xt7zcr5n9g1t_47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. Communist Party booklets and pamphlets text Communist Party booklets and pamphlets 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_5/82m1_5_6/126421/126421.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_47 xt7zcr5n9g1t angminst
Ilussi:1 q

 - l
. · . Q
e 43  
, · This little pamphlet exposing the prepara- L
tions of the capitalist governments for war i ·
·   against the Soviet Union and especially the  
part being taken by the government of Wall i
V Street, headed by Hoover, is a speech delivered ‘
_ at the Eleventh Plenum of the Executive Com-   -
mittee of the Communist International at its =
meetings in Moscow in April, 1931.
Q Since this speech was delivered there has T
been a vast accumulation of new facts every g ·;
_   day showing the feverish war preparations and i V .
 ‘  revealing still more the part being played there-
‘ l ` in by the United States.
S A  The capitalist press masks these war prepa-  
§_ rations with hypocritical phrases about peace 2
‘· , and disarmament. It is absolutely necessary  
.   that the true facts are given the widest circula— l
t  tion among the workers. Every reader of this ¥
‘ pamphlet should immediately purchase a large q .
_  number of - them for sale and distribution . ’
among his fellow workers. . .
e 3 1
 ., __,______, ,___,_,,_ ____,___,,,,,_, ,_,, A, .1,,,. . .   - 7 V —· -7   "°"’rr"

l  1
¤ ‘ · £;,K 3 By EARL BROWDER
.- "$r;";_?L_/F°‘°·"*&"' i THE capitalist world is feverishly preparing
, oovepwoxf , :¤ for war. Torn assunder by its_own antago-
____ _; _ I ""” $`*'·*¤V·¤<: urwlo [ nisms between the different imperialist powers, s
mlliz-   j ~ NEO under the pressure of the deepest eccgnomictcig-
y .   / *-'* ‘ ‘ .•"' · ‘ ' L sis in history, with its temporary pos war s a -
spiehn   a l lf  A    l ilization rapidly disappearing, and above all,
'"‘   F? /  7 * / _ ‘ with the millions of starving masses having be-
us’>Q - -" *:,7 r V fore their e es the example of the Soviet Union ·
, ,-   V '   I -- ° , with its unprecedented growth of economic life
`"' y _ Hu.; ,3}-· }    ‘ upon a socialist basis, inspiring them by 1tS very
` uy  * ‘ 5 _ existence to similarly reorganize their own_l1fe
I · ( L = as the only escape from the miseries of capital-
/ " '_ ism-under these condilitions, wo;ld)lcaip1tal1sm
eu •* Q jg is making a supreme ef ort to es a is a com- _ V
. 9A?|TM`UI`  il mon front for war against the Soviet Union,
\ {VOA * `  2 to destroy this menace to its existence and then
[vp? cwvé B”‘m’)   E more fiercely to proceed to the armed redistri-
_ ’ /MW""9 r ‘   butidn of the world which it so desperately de-
lr ‘ mands, and to carve up the rich territories of
,é tw Ik. bmuzuvweo l·  the Soviet Union, as the solution of its crisis.
"" , FARMHL. [ A
` _     é France Leads Intervention
A ` .l Imperialist France stands at the head as or-
A  ganizer and director of the capitalist attack at
I the present moment, as Comrade Cachin so ably
il demonstrated in his report to the Eleventh Ple-
§_ 5

num of the Executive Committee of the Com-  
munist International. I wish to concentrate, z
however, upon the role of American imperial- _
ism, the government of Wall Street, of Hoover, *.
Dawes and Young—the United States.    
Wall Street Has Its Own Line _}  
France stands at the head of the interven-     { .~ ) q / j \ _
tionist forces. But behind her looms the sinis- , i  _       9/   I
ter power of theimost powerful capitalism, ·: vg     EACE   —
America, which is moving surely, step by step, L;   J ` 4   Lg _ {Sven
in the same direction. And it would be a great {     · *5 1 y   » ` _ ·· °'·""
mistake to suppose that France is "leading" ~ ’ "   5  ` 4
America in this, the supreme question of world i   ii.;   ' _ - ’ V-$$2
politics. The U. S. A. has its own entirely in-  ay  i   __) __ Nb·,,,,,¤ew»~¤.
dependent line, designed to subordinate the anti- _ °""‘¤~ · `@<._,,O / ,
Soviet front to its own domination, and to make _ °Q’_g,Z WO flqegk,
the attack against the Soviet Union also serve ‘   ·, M _, " LW; 49 (
to promote its special struggle against its im- _   $*0, ·
perialist rivals. ` " '°‘,, T —-L" —
A The ripeness of the capitalist world for war ·· ( ,},L__'
was recently expressed by a spokesman of ’ K"` `J .
American capitalism, Senator David A. Reed, in # ` QL;.
the following words:  _»i
"I believe that if it were not for the appre-  lg
heusiou of Bolshevisvi, the countries of Europe  pi l'
would be at each other’s throats this very  
mirlute." ·
" Talk Peace, But Prepare War ;_
Hypocritical peace talk, of course, masks the   _
active preparations for war. Each measure of  

l`10l}$ _
"one thousand persons are dying of starvation li intervention in] aid to tge (ihinesie militarizgs in
in America every day we talk." The Farm § 1929, in the hinese as ern 31 way a air,
Board spent five hundred million dollars, large-   was declared to be "t1;> precslerve peacCe"tl1ndiI‘
ly buying 275,000,000 bushels of wheat.   the Kellogg Pact, mas ing e rea in en ion o
l seize the railway for American imperialism, not p
Farm Board Serves Intervention , only from the Soviet Union and from_Ch1na, but
, also from Japan. The church campaign in 1930
Then the fm`m€I`S· Worse off than €V€F· W€1`€   was "in behalf of the persecuted priests"; the
told that the Farm Board was a failure and ; "snti-dnrnping" campaign is "in the 1I1t€1‘eSlDS
must disctgntinue its operations. But we know { gf preserving the standards Ff ftheێ&lirl;1`1G=`:}I1
the real o ject of the Farm Board, which was E wage worker"'; the slanders o " orc 3. 01' 111
exposed in "Pravda" (official organ of the Com- i, the Soviet Union" are "in behalf of the oppress- ,
i munist Party of the Soviet Union) of April 9. { gd Russian toilers."
The Farm Board really had the obj ect approved   But behind the hypocrisy, the reall puipggg
by President Hoover, to establish a military re- f tands out sharp and clear. It is open y s a
serve of wheat, for the intervention against the gl igy such leading capitalist newspapers 9-5 thé
oviet Union and it achieved its object very suc-   "Chieago Tri·bune," which brazenly_ propagan-
cessfully. The Farm Board was headed by Mr. 4 dizes for war against the Soviet Umorii A typi-
Legge, a big capitalist connected with the agri- l cal example is the following from t e " ew
cultural implement trust, the International Har- ll Bedford Times," organ of the textile inifgestié
vester C0., which is demanding the return of its . "We would point out emphdticdl y t t t
former factories in Russia, and who has been,   United States must not delay or hesitatejn Such
like Hoover, an international organizer of food g m,drtey·s_ It is u, cdse of fight now dgamst the
ami militarr Supplies for <=o¤¤ter-revol¤tion- ’g sonar or to be devoured bythe Somet diver we

here been Teaaeea Sale be unable te fight- And  { different that the two cannot exist side by side
with Plepel eeenemee Campaigns egemst the ‘ indefinitely without great compromise on one
U-     R- Zee ae aah feraet Plenty ef a"ma·   side or the other, or war ultimately may result."
men s. ,
Or the following, from a speech of a member  I Ggggfsfmvgisgg Stlgggugiil ;`{FI1;(§n¥3$3‘}` S the   S·
_, · , , - , 1nternat1on-
g£ §’II;`£€Ig<£I’€1 S Cfelblliét, M1- Wilbur, SOO1 eeeey   ahrgationships xgvith the Soviet Union, that in
H · . - a ` t' ‘t ffl ' ll h d
Gee ef eee ereee eeeele ef eee eeree ee ee-  z egaeéi iigngeie O?Zi$pi§LZSym~ Znyiiiigigtiiti
Ljbgygtgly frying to work out large SOGMZ and ir eguld be used for war purposes and an €mb3.I‘ 0 U
econom.ic programs for the mastery of its vast — On au IOng_t€I,m Credits (Which Some Americgn
eereeeee eleee new (mhz M/m`hOd Zi"O$‘.Ou°j OOO' l banks were anxious to give) it becomes clear
nomic, social and political philosophy inevitably li that the fundamentm pOIIcy Of American imp€_
must wage a gigantic and fundamental struggle  , riausm points dimcuy and umI€VIatIngIy tO_
with theirs." · .d · - - O A
Whee eee eeeeee emeeeee Wee pleeee by the Eliéeiieiiih°iSS$ZSitStiii5$$$ii g7£ZZ”iegi`€i§I§K
$_Lr§h;§§;1;E1§lOZ1§§C?3lg§g§§Oui];r5;§gOI;;aIg§3g Iialism decide that the moment most favorable
was "not aimed at Russian trade." But one of Y  Or Its (mn partlcular mms has armV€d`
his own chief supporters, the "New York Her- g Plan to Repeat “G1erieue” Achievements of
ald T1`1bl1I'l€,” 1mmed1ately exposed th1s hypoc—  I 1918
I risy, saying:   _
"President Hoover has added his own assur· I Let Us never feet O mcmient fmlget that Amen'
ance . . . that the new regulations . . . are not ` OOO WOODS xyerwelveted in the mteYVe¤t10¤S of
aimed at Russian trade. . . . The official as-   1918'1919* m Mqrmanslke Archangel. and the
surances must be regarded as more ‘dipl0matic’ Fag_EiSl· ¢‘§}“e1;ea£ m%?eY and mllltafy and
*’“*" "“*·" * Ziiéfiviilpp wi eat ‘“§·i°l€i“i; Y“d‘°’“lih asm
Or consider these words of Admiral Pratt,  g Viet U I 1 O fil 5 A ee; O OC S .u$OO IO O'
. Clgief of;1 Naval Operations of the U. S. Navy,   these   Of Igts h;§§I};O;Hig;]F逧%a€IEEHOOEESSE
w o sai · . .
U ' _ _  I achievements of 1ts armed forces, placing the
l. I Tlbedlggnd m.whZ}O’/ll ieihey FOO U· S· gtlii) f  name of "Murmansk" alongside of "Verdun" on
"O ee O Om mw IO we we a’°O SO O Oe V   the "V1ctory Arch" built in New York City

(With the approval of Ueociaustn Assembly' A ress is engaged for the past year in a gigantic
men) to greet the Yswmisg tr°°pS‘ What  ` gampaign of lies slander and demagogy The
§§1Vel;Ie§§ag;§e€g*¥;;I§atd;€l ;ln1;_;§’_'§g;& It 1S , masses are told that the Five-Year Plan is fail-
_ I , . . ‘  -_ ing, but at the same time that it is the cause of
P¥`epamt1enS {Or tmterventlgp heggt been gf  ” · the crisis in the capitalist countries. The farm-
$ubJeet for eene an eglveree 10% Vlgeienl te .g  ers are told that Soviet Wheat caused the agra-
U· S· and Etvgeag °We1S‘ . egl Chef. ele:   rian crisis, and Soviet operations on the grain
London Neve 1 e;_,ereEeel lies dm 1 S 1 mud 1  exchanges caused the recent drop in the price _
g;1‘;m§“jCSH;I§E‘il?wgéee)a§y* N‘;I;vsB‘%%;1é'i;Y;(;?né   of wheat. The millions of unemployed are told
I . . . .’ .  _ that their misery is the result of a devilish
an agreement in spite of all difficulties, argued  , plot by the ..dic,mtOl_,, Stalin. The religious
thus- masses are told that in Soviet Union hundreds
"Hovering over the London Conference is of thousands of priests are murdered in cold _
the shadow of the Soviet Union, driving the   blood every year. Free use is made of the most
representatives of the different countries to —, shameless forgeries to bolster up this cam-
agreement, at least on common measures to · paign.
meet this common danger. This is doubtless _; The Fish Committee IS Organized
one of the principal subjects of discussion be- ‘ _ U
hind the SC6,,,,eS_~ I . Thus the notorious forged Whalen Docu-
- ( ments," produced by the Czarist "General"
Mobiiizing for War by Demagogy and Lies I Igjamgarouff, b;:can;e1tiiie_ciccg31sion Er t%ie.U. S. `
Thus the United States drives toward war. 4 tiggggegzrgniznesg agcigiies  {E39 Ei? (élmgzz
It is Spendmg 90 per ee;lt eghlte enermeus bee'   hind the actions of this committee, which were
get for War purpesesi gl: t e e}c‘my* neVg’b%r , the most vulgar farce considered in themselves,
tiéiiiiiiié ‘?€“f$?§§eSa‘lh§“S§§‘i?l€§l‘ iii? the { was the Sisista and   purpose Oi ppm-
I starving tee million? ef unemplelied. end the t'  tlicen gglaiiiigtotliiglge S?  gg XV(§e`ne1ealBtIi‘g}e€ii1i:
Several Imlhen Starring farmer? . B‘uw"S,]ce°”   garoff, acting as the confidential advisor of the
» wm? but not (Km cept 1*%* S°°t°“1.z"3uT“"°e* IS E Fish Committee, sufficiently indicates its po- .
the Siegel} of memcan lglpema ISE? .t 1. t ·, litical complexion, and exposes the close liaison
Meblhzmg the masses er wel? e eapl a IS between the U. S. and the white guard mon-

efehist counter-revolutionary Organizations of l that "the only subject which really arouses en-
_ Europe. s thusiasm among the workeragof the U. S. is the
This Same eloee relations · - . Soviet Union and its Five- ear_ Plan." It is
the fact that the Sister of }§§oli;t;§5I3r§§S§ia;2 therefore necessary for the capitalists to find
Stimson is a financial supporter and active Other mstrumepts fo? tummg the massgs
WO1~k€r On behalf of MOH3,rChlSt €]'I'1ig[`Q O]‘g3_]’]i-  l agalnst the Sovlet Union. These   ¢?md’ In
zatiens, is a natroneee of Dlamgamlr and tmV_ as  the,Amer1can Federat1on of Labor, the SO(;$18l'
els extensively in Enrone on their behalf- l 1St party and the renegades from Communism. _
White Guards prepare A. F. of L. Aids Intervention
_ In the New York State military fereee there L The American Federation of Labor boasts
IS a special company ccmpcsetl ef Monarchlst   that it is the most.consistent and stubborn en-
emlgres, receiving military training not only   emy of the Soviet Union. It rebukes some capi- ·
for use against striking American Workers lone  Q talist circles for their treason to capitalism in
also for prospective future service agalnelg the  2 doing business with the Soviet Union. It repeats
Soviet Union, The capitalist press lovlngly __  in its press every lie and slander printed any-
describes how many eX-nrineeS, eX_oonntS eX_ . where in the World. It speaks from the same
dukes, and ex-generals there are Serving- as · platform with the patriotic societies, American
private soldiers in this ecmpany_  ; Legion, and other chauvinist and fascllst Ergllanll
‘ The ca italiete . . zations. It en orsed the Pope’s attac ,t e is
rousing tlhe masse? afggil-§;iV$hgnSg%?gtt?Ji]1§O];1 , _  Committee, the_ Whalen forgeries, the anti-
The Ameriean Workers have always ha  = dumping C3mD31gH,· the "forced labor" slander,
an instinetiye Sympathy for the U S S and every preparation for war.
R. They also have an instinctive distrust ofthe . William Gi¤u>~lw¢ ins i u ·ions."
 9   _   ' wma ' These are the same William Green and Mat-
vi/Erl .    ._ "'   *r*°*i°;`$:i thew Woll who, on behalf of the three million
CVTS "   `Q7 C°XL;.> workers in the A. F. of L., promised there
_ ’* - W 9Fe`;55 I would be no strikes during the economic crisis,
l · \, fj FA" ` . U . who have accepted a twelve billion dollar wage
_ 640/HL/5) ( , W) reduction for.the Amer1can workers during
A,/6,9*4 O O % r 1930, who actively break all strikes that occur
· SQ in spite of them, who give their approval to 4
` the monstrous system of prison labor in Amer-
ica, to the coId·blo0ded shooting of prisoners as

occurred a few weeks ago in the Illinois State · I  
Prison, who approve the chain gangs in the · · lay) /
Southern U. S., where thousands of worker- 4. ` {  ?’_,r; )
prisoners are rented out by the State to private hl       f=_(/
capitalists, who keep silent on the horrible   ·\  £",j’
lynchings of Negroes in America, who fight    ',:2’{§;T_ ,7 /_/
against all proposals for unemployment insur-   x   ,’
ance for the ten million jobless.     -
These gentlemen have the brazen eifrontery E "Q;-·
to speak of "forced labor" in the U. S. S. R., and     *‘/
of the "free" institutions of the government i {3;% A_»~r•
that executed Sacco and Vanzetti, has kept Tom 5 "‘; _ - { ·
Moonely in prison for 15 yearls, and which is   · [ \   ’
ruled the infamous "59" bi lionaires. ‘  
Y g . ,4 i V. .·¤ —
Socialists Serve Capitalism     ' ‘,'  
The A. F. of L. has lost most of its moral   ..`,· _ ’ ,{/· I { ,·/_ /`
influence among the workers, so far as the So-   _A I `  ry \ .
viet Union is concerned, because it is even more     " A /// · gi -
’ reactionary than most of the capitalist press.   / ‘ /» $.,5
All the more valuable for capitalism, therefore, .- "f g I · . g
are the services of the "socialist" Party of { ' / ; \ ·_
America. Small and weak as this Party is, it is y 3 - lp I / · · A  
able to iill the columns of the capitalist press /__;v, M ,, ‘ / 4 .·
(not to speak of the small circulation of their _ ,___ "; 5 ' ~ ·
own papers) with anti-Soviet slamders under .g_ { I ’ · °\-¢>
the label of "socialism." { " "" = " N,
It is of great interest to us to know that the   ` ` " Lb;
"socialist" Party of America also participated ./ " ;, ” Ji`. ‘
actively in the anti-Soviet campaign of the Sec-
ond International and the Russian Mensheviki, ~
Y .

in the sabotage work against the Five—Year   as that testified to by Sitnin, in the "Industrial
Plan and the preparations for intervention. Mr.   Party" trial, who arranged, while in America,
Abramovitch, plenipotentiary of the Menshe- r for "commissions" on Soviet cotton purchases
viki, and executive member of the Second In- Q ¥i1f1:i0¤1%f1¤% to $400,000 per year, to finance the
temational, was a welcome visitor to the "s0- H us ria Party. At any rate, w k th rc
cialist" Party of America in 1925, 192t% and in ` the Jewish Socialist "Verband" raised] 03;;,0,0010
1930. When he arrived in New York 1n Janu·   for him, because they boasted of it in their re-
ary last year, he immediately wrote an article 3 ports to the socialist Party congress.
for the "New York Times," declaring that capi- if ‘
talist America was a wonderful land but that  ‘ The Socialist Leaders Knew of Intervention
in the Soviet Union there were ten million plans
workers unemployed. Then he appeared at a {
reception given by the "socialist" leaders, and ` Thegrghis not the slightest doubt that the lead·
delivered a speech in which he used these sig- ers 0 e socialist Party in Am ri k f O
nificant words; .4 the sabotage work and interventeioriaplalhzivih-
“The next gear or so ifill bring great sur- ;, g,;§%ngTIg]€; dggirii; lg! J°;‘O Frergelr General
prises to those people iv 0 have become per-   · t' H agi 6* ION BVGI1
suaded that the Bolsheviks will remain in pow-  f §gO;§$g€thi£ t?atdOf Kiutliikyi *°5“dtrVY};eI£) left
7. fO,.w8,._» 1  ;_ r, e ea ers 0 e n us 13 ar y
8 _ _ . j i were placed on trial before the proletarian court »
Soc1alists Fmanced Anti-Soviet Sabotage ,  1n Moscow, the socialist Party leaders held a
,, . U _ .   ting of protest in New York. The o enl
If the great surprises promised by Abramo- _1 gw? d th . , Y P Y
~ vitch have been, on the contrary, for the capi- · i ee ere Gilt rrrrere ef .ROmZm end COI?
talists and their "socialist" agents, this is not  · §§‘ny' 1A; TE Very rerereeerre meetmg held m
the fault of the socialist Party of America. They '{  M8 pile le Owl Pe¤¤rrlre¤re» Nevember 24»
did their best to speed the intervention plans f g Tgémageggglg Lei ¥J;;`eS1defd» thg Rell- N1?I`¤§lY1
` and finance Mr. Abramovitclfs sabotage work. y  , _ _ a e er O en 0YS€m€¤ y I'-
Alzthgugih the i&ndignantAWor}§€>1‘S }l¤1`€;k€kuP j vi gggesylepyiglgllgsdggerangarhtgiplgghlgswlgdl(lllllgt
o m 1C , a 1 .‘ . ·
Lille dai‘SOE“$§O£§f’ éilay {ima Néiv ‘%?Ork.   Ireerererr rerreeereree ere Reeeree Merehe  
Perhaps Some Of it Came from the Same Source    , Vlkl, and representatives of various socialist,
V Y .

fascist and reactionary groups of Russian   “B0l$l"¢6vtSm lives on the {dm O »
€mig1.€S_ nent state of war' and so does fdcsccisnlilelglillg
Hillquit Attacks U. S. S. R. Oommunist who regards Russia as a proleta-
And what did Mr. Hillquit, "international sec- ·= mm "lllllO"· will be Surprised tb learn that Fas-
retary" of the socialist Party, find it necessary elem regard [ml?] as ll ‘P"0l€t<1rimaS WY1t€S on November 29 ‘
,cm€d· H6 Says: . g  uring the Industr1a1 Party trial: l

"S0q;igt R·y,g,gia’g charge of a, European plot   th€_SPClallSt Party W3·S 3 legitimate, respectable
against her has not bee·n supported by evidence. I  Political Pafty which should not be harmed in
It seems improbable on the face of it in view _ ‘ any way, and gave a warm testimonial to the
Of F,m,m,O_Immm cO,,m.O,,e,.S,;8S (md other ,  American Federation of Labor as the principal
qaarre-is between oapitaltlst nations." »  S¤PP0Y’¤ of American capitalism, He Said-
On December 13, the " ew Leader" gives its 5 ~[ ·t t ` ,
_ columns to an American engineer for the de-   can liidaweri no for the fact that the Almferih
fense Of Ramzin It SayS_   I d eheraticoilivcgf Labor, under the patriotic
. · _ , ¤ ea ers ip 0 iliain Green and his red
“On the day when the commutation of the  Y so , S L G p was- V
sentences was reported., H. W. Brooks, it 09%-   , niiise ibiiltliethemgdicziiisiluilifilsstsyiiiiiliiitcle tg cgmplrh)-
,gy,lt1,ng engineer in New York, ’l0h0 WGS with g  have been trying to bore from with' " U fué O
Professor Rarnztn in Europe when the latter  `i` to gain control of the labor unions Qin m 074* er
was supposed to have arranged the Plot, de-  A would be a serious threat to Ojillmumsm
clares that he knew nothing of such a plot. ¤  mdmt,.y_»· .. memwn ‘ -
Brooks is of the opinion that the confessions  i
were arranged by the O. G. P. U., the Soviet {  The Am ' W k · ·
secret police, as a ‘farce’ to strengthen the Sta- . J (mean or ers Reject the LIES
gm diCmt0,·8;—,ip_~ q  We must declare, however, that all this tre-
Tlie Reverend Norman Thomas, in the name _. 1 mendous barrage of slanders and lies has not
of socialism, assures his readers in the issue of   _ been suiiicient to break down the instinctive
January 17, 1931, that the Soviet trade unions  ,· sympathy for the Soviet Union held by the V
are merely organs of dictatorship over the ;. American working class. The workers in the
workers, that ‘today their unions are scarcely 5 "so_cia1ist’ Party have, in fact begun to react
ggr; khan company unions in relation to the   . %1€aé1;)1;l1y;_again]‘st this ccamgaigtnclof their leaders,
· — ions o ro e
Fish Praises the Social-Fascists 4 ` `  l· O of their press li)ave ldeeziinpoiiiriilgsiiiiogelaiiggrg
_ It is no marvel, therefore, when We review the ’ ‘ 1clrl1t1cal_s1tuat1on within the socialist Party. As
"heroic work" of the socialist Party and of the   _ °,S°°ml'f?Sc1St; Musica declared: “The Soviet
American Federation of Labor, that Mr. Ham· `  — Umon and its F1V€‘Y€ai` Plan is the Only sub-
ilton Fish, chairman of the notorious Fish   ·l€°l° Wh1°h_ar°uS€S ellthuslasm among the Work- ‘
Committee of the U. S. Congress, declared that _ i BTS l?0daY 1¤ the U¤1ted_States."
· b

The “Left Wing" to the Rescue  L 3W3y from the Communists," in order to Save
A special role is therefore found for a "left ` . g-g£éti%;SI§‘ LOVES/{One Issued the Sl0g3-HZ "De—
wing" in the socialist Party end the A. F. or L. _ lin T .9 ‘1Y“El*i}}n“0¤ by Overihrewing the Ste-
R This role is played by the Muste group, or Con-   S OCi;§1?%; th Q VEYY Slogan of defense Of the
ference for Progressive Labor Action, as it calls .‘ an . 1f a erland IS tnns to b€_ turhed into
itself. It protests mildly against "the present _ ist ws Fulgelét for pngpamng lint? mtefvention-
increase in the vigor of the anti-Russian atti- “  Wh. in U that little gmup of 0DP01‘“Cunists
tude of eeme socialists" (··New Leader, Jenu- .’  · ·1° . °p€.§§‘]t€S underjhe beneer <>f_Tr<>tSky.
ary 31) and declares that it "maintains an open v giolnilin gn the CW! The Soviet Union is un- V
mind towards the Russian exp1erimenti" pro- _ 61 6 espotlsm Of the muYd€T€1‘, S’63lin."
ceeding therefrom to repeat all t e old s anders f . . ,
in a more masked form. Its usefulness to capi· e Workcls Gppose War °n Smnet Unmn
tolism is publicly recognized by the capitalist ~  In Spite of their united efforts, the capitgligts -
press, which opens its columns to their spokes- _· and their "socialist" servants have failed to U
men day after day, n Whip UD any War spirit among the mesgee The
Renegades ieee eeeeeeet Front  if Efeiléiii §‘i?e2eW5§eii2€eiip§EEE¥ Giieihii "‘°`
. L . . ver
Into this united from Of War preparations _  he and slander repeated by the socialist and  
against the Soviet Union, an honored nlaoe is ‘  F., of L. leaders is cutting another of the ties
reserved by the capitalist press for the rene-   lnndlng W6 hf13SSeS to them. The working elees .
gades from the Communist Party. Lovestone · ln America }S 3 Very favorable field fer Our
became one of their heroes when in 1929, it was *  Struggle 3g31T1S’¤ War preparations and fgy de-
announced upon returning from Moscow that ,  fense ef the SOViet Union.
he had "escaped" from the dungeons of Stalin Why the American Workers Must Defend th
and the G. P. U. — 6
The renegades are, for their brief moment, ` Q U- S- S· R-
specially valued by the capitalists, because they g V But it will be the most serious mistake if we
‘ carry forward the same policy under the very ey rely upon this process taking place automati-
label of "Communism." They attempt in prac-  ` cally. Almost as serious a mistake would it be
tice to carry out the advice given in the liberal . Q to rely only upon the "exposure" in words of ‘
weekly “New Republideato "take Communism . the Crimes of the social-fascists. We must find
- I

those concrete slogans and forms of struggle I, f S . t . . . ,
which will link up the struggle against war Y  Of tigvle Ilussla Orgamzatlon during tht? (lays
with the struggle for the every-day demands of Q  0 6 famm€·
the workers. In the U. S. we have used for this  _1 The Role of the Mass Political Strike
end the slogan, "Not one cent for war; all for   _
unemployment insurance? This has proved  ~_ We must €XPl&l¤ the 1'0l€ of the mess political
my p°*°“l“‘ ‘  Ziiite€€€l$}Z$§§$§iil:i$naii€ili$ iiiViiig1°§"ia°d
' .  1 S , In
_ We must explzlm Constantly to the W°Yk€I`S· { our own experiences, we have the beglinnings
1n a popular, easily-undei stood language of the f . V
workers themselves in terms of their own life O Such Stmgg1€S’ as m the Seattle General
. . * . . * , Strike of 1919, which placed the strike commit-
Why IP I?