xt7zgm81mh4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81mh4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19890609 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 9, 1989, no. 551 text The Green Bean, June 9, 1989, no. 551 1989 2014 true xt7zgm81mh4x section xt7zgm81mh4x Number 551 June 9, 1989
'I‘he Wheelwright Collection, an extensive archive documenting the history of
Wheelwright, Kentucky, is now open and available for public research in the
I Department of Special Collections and Archives. Wheelwright, located in
r eastern Kentucky‘s Floyd County, is a town created by the coal industry. Elk
Horn Coal Corporation developed Wheelwright as a coal camp in 1911 —— the same
year the railroad line into town was completed. g
In 1930, the Inland Steel Company bought Wheelwright because the coal seams
there were rich with metallurgical coal necessary for making steel, and for
the next 35 years Inland Steel mined coal and developed the town into what
many have called a "model" company town. By 1966, when Inland sold
Wheelwright to Island Creek Coal Company, the town properties were showing
signs of physical deterioration. Within eleven months Island Creek, keeping
the mines, sold the town to Mountain Investment Company.
l " The cohesiveness of the Wheelwright community was severely tested during the
Mountain Investment years. The buildings and grounds further deteriorated
, during that company‘s ownership. In addition, Island Creek shut down its
i mining operation in the early 1970‘s, leaving Wheelwright with a severe
employment crisis. In 1979 Mountain Investment sold the town to the Kentucky
n Housing Corporation, a state agency, whose aim was to revive the town and
transfer ownership to the residents.
The Wheelwright Collection contains records from the last three companies who
owned Wheelwright: Inland Steel, Island Creek and Mountain Investment. These
documents create a vivid picture of company town life from the company‘s
perspective. Containing everything from blueprints to photographs and
building maintenance records to office files, the Wheelwright Collection is a
valuable resource for a wide range of scholars who specialize in social,
economic, labor, architectural and business history. Researchers in
Appalachian studies and community studies will find the collection rich in
details of coal town life. More importantly, the residents of Wheelwright,
past and present, will have an archival collection which documents a part of
their history and is a testament to their endurance as a community.
(Submitted by Kate Black.)
• O
TE. Newsletter of the Umversnty
~ of Kentucky Libraries

l Thanks to all the Library staff who took time away from their work to help
. with the Book Sale in April. It was the most profitable sale in recent years,
- with proceeds of slightly more than $6,500. The money will be put with other
funds toward acquiring a new van for the library —— a badly needed piece of
equipment. (Submitted by Paula Pope.)
'I‘he Bibliographic Policies and Procedures Advisory Group has recently issued
. Bulletin #12: "Use of Alternate ID Subfield in Monographic Item Records."
Copies of the bulletin are available from the chair, Lynn Bowman, Medical
Center Library, or the secretary, Lillian Mesner, Agriculture Library.
STAFF ACTIVITIES University of Kentucky Community
College System," at the League for
Innovation Conference in St. Louis.
L ` Sandra McAninch, head of the _
Government Publications Department, •
I testified on May 24, before the House Dr. Stuart Forth, former director of
¤ Administration Committee' s the University of Kentucky Libraries,
Subcommittee of Procurement and has been appointed to the Advisory
Printing concerning the Revision of Committee of the National Commission
Title 44 of the U.S. Code. She is on Libraries and Information Science.
currently chair of ALA‘s Government
Documents Round Table.
John Bryant, assistant director, Paul Willis received the following
presented a paper, "Planning and letter recently from Daniel Fhlks and
Implementation of the University of Ann Garrity, co—chairs of the 1989
Kentucky Community College Libraries' Honors Day program:
LSZOOO Local System and Network," at `
the National Online Meeting in New
York May 11. In October John, along All reports on Honors Day on April
with Dr. Ben Carr, vice—chancellor of 28th indicate a very successful
the community college system and Jim program. Charles Kuralt delivered a
Phillips, will present a program, message in the style his fans have
"The State-Wide Network for the com to know and love —- a serious

 message laced with frank humor —- the Service from the Newspaper Project
awards portion of the program moved has proven most courteous and
. smoothly with just the right amount helpful. Jeanne Trimble, who
_ of acclaim to each of the honored coordinated the work of many involved
L guests. with our part of the project, truly
- represents a friendly, hardworking
We speak for all members of the staff who has given us- substantial
planning committee in saying that the assistance in providing better access
v_ Exhibit of Creative Works adds to our holdings.
measurably to the event's purpose of
recognizing academic achievement. We We are very happy to have been
truly appreciate you support as well associated with the entire Kentucky
as that of your staff in planning and Newspaper project.
executing this very special feature
of Honors Day. •
Another letter about the Newspaper
• Project was sent to Mr. Willis by Dr.
Eric Christianson of UK's History
Department: `
Mr. Willis also received this letter
recently from Connie Mills, While working up a proposal for an
supervisor of the Kentucky Library at Appalachian Studies Fellowship from
Western Kentucky University: Berea College last March I talked I
with Charles Czarski about the
Too often good service and products Kentucky Newspaper Microfilm Project.
are taken for granted and bad ones I needed to have some idea of the
garner attention. But this is a availability of newspapers from
” " letter of commendation for a job well Appalachian headwater counties_ in the
done. Kentucky River Drainage Basin.
Charles directed me to Ms. Jeanne
Our library recently received from Trimble for additional assistance.
the Kentucky Newspaper Project 134 Following our conversation, I
reels of microfilm. Our holdings of provided a list of counties for which
the Park City Daily News (1922-1955) I sought newspapers covering the late
were in deplorable condition, 19th century to the present. In
obliging us to limit their use. We reply, Mr. Trimble sent me an
hated to do this since we had the annotated list of the microfilm
only long run of the newspaper but location of- all pertinent papers.
funds for microfilming simply were With this precise information I was
not available and each use of the able to prepare the grant proposal.
originals created more "snow flakes." I am please to report that I received
How nice that we can now offer our a grant...[the majority of which]
patrons durable, very readable will go directly to a research
copies. assistant who will read the microfilm
and record data for later statistical
The people in the Microfilm Center analysis.
did an excellent job! Images are
quite clear and everything is The title of the proposed project is
accurately labeled for user ease. "Historical Perspectives on the
The finished product is very good. Kentucky River Basin from Newspapers
* of the Appalachian Headwaters."

 I would like to thank Charles and school year to pause and
Jeanne for their valuable assistance "acknowledge" your efforts myself and
in the preparation of a successful to recognize the integral role you
_ extra—mural grant proposal. play in helping to teach these
L students to become better and more
· I thought you would enjoy learning of independent student/ scholars.
their role in my research efforts.
l O
_ Susan Osborn, Art Library, received
Meg Shaw, Art Librarian, received the the following letter from Dr. Peters:
following letter from Dr. Jane S.
Peters of the Art Department: This is just a little note to let you
know that I just read through my
As you know, each semester students students' research papers, and with
, in my upper level courses must write every semester, thanks to the art
research papers. Each semester I library staff appear again and again
solicit your help in introducing them on their acknowledgments pages.
to art reference tools that will aid I just though you should know that
them in their research in an informal your efforts to help students do not
session. Obviously your help extends go unnoticed. They appreciate it and
far beyond that introductory informal so do I. It is exactly this kind of
session with my class. one-to-one assistance that helps
student learn to become independent,
My proof comes at the end f each more confident and effective
semester when I read the student/scholars.
acknowledgments of your help in their
papers. A sampling from this Many thanks for making the classroom
‘ · semester's will make the point —— "I experience extend into the library.
wish to express my appreciation to
. 'Mad' Meg for her valuable library
; tour. . ."; "without the assistance of
the librarians in the UK Art Library, DEPARTING STAFF
any research on my part would have
been ijnpossible..."; "I would like to
acknowledge the following for their Rebecca Bombe. ..Math Library
assistance and the use of resources:
the staff of the Art Library at the I
University of Kentucky. . ."; or
"Special thanks to Meg Shaw and Susan STAFF TRANSFERS
Osborn for aid in translation from
French to English and their expertise
in evasive [sic! ] research Patty Hornback, Bibliographic
materials." Maintenance. . . to Agriculture
It is perhaps time at the end of this Library

G?he Resources and Technical Services Division of ALA has a number of
conferences scheduled for summer and fall. Included are two preconferences
prior to ALA's annual conference in Dallas this summer: "Freeze Frame: An
Examination of Technical Series Problems with Videos", June 22-23, and "Dewey
20" on June 23. RSTD's Collection Management and Development Midwest Regional
1 Institute will be held August 17-20 in Chicago. "AACR2 Revised: A Practical
Update" will be held in Fall, 1989, in Philadelphia. Further information is
available from JoAnn King, Program Officer, RSTD, 50 East Huron Street,
. Chicago, IL 60611. Toll—free number, 1—800~545—2433.
]Ef You Want tg Evaluate Your Library, F. W. Lancaster. (Champaign, IL:
University of Illinois, 1988). [Z678.85 .L350 1988].
Multicampus Libraries: Organization and Administration Case Studies, Ruth
Schwartz. (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988). [Z675 .U5 S336 1988].
Cross—Reference Index: A Guide tg Search Terms, 2nd edition, Thomas V. Atkins
` and Rona Ostrow. (New York: Bowker, 1989). Provides cross-references to 8
different subject heading schemes: LC, Sears, Readers' Guide, New York Times
I Index, PAIS, ERIC, Psycholggical Abstracts, and the IAC databases, including
Infotrac. [REF Z695 .C94].
Biographical Directory gf National Librarians, Frances L. Carroll and Phillip
J. Schwartz, eds. (London: Mansell, 1989). [REF Z720 .A1 C37 1989].
Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, edition 20. (Albany, NY:
Forest Press, 1989.) [REF Z696 .D519 1989).
Directory gf Research Grants. (Phoenix: Oryx, 1989). [REF LB2338 .D57 1989].
(Submitted by Rob Aken.)

 J O B O P E N I N G S
- of California, Davis. Salary:
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $31,944 — $$59,556. Deadline:
‘ July 31, 1989.
Library Technician II, grade 6, Public Services Librarian,
Collection Development. II`1iZerna`biOnal Relations and
· 0 Library Technician IV, grade 8, Math Pacific Studies Library,
. Science Library. University of Califernia, San
Library Technician IV, grade 8, Diego. Salary: $26,136 —
Bibliographic Maintenance. $46,020. Deadline: September
15, 1989.
Anyone interested in these jobs SOCial Sciences Librarian,
should get in touch with Ann Howell, UniVerSii1y of California, San
· Director's Office. Diego. Salary: $26,136 —
$46,020. Deadline: September
15, 1989.
Head, Public Services,
ALASKA Biomedical Library, University
of California, San Diego.
Salary: $31,944 ——$$59,556.
Head, Information Access Services, Refi-3renCe Librarian, BiOmed1Cal
University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Library, University of
Salary: $51,000 minimum. Deadline: California, San Diego (one—year
July 17, 1989. appointment). Salary: $26,136
~ $33,444. Deadline: June 23,
1 ARIUMM. Slavic Serials Cataloger,
F Stanford University. Salary:
· $27,000 - $41,400. Deadline:
Media and Fine Arts Cataloger, July 21, 1989.
University of Arizona, Tucson.
Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline:
June 15, 1989.
. CALIFORNIA Head, Cataloging Department,
F University of Colorado, Boulder.
Salary: $34,000 — $39,000. Deadline:
Head of cataloging, University July 12, 1989.
1 of CalifOrnia, Berkeley. Head, Serials Department, University
a Salary: $35,088 -544,020. of Colorado, Boulder. Salary:
Deadline: August 1, 1989. $34,000 — $39,000. Deadline: July
12, 1989.
Principal Cataloger, University

E - Engineering Librarian and Science Reference/Technical Services
I User Education Coordinator, Yale Librarian, Indiana State University,
= University, New Haven. Salary: Terre Haute. Salary: $20,000
$27,300 minimum. Deadline: none minimum. Deadline: June 30, 1989. ,
listed. Assistant Dean for Library Systems
Geology/Chemistry Librarian and and Automation Research, Indiana
,, Science Bibliographer, Yale State University, Terre Haute.
. University, New Haven. Salary: Salary: $40,000 minimum. Deadline:
$27,300 minimum. Deadline: none June 30, 1989.
Assistant Management and Economics
Librarian, Purdue University, West
Lafayette. Salary: $22,000 minimum.
FLORIDA Deadline: August 20, 1989.
Physics and Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences Librarian, Purdue
Chair, Department of Special University, West Lafayette. Sal-ary:
Collections, University of Florida, $24,000 minimum. Deadline: August
Gainesville. Salary: $41,000 20, 1989.
minimum. Deadline: June 15, 1989.
Coordinator of Animal Welfare
‘ ‘· Reference Librarian, Emory Information Center, —Nationa1
University, Atlanta. Salary: $20,000 Agricultural Library, Beltsville.
minimum. Deadline: July 10, 1989. Salary: $41,121 minimum. Deadline:
June 5, 1989.
Head of the Serials Department,
University of Chicago. Salary: Assistant Librarian, Engineering
$32,500 minimum. Deadline: Library, Princeton University.
July 1, 1989. Salary: $24,000 minimum. Deadline:
Head of Authority Control, June15, 1989.
University of Chicago. Salary: Chinese Bibliographer, Princeton
$26,500. Deadline: July 1, University. Salary: none listed.
Serials Cataloger, University I
of Chicago. Salary: $22,400
minimum. Deadline: July 1,

 Deadline: September 1, 1989. OREGON
Head, Catalog Services Section,
E Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Assistant University Librarian for
Salary: $30,0705 minimum. Deadline: Public Services, University of
= July 14, 1989. Oregon, Eugene. Salary: $40,000
· minimum. Deadline: July 31, 1989.
Curator of Special Collections,
University of Oregon, Eugene. Salary:
.. NEW YORK $40,000 minimum. Deadline: July 31,
._ 1989.
Librarian, Robert Goldwater Library,
` Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Salary: none listed. Deadline: none PENNSYLVANIA
Head, Copy Cataloging Unit, Head, Copy Cataloging Section,
University of Rochester. Salary: University of Pittsburgh. Salary:
$25,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30, none listed. Deadline: July. 15,
1989. 1989.
Preservation Librarian, University of -
Rochester. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Head Librarian, Beaver Campus, Penn
Deadline: none listed. State University. Salary: $25,000
minimum. Deadline: July 10, 1989.
Head Librarian, Fayette Campus, Penn
State University. Salary: $25,000
OHIO minimum. Deadline: July 10, 1989.
Head Librarian, New Kensington
" " Campus, Penn State University.
1 Cataloger for Slavic Materials, Ohio Salary: $25,000. Deadline: July 10,
_ State University, Columbus. Salary: 1989.
i $22,560 - $27,480. Deadline: July
31, 1989. ` Librarian, Tyler School of Art,
Cataloger for Japanese Materials, Temple University, Philadelphia.
Ohio State University, Columbus. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline:
Salary: $22,560 — $27,480. Deadline: July 12, 1989.
July 31, 1989.
Head Librarian, The Ohio State
University at Lima and Lima Technical
College, Lima. Salary: $28,080 - TENNESSEE
$32,400. Deadline: June 1, 1989.
Reference Services Coordinator,
Humanities, University of Tennessee,
OKLAHOMA. Knoxville. Salary: $28,000 minimum.
Deadline: July 1, 1989.i
Reference Services Coordinator,
Chemistry—Mathematics Librarian, Science and Technology,Ihuversity of
University of Oklahoma, Norman. Tennessee, Knoxville. Salary: $30,000
Salary: $28,966 minimum. Deadline: minimum. Deadline: July 1, 1989.
July 15, 1989.

Reference Services Coordinator, WASHINGTON
  Social Sciences, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville. Salary:
·t $$28,000 minimum. Deadline: July 1, Head, Multi—Campus Library Services
1989. Program, Washington State University,
* Pullman. Salary: $20,000 — $30,000.
Deadline: June 30, 1989.
History Reference / Collection
Development Librarian, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State Acquisitions and Collection
University, Blacksburg. Salary: Development Librarian, University of
$21,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30, Wisconsin, Madison. Salary: $26,606 -
· 1989. 30,529 minimum. Deadline: August 31,
GREEN BEAN STAFF: Bonnie Cox, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.