xt7z8w383s7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w383s7h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1983 1983 1983-03-24 2020 true xt7z8w383s7h section xt7z8w383s7h 5 j I ' . . . 1 - . . .. 1-
l KENTUCKY mm...
‘ & Construction of the long-awaited build
I ing for tho Collogo of Pharmacy may
i begin in a matter of woolu The bid for
l the construction of tho outsido shell has
been awarded to 0 Louisville construc~
1 tion company Soo pagel ”""" " " '“"‘
. _-_...._..----.._.___._#.__-. ..-.. . . .. -.-.- --- . -_.__ _.-_._ .____ ___—___ ._ ___—...__________
Vol. LXXXV, No. 136 Thursday, March 24, 1983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky
‘ R 0 Hit ' d f t t
eagan ann unces S I In 9 ense S ra egy, weapons
R 5 WASHINGTON t:\l’i President other adrisers. “i believe there is a But, "tonight. consistent with our gall added "tiuronh purpose olie troiii tlle threat ot nuclear war” he teriiig an aggressne [Klll('\ and no
' Reagan said last night the [tilted better way that we embark on a obligations under the ARM treat) all people share is to search lor know it is ‘ one wantsthat ’
5'1"“ WI“ “CPU” “"le on it lUlUl‘lle' program ‘0 (‘tllmlt'l' llh' tnwwtttt' 50 aiid recognlznig the need lor close wins to reduce the danger ol nucle The president \iltil the timed
defense 1‘33“”11 ”‘1” “mm destroy Vi” ”ll-“ll“ llll't‘ill “llll measures consultation with our allies. I am at" war “ States would continue to pursue nil hat with these considerations
l Soviet liiisslles in {light and render that are tletensive " taking an Important hrst step” that Reagan noted ”w current pitllt'V I” clear arms reductions negotiating tii'nih in [until he added 1 call
l “these nuclear weapons impotent He said such a system posed a would employ different technologies. deterrence through the threat ot- re from a position of strength that can upon the \(‘lt‘llllllt‘ coniniunih who
l it'ldl’l‘M’lt‘lt‘ H ”“ll‘m‘di‘l’lt‘ ““lmlt‘ill task" [hill ht’Sin “,1“,th be ensured onh ll) lilint‘l‘illliilL’ our gaie us nuclear weapons to turn
The plail. announced m an nation alight initilhllit"lil:‘i‘i)iiii)llsli(‘(l lielore .. Speclilcall). Reagan said he was "Rut what u tree people could “W strategic-forces their great lttlt-llls to the cause ol
J ally hi'oadcast speech from the (Will we“: U'l .t lun‘ur)’ l . '1 . directiilga comprehensive alld lii2 secure m the knowledge that ”w” .‘M the same lllnt‘, he said. the mankind and world peace to give
tltl’icc. toreshadows a mill” depal‘3 [I \(t ruirli iit ei ino'og) .m: at tensii'e eitoit lo detine a long-term secuntx did not rest upon m“ lhi‘t"il l tilted States “must takt' cit-pS to Us the nit-ails ot rendering mp“. ,1”
ture trom three deeades' ot' strateg) allied a ewl ‘ot' sophistication research and development program a inst'int l' S [‘(‘lall'illiin to deterl'i reduce the risk iii a conventional clear weapons .mpoienl and ohso
calling tor deterring nuclear war lllww in. L: reasona‘hle, ior‘ {:5 ”to to “Chm“, our ultimate goal ”l “hm s'ociil't‘attack that he could intert "ulnar.“ ”mill“ tN'alatlng to male lete
lare with the promise oi massive w )It-glll lllsv cll‘oit. Riagan salt . ll mating the threat posed by stiategle H “ md destrov str'iteglc ”1“ch ar war ll} Iiilpl‘twllli.’ our lion nucle
l taliatlon Villl take )t‘dts. prohahl) decades (it nuclear missiles l l l J h‘ .. -l :1 ’ ‘ arcapaliillties lit a lira-mtg lit-tore the speech a
elloi’t on mailylronts “This could pave the way tor ”1"“ “5 Km“ l U H d} 1“ ”l“ Reagan said he recogni/ed that st'tllilt‘ .t'llllllllsll'dlltti‘i otticial said
l “Would it not he better to save (‘urrently tlle l'ilited States and armscontrol measures to eliminate ”“nsmmrlh‘””lm‘rf‘ll'v” defensive systems 'lia\'e limitations the research will he aimed at lasers
l lives than to avenge thelll‘“ Reagan the Sowet l'nion are \‘irtuall) the weaponsthemselves."he said He said that despite the dltllcul and raise certain prolilems alid alii particle lieaii; we {Aili\ and iilhpr lu
said He said that alter consulting banned by truth from depliwing all "We seek neither military superi ties. "is it not worth (WOT) invest higunies It paired with Hllt‘nMVt' llll'lsllt twhnoiwgies that might used
{ with the Joint (‘hiels ot Stall alid antrhalhslic missile system ority nor political advantage" Rea ment necessarv to tree the world sx'stems they can he Viewed as to. loshootdowmniomingmissiles
as 3 ya In; W . <7 * ~ ‘ . . .
l .. \ gga K; . . , .5 x I, l\ ‘ Proof of registration may not be reqUIred
..~.,-_ " i,- \s j; ’ "’ I, . a." ‘9‘" .‘ I" l I I I I I
.x. ,2 .:V: M f . , ., ,. , unfit}:
.. . 1 2 . . , a. ,. ~ 7 ~ . :3. r Il'lallCla al ra TOVISIOII a ere
. \ 1,. 3‘1“ .-‘ .3 .5? , . #9.”; .Qi'). ,
. 1 _.«1, . «3 t . .9: 3 2
h l ‘3. K_ § ‘ 4 . 'F’ " ‘. l a f
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, v . o ‘ ' 4443' 1‘ - i’ g},- Q. c ,' I“ 51h} "2\\U'1“ \l1l1\f‘1R signs it. then i would he ll‘it lined to tior dot-innei; 'ioli'. sen-cine \et‘\
‘ 1 . , "'1‘ \'. Sis-.1 1 \h 5‘ f “ .4 l Stall \‘il‘lter helieietheni .ce
.v f t‘ .1 f" ' l$1‘%& ' 9 s l 5 : ""dfn‘“ ““K'lim‘dl’rt'“ Stockham doesnt 'liitik 'lia! tll\ loites said that undei the reused
M l - flak 1 ‘r " \ 'f' I honesh will lie 1 lll iloi 'l" lilt'l' lt'3‘ll Mil s V teii' 'l‘? ..i Ft 3
‘ 4.3;".14" , .,' 3 r. ‘ ' I i i ._ t c . ,i I .. ..LAilil i ii .tti .i. . .ilitn
2-21 ”Lie, ’1 1,; 3‘ 11‘ .. . . [j .4‘ « ‘ “s ”___—___— withthenew regulation 'wna. l’nrpose .ili'ead: i'ert=.i.i'ed oi
I . . ' ‘g’ ~ ’ . x' .. ‘ 'iilil\ aliout :pert ent o: 'lill\t‘ t'e students seeking t:l:ant lat a it would
%u.. ,1, ‘5...“ 3V ' l‘ 1 ' I 1h“ laducatlon Department “'2“- iiuli‘ed to coiiiplx Al'li tli‘at‘ t‘l'ttiiif‘t' ~..- “\panded '«1 lllt :ude questions on
I" . ' . . ' ' 'i ’ ' t‘ongress W-‘lm'dfll that "t‘flUlillltlm meiits liaielit done so he \itl'l whether the applitant had complied
it" a l‘” . a” l l l . ' f on student “1d are “9”“: ”“lwfl 5" "l‘lils indicates tlia' llil' lli.lltii'.'. .ta‘l. Ill'at' l‘t‘fi.\ll'clllllli retlulri-
., ' 5"” r ”#4. applicants “1“ merelx ha\e ‘0 3‘33 hasalread} coliiplied nu tits
h g 1 r. t” . 75,, vii'hether the) have complied \Ktllll _——-————— \ .mtmy . ”..”,“... my“.
HM . . ,14 ' . . 3 - 2-1353 (21.1mm... _, (rail registration l‘eqttlrements. tut II ' '_ Ilt'lll\ would he considered sullit'lent
-”I ,7" f 2 .t V A‘ . ’_ M will not have to proude \ei‘ilication _We are In "5’ pOSI 1., mam gm. rpqmrtqmm. ”I the
if If" ~ ,1, v " 77'3" '4: tolheirschlmls (70” to question , , , ..tttettdmen' hemp:
? g . .t " t ' a If , - V t . V if: “”105" Pr‘Wl‘Wm “l” ""‘lw't' “ll" If 1 I: .2 situairoi. ~lei'e «tewloti
. All,” .’_ ‘ : 1,, ' . g ' 333W“! ,9; stantlall) the administrative burden someone 1 1 - SlgnS Ahm- ”1.11,. ”in,” a... .Ucpm-tm
at“ w _.2/1“ * , 3 j 1‘ that colleges and schools lx-l‘ieved it, the” I WOU/d be in- it“. ”it“... “I “mmtmi Am would not
*1 . , _.M 1 . I) . :7. - 2.. was inherent in our proposed iule. . _ .tnwm at.” mo. ,1
. ‘2 " .42 ”flag . " ' i x ‘ " . S ”4”“ l1 -l“”l‘*- undersecretarv "l Cl’ned to believe I would think that there are pro
,1 7"" ' “.15 .~ ' 4, - ' ." . \. Mutation. told the House sulicom n “...”,. H. t“. .1 ( -nt H“. “m 'h
x, s . t ~’ ' "ll ,, ~2 mitteeonpostsecondary education them' "up. .1...“ lot. .111“ gym-klmm .jmt
k7? » 1 t ‘ , ‘ . 4 U"'\lldl><;ltl(<:';‘hIll”: ‘an‘1mlllllliinllllllii David Stockham tum-iii. mm; mt- olllce oi educa
, ' m». t. ‘ “, , 4 3 ' i . \ H" é . . . . tor. nia'. beanie to handle it
f , l .11 r; clal aid director said "It was a good flnanCIa/ald director Female ...“,“.1.‘ who are m). n,
#1:; 7 ' - :x , niovetrom the oiliceot education —+~——‘ ,“mm in Himm- tor 1m. (imp
1 ' ‘ ' ,. However. the sulwoliimlttte up The l‘.(llltlllltll‘ llelial'tnueiit 3L"? _.tmm ”than“ ih,. Md did ”in Lilli)"
A - . . ' proved legislation today that would published regulations ili‘iiilt'ltli‘llldii.’ mint-n.
\x 3' postpone implementation ot l‘egula the sowalled Solonioli .\liielidnicl;' tum“ My. vhlc ”hilt-Hiding pm“.
,1; “ "qu lions tying student aid to dratt regis as ot next .luli The} would ll.i\e re mm. would M. “My.“ m ”H. lattiHH
' l _j: ”Mtg tl‘atioil lol‘ seven months. until f’eli quired students .ipphilii.‘ tor lznai ..iid MM 8;, ...nm, “a,“ Beginning
3, " iwg" l_ 1984 clal assistance to indicate ~‘.lli‘llll'!' .l..: 1 llt‘rt'. he said new student aid
‘ ~ : . "A U M5,: .. tithel‘ witnesses told the panel that Him and coniplwd with the \t'lt't"i‘.i' ,-...;;,H.,t_.1_. “..”” if f‘q-qutrvd u, pr“
,' ‘ ‘ colleges aiid unnelsitles that at .\er\icei'egistialioiireouii'einen's 34.. .t...“m..”id;t.,,x .,, registration
5,. 2 ,' " f2. ‘ tempt to cel'tm dratt registration ot [ti addition, male students would -.“-n J. 4m Mm...““”29me “.21...
- -. ~- , male students applying tor aid are lia\e been required lo pi'oi lilt‘ \eriit in)”;tnpsi-tm'tti,¢1St't"tlt‘t'\\\t.in-_
' - .. 1?: "_ . in danger ol being cited tor coll cation of their registration \onitii. \ datum. “Mm. m. ”gum 4.,» _;;
‘ ,1 ‘ t ’1‘ ”t 5- tempt ot court because ol a Minne ance lllfit nor. .i' 'ltt' request oi the \riieri
1 " " fix. ‘ sota t'ederal courts temporar) in Rut colleges and uiiltei'sitn-s too, my. i--.-.. l.:twt"=<'s liioi .o'.» s'ii
2 . =1. T61.“ junction against entorcement ol the planted this would put an linaccepla dent ”my“. “1,. “Ht-..”,; 3.“
"g; ' regulations hle paperwork lllll‘tlt‘lt oii thelii and wwmom. Am. t),]...,:.:mtt;t.m. Mm
' K ’32. ' ' '- ‘ "We are in no position to question would cause delays and contusioi. could Mm to wit 2f;n't"it..ti.t'lllll \
1 ““5"""Mm9'5‘0" people's word. ' Stockham \‘iilil 'll tor instance iii the case ot liiaie s'u twriiiatien‘ flaunt not. . mung
Sia'utory bath someone puts their name on ll alid dents who might lose men \el'nita ...tmh:
: I l l l
1 Derrick Butler. on employee of the Physical Plant Division, spent several hours yesterday scrub- woman 8 fight With baCk disease
bing paint off the statue of UK's first president. James K. Patterson, who served from 1878 to . .
i910. Vandals dumped the white paint on the monument late Tuesday night. brings commitmen t to aid 0 thers '
it) l.i\l s. K \I) um 'i. ‘ . ‘ .
THURSDAY The magazine endorsed David Bradford special Protects f‘.(lllor
. and Tim Freudenberg for SGA president and . .
From AmedeOSS reports vice president respectively. Bradford was Fm”. years ago. Helen “Wm.” to. g. Q _ .
, featured on the magazine's cover. spent her days common to bed if” " . ‘ ,
. Clark declared critical Freudenburg said he and Bradford discov~ i\;ht3ii\shg‘iiiii Island. all she could 32.? f‘. . .
ered that the magazines placed at several “tmn ”W5 3 M ,
. "b tions l was curved over till degrees. .1; v 343 . . ,l .-
north and central ”campus d's‘n U said Reckel‘t. who slitters trom an ,_ ,7 5 «2 _J\ "'
SALT LAKE crry _ Barney Clark was re- points were missing. 'We have taken them kins-int: spondylitis'. an ilitlanimation ;};'5V_' .9 ‘ ,1. .
turned to intensive care and his condition 0"” 0‘ "05h barrels '" ”the Student Center (kit the spine whose cause is uli ‘ 152,... .-., ' ": .
was changed from fair to critical after he and the M.l. King Library, he sai . ”at ”night. the ex'cruliitllnfl pain fl ,4. _ 4 , . I,
suffered a mysterious crisis yesterday when . . kept l’ieekert awake Mornings were ' -" 3"” '
the amount of blood pumped by his artificial NOW plans national MOOtlng 1“,! as paintul "It was an ettort to . 1 3 - .4 I ‘
heart dropped suddenly. Ret out ot lied] she said “It hurt so . g; i ' “ _ ‘,
The change in Clark's condition was an- The Kentucky National Organization for Wilt“, \ l)“‘]l\" m . Mi ‘mn ..“. a: . g“ ‘7 , “g
nounced by Dr. Chase Peterson at on eve- Women chapters will hold their state confer- that \lud Li‘rll’év. m:a_rtl1:r:”m 1 3 9" .
ning news conference. Clark. 62. had been ence Saturday at the Hyatt Regency. The mnmt to helping disahlm pt‘tlplp ‘ .» (x _e‘ 1 , ((
in a private room and in fair condition for conference will focus on the key women's tiiid and (‘\ aluatetheirahllities 6‘ '\ 'g,‘ "3 ~ fr
weeks. issues of the 19805. Registration begins at 9 She works with the Kentucky \lco . , . é .4 ’5‘
Peterson said Clark. who had been up1 a.m. liol totiimisslon she also touted an . , ‘. ‘3 .8
. . . . . W organization to keep alcoholics ott _ , _ . .
graded from serious to fair condition Feb. Kathy Webb, notional secretary of NO lemngton Smmh and h d ”mum, lit; K .
14 and placed in a private room since Feb. and from Washington is ”‘9 keynote speok- ollhe committee shoard 5* In ..
24. suffered an abrupt drop in his cardiac er. Also, Kentucky poet George Ella Lyon Beckert said she received no coiin “ .
output at 12:15 pm. MST. will read from some of her works. seilng on how to deal with her (i|\
Clark's cardiac Output -- normally 6 to 8 Those interested can register at the door ::::;:(.({lnll \ till,“,llum::,dl“gfilfssl ‘1'. ‘ J" “
liters per minute. plunged suddenly to 2.2 for $15. For more information, call Confer (sum, Mm“, m 1”:ng H l “a; like J .4 a a
liters, and then a few minutes later to 1.3 ence Coordinator Laura Pylos at 269-83301 s\\ll(‘hhmir(llhai“asovi‘rloadt‘d “v. ...r .
liters, he said. The problem then began cor- Because of her spinal disorder. :1 '
rectingitself. she resigned troni her toh at the J3 g
The retired dentist already was suffering \ llmllm ”mm"? m. ““111“!le m "I ' ‘
_ , I \olied her lilishand .ind dlopped olit _ .3 . .
from a Virus blamed for a fever and kidney \ / ot school is" W
problems. | "i thought tor awhile I might tilid ." , W “
WEATH _ the answer at thi hottom ot a bottle ““t ,,
,. l l
l hut i worked it out myself s I t3.’\'
l lieckert also wants to enroll at t K , Lil
Local mall". (”.08de / \ l and complete her degree iii tamih ' ’ "-
studies. a branch ot psycholog} ,
. . l lieckert said she thinks her degree
Several hundred copies of the current issue and (W‘X‘rit‘ik‘t‘s qualih hei' tor
of TotalVision magazine, a local weekly Mostly sunny tomorrow with a high in ...mnsvtmg -| “..”,“ km.“ what
television publication. were found in trash tho mid to uppor 403. the} are going through and antic
barrels across campus, reportedly because Partly cloudy tonight with a low in 'l‘illt‘mt‘lrm‘“"“‘Vt‘
of its endorsement of two candidates for "‘0 0‘" 9° “P”? 20'3 orlwlmzfllwn:lllluwtglrllfn22‘3le 21
Student Gavornment Association president Mostly sunny tomorrow with a high In "mm“ m.r,r‘;.nd. ‘ M ‘l ' ‘ JACII'IVIII/Komolsmff
and vice president. "‘0 UPMVWTO'OW 30'- " \ lot et people didn't know how HELEN DICK!"
_ So. “0.90905
. . .
. A l J ~

 ~ I. v" . u
IIII Molda- An‘vow Opputum John OIINIH Mid-y “not.“ tlnl t ‘0‘.“ Lo. Von”...- Don ("Mud
(dog. in (Vt-I. News Moot All! Now spam [dl'ot ‘wouthn-(is Editor Photo Editor o’flphl(‘(dt'ul
Jam Iii-In Maul. III“:- rm. Solloo It" I. Wldono' Jr. Don M00100! luthlo Mllllon Ion Van Moot Chm Am
Managing Mm), lat-m at ta vi AnniuntArn (diva: Autumn'sooiu Ediioi spyiuivmmn Auiuum ChtgtPhomgiuph-i tit, iiiv I t ' w ,
N .. - ___—_—___————_————__—_——-v——————————_——____—___.____
pportunlty or a stu ants ~ — - ,
Hm Iii/”0V! 7mm ‘ \
A . ‘ RAN-CH \ -
kyt d ' ' pl'y L/ZP/P 06/5 S--—~<>°U.t=e
. ,'
e O a MISSIONS 0 IC . . D 5 Sap/t \

It's somewhat humbling that on Saturday The shift in policy is wise; the student with F 0 AT Q meanVW S .l
it's possible for it My students. and roughly a 2.5 grade point average but sub-par Ameri- . H LE 7- \
the same number from the t'niversity' ol can t‘ollege Test scores shouldn‘t be shunted ; ' ES 3‘ J ;

Louisville. to draw the sort of television an aside for another with a 25 points-per-game v sIl-s, g 't \i \

, . . -_ i. I \
thence reserved ior highly hyped miniseries average. The name of the game is opportune -t {I ? V g {1" ll ,
and the ttiost popular regular series ty'. and the ordinarilv qualified student ‘ g (is? m.( / : /, ~ l i

q ' ‘ . w . - t , . . t.

Ilie event the iirst meeting of the nor should have the same crack at making the ‘ .1 1 \ll ' g 1/ ’ l
versities' basketball teams in 24 years bigtimeasthestarforyy'ardor tailback. I ~ 3‘ / v % 7” / .
rather halt the actual participants. will he The goal for the Senate now is to watch . “m” ' '/ I(f t

V . , . 4 "
the star oi the program. but the t niversity s over the pool and ensure it isnt abused by Ill _/ . ' W ,. l It l
identity will he established nevertheless by the admissions or athletics departments. Al- - — J v , ' - f . l
the participants though academically lackluster athletes ; , if ‘M . y (t l

they lit-ti athletes a part» breed among have the NCAA to answer to. the l'niversny' A , i; If” A 1‘ , . ‘l ‘ 1;
us They can run taster. lump higher. lttt shouldn‘t allow the pool to he clogged with ‘;.-Z’/«//q/CJ,[/, ,fl‘l/I ’J r v7, ’ I. { . '/ I;
harder and do it all more olten and with athletes who will never measure up to the 9’ ' l “I \\ ' I ‘ I l]

. . . ‘ _ \' / .
greater accuracy than the average human standards of excellence the I mversity cur- ”(7/4 \ {H h l , I

, u n t t ‘ ~—» \ s ‘

Iliey are also very special students rently is settinglorstudents. fl," / I ' \ , it I I 1 l
according to Donald lvey, chair ol the l'lll' v I \ ) \ I
\‘t‘I’SIly' Senate. they get "better iinancia'. 7 f ‘rf/vr “ ‘l ' , ' ' i l

. . - x t _
aid. better eating. prelerence in scheduling ’ " y I_ M_‘ “Y, ‘ 3 . ‘l , a. 1 .
ior classes. a large tutorial stall and. in . =\ V" A )\ [7' l , I l o‘,‘ l
some cases. betiei housint than the av err _. .' - l I
‘ ‘ L . . . , % (I \7 ‘ l
age undeigiaduate A note of congratulations to the Senates // 7&4 h . i I *1 ‘ l.
t‘iitil Monday. they also would get some (‘ommittee on Admissions and Academic '9’ /// . tl l at: / Q ' l.
s ' . . . ,' _ . . . - . . /' » . .t
thing else under the t niyeisity s pioposed Standards is due for the mile months ol work .. w 7" {1 t t \1 . g
. - ‘ 1
selective admissions policy a place hete that resulted iii a policy that may change , 1 \‘ ,tt . [I n t
that another. possibly more deserving stu this t’niversitv forever. " ‘ , lilt . [... t g '
,. . . n . . . . ‘ l 3
dent would occupp lhe Senate. howey er. It s not useful. hovveven for the [ niy'erSity , ll'l t ' 0
Vltimts’t‘tl mill «\ltttltllt.‘ 9‘) y'l‘t‘itlmtl it WINNING to demand strict standards from students . K ,\- i l 'lli
‘ ’1‘)
ill’Plly‘iml I‘m” “tt' étllllt‘ly‘s Uttdltlt‘ to full!“ and not demand those same standards from ‘ ‘ ‘
requirements that would make them auto itself. Excellence is the goal in all quarters:
matically acceptable to the t’niversity it's time to begin work on [K itself. ;
M t '0 .59 0 9 America ’3 SllppOl't 0f [Marcos ‘
tote my poopo- t-tonric Reagar us and his vehemently prot S There have been more than 230 In fact. by many' human rights man. Rudy del ('armen. was an three “mac- ”5 much spent m ‘Ulr *3
'nr:ves tL fi'it‘lltlSll,;i Ir. :.iti :ri his stance is .i dictator He and his cases of disaptmirance reported in standards. the situation since Jan rested. stripped naked and tortured port the “up as h $0m to “a.” [mi 4
otgttht; .-..p..t ..s ptuwiilcnt lll' lamily are known ioi- some of the the live years between '75 and ‘80 uary of '81 has worsened not on Among other things. he was people
minty tut-tut my flat”. .i' lttlyllllL most tlagraiit violations oi human These. I remind you. are only re- proved. Marcos has gone so tar as to squeezed in sensitive areas with And is the Philippines poor" Let :-
tiames 'i 'ttc \lllt‘l'lvtill I~"‘:etid rzghi‘siiitlieworld ported cases Who knows of the attacktheCatholicchurch pliers and shocked with electric me tell you They rank I33 on a list 7‘.
Us: —————_ countless men and women who dis» During the pope's visit in '3]. one prods The soldiers poured gasoline of 2H Thet'nited States ranks to .
Ferdinand Marcos ‘S one oi 'hose appear and have no one to file a re» month alter the suspension ol mart on his feet and burned them. as well In lotto. their average income per ;
'tames .ittt‘. Reagan says \mcrvca s Lesley port iial law. Marcos did his best to hide as pouring vinegar and pepper into capita was $779 ours was $7.00” »
oldest and ft‘ittst important ally in ABUKHATER \yhen coiitronted with these statis~ the gross misuse of funds. the tor- his eyes After being held ior some And yet the money keeps goingI and t
Southeast \s:a Marcos is pres: tics. Marcos continually claims that ture. and the poverty oi the Phil- time. del (‘armen was released to Reaganinvitestlieniaiitodinner
dent ot the Itepublit ol the Phil ———————-———- the deaths and injuries resulting ippines by actually constructing visit his family and then killed iii .My question Is this why do we
tppmm _, ..itetv vet ttlt’I'Hllltly Ir. early NT: Marcos tearing re troin the work of his APP are actu— high walls to block the ghetlos from August ‘ltl during a daw n raid .\iiiericaiis_ who consider ourselves
poor group oi islands southeast oi sistance to his oppressive rule. on ally a result oi armed conflict Wllh thepope‘s view. And yet. Marcos reigns on In an the most privileged and deinvx-ratic
t'hina posed martial law on the Phil the military wing ol the ('ommunist But. in September oi ‘83. merely interview last year with Newsweek. nation. allow ourselves to grove] in
In his rt-ign in :t\('[’ t? years. Mar ippines Party . the New People'sg‘trmy' two weeks before his scheduled up he spoke in defense oi martial law the dirt with men such as l‘t‘l‘tllllltntl
my my tn-c-tinyt- one at the worlds lnder this law which incidentally 'I‘hese thousands ol men and pearance in Washington and only and hishuman rightsrecord Marcos" Simply lor two military '
most pro ymorzcai; autocrats IIt- makes Poland s pale in coii‘iparison. women who turn up on the death alter his assertions of good will to “We have turned a country that bases aitd a strategic port ior our
regul‘n‘ly \l't‘;)t\*hps our back and Marcos was tree to arrest. detain register or who appear in public the pope. Marcos" AFP raided the was in a state of anarchy." said SeventhHu-t" t
we do our best ‘o return the tavor and cyccute thousands of citi/ens on with various physical intut‘lt‘s are Pope Paul \'I Action (‘enteit arrest Marcos. “into a society of peace and If we catit liiid a satisfactory an
1,; :M-i I“. am- mm vino {million a the merest whim His excuse" .-\s really soldiers lighting the (‘om- ing several lay workers and a tiuii order where human rights are pro swer to this. and I believe there is ’
WM ”,3 me‘H-t «mt Wampum he. visual thet oiiiniil-sarm-timing miessosays Ferdinand Marcos Later. several priests were arrested tected And this was done through none. then in place oi an answer. we ,
along Mm Ammo» wt million m on Marcos claimed that the t‘ommu What about. the hundreds who dis and accused of what else con- democratic processes. through the must act Willi Sim million oi our '
“not.” on“) Ir. r't-IUH ytart-os nist Party working within the Phil appear" tth. well they merely go spiring with the communists Some civil government proclaiming mar money going to Marcos annually. we ;
am“ It and 7.,t- xvi. comm“. ,mt, .ppmes was a threat to his regime 'undergroundfi says Marcos. and have even been executed on charges tiallaw' ” can alford to demand that he be .
tar; bases tha’ Reagan deems um and thus he tell iiistilied iti «re ioiiitheenemy oi subversion ldon't hesitate to call Ferdinand a held accountable for his record on
essary tor the \t‘t“ll"". 'tt 'tie tree .ittng right wing death squads. clos Ironically. the Philippine govern While Marcos' attack on the bar and men like Reagan who cont human rights We can either reluse
aorta; am down newspapers and arresting mcnt Is on record as being a staunch church was being carried out. Ron» tinuetosupport him tools to send the money or suiiiciently
l“:.~ irrat.;th-c' .i' ' rs' aiantc t'I\llidtl\l'l:.’.lll and Mt supporter oi human rights They me was rolling out the red carpet for ('hoosing best friends like Marcos pressure him toniend his ways
seett‘is del; 'rtir. .i ":arrxigc o' For security reasons he set up li.i\e sponsored several such resolu- his old pal Ferdinand and many is far worse than not being picky It you think it‘s iioi possible. then .,
convenient e lull" :.l\l‘ .iit inarr'aucs the armed torces oi the Philippines. tioiis iii the l’iiited Nations And were tricked into believing the guy about your peanut butter It is going where is your laith iii the democrat Q!
or long term reia':oiist::ps ' ltH-tls a group oi military personnel given then in January '81. Marcos lifted was reallyarelormediascist against every lair and denim-ratic ic process" ”or contract with Mar Il
ttc.c.a.:.w-t: ”Nita tree rem to terrori/c. kidtiap and ex martial law, causing many world Yet. barely a month before his ideal those of us iii America say we cos is up for review before l'ongress
\o ‘|I.t‘ i.v.irc om. ‘vt ‘tit-se ltires' ccutc suspected citi/ens observers to applaud him for his Washington visit in niltl'N'plt'lIIlX’r siandior and Reagan next year Let your con
t't 'tlttltti'v .mt: stra'ccti tac'ors couid 'I‘hc number oi the forces has in change oi heart and to seriously be of last year. Marcos claimed he had Even disregarding the violation of gressman know how you yyaiii your
aita‘ lion: e .i' ,; pas” Ittt‘Shlt‘I's Tot creased trom oo ooo Ill tttT'.’ to :ooooo lieye that the Philippines was turn- uncovered a nationwide plot to (lISr human rights that Marcos is respon money spent Send your deliiiitioii oi
Marie-riding Marcos I-Lu‘ .vc must in l‘tT‘J .\ccordiiig to \ninest Inter iiigaround itshuman rights record rupl his government and went about sible for. we cannot Ignore the way “a society oi peace and order where
f ll‘l'vi‘ll' .v-tt;ltor.:iic national reports the number ol de Among those who proceeded to arresting labor leaders. iournalists our money IS spent human rights are protected" to the
tr; an. moon.“ ,ttio tllntist- ,Iit lattices taken by the \H’ military slap Ferdinand on the back and andotherscriticalofhisregime As I mentioned earlier. we give Philippines
lioiinze :st;' thoosey Hc s gone may have decrezised recently. but even invite him tor a visit was his He created a second squad of Lotto him $100 million per year iii military American money should protect
tow r, it, "tit gutter 'tas ,Hm, to pick the number oi reported cases of dis *oldtriend“ Ron secret marshals who executed some and economic aid Sounds like a lot. Filipinolile. not kill it
ll‘ nail n at; t ,tt- dtit.’ .ook at aptwal‘atlt't‘. cyecutions and torture Well. I'm here to tell you that 47 people in the first two weeks of huh" It is a lot. but a lot for the
this ti‘tc'itistiip iiiw-tv some ot the tiasincreased Marcos attempt to improve his Auguslalone wrong reason. Seventy-live million Ieslic Abittctiuicr is (III l-inglish
,m,..,m.1mt...p In the ttrst three years oi martial image is nothing more than a patch A final story ol one man may help goes for military hardware and only graduate student and (1 member o;
Martos ilcsxi'tc ”‘it- Eaiitl ho- rents law 3o llWFElilllllUS were detained meant tocovera cancerous sore to show Marcos true colors The 2.3 million for economic aid That's Amnesty International
It :~ :.ti.t part oi a basketball game The candidate to whom you refer dent than the one of David liradlord the students. but he needs your sup I ask all students to think belore
FOUI on Williams ‘v‘v'tiiic l Hit“) A high tht‘tng game happens to be the most qualified in- and Tim Freudenberg port and opinions todo so they vote think liavid Bradford
il‘ i'IIIIt it as anyone. I also t'tltoy an dividual to serve as Kentucky's next These two men have proven them Tim Freudenberg was David's one and Tim Freudenberg for president
t'ciligcntly played game even governor and she is someone I selves over and over again as out and only choice for vice president and vice presnleni of SGA and you ,
tint e .Igaii: kernel readers are more Henry t'lay could liaye forced know very well She's my mom standing leaders of SGA and as men Tim has been demonstrating his won'tbedisappointed 1'.
tort-ed to read inane t'tlIlIn‘iI'IIltII“. by the .it tion at any point in the game Martha Layne t‘oIIins has. s|nce who stand behind their fellow stu leadership abilities in not only Stu _,'
incompetent writers this time I However. they chose to stay in a her announcement last November. dents. Their qualities of leadership dent Government Association. where laniReniamin
must take exception to Jason yy t Mile and t'arlislc t'ounty patiently appeared on nearly a dozen occa are needed in our student gov‘ern- he serves as senator. but in Societas Marketingsenior
liams comments regarding true .taitedtoi‘goodshots sions with the other two candidates menttoday Pro ”1115115. ”10 dISllnEUlSht‘d pre- ..
basketball In the end alter three overtimes She also is the only candidate who is Both David and Tim have success law honorary. and Other campus ac
Williams either did not attend Sat Henry t‘lay earned a tit Ll win But speciiicatly addressing the key is; ful track records w‘ith student gov- tly'ltles. There is not a more qual- ‘
tlt‘tlay s t arlisle t‘ounty Henry t I.iy more importantly. both teams sues education. Jobs. law and\ ernmentand the student population. Ified candidate for vice president :gfn‘fgnggthj";ffgffi'°"‘“tr" M" """‘°"d
state championship or he paid Iittli- earned mutual respect Respect is order David has been serving as the vice than Tim Forum lub'tn'ttVtg mum and opinion: would
a'tention to the game To say that an important part oi sports. and Martha Layne t‘ollins is the only preSident of student government Both of these men stand for unity fifty:I‘fl'lff'm'z“’°.'”l'd':"‘::°’ :"°'_°'
- , . - t m com um ui in .m tor y
t arlisle t oiinty played not to lose with it noone loses candidate who has worked in all under Jim Dinkle and has shown his and success for this college campus .0506 con
and had a tion athletic style ol of Mickey Patterson wrote an excel three branches of Kentucky state leadership roles more times than David and Tim are the natural “' "‘°""°' “”|"°’ ‘°“"""°"°" "W" D' 'W"
tense tells me that Williams sat in tent article about the tournament government JudICIal. legislative any other past president David chtiiee for next year's preSident and 3,173,073,d:‘;:,',,:::”7,.,:,2;;‘n:",,.’;,;:“:f: i-
row .I.t of section 313 and had his capturing the essence of the slate and executive and she has never Bradford knows what he is talking Vice preSident if you are looking for motors 'tuwtlcotlm or (annorbon w-m UK M
back turned tothe action tournament After seeing iii consec forgotten the people who have elect; about and cares about what others qualified experience. powerful lead :z‘fl: Sf:‘,’::;".°l_::‘:""" " ”'W "‘0” ”W“
t'arlisle t'ounty played within its iitiye state tournaments. I know ed her tostalewide office think He wants to be the voice of ershipand high motivationinSGA
ability Any knowledgeable tan what the state tournament is all I recommend that you examine
knows that a team with lesser ath about Maybe in a few years. Jason the facts closely before you begin m" b}, Be ed 3
Ietic talent must dictate the tempo Williams willlearn criticizing the candidate Martha BL COUNTY the Breath 3'
m a game. and ('arllslp'g game plan As for now. he has exhibited only Layne t‘ollins is definitely running 1.,wa Mmyl/
was to work for good shots Williams the ability to abuse the print niedi for governor. and if you look at her wy. MY YOUPARKU/ :7 um mumm’o ,ww,
does a disservice to those unable to um by leedmlz (‘ht‘t-rs for Henry record you'll see why she'll be the warty INA HANVthMl’ ‘10? #0 MM) HAV IFW'Q Wm" may/gt MINV
attend one oi the most exciting (‘Iay' High School a school that Democratic nomineeon May 24' Mitzi-"W7 WR'EN", 1 . ‘7 W) m "WV "45* .
championship gamesin years doesn't nfi'dlhlSly‘pf‘ of support CWT/Z. WAWINM l ‘ AW ' W mm, TA“ it/ ‘ A _
Further if he did attend. he must Marlafollms /’ - l rum " ”WAN l
have missed the play where Robert Dennis R l-‘oust Arts and sciences sophomore ‘ l m J ,: r—--"\ \l‘ [u ‘ ' .
‘ Warfield of Henry (‘lay slammed Firstyearlaw student —s. .A , t .f. ‘ ’ 7 l ,_, , , s m ‘ Vv‘ " \ ' .
. - .~ ~ , ‘A - u" < I L ,. .
into Phillip Hall of (arlisle (ounty , . , , \’ 7 I J , / ( IA V 5 fi . — 4 E .
as Hall moved in for an uncontested Outstanding 1’ ' ._ x H ’ , ' 7‘ .l l \ l
layup Hall. fortunately was not 39. ' ' " i " U ,
, -; . L l t t , .
'1le injured Hut Warfield 5 ac She IS runn'ng --The team with the superior track 7‘ 1"}, .-. >