xt7zgm81p891 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81p891/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1998 1998 1998-02-19 2020 true xt7zgm81p891 section xt7zgm81p891     








0 O O ’


bill will getfaz’r SIM/66

By Judith Hensley
Sim/I‘ll 'rmI/I

Stall memhers may soon ltave their
voice on the his

'l‘rustees il' Sen. lIirnesto Scorsone has
his way.

Scorsone (l)—l.exington) intro»

dticed Senate Bill 205 to the Senate
last \\'ednesday. The hill would
allow a non-teaching stall memher
to he elected to the L'niversity‘s
Board olwl‘rustees.

Scorsotie met with L'K’s Stall‘Asso—
eiation last tiight to go over the pro-
posed hill and discuss the process

Bonniejohnson, ol L'K's (:Utllllllk
nications and Network Systems, said it
is long over due.

“The k'niversity‘s highest adminis-
tration has always thought we dont
need a voice. Iiihnson said. I hey ll
speak for us; they ll tell its what we

The approximate 9.000 stall-mem-
hers are represented on the hoard by
faculty delegates.

Bttt Stall Association Chairwoman
Shannon l’rice said this is not enough.

“\\'e have dillierent henelits pro—
gratiis dillerent maternity leaves "
l’r icsc said. “ l here .tre substantial dil—
l'erences that warrant a stall meniher
on the hoard."

L‘K is the only university in the
state that does not have a stal'l‘memher
on the Board oliil‘rustees.

Two years ago L'K stall tiieiiihers
came close to getting a similar hill
passed until it was side-lined to the

Board of

appropriation and reventie committee
where it died helore reaching the Sett—
ate lloor.

Seorsone said the timing is hetter
for success in this attempt.

“The climate in the Senate has
changed since two years ago." Scot“
sone said. “I feel optimistic this time."

Btit. the senator still has some real»
istic reservations.

"There is more support {or it in the
Senate than there is iii the House. hut
I‘m not lieeling a lull—court press."

The senator urged the grotip to call
hoth llotise and Senate lIiducation
Committee tiieiiihers to solicit their

Seorsone said it is possihle the hill
could go throtigh the Senate liduca—
tion Committee with a unanimous
vote thus allowing it to go on the ( Ion—
seiit Calendar.

Stall memhers at the meeting
voiced dotihts .ihotit the hill passing
without opposition from L'ls' Presi—
dent Charles \Vethington.

“l told him two years ago it he
would support its in this. it would he a
wiii- win sitti. ition all the way around
.Iohnson said. He said it would make
the hoard too large Large isn't the

“hen the Community College
System lost its seat. the hoard lost one

memher. That seat could he tilled hy a
stall inemher.
_Iohnson said \Vethington was

quoted iii the lI‘eh. 16 edition ol the
Lexington llerald