xt7zgm81kr48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81kr48/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 20040127 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2004-01-jan27. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2004-01-jan27. 2004 2011 true xt7zgm81kr48 section xt7zgm81kr48 


                           Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                University of Kentucky
                                      1:00 P.M.
                                  January 27, 2004
                           18th Floor Patterson Office Tower


Accompanying items:

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1      President's Report to the Trustees
PR 2      Personnel Actions
PR 3      Amendment to the Governing Regulations Regarding Staff Trustee Election
PR 4      Report of Results of Alumni Member Election
PR 5      Reappointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky Gluck Equine
          Research Foundation, Inc.
PR 6      Establishment of the Baxter Healthcare Chair in Engineering
PR 7      Establishment of a 401 (a) Retirement Plan
PR 8      Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct

Academic Affairs Committee Report

AACR 1    Candidates for Degrees - Community College System
AACR 2    College of Pharmacy Reorganization

Finance Committee Report

FCR 1     Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the UniversitV of Kentucky for Six Months
           Ended December 31, 2003
FCR 2     Capital Construction Report
FCR 3     Report of Lease
FCR 4     Authorization to Convey .7978 Acres, More or Less, in Breathitt County to
           Department of Highways for Right-of-way Purposes
FCR 5     BB&T Company and BB&T Charitable Foundation Pledges
FCR 6     Bill Gatton Foundation Pledge
FCR 7     Nolan C. Allen Pledge
FCR 8     James W. Stuckert Pledge
FCR 9     Ale-8-One Bottling Company Gift and Pledge
FCR 10    Ruth Virginia Alcorn Ludwick Estate Gift
FCR 11    Burt L. Sims Graduate Fellowship Gift and Pledge
FCR 12    H. E. Katteriohn Gift and Pledge
FCR 13    Kohl's Department Stores, Inc. Gift
FCR 14    Boehringer Ingelheim Gift
FCR 15    Gifts to Barnstable-Brown Chair
FCR 16    Telford Foundation Gift
FCR 17    Kleberg Foundation Gift
FCR 18    Marion E. McKenna Professorship in Nursing Leadership Gifts and Pledges
FCR 19    Anonymous Pledge (1)
FCR 20    Anonymous Gift and Pledge (2)
FCR 21    Anonymous Gift and Pledge (3)
FCR 22    Clark's Pump-N-Shop, Inc. Gift and Pledge
FCR 23    Reynolds Bell, Jr. Gift and Pledge
FCR 24    H. Greg Goodman Gift and Pledge
FCR 25    Ernest A. Sampson Gift and Pledge
FCR 26    Greg Wells Gift and Pledge


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
January 27, 2004.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Mr. Steven S. Reed, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:13 p.m., and Ms. Rachel
Watts gave the invocation.

      B.    Roll Call

        The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: James F.
Hardymon, Marianne Smith Edge, Davy Jones, Michael Kennedy, Pamela R. May, Phillip
Patton, Elissa Plattner, Steven S. Reed (Chair), Frank Shoop, Marian Moore Sims, Alice Stevens
Sparks, Myra Leigh Tobin, Rachel Watts, JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Russ Williams, Elaine A. Wilson,
and Barbara S. Young. Absent from the meeting were Robert P. Meriwether, Billy Joe Miles,
and Billy B. Wilcoxson. The University administration was represented by President Lee T.
Todd, Jr., Provost Michael Nietzel, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Dick Siemer, Executive Vice President of Health Affairs Michael Karpf and Acting General
Counsel Barbara Jones.

        Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chair declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:16 p.m.

      C.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Reed said that there were 25 items on the consent agenda, noting that this is the first
time that gifts and pledges have been on the consent agenda. He asked if anyone wanted any of
the items removed. Ms. Smith Edge moved that the items be approved. Ms. Wilson seconded
the motion, and the consent agenda was approved without dissent.
             Minutes - December 9, 2003
             PR 2 - Personnel Actions
             AACR 1 - Candidates for Degrees - Community College System
             FCR 5 thru 26 - Gift and Pledges

      D.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Todd mentioned a few items in PR 1. He said that many of the Board members
attended the groundbreaking for the CPST building which is the University's initiative on
Coldstream to focus on pharmaceutical activities. He commented that many Board members
also attended the press conference when Mr. Carol Martin "Bill" Gatton and BB&T Charitable
Foundation gave $5 million for the building program for the College of Business and Economics.



       The only other item he mentioned in PR 1 was the push for increased support for the
Robinson Scholars Program. He reported that visits have been made to Hazard, Harlan,
Prestonsburg, and London. He noted that Ms. May attended the event in Prestonsburg. He
explained that the intent of those meetings was to meet with the local press, to talk to them about
the virtues of the program, the status the University is in relative to the endowment, the
University's decision not to mine the Forest at this time for additional revenue, and the need for
the University to raise funding. There was an open session for the community and business
leaders. Students were put in front of these leaders, and they were powerful. These students are
some of the University's best sales agents. He reminded the Board that Keith Madison has been
assigned by Vice President Terry Mobley to work in that arena, and he has done an outstanding

       President Todd expressed appreciation to Ms. May for attending the event and asked
other Board members to let him know if they knew of particular contact points the administration
should be contacting. He mentioned that the University wants to start having some events in
southeast Kentucky, and the Board would be informed of those as they are scheduled. An event
may be held this summer in the Forest to try to attract people and round up community support.
He said this is something that the Board needs to be aware of, and they would be hearing more
about these efforts.

       President Todd talked about the public safety issues around and on campus the last few
weeks. He gave the following information that Mr. Siemer had provided to him about the
University's actions in combating the problem:

       -The University has 41 uniform patrol officers on its force.
       -Three officers were added this year, and there are additional people in training.
       -The pay for officers has been adjusted because an analysis showed they were underpaid.
       -The University is not losing experienced officers because of budget cutbacks.
       -The ROTC program is offering escort service off campus.
       -The on-call bus service for campus has been extended all week until 3:00 a.m.
       -The University invested $250,000 this year in new police equipment.
       - The Hospital and parking security people are now being used to augment campus
          patrols at nights and on weekends on an overtime basis just to help.
       - There will be a new cellular service announced shortly. It will allow cell phone users to
          program one number into their phones which will immediately connect them to the
          University dispatch.
       -There are conversations taking place with the city about how to police the area near
          campus in a way that allows the University to have as much information as possible
          and also help the city as much as possible.

       President Todd said that the Governor was giving his budget presentation that night. He
reviewed the variety of cuts assessed to the University and said that all of the cuts will be taken
into consideration when the next budget is presented to the Board. He explained that the
University was able to cover the $5.5 million cut announced in early January from unbudgeted
tuition dollars and redirecting a classroom renovation fund plus funds that Provost Nietzel had
asked the deans to hold back. He said that a plan to cover the reduction on a recurring basis is


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being developed and the administration would do its best to try to spare academic programs. He
noted that there will not be any across-the-board cuts. They will be more strategic in nature.

      President Todd also discussed the $41 million nonrecurring cut to postsecondary
education, which is expected to be in the Governor's budget. The University's original
allocation was $22.5 million. Through negotiations, the cut has been reduced to $16.7 million.
It is a nonrecurring cut and the administration is investigating various ways of how to cover the
reduction. He indicated that the University would be in a better position to assess the impact of
the reduction after the Governor's speech and based upon the legislators' reaction to the
Governor's budget. He said that he wanted the Board to know that it is a major concern and the
administration is working on how best to implement the reduction.

      President Todd said that he wanted to talk about page 13 in PR 2 that had been revised.
He said that he is very pleased to announce that the University has a new executive director of
Coldstream Research Campus, Mr. John Parks. He reported that Mr. Parks had been on campus
a couple times. During those visits, Mr. Parks had attended a town meeting with economic
development leaders and Dr. Bill Brundage, Commissioner of the Office for the New Economy,
to talk about new economy.

      President Todd briefly reviewed Mr. Parks' credentials. Mr. Parks is currently the
Director of the Research Park at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus which is
literally a top 10 university. President Todd said that he knew it was always in the top three in
engineering. There was MIT, Stanford, and the University of Illinois. It is a very
technologically advanced university. Mr. Parks got their park up and running, and today, it has
33 high-tech companies with 650 employees. He also launched their technology incubator called
Enterprise Works with 19 startup companies. Prior to that, Mr. Parks was president and CEO of
a research park at Iowa State where it is home to 41 companies employing over 1,100 people.
Mr. Parks has an M.B.A. from Iowa State. He served on the Iowa Seed Capital Corporation for
eight years and the Ames, Iowa City Council for five years. He has quite a bit of experience in
the government sector, and he was on the Economic Development Commissions in both Ames
and Champaign, Illinois for 15 years. President Todd said that he is extremely pleased to have
someone of Mr. Parks stature come to campus. Mr. Parks will be at the Coldstream Research
Park April 1 St.

      President Todd talked about the strategy toward Coldstream and the development work in
general. He referred to an Entrepreneurship Club that had been started to get the students to
think about startups, to get them exposed to ideas, and to bring back the University's graduates
who have been successful. He said that there has also been a Venture Club for about a year and
a half since the University got Professor Dean Harvey to head the VonAllmen Center for
Entrepreneurship. The Club has a regular attendance of about 75 people a week, consisting of
entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, bankers, and accountants, who meet at the Lafayette Club.

      President Todd reported that a Bluegrass Angel network was announced last month.
These are high net worth individuals who will pay a slight fee to be a member. They receive a
package of information on start-up companies so that they can make a decision whether they
want to put money into the companies. The Bluegrass Angel organization has about 20


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members. Dick Furst and Dean Harvey are working with that organization, and that is a
significant move forward to try to get some capital locally to try to help some of the companies
that start at the ASTeCC Center and elsewhere.

      President Todd said that Professor Harvey has done an inventory of about 35 start-up
companies in the Lexington area. Last year, they received $14 million as start-up funding. They
received zero from venture capital. Most of it was from friends, families, and angels that they
had already found. The other major source of money was from Kentucky Commercialization
Investment Funds and Federal SBIR grants. In getting this information out, bringing on the
CPST building at Coldstream, and bringing in a director of Mr. Parks' capabilities, gets the
University on the move at Coldstream. With the economy beginning to show some signs of
coming back, the University can, in his opinion, have some successes at Coldstream.

      President Todd mentioned a press release that came out of Senator McConnell's office
about Mr. McConnell securing over $11 million in funding for the University of Kentucky.
Senator McConnell, Senator Bunning, Congressman Rogers, and Congressman Fletcher have
been very good to the University of Kentucky in the last few years, and the University has been
able to get several things. He pointed out that, through Congressman Rogers, the University
received a $1 million grant to start cataloging and finding lung cancer patients in the Fifth
Congressional District early so that they can be treated with the best practices. Drs. Al Cohen
and Wendy Baldwin met with Congressman Rogers about this grant. Congressman Rogers put
the earmark in there to get it started because his congressional district is the worst in the country
with respect to lung cancer.

      President Todd talked about Bill Schweri and Jim Duff, who are doing a good job in
Washington. He provided some background information about Mr. Duff and said that Mr. Duff
knows the Washington delegation and their staff. He has been a big help to Mr. Schweri. A lot
of credit goes to Mr. Schweri for the Washington success. Mr. Duff is somebody that is in place,
and Mr. Schweri can call on him. President Todd then provided the following information
regarding funding:

      Fiscal year 2001 UK received $8,000,000 (targeted funds).
      Fiscal year 2002, UK received $16,700,000.
      Fiscal year 2003, UK received $19,600,000.
      Fiscal year 2004, there is more than what is indicated in Senator McConnell's
         Announcement - $22,700,000 from the state government.

      The University has made a significant improvement in what it gets from the federal
government which is a great way to jump-start the research programs and get them up to a
competitive level where they can go after the competitive funding.

      President Todd said that concluded his report and asked for any questions.

      Dr. Plattner said that she was in Prestonsburg the day after his speech about Robinson
Scholars, and it was widely appreciated.


      President Todd thanked Dr. Plattner for her comment. He talked about his, Mrs. Todd's
and Mr. Madison's visit to London and Harlan. Many people said that it was so nice for them to
come to their counties. He emphasized that the University of Kentucky is not the University of
Lexington. It is the University of Kentucky. He said they were fun trips, and there needed to be
more of them.

      President Todd noted that PR 2 had already been approved on the consent agenda.

      E.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations Regarding Staff Trustee
Election (PR 3)

      President Todd said that PR 3 is an Amendment to the Governing Regulations Regarding
Staff Trustee Election. He noted that this is the second time this has been before the Board. It is
a recommendation that the Board approve the proposed amendment which was received by the
Board in December regarding the transfer of the responsibility for the election of the Staff
Trustee from the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration to the Staff Senate.
He explained that amendments to the Governing Regulations require two readings before the
vote can be taken, and this is considered the second reading. On motion made by Mr. Williams,
seconded by Ms. Wilson and carried, PR 3 was approved without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end
of the Minutes.)

      F.    Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 4)

      President Todd said that PR 4 is a recommendation that the report of the Secretary of the
Board on the results of the election authorized by the Alumni Association be received and put to
record, and that the Secretary be authorized to certify to the Governor the names of the three
persons receiving the largest number of votes from which a successor to Marian Moore Sims,
whose term expires in June, will be appointed to that position. The three top individuals from
the list are James Stuckert, Ann Haney and Thomas Spragens. The Governor will make the
selection from those three individuals. He recommended approval of PR 4. Ms. Sparks moved
approval, and her motion was seconded by Ms. Smith Edge. The motion carried without dissent.
(See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      G.    Reappointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky Gluck Equine
Research Foundation, Inc. (PR 5)

      President Todd said that PR 5 is a recommendation that approval be given to the
reappointment of David Switzer for a four-year term ending December 14, 2007 and John
Phillips and Phil Scott for one-year terms ending December 14, 2004 to the Board of Directors of
the Gluck Equine Research Foundation. There was a Nominating Committee of the Foundation
that met and recommended these appointments to the Provost. They now need to be approved by
the Board of Trustees. Mr. Shoop so moved. His motion, seconded by Ms. Sims, carried
without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Mr. Williams said that the Board routinely approves these reappointments; however, a
couple of years ago the Board asked for brief biographies on people being appointed to the


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various Boards. These are just names to the Board members, and the Board would like to have
some background information on these appointments in the future.

      President Todd said it was a good suggestion, and it would be done for future

      H.    Establishment of the Baxter Healthcare Chair in Engineering (PR 6)

      President Todd said that PR 6 recommends that the Board authorize the establishment of
the Baxter Healthcare Chair in Engineering in the College of Engineering. Over the past five
years, Baxter Healthcare has provided in excess of $650,000 in support of research initiatives in
the College, and the College felt that it would be nice to name a position for them. The selection
of the recipient will be under the rules of the College of Engineering.

      Dr. Jones asked if the selection of the recipient would be governed by the rules of the
College or the administrative rules (dean's rules process or faculty rules process).

      Provost Nietzel said he presumed it had been through the Faculty Council, and it would
be the rules of the College of Engineering in the selection of endowed chairs and professorships.

      On motion made by Ms. Sims, seconded by Dr. Jones and carried, PR 6 was carried
without dissent. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

      I.    Establishment of a 401(a) Retirement Plan (PR 7)

      President Todd said that PR 7 is a recommendation that the Board approve the
establishment of a 401 (a) retirement plan effective January 1, 2004, for regular full-time
employees who have exceeded the Internal Revenue Service limits allowed for retirement
contributions available under the University's 403(b) retirement plan. He provided an
explanation and said that this will extend the opportunity for employees with a 401 to be able to
defer that income in a retirement plan as well. Ms. Wilson moved approval.

      Ms. May asked how many people does this impact and is there any additional cost to the

      Mr. Siemer replied that there were about 90 people impacted, and there is no cost to the

      Ms. Wilson's motion, seconded by Ms. Smith Edge, carried without dissent. (See PR 7 at
the end of the Minutes.)

      J.     Proposed University of Kentucky Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (PR 8)

      President Todd reminded the Board that they had previously seen the Ethical Principles
and Code of Conduct that had been circulated. He noted that there was some input from some of
the Board members. He pointed out that Dr. Phyllis Nash had overseen the committee to prepare



the Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, and it now comes to the Board for action. He said
that he was surprised when he came to the University and learned that the University did not
have one. He informed the Board that there is a piece of legislation that is being attempted in
Frankfort to try to put out an ethics policy. The presidents of the institutions would like to see a
resolution in Frankfort to tell the Council on Postsecondary Education to insure that each
president has an ethics policy rather than them trying to define the ethics policy that takes over
for everyone because the University of Kentucky has a wide variety of things that are unique
from some of the other institutions. He said that this proposed draft had been circulated to other
universities so they can see what the University of Kentucky is doing, and in his opinion, UK
will be taking the lead on this. He said that this has been talked about for some time and
recommended approval of PR 8. Ms. Wilson so moved. Her motion was seconded by Professor

       Dr. Jones said that he would like to offer a friendly amendment on the second page. He
asked that Senate Rules be added to the listing of additional, official University documents.

       Ms. May apologized for not submitting her comments when the Board was suppose to
return them. She said that one of the things you want in a code of conduct is for everybody to
be familiar with it and everybody understand fundamentally what the rules are. For the most
part, you cannot expect people to walk around with multiple documents in their hands to go back
and refer to. She pointed out that it is not perfectly clear on page 3 where it talks about
employment of relatives, and this probably impacts a lot of people. Relatives are not a defined
term within this particular document and given some of the restrictions on other education
things, she believes it would be much cleaner if it were added to this document. She said she
was sure it is somewhere within the University policy.

       Mr. Siemer indicated that this can be linked to other University policies.

       Mr. Williams reviewed the background information about the inspiration for the
document. He reminded the Board that Mr. Miles had asked the Ad Hoc Committee on Board
Structure to review the various corporations associated with the University. He asked what plan
was in place to communicate the expectations of compliance with this code to those

       President Todd indicated that each chair of those affiliated corporations would be
informed of the passage of this code and the need for them to abide by it.

       Mr. Siemer reported that an implementation committee was already being put into place
to circulate the code. He indicated that he would report at the next Board meeting on the
progress of the committee.

       Dr. Plattner said that she would like to reiterate under the non-discrimination policy that
when equal opportunity for all throughout the University is discussed that that opportunity would
include benefits for all those who are entitled to them through their family, their employment or
in any other way. She indicated that she knows the issue has been discussed and will continue to


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be discussed, but that if the code is adopted today or in the future, it will bind the University to
not having several levels of benefits.

       President Todd said he was not sure that this was intended by this paragraph.

       Dr. Plattner clarified that when she referred to the topic of payment, it included the
provision of benefits and that it is her opinion that the inclusion of this language means that the
payments would be issued for the good of that employee and that this would be done in a like
and evenhanded manner. She went on to say that her point was equitable distribution. She asked
if the policy was inclusive or not? Her reading is that it is inclusive and that she simply wanted
the record to reflect her interpretation of the non-discrimination policy.

       Mr. Williams asked Dr. Plattner if her intent was to emphasize that the passage of this
code would bind the University ethically to certain principles but not in a legal or administrative
manner. He further stated that the code sets forth an ethical principle of equity when it comes to
the treatment of employees and their families.

       Dr. Plattner thanked Mr. Williams for his clarification and that indeed she felt the legal
determination would be made by those dealing with the legality, but the moral principle is what
she has assumed the academic world is built upon. The foundation is a moral principle. Dr.
Plattner further stated that she is simply stating that under the non-discrimination policy, we need
to live up to it and that she does not intend to bind the University in a legal way.

       Ms. Tobin asked who is to enforce these codes. And to whom are the reports of
violations sent? She also stated that it is one thing for the Board of trustees to expect a high level
of ethical conduct but at what juncture is this to be enforced or is it just hanging out there?

       Mr. Siemer said that it is the Office of Legal Counsel that is supposed to make the
determination. He went on to say that the existing administrative processes would work to
identify the actions that do or could occur and that probably as an outcome of that, a small
committee would be formed to deal with these issues as they come forward and by this process
they would assess if the University is in fact in compliance with the policy.

       Ms. Tobin stated that anyone reading this would like to know a little more definitively the

       Ms. May used the example of her, an employee or the President accepting a gift of over
$200 and how this code would tie back to the committee that Mr. Siemer mentioned. She
supported Ms. Tobin's question about the process for enforcement and penalties.

       Mr. Siemer indicated that there was not a quick answer for that question. Internally there
have been discussions about identification of violations and assessment of compliance, but the
issue of penalties had not been discussed at great length.

       Mr. Williams asked Mr. Siemer if it would be helpful for Mr. T. Lynn Williamson,
Human Resource Director, to address the question.


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      Mr. Williamson made reference to the specific Administrative Regulations that outline
the types of violations and penalties that exist now, including the disciplinary policy for

      Ms. May stated that those included everybody except the Board of Trustees. She feels
that we should probably look at an expansion of the code as it related to trustees since the
Administration Regulations do not apply to Board members.

      Dr. Todd indicated that perhaps this could happen in another committee.

      Mr. Shoop stated that he had never had anyone give him anything.

      Ms. Sparks responded that they already do.

      Dr. Todd asked what.

      Ms. Sparks responded "tickets", "basketball and football tickets" and that they are a
monetary gift.

      Mr. Siemer stated that the University had dealt with the ticket issue.

      Ms. May state that through statutory authority on how you handle conflict of interest with
Board members.

      Ms. Wickliffe indicted that we should pass this code before the legislature dictates to us.

      Dr. Todd asked Mr. Siemer to address the ticket issue. Mr. Siemer reviewed the process
with Clay (Owen) and the Legal Office, and they determined they were fine with what was being
done. If, however, the Board received goods from the Athletics Department, that would be a
problem under the policy. The tickets (and attendance at ballgames) are a part of the duties and
responsibilities as Board members and attending the function is also in that category.

      Dr. Jones asked that he not be quoted, but he believed the Governor could remove a
Board member for cause.

      Professor Kennedy pointed out that the expectation of reporting violations to the
"appropriate individual" may not be sufficient and that the Board ought to somewhere, perhaps
not in this document, indicate who is the most appropriate individual to report violations to. He
stated that "whistle blowing" is very scary for an employee and to have a channel for reporting is

      Mr. Siemer indicated that it was his understanding that working though the supervisory
process, as is the case with other issues, would be the same process followed in violations under
the code rather than setting up a separate process where Legal Counsel would be the person to
whom violations are reported.


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      Professor Kennedy indicated that the problem with that approach is that it is often the
supervisor who is being reported.

      Mr. Siemer made references to certain policies that now allow for the by-passing of the
chain of command or the circumvention of the immediate supervisor. He stated that it made
sense to align this policy with our existing administrative infrastructure.

      Mr. Williams disagreed with that statement and said that he was stopping short of asking
that this code be tabled until these issues were resolved. He indicated that we should consider
the establishment of a "one number, one stop" reporting mechanism much like the Corporate
Compliance reporting process in the Medical Center. He further stated that the current
administrative structure may actually get in the way or intimidate people enough that they don't
report things that ought to be reported.

      Ms Smith Edge said that she feels there are two different issues: one is the code and the
other how it will be executed.

      Mr. Williams stated that he felt it needed to be a part of the code.

      Ms. Smith Edge said that her experience with other associations is that when there is a
violation by a professional, it goes to an ethics committee.

      Ms. Wickliffe called the question.

      Professor Kennedy asked Ms. Wickliffe if the Board could add "to an appropriate
individual or office" to that sentence and that would leave room for further procedures to be

      Mr. Williams asked if the Board could change "appropriate individual to the "University's
Legal Counsel" but several people said no.

      Ms. May urged the Board to pass the code of ethics because many, many hours of work
had gone into it. She felt that it was important that this organization go on record with a code of
ethics and that if certain changes need to be made in the future, they could be addressed at that

      Mr. Shoop asked to be recognized. He seconded the motion on the question and went on
to say that he felt it was positive for the Board and the University to have a code of ethics.

       Chairman Reed clarified what the board was voting on since there were changes agreed

      Ms. Wilson stated that the addition of Dr. Jones' "Senate Rules" was agreed to as was
Professor Kennedy's addition of the term "office."


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      Mr. Reed said he felt that we came up short on Professor Kennedy's recommendation.

      Mr. Siemer reminded the chair that they would insert definition of the term "relative" as
defined in Human Resource (HR) policies so those definitions could be included.