governing ‘ ”gm
Regulations said only an QJOTA. _
“educational unit” may have ‘ / l . i .
such control—and an educational ' W i l . Gift, “32315
unit lS elsewhere defined as a
conegetdepartment 01‘ SChOOl- N0 ’...and for you good voters, a copy of my labor Day 'work ethic' speech!’
students to work for the candidates of their Kentucky at that time. Who continues to fight the 800d fight for the
. . . choice without being tied to any party, It’s worth mentioning here that it is a right.
campa'gn clar'f'ed Once again, Students for McGovern— common practice to maintain a paper J‘ohn Junot
Bartley IS in no way related to the Students eXIstence for an organization that is ef- “355 0' 7'
There are a numoer of posters around for McGovern organization. fectively dead. if for no other reason than
campus announcing a speech by William Howard Stovall to be able to have constant access to any 1 d
Bartiey which say that the speech is being Chairman University facility. a" 8 coverage
sponsored by UK People's Party and UK PCOPIe‘S Party Let me point OUt that SDS and SMC had It was bad news but. excellent jour-
Students for McGovern-Bartley. “long-lasting ”SUM." for the present nalism, the Olympic Games tragedy
"Some confusion has developed as to the organizations are their results. summarized on page 1 of the Sept. 6
separate nature of the Student for o o 0 Friend 300“ was wrong in saying “SDS Kernel, presenting the essential facts in
McGovern-Bartley and the Students for A" "C'IVISt rephes developed largely around the personality succinct and readable form_ Your per— _
McGovern. While Students for McGovern 0f Lew Colten," since it existed on campus ceptive editorial on that happening should
isthe“official"McGovern organization on Since the Kernel is the “journal of long before Lew came here. SDS was give us all pause, in appearing to become
. campus. Students for McGovern~Bartley is reCord" for this campus, I feel compelled founded in 1965 by B0b Frampton and Bill increasingly inured to human violence,
‘ an ad-hoc group formed for two major to clarify several historical inaccuracies Murrell. And any mention of SMC iS in- whether on tv films or in real life among
reasons: in Ron llawkins‘ article of Sept. 11. Some complete Without the name of Jill our own fellows.
——'l‘here are a large number of students were oversights; some were completely Raymond. Norman Cousins puts it this way: “The
who wish to work for and support George false. Ican‘t say if YAF W35 ”VCFY" active on ultimate tragedy of the massacre at My
McGovern without being forced into The last significant meeting of SDS was campus or not. bUt readers must not be Lai is that the men who did the shooting
dealing with old line politicians and in December, 1969. though there may have mislead into thinking that that august were not affected by it" and concludes.
- Democratic regulars. been a few meetings of the steering organization was never active at UK at all. “The problems of the individual become
Am the same time there are students committee for two or three months YAF was quite visible in the fall semester the problems of the nation. For both. .
who wish to work for William Bartley‘s following There may have been a ()l 1968. when they organized a ”let them .what should be most dreaded is not the
Senate campaign without working for demonstrafion or meeting in the name of cat grapes“ campaign in response to loss of power but the loss of feeling."
People's Party, SDS in April 1971; if so it was a one-shot (‘AltSA's grape boycott efforts. Remind Leon D. Nettleton
Students for McGovern—Hartley was thing. lhave no way of knowing since I was me to tell you about (TARSA someday. All Donovan student.
organized for these reasons. -to allow held incommunicado by the state of that remains of YAF is Wasley Krogdahl. ('ollegeof Library Science

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 t—1‘ ~~,.. ‘
Illa kl‘AIlFKY KI‘ZRNI‘II Tuesda‘ 5‘ '
" ~ l e t . .
UK's h
OHOI'S ' “ ‘
. :2,“ . , , K -, o$ K :2 23;»,1 $3 $3,933)?“ ,3}: £1.51?“ . < l‘fivi‘) ’ _‘ - _ , ..‘
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onlmut-(l ironl [mut- | a .. I ‘o'l”
This w " \',"v'»\ ..
as the ca ~ —-——— a
a year honors vetesrea With two 4- For Ren‘f_-— ParHime barlende :3. ADS WILL F
. r, .
V Welck and Ch ' ns' GeOrge ”“5005 a r . ‘2‘“‘2‘2" 0W" "ans :ngrlence “We“: *. I" D
“S M ~- I ””5 lurn llll, PO lotion need
“Had the H CGloneI lslzllmes patd, Parking aged. near campus U- Dawson 3057 ed, 293.
Onors P "’9'- 75l3 ' 500m Limest ’
been h Fogram not °"° Co-ed prer 4 ;
ere [doubt ' willin m“ "00:: need
' g t s m
come to UK " Welafclkwou1d have —“ M' ””5“": Livia/mg?”- 252»ll33'.'°§§3 Want a n E FOR you
.. . - l or K
‘ It Provides a Con adW'tted- 'sceuaneoUS—— "m 65"
mosphere inside gema] at- Scuba om", L w U n U S U 0' 9
Unive . .. the big D.ml,sep,I 60C “ms—wednm Ed, MMER wonx P6? .
rs‘ty. 7513 " "-Callzn avs 6-9 n $10.00 99, ho
'9262or 2774442 “Y Be YOur w ‘ We" $3000 a
‘(VI . Slale I own b055, Micm
asses mo ' 5 ”Gem made 9""
The - . re '"teresting' 'Edi'ilw: all types 0, “’5' summer 09'9“" s5.00000 l
Situation was a b' - broad background "mm" DY writ . Nahonal Zip Code Dirwer ~°r 5°” ‘ ‘ ' '
fer-em for MCGIo It (hf- - Can Steve 25349:; :Islfh ample and Complete eslt'mes. For t
- . ne . ~ 13 00 e ails s ,
4 nothing about the r. Who knew Basic Pnoooor. t. "dd'egdtoyonggoe and Soil? : l
he deCided to p ogram when 2Dsevelopang and Printing “:39?" course; EvompanyI p0 Box ”95 :ublishing D. O ‘ I
attend UK. 7‘37“ d“Vs. lzsu '"'°"“°'ion colt '“Wsm 53137 ’ e'°""'“°l 'x'e crea"| on ‘
”I didn‘t
. Come here be Pro! : . 0
It," cause 0 “"9"" 'Ypln T . . .:;.-:-'e l
MCG10ne said ”b f Carbon ribbon. 60 gmfzrablan, MLA. IBM W'lldoligm housek ' 3"".
wouldn‘t have .’ u[ I 8520 - Alter 5, 25132”. ' Wed.evenin953hrse:59ln9, laundryI Mon. '0 B k
been here Th stayed If it hadn't est; « .Call Shirley 257.4)” Cc to schOOI s ecia ”£153
' ' e Classes and“! '3'}, P | * 3:5,
Interesting are more a 0 students Will ' , __ .‘-.’-:. ::.;
and yoU’ "d 200 'Wel 9h - U or S’Udents in ‘W 5”, Now ...-.3: ‘
doWn b _ re not bound 3732 Of 2“ 8 YSle and mam Cou ..'._'.:I open "and _...._ t
m ' - 280 an" 6 “es. 255. 111'; a u 13:, :
y enlal StuffI . . lzsn The Kentucky Ker ' . 1:15;. Y Saturday, 93::
Fe . new.” 1 Th 2
semetel‘ KeIam‘ beginning his first "0m 1135‘;" rgxtgaa"? ”New: urns taken Boleldfnegfucm‘ifefl'lel, H3 Journalism ' 24 hours 3‘3}:
lik .Ster in the program also asked. Call 2666990. 351;“ "° questions 'Leninglon, KenlUCLSYI'VAOSO? MKen'UCkv, 393 Waller AVG Im ' I 3?;
es its Clos . v ”“95 Weekl d ~ » aileo five 55'; . -— e :33 .
e'knlt at Our” - Y urtng "‘9 sch00' """' P '1' Pl“! "1'"
but See . mosphere mg holidays and e‘ ‘ Year EXCept -.-_._- . :-:.'. ‘
s . . 8'“ per od - :::.- 5-3" ‘
“Becau:°ss'?le disadvantages __ F0 3 33::33139433 sKunwm..-r s'ess?£.3"°'w"° ShOPping Center :
. e 0 the - r 8' Pr" . emet pres ‘ .~.-'.'_' _:.-::
nu e__.____ 'Sc'lla La , - 5' '"C' ‘272 ‘=°"- _._—_._
honors courses I a ‘mber of 599% as .h1°c§§:;"9'°"' Ken'“c"v- FR E "5:. l
the posstbn-t’“ ‘3‘““8' ”an cw Wm M as £43215": mum E OFFER _._
1 . t — c. . Th em I ' ::-'.= : . ‘55-:
resll‘lcted to y . 0f. becoming Pk., EVenlngS or can 5,31% :0 Menteue Secondrcfiarfrggls'press. '_l'lc. MUM; 5":7c‘e a. "M: Brin th.
relatively aSSocnattng with a ‘ 274. 12515 Kentucky. ’99 Dald al Lexingm‘ ia-Zf . '3 ' 9 IS coupom 15"“. . ‘
small Cros - as Advertisin : ‘ -.‘-'.=: . 3 ~ Ila-I" [23'3" :53;
S'Sectio V‘” 308 cam - h 9 ”“5"?“ herei ' - :91” ”y on
peo 19." - n 0f Must 99" 'm-"ewen - . 9'9""! reader o " ‘5 'mended to -:-'.-: . e on - ' . ::-.-.
stideKeam sa'd- sell 399500. 266-2339. 12238 “emu" “VG"lsingshoulZYoeflgfgs fr "is'eading 5553: 3 D IX n (Ally Kmd) : ' 5255' a
5 Social 1‘ ' - Germ. KERNEL T ° "‘eedilors ":1": .. -‘ :‘1';
E .15" 1.. ‘.'--
some StUdents estrlctlons, puppies? szghegfgi‘gabraaor remev" Editor, Edilon... Em LEPHONES '3: IE C R EAM D O N U TS :1! 5355: ‘
draWbacks to honts)ee bacademic "135"“ °' 2586932“;) 3301??) MWF' rgnaging Ed"°" ”9'“: Desk 257"“ 33'; "5‘ Get 1 2 0 33$: ‘
. . rs CC ' ' 1 — fin ”5‘ vernsing t 25747“, :3: I. D l _
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lZed polent' 77 "Onda CB 4 ' C'TCUlahonI -.'-': 1 1e R 1
.. la] 50 per'ect P S .: ...... .... l_.. -:,. |
The H ‘ Warranty H ' ”chased A - ”"51 Newsr "'-:--~-~...258.4 I - -::.-
o . . elm“ . onl 00m 646 I t
branch ourtloi‘s Piogram needs to om. 115th ‘ 330° below cm. 251 Photography gig—moo -:-".-‘:. ...I: 'MPER IAL PLAZA :; . 552;;- I
- ""0 Other th‘ —— ‘ m ”"4"” - ‘ 32-2
‘ . In " M " ' ' 9-- AV ! 3:3 '
bald Katie MCCarth g.S‘ A:'°'CYeIe—1972t/, Honda C3450 ’ 2 ’ alld thr0ugh 0C1 14 r. '0‘: " 5.5:. ‘
year honors [ d y‘ a third» “Sc‘96550rtes. Will trade for car 9og’safl‘liies. - '3 ~ .gwfl-Rp 13.2,: t
S U en[ ”1 ' 4‘09. . . ' ' e.
pr 0g r a m ' f the ' I t
Would h '
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be m0 as, 't WOUId "'°“ Under 2000 - ‘- EXCellem eln I
5‘ benefi ' .. 2559700 "mes ‘3‘” " g th
Clal. 3"" 70m. 8514 'rm' C3" e adventur
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. . ‘ s, =" It?" ~' . -- -» ' -- 25:: I I I
Greg Hartman" a s '?g . mechanically. $495, 253I55;%r‘°‘°s"-6Very jigngE.:3.I;::_I I: ’9 I“ - . .. '2 . ' n . . I ‘
honors for two year enlor m Tape Rew’def-Sony Tc (,3 '. :- :' ‘ :::¢ ' '1 u - 3555‘: 4 1 I f' ‘ , - .».
CODtent f 5' feels the °" ‘°"""' EX- cona: :2 ° 3 “”65: sound k . V” -- . :31 t ‘ ' -
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restricting Ourses ls MC“ {I ‘ “AI igII W .. g“ ' "43% ”,3 ,fihw‘sy
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I don't 1 miles, :2 °c"'"9 “Ubs. dual a e “’"Ve' 6- .-.--' ., .. 6 [mt Of t “ ' '
. g V9 a damn '5001 255-8386 9 5 'ank 24000 . fl. ,. . . e OId -
It." Hartma - Who runs ‘25” ' ‘.;£§§§§35;5“;:f3“253%::~:-.:::-....,._...3z:5§i"’ ..‘3I3;i<-‘*='i ': Ultra-ViOl
good .. "n Sand. “It's no »« i=3; ence
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Kentoo Often’ gOOd Students in WI” new car. Call 0009 253-3r105‘2m35tgg'ler ~ 4 : If . :5; I. Q :5”? - . .
"Cky are attracted to oth Neea graduate 51 -‘ j,.;;:§;;. ' - ' w . ‘ 1
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lzatlon rather than th u . Down... (“0:03. “"0WIng. M . f
and snatches“ with . e bus "‘9" over 11 m}; PM" mm“ (
Student Wthh many Lu. .9 least Wet ’ "M Will be in .
S graduate “enough ull Year. Must
' ’fld Willi;:l':.ve "EM .pn.r.nc:e ‘ BEST FILM k;
t. Wear ' . "

The average of the . UU'V. Apply in "'31:." ."6 he on M l or IHE YEAR 16
3.45 and that‘s a whoPPfilrgul‘i)‘ I: EA 1 - BESI “HECTOR k
a J t . ‘ l ‘ ‘

.vuage. Evans said “I‘d fie STLAND OF THE YEAR
“Ckk‘ledeath‘f . BOW ...,ttnww . at
30 t I wecould hat/ea LING LANE NOW ® ., r
l. t: m! the kids are doing (u S A Stanley KW“ pod HOWING t
)0 (Or " I I ‘n Slam M V' ”“0" N 01
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7 8 6 ”Q vim M‘ 3"“ ' Patna. Megan IsoAON E UNDE R e'
. MR I ,
N ew Circle R MONGTAp-zN “Arms; 277-6.” 0 'URFtANo MALL DM'TTED 5'
00d ALL SE RU SAT “H.130 tl
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Y5 . Anaoosauuo now a. ufithum 2 '3‘?” T'M ES 81
V 1 ~ 4; 45 .pt
7' 30 10 m t
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 TIII‘I KENTUCKY Kl-IRNEL. Tuesday. September l2. 1972—0
S ' h f d '
effing 1' e stage or (I l'flllfllflc season
By JOANNE WHITE of three plays—“The Trojan Fine Arts Building. “Ideas on the Theatre,"Sept. 21; Even though you may have ~
Kernel Staff Writer Women,” Oct. 27-29; two African In addition to the production “The Actor.” Oct. 19; “Stanis missed this introductory
. _ . One-Acts, Nov. 10.12;~ and schedule, a list of theatre films lavsky." Oct. 26; and “The meeting, it is n0t too late to find
If your secret aspiration is to “Tango,” Nov. 17-19. was announced. Admission—free Serpent." Nov. 16. These out your chances of makingit big.
become a Shakespearean actor, films for the first semester are: showings will be at 4 pm. in the For additional information call
Hollywood producer or mere An “at random” series will uwhy Man Creates,” Sept. 14; Lab Theatre. 257-2797.
make-up man. there was a include the production of “Tour,”
meeting Sept. 5 you should have “Animal,” “Wandering,” and __________
attended. “Camera Obscura” on Sept. 27- _ _ I >- E 5.:
.. .. Make a killing : 9 =2.
An all Dramatics Meeting was announced. | g g gl
held in the Guignol Theatre of the - ‘ I E ( . _ -
Fine Arts Building to set the At present the try—out schedule I n B u ‘ t . n s - I i g 3 g gi
stage for the UK Department 0‘ for the first semester stands as : 33: E g
Theatre Arts’ 1972-73 season. follows; “Tour,” “Animal," p [S ' £5 3 Q
“Wandering- a... ««c....... mememw 3i. 4.2.: :..::*..:'::: : Egg 3 > .
At this time J- Robert Wills, the n - - - You lust toil us what you -1 "i gangrweuitcdllnfigtcign i: i '-'-' 2 g "
. . Obscura Will hold auditions “Nonmemms We...“ ., A m cannon , ~ U
department chairman, outlined . u m Mk ' k. m - “m!” f m O E
th . 0d t' h dul from 4t05p.m. on Sept. 12 in the gmog‘f'.m “T: "m“ _eves.vou un...you m . g
e. year S pr tile. ion .SC 8 8 Laboratory Theatre of the Fine directlytoyouxouortlr pay :‘P‘ You'veootsomeswetlme.
which has been div1ded into three . . . our costs—which youi tino t . \ WW 0°? "W 0 "Me Nu _
categories Arts Building. The casting of magi! xlggimchxgg 1 1’4 (A. was 31%“an .9 5 i
.i - n - am,.1%".iiy3¥'uil§ :2 5’4 ,v _V‘_ Just clip this attached :35 g I
.. - u - - The Trajan Women W111 be to us will be toll free. ’u; _', couponand mail it 1003.006 § I
The major season Will in- t' . m." w m, '3
. done at 7 pm. on Sept. 14 and 15 P , b 6 "on, m 5 . (.34 i m. Y0" m "9 . . 3 I ‘
clude four plays which explore . . . 9°" e “V V , h. K2; e ' V°° ° 9" ’ “ - I ._ ..
.. ,, in the MUSIC Lounge of the Fine "WW9 “9"": °' - \ ' 3 3 l
the Faces of Madness. They A . . . . meetings, for elections. for g Q . \ _ u
| . , rts Building. Auditions for the causes. for slooons...the 6% «to | = I
are ‘The Taming of the Shrew,’ two African One- Acts will be applications are limitless. u. 2 '
Oct. 11-15; ”The Mad Quartet,” - - - , - . . ---l-.---—-!--.-9-
. . . from 7 pm. to 10 pm. on Oct. 16. . ~ .
(four inleIdual plays) Dec. 6-10; | 7 .
.. : / ///////I I l I \ \\
“The Persecution and on Oct. 22 in the Guignol Theatre. i l
Assasination 0f Jean-Paul Marat Additional try-out times and I I I I I I I I” I I I I I ‘
as Performed by the Inmates of dates are to be scheduled. . , CLIP THIS COUPON I
the Asylum of Charenton Under
the Direction of the Marquis De Students interested