xt7zcr5nd06k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5nd06k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1977 1977 1977-01-26 2020 true xt7zcr5nd06k section xt7zcr5nd06k Vol. LXVlil. Number 94
Wednesday. January 26. i 977


on independent student newspaper]





JAN 2 61977

University of Kentucky


University ofKentucicy
Lexington, Kentucky

Tournament seats set after hectic day

Assistant Managing Editor

After a lactic day of consultation,
negotiation and bureaucratic
bargaining, final arrangments for
student seating at the Mideast
Regional Basketball tournament
were completed yesterday.

The issue of where UK students
would be seated during the mid-
March NCAA play-offs was first
discussed at a meeting of the UK
ticket committee last week. The
committee voted at that meeting to
allocate 4,000tickets for UK students
with an additional 750 tickets to be
distributed if Kentucky participates
in the tournament.

Al Morgan, who heads UK ticket
sales, said at the meeting, “We’ll
have to get together and discuss
wh'ch 4,000 seats the students will

But Hal Haering, student
representative on the committee,
told the Kernel Monday that Dean of
Students Joe Burch had called him
because he was afraid student seats
had already been selected without

“Dean Burch said he ran into Al
Morgan at the game (against
Mississippi State) and that Morgan
had said he was already pulling
tickets (choosing seats to fill mail
orders fir tickets). He (Burch) said
that we’d better get over there first
thing in the morning to make sure
about the student seats,” Haering

When Haering met with Morgan


High Street






Chart A










The original student seating plan UK Ticket Manager AI Morgan
proposed to Hal Haering yesterday morning for the Mideast
Regional Tournament is shown at left. But after a meeting was
called by Dean of Students Joe Burch yesterday afternoon, ap-
proximately l000 seats were shifted to section 232 at side court

yesterday maning, Morgan showed
Haering a chart d Rupp Arena with
student seating already designated.
(See chart A). Haering protested the
designated student seats as “all in
the end-zone” and negotiated a

series of shifts in student seating-

which he described as “better than
what we had“

Haering then met with Burch who
said the arrangement for students
could be even better than the plan
Haering and Morgan drafted. Burch
then called Morgan and told him to





The Lexington-Fayette Planning Commission
has drawn a new zoning ordinance that would
regulate the kinds of business that can locate in the
civic center area. The ordinance is an attempt to
stop topless bars, adult bookstores or massage
parlors from opening in the civic center area.
However. a number of Lexington residents are
asking whether its legal or constitutional to ban
certain businesses. and whether it violates the free
enterprise system. Mayor Foster Pettit and
planner Frank Thompson said they expect little
opposition at a hearing scheduled for tomorrow.


Jefferson Fiscal Court voted yesterday to
prohibit the use of county funds to pay for a
proposed second-trimester abortion clinic at
General Hospital. The decision came after about
two hours of testimony from some 30 speakers-all
but one of whom supported the prohibition.

Franklin Circuit Judge Squire Williams issued a
temporary restraining order yesterday blocking
work on the proposed Marble Hill nuclear power
plant near Madison, Ind. Three state agencies filed
suit seeking the order with the approval of Gov.
Julian Carroll. Because part of the proposed $1.5
billion plant will be in the Ohio River, the state of
Kentucky claims jurisdiction over the facility.


Griffin 8. Bell. an Atlanta lawyer and former
federal judge, was confirmed by the Senate
yesterday to the attorney general. The vote was 75
to 21. Most of the debate over Bell centered around
his civil rights record, an issue emphasized by
blacks and liberal organizations who opposed his
nomination. President Carter has called Bell's civil
rights record “superb.” The Senate vote was
preceded by more than six hours debate.

President Carter’s $31 billion economic
program may include a $50 cash payment for
nearly every American, including the non-taxpay-
ing poor, Bert Lance, carter’s budget director, said
yesterday. Lance said the payments would be in the
form of a tax rebate for each personal exemption
claimed by taxpayers for 1976. There aim would be
a cash payment for persons receiving Social
Security benefitsand for low-income persons who
do not pay taxes.


Vice President Walter F. Mondale said his
four-hour meeting yesterday with West German
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt had enhanced chances
for a “cooperative solution“ to U.S.-German
differences over the spread of nuclear technology.

Sen. Wendell Ford. (D-Ky.), joined with Sen.
Jennings Randolph (D-W.Va.). yesterday in intro-
ducing legislation aimed at increasing the federal
government‘s involvement in the commercial
development of synthetic natural gas and oil.


Cuban advisers are training guerrillas for the
war against Rhodesia’s white minority regime,
black nationalist sources in Zambia said yesterday
as prospects dimmed for a negotiated peace in the
racially torn country. In Rhodesia, the mood of
whites ranged from jubilant to fearful, a day after
Prime Minister lan Smith rejected a new British
peace plan for transition to black majority rule.


Tire snow will end today and clear slowly but
start again tonight. The high will be in the mid 30's
with a low tonight in the mid-teens. There is a 20 per
cent chance of snow today and a 30 per cent chance
tonight. Snow is predicted tomorrow with a high in
the low 30‘s.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau dispatches



resulting in approval of the plan shown in chart B. The dotted lines
indicate the 750 additional seats UK students would probably
receive if Kentucky is a participant in the tournament. An an-
nouncement concerning the sale of the tickets is expected today.

hold up any further designation of
tickets until he could meet with
Athletic Director Cliff Hagan, who
also serves on the ticket committee.

At that meeting (with Hagan) an
agreement was reached which
Burch said was “fair to everybody

concerned“ (see chart B) “They
had some ideas about what was
available and we did. It was simply
a matter of negotiation.”

One thousand seats were shifted
from the end zone to section 232,
which is located on the High Street
side of the arena.

Mini concert seating boosted

Ballroom confusion ends '

Kernel Staff Writer

A lack of communication between
University officials and the Student
Center Board may be responsible for
a needless reduction in the seating
capacity for this semester's mini
concerts held in the Student Center
Grand Ballroom.

The conflict centers around the
renovation of a part of the
University Club dining area, which
is located in a small ballroom ad-
jacent to the Grand Ballroom. In the
past, a partition between the two
rooms was folded up in order to
make more room for the crowds
attending the mini concerts.

.1 3%,

Model student

'llom Doyle. architecture sophomore. bailds a house model that lie destined. lie stacked the cola cans. too.
but not for credit.

With the renovation of the dining
area. some Student Center Boar 3
members have been afraid that the
days of removing that wall are over.
That would reduce the size of the
Grand Ballroom space available for
the mini concerts. And that, in turn.
could force an increase in ticket

The problem, if it can be called
that, is that the University officials
who are making the changes in the
small ballroom deny that it will be
closed to the mini concert fans.

Renovations are being made in the
room in order to make the
University Club an open dining
facility for all University faculty and
staff, acctrding to Jack Blanton,

Burch also said he didn’t think
anyone had tried to cheat the
students out of good seats. “It’s just
that things weren't conclusive at the
meeting. The question was raised
then, but the necessary information
just wasn’t available. It was simply
a process of discussion," Burch said.

Haering said that if “the Athletic
Association was any indication” of
how the University was run "i’m
surprised we know what
requirements need for


Haering said the new seating
arrangment was “a lot better than
whatwe had this morning” and that
when he had proposed the same
arrangment to Morgan he “said it
couldn’t be done because continuous
blocks were needed for the visiting

NCAA regulations require that
each participating team in the
tournament have 750 seats on the
floor level. According to Burch, this
may have caused some of the
misunderstandings since a set
number of tickets were set aside for
visiting teams.

“It really isn‘t our show since the
NCAA has certain requirements
which must be met,”Burch said.
Among those requirements Burch
listed were special press
arrangments and space for officials.

Ticket distribution plans have
been finalized and Burch said the

dates and times would be released

' ice president for Business Affairs.
in the past the club was open only
. » faculty members, and a $15
membership fee was charged. Since
the fee has been dropped and the
club (pened to staff as well as
faculty, membership has increased
dramatically, Blanton said.

The changes in the room include
the installation of carpeting, new
lighting fixtures and new tables and
chairs. in addition, there has been a
switch from cafeteria-style service
to full service. using waiters.

Tom Gaston, Student Center
Board president, said that since last
October he has been under the

Continued on back page

~~Itfl li'M





editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Milo! Hotel “(in ldtion
Gin “and: lilo lee-or
llol Gabriel
Edsel-1 use
Walter Illnou
Ila-uh “or am I...
Joint Winn Miller Nancy Duly

.. -___.._ _ -..._..——_._.,

Cup: I“ Win Editor
Susanne [harbour l'hll Rutledge
[Id rm:
stove liaiiinur 1‘5ch Hot-unit"
hiiiu- Strange Stewart Bowman
5"“ Editor Adi or thing ”on“ r
Ju- Kpm‘. Mel Kt'lu

Lou-rs old Cl-Illll should be addressed to the Wot editor. loo. 110. Journals. lulu. my nut be typed. tablo-
spoood and signed III none. “ton and telephone number. Lotion «not exceed ll. net and em on restricted to 1D






Donald McCullIn/qunum











When Gerald Ford took over the
prtsidency in 1974, one of his first official
acts was to pardon Richard Nixon. He
did so, he said, in the interest of national

Last Friday, President Carter an-
nounced as his first official act the “full,
complete and unconditional pardon” of
all Vietna mera draft evaders. He did so,
he said. in the interest of national unity,
but already, the controversy is
threatening to overshadow the act.

11 seems unlikely that the pardon will
reunite the nation, and that is un-
fortunate. Had Carter considered the
terms of the pardon more carefully, it
could have been just the thing to bring
the nation back together. As it stands,
though, it can only serve to spawn more
division and controversy.

The problem with the Carter pardon is
that it is too superficially constructed;
the draft evasion issue is a highly
delicate one, and needed to be handled as
such. Carter has apparently sacrificed
justice in the interest of dramatic effect.

The Carter plan provides pardon for
all “who may have committed any of-
fense between Aug. 4, 1964 and March 28,

1973, in violation of the Military Selective
Service Act,” excepting cases involving
“serious” force. This affects just over
13,000 Americans around the world.
Conspicuously, the plan made no
provision for deserters. Herein is the
source of its shortcomings.

Essentially, the plan will benefit only
those who had the resources to evade the
selective service, and leaves uncertain
the future of those who had no choice but
to enlist and then desert. This is grossly
unfair, for, by and large, the former
category consists of upper and middle
class whites, and the latter is made up of
the poor and black.

Carter’s arbitrary exclusion of
deserters is inconsistent with his in-
tentions. Its obvious unfairness can only
create bitterness.

Surely, Carter must realize that not all
those who resisted induction did so out of
conscience, and many of those who
deserted did act out of conscience. For
the most part, those who fought and
deserted were too poor or inarticulate to
voice their conscience initially, and
deserted out of desperation.

Carter should make an effort to extend

Carter’s amnesty falls short

his program to include those deserters.
He said during the election that he would
consider case-by-case pardons of
deserters, and he has promised to
“initiate a study" of their cases, but this
is not enough.

More than 90,000 nrcn have already
received ltss-than-honorable discharges
for desertiort, and there are almost 15,000
more who either have not been
discharged or who are still “at large.”
Another study is not the answer in itself.
It is, rather, only a start. Carter should
make some attempt to assure those
deserters who acted on the basis of
conscience that swift administration of
justice in their cases is forthcoming.

On March 16, 1976, Carter told the
Washington Post, “I think it’s time to get
the Vietnam War over with. I don’t have
the desire to punish anyone. I’d just like
to tell the young folks...just come back
home, the whole thing’s over.”

His Jan. 21 pardon is not going to fulfill
that desire. Why let some come home
and ignore others? Unless Carter goes
farther with his pardon program, it is
likely to do little more than create more

bitter controversy.






Admittedly. I do not fully un-
derstand the system of tenure here
at the University of Kentucky.
However. to the extent that I do
understand it, and despite the fact
that it may be the same as that of
many other universities, I think it is
a poor system.

l‘l‘Oll‘. my. no doubt. prejudiced
viewpoint. it seems that the reason
for the existence of the university is
the education of its students. And
yet, time and time again people
within the university have told me
that the major consideration in a
tenure decision is the quantity of
works that a professor has had

That the prestige of this univer-
sity, as determined by the
publications of its faculty, should
come before the education of the
studatts is a thought that I find

The University of Kentucky, as a
result of its tenure system. is losing
good teachers. several of whom I


know personally and have studied

It disturbs me to see professors
leaving who have displayed en-
thusiasm for their subject and
dedication to their students,
especially in view of certain tenured
professors who lack these qualities.

Kevin lreton
English junior


The L'niversity of Kentucky
Directory 1976-77 (page 65. column
one) incorrectly lists the home
telephone number of Marie Parsons,
H18 Patterson Tower. as 278-5236.
This is actually my home telephone

The correct home telephone
nurnberof Marie Parsons is 278-5326,
and I would appreciate it if the
Kernel would list her name and
correct number.

Daniel Martone
Chemistry sophomore

Bad conduct

I enjoy very much going to the
basketball games. I also enjoy
seeing UK win. But I don’t enjoy
fars‘ unsportsmanlike conduct such
as that displayed at the recent
Tennessee and LSU home games.
Basketball, like any other sport,
should bring about new friendships
and enhance old ones.

Crowd displays, such as those at
the two mentioned games, may, at
times, bring out the worst in players,
causing technical fouls and hatred.
Also, the extra pressure placed on a
player who by making a mistake
incurs the wrath of his own crowd
cart really hurt someone who is
trying his hardest to do well.

Winning is great, but if it creates
inconsiderate monsters on the court
and in the stands, this is sad. We
admire coaches and athletes. If we
treat all of them with the respect
anyone deserves then no one will
ever lose!

Marty Morguelan
Biology senior






lNAUGUKAL, awaits GKEAT Formats fort sat. rtttrs

First the Inauguration, then the world



from Washington


Everything at an Inaugural is
larger-than-life: the parade, the
oratory. the crowd. the presidential
office itself Everything but the

Jimmy Carter is installed now.
Can he govern? Some auspices are
good. The national mood is hopeful;
we aren‘t at war; the Republican
recession (worst since the
Republican Depression of the 30‘s) is
getting better. The American public
watches eagerly-curious and ap-
prehensive, It is willing to
believe...no. strike that. it is your
ning to believe.

Jimmy Carter wakened great
expectations which he can't fulfill
immediately. if at all. Like Kennedy
16 years ago. he won by the
narrowest majority and. like
Kennedy. he is conscious of it.

As he starts his you-all. not-just-
yet administration: we may expect
any day now a magazrne article
beginning, “He does. too, have a
sense of humor.“ We shall all know
who is meant,

Unfamiliarity with the
Washington scene is evident
everywhere. The Griffin Bell
nomination for the Justice Depart-
ment. the Ted Sorensen choice for
the CIA. may or may not have been
justified but anyone here could have
known they were predestined to
cause explosions: the Carter team
did not know this or may have ex-
pected a row but not one as big as
they got.

These reflections came to us
crouched over a pine table in the
inaugural press section trying to
keep warm. Each inaugural has a
“first;" you know—the first
automobile, the first loudspeaker,
the first TV broadcast~that kind of
thing. For us 1977 was the first
plastic garbage bag inaugural. The
Red (‘ross suggested it.

Sixteen years ago, We sat
shivering to Kennedy‘s “Ask not"

speech with feet buried in a snow-

drift feeling sorry for George
Washington at Valley Forge. This
time we snuggled into our com-
fortable garbage bag with all the
bodily heat trapped in from toes to

t inc thing (‘arter has done, he has
brought in a new economic team.
The story of Jerry Ford could be
entitled, “How to manage the
economy so as to lose an election.“

He could hardly have arranged to
hurt himself more. He and his
conservative advisers agreed: keep
hands off; veto job and spending
bills to prevent inflation, and then
private enterprise, not government,
will come riding on its white horse to
the rescue.

A recession as steep as this, it was
generally believed, would bring a
correspondingly quick recovery.
instead of that it came slowly. Then
there was the Mystery of the ten
Billion Dollars. Somehow or other,
that amount of money in projected
budget expenditures never was
spent. The story of the “shortfall” is
still unraveled. (It seems to have
been in Defense appropriations and
will come out in driblets from now

At a time when the economy
needed a shove it wasn't there. The
recovery came to a pause just iii the
critical months of the 1976 cam-
paign; just when the $6 billion jobs
bill that Ford vetoed last Spring
might otherwise have been taking
effect. Alice Rivlin, director of the
Congressional Budget Office,
reckoned that the shortfall lowered
the rate of growth in Gross National
Pmdud by one percent.

The White House team had a
fixation on inflation although, as
Walter Heller told the Senate last
week, the modest fiscal stimulus

program “won’t come within a
country mile of generating excess-
demand inflation.”

The country is safer, I think, for
having the Ford team replaced.
James Reston described ex-
Treasury Secretary William Simon
as an “economic theologian.” A rapt
look came into his eyes as he ex-
pounded his creed. He called the
food-stamp program “a well-known
haven for chiselers and ripoff ar-

He assured the president that New
York City is default would be
“tolerable and temporary.“ 0n the
day Mr. Ford issued his economic
farewell message last week, Simon
had a letter in the Wall Street
Jourml, reproaching that radical
organ for dangerous thoughts on
funding Social Security.

So far as known, Mr. Ford never
deviated from his team’s way of
thinking. His economic message
gives the philosophy final ex-
pression. He gently chides
Americans for “a tendency, born of
goodwill anti a desire to improve the
state of American life. which makes
us think we can create costless
benefits for our people."

That's why he cast vetoes.
“Nowhere," he continues, ”are
those tradeoffs so evident as in our
Social Security program and in our
efforts to provide medical insurance

for our people." He seems to be
saying that we can’t afford health
insurance; we can't revise Social
Security funding, which is the most
regressive of all our taxes. Other
nations can; we can’t. Moderate
liberal Charles Schultze replaces
Ayn Rand fundamentalist Alan
Greenspan as chairman of the
Council of Economic Advisers.

Other names go up on
Washington’s doors of power. One
odd one, incidentally, is Zbigniew
Brezeziriski, national security ad-
viser; nobody has caused more
tumult in composing rooms since
Czolgosz shot McKinley.

As Mr. Carter takes office the
three kingpin industrial countries
are standing like small boys on a
raft each urging the others to jump
in. The pond is the world economic
crisis. Eadi country wants the other
to go first, to stimulate, to reflate, to
risk more inflation.

The recovery in the US still is
tentative; most other countries are
in bad shape; the developing
countries are in desperate shape.
The gap between rich and poor is
getting bigger.

if you think the exaggerated, note
that Jimmy (‘a rter (who was acting
president three or four weeks before
taking oath) dupatched Richard
Cooper, his Undersecretary of State
for Economic Affairs, to Tokyo; it‘s

one reason for sending Fritz Mon-
dale to Europe and Japan, it’s one
reason we can expect the president
himself to attend an economic
Summit meeting in Europe, maybe,
in late May. Somebody has to
coordinate siguab.

“There's substantial risk of a
premature world recession,”
Brookings expert Lawrence Krause

.told Congree. The danger is high

tariffs, devaluations, capital flow
restrictions~all the dirty tricks
nations can use to beggar their
neighbors. it brought Hitler in the

Big shot Reginald Jones of
General Electric testified that the
”world economy is in such
precarious condition that
AMERICAN stagnation could lead
the whole world into another

How many things must President
Carter fix up? Amnesty, Panama
Canal, SALT talks, China, the
Middle East And now add another:
The world economy.


TRR is a national column syndicated
by Tire New Republc. a weekly
publication on politics and the arts.
It is written by 78-year-old Richard
Lee acct. who is also the Christian
Science Monitor's Washington
correspondent. TRB appears every






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' arts.






~Stewart lawman

“Big Bertha.“ the centerpiece of Lexington Center‘s revolutionary sound system, has
62 horns. weighs l2.000 pounds. cost 8250.000 and contains I4 amplifiers pushing 800

watts ea ch.

When Big Bertha speaks. . .


Kernel Reporter

When those first low notes
from 2001 A Space Odyssey
boomed over the loudspeaker
at Rupp Arena, Tom Minter,
executive director of the
Lexington CenteriLCl, was
shakenby the vibrations.

.. LTD? armenss 953.2093!!!

empty and the mud was

awesome,” Writer'said. “All“

I could think of was ‘Big
Bertha', that huge cannon the

Germans used to attack Paris
in World War 1.”

According to historians,
Big Bertha the cannon had a
range of 1(1) miles and is the
largest piece of artillery in
the world.

An dficial for Engineer
Devices Co., which built the
steel structure, said Big
Bertha the loudspeaker

projects sound at an equally

remarkable range and might
also prove to be the biggest of
its kind.

“Altech. our supplier. is
checking to see if this is the
largest single-point-sound
source.“ said Don Atwood,
field supervisor for Engineer
Devices. “It‘s certainly the
biggest one we‘ve ever built.”

The cluster, which
measures 30 by 30 feet and
weighs 12.00 pounds. is only a
part of the LC's $250,000
sound system. It Was
designed by the current
Director of Facilities Merle

(‘ontinued on following page



The Kentucky Kernel, lie Journalism Iuilding, University ot Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, cases. is mailed tive times
weelw during the year except holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer session. Third class
pas-9e paidatLesington, Kentucky, 005“. Subscription rates are mailed $3 per year, or one cent per year non-mailed.

Published by the Kernel Press. Inc. and tounded in lfll, the Kernel began as The Cadet in II". The paper has been
published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ms.

Advertidng is intended only to help the reader buy and any talse or misleading advertising should be reported and will
be inveslgsted bythe editors. Advertising tetmd to be taise or misleading will be reported to the Better Business Bureau.

Letters and comments should be adtessed to the editorial page editor, "4 Journalism Building. They should a typed,
double paced and signed. Classification, phule number and address should be Included. Letters should not exceed 250
words and comments should be no lonpr than 750 words. Editors reserve the right to edit letters and com ments.



SHOWS- 15309.5”. _


“Why don't
you slip
into a

pair of I ll




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“N t "- ‘ -- ‘ Bertha could be
AllClNEMAS-EVERY DAY 'TII. Whit-$1.50 ‘
‘ 2727s.»:
lggest speaker _
____—__, (‘ontinued from pagell aocomodate for "“0““ the
, FAYEUEMMMI Richardson and Manager of sound over varying distal»
mm”... Technical Services Wayne ces. he said-
S'LVER . lass. Richardson, who was chief .
_ ’ ' . .. , sound engineer attheAtlanta
' TEE?” We knew what we wanted Omniwhenthe Rolling Stones s
“Mn... and that was a speaker to l at the id th C
projectthe soundatfull range if); s tenliecaflahalxilz‘h?‘
TURFlAND MAll toward every seat. We drew rock :15“ on the road ,, y
nymsonntctco i7i-olog upthe plans and gave them to u . u
Ranger Farrell. an acoustical hweel can mm m two-
engineer who runs his own c_ ann _ stereo and handle
. . .. Sixty mlcrtphones at a time,"
firm In New York, 'd ‘ h ,
Richardson said. ' he sal T e system ‘5 also
_ electronclally eqmpped to
Farrell then deSIgned‘ the eliminate distortion by
' I actual" makeup 0‘ 8'3 equalizing the sound in the
WALLACE s Bertha 5° that the SW9d room so thatit is the same in
would r “Ch all 21000 5e?“ m all locations. We did that with
the arena. “The cluster Itself Lawrence Welk.”
BOOK STORE contains 56 high frequency LC is capable of
horns. 16 low frequencyhorns simultaneously operating 12
and 14 mowatt amplifiers,” different sound systems—in
Rlchardson sald. the arena, exhibit hall, mall “a",
During basketball games, and opera house. .
“Big Bertha“ hangs 45 feet “People all over the states Who '3 that maSked man?
above the ground at center are talking about this
court. but Richardson said it system," Richardson said. “I An exhibit of masks, entitled the Center through Feb. 4., Several masks
(she?) can be moved on a know wespentalot of money, "Unknown Masked Man,”canbeseen in were contributed by the UK An-
monorail to the stage end of but good sound just doesn’t the ltasdall Gallery in the Student thropology Museum.
M. . K th M B ntle the arena for shows. “In come cheap. That’s one place
‘mager enne ' e y either case, the horns can you can’t make cuts.“
Privately owned and _ ~
C I t d '
operated as a sewlce ounse Ing Gen er expan S SGNICeS
to StUde “15, faculty By DAVIDVETTER for improved study habits, sessions begin Monday, Jan. growthneedsthroughagroup feeling good, and it can be
Kernel Reporter and assertiveness training 31, and will meet two hoursa process. It involves learning used as a creative way to
& Staff groups. Two groups are new week for a period of six to to stand up for your own encounter people,” he said.
The UK Counseling and this semester—counseling for eight weeks. rights, responding to Acca'ding to Maggard, the
Testing Center is holding women and values “The counseling groups criticism, learning to say group process will deal in
RegU|ar Store Hours interpersonal group coun- clarification sessions. developed by the Center are “no" and learning to express behavioral practices and role
. seling programs this The Center will begin designed to acquaint people yourself fully," hesaid. playing, Besides this, the
Man. . F". 8:30 to 5:30 semester, and registration registration on a walk-in with the groupprocess and to Maggard feels self- group will be involved in
S f for them begins today. basistoday on the third floor aid the group’s individuals in expression is an important helping its members withany
a o 9.00 to 5.00 Some programs offered by ofthe Testing Center, located leading a more assertive part of the groupsand of day- trouble they may have by
' ' the Center are along on South Limestone between life," said Elmer Maggard, a to-day living. “The ex- suggesting solutions to their
traditional lines. They in- the Commerce Building and full-time counselor for the perience and practice with problems.
- clude sessions in in- the College of Law. In- Center. expression atthe sessionscan lnoneofthenewprograms,
385 SOUth leestone terpersonalawareness,group terosted persons will be in- “The assertiveness betsefulatany time. lthelps which deals with values
Lexmgton, Kentucky 40508 counseling, vocational terviewed upon registration training group helps the in- in maintaining an in- clarification, the group
( 606) 255_7973 training, awareness groups for group placement. Group dividual to adapt to his own dividual’s self-respect, his process is oriented to people
who are willing to discuss
a, __ ..__ their basic values and whatto
J: o) M _, "Studying for a Future" iggmitiiflfiemfilg '
(a) - - - ' P r 939"“ -' the basic assumptions they
> 0 Z to 'n O. > Tonite &Thurs. 9_1 The Black Student Union is are acting on,” said
tn (3‘ 0 3‘5 2 g = W having a meeting to discuss its M3883“!-
I to ? a; _,, -i O EDDIE academic study drive. All The other new program,
:0 Q '1 'U c 9+. (D O helpers and helpees are counseling ‘0’ women, ‘s an —
m 2. B 3 = n '2 X GRADY welcome to attend. The ln-depth counseling group
2 m _c_. c a 5" 3° 2: meeting will be held on Feb.l, :‘f’ncfgggrthwg‘flrb‘ems
fl 0
fl 8- 8 'O Eh a Q. q: 1977' Room 309 SC' The Center has two groups
m 0 Q. .1 3 ((2 _, C designed to improve study
”U 7? 13 3' P- ? Z skills. Oneof them deab with
:a V’ O (D ’0‘ . . _ , , . the student’s motivation,
R E '8 3 g u, Tn" 3 Serving sandwiches & fine dinner