xt7zgm81pg75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81pg75/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-03-11 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 11 March 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 11 March 1797 1797 1797-03-11 2023 true xt7zgm81pg75 section xt7zgm81pg75    

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dioxin”, cl 'ordre cancer/amt


’Uhvbh'sxenrent ({e la lranquillflé (‘L Barty/071113. ——- ('olmm'i ([2 gncrre [mm {L ['ic'nnc, 530' /.r'.?
A1.»- ln’rlcs dz: [arm/fie (cl/(rIv/II’v/Hze (-12. [la/(75'. — 1)},0151 5.23 (WE-idle (le [’a7.‘;u'r(:/ fm'ysz's .5'1/1‘ /_- turn/Inf Hui 0'
claim: mu emwu’ra ct (rally ((-5: Is'spagnols. — Lit/rail (I, Inna [Ptll‘e (la [foc/chm'é .915," [w situation (A? '
(tr/‘été ({u (lire-cmire (Iui am- ut c/es awemblfim IJI'I'IIIOI'IY‘S /e.s‘ préw’n

mo van: (1' .1 71'


.‘)'Z—- 1901





Prix (13' l’abonnrment, (9 lira. pour trais mois ,
,éG [Arapour six moi», et 50 liu. pour 1m an.


I W...
E S P A G N E.
_ Do .Wlddricl, la 20 fém‘iar.

. Lens alnrmcs qu’awoit causées lo retard de la mullc dc
Efizxrcfluunc , smut, presqu’cuticrcmcut calmécs , Si tout est
jimmy 1c moment iiSSCZ Lramluills dams ucllc capifalc dc L1
T‘Qazuloguu. Les gurdes walonnm , qu’on présumuit avoir
c cnvoyécs conirc ellc , n’éLoieul’ qu’uu nombrc do 400,
& smut , .‘1 (:c qu’fl pamil , uniquomcnt dcs'linécs £1 pnrgcr
#1 Viz‘iHL‘ ("as We tics brlgmuls qui l'iufcstcul. Celte des—
tination expiillucroit 1c soiu qu’ou a cu L19 ne Pas Int-hr
a? [rumpus Imiouzdcs it cello troupe c'imngerc.

Jl immit qua 1c ml at pris 1a résolulion do dc'chrvr Ia
guvn‘c nu Portugal. L‘u C(mséqucnce, l‘ordro Vicni d (“We

'«gdgnné dc x‘uyscmblcr dus troupes.


1);: I’chm, [a 18 jFW'icr,


‘, I! se 1th bier un grand comcfl d’émt , (Inns qunel i1
fa; 1‘65011‘. Ll’cmploycr ionic-s 105 forces do let mmun'chic
,‘irl‘llrichicnnc pour 1'("pm‘cr lvs 1.16.3“!sz (lu’cllu 21 5011311165
.513 I‘lztliu, it your tédlcr, par une vigm‘ur redoubléc,
' fixer la {briunc en 1min: ['zwa‘m'.

)n uiluxd. incuas.’mmwnt 1c g1“ “Era! Y\Vm‘msv)‘ avec l'c
5.95”.“ d.\.'r1us, commandant dc Mxmoue, & (H's (1m: la
:g‘gmwn dc cnllc place sm‘a ("chung‘e , 0110 86m répurlic
(3.1%!“ now; ville 8." Prague, puur
Lia-114:5 , cujouiaszmt d’unc


s‘y l‘eii‘irc do svs 1'21—
doublc payc pout prix dc 5a



1; Dr: Iranian! , [e 18 ‘flét'rie’r.
aficil, (:mnme aillvlu‘s , il m: mum
q‘m‘ [mprmcnt 1:1 méfizulcc fir.
{kwn‘iéllfi 5E lcs \'¢"21ili(:1xs. ()1:
Que ‘s'crliPc Vimll d" ruin: un hazih"
use ,déclarcm uu premier

inc pan dc pcrmnucs
sunpgnns cntrn it“?
fail (‘H'irn :mx’ plum-rs
. ewcc ramp mur; qu’vHu
msLuuL; (1m,- deju on it fail. dcs





lcxées dzms In Dalmatic 3 qua lea arms: ii
soul tons préls 51 \‘cnis‘u, 2*; Que pan? mic .
ccs prépamlifs , 011 vicnt do déi‘cneh‘u lcs cunnnnnfiniiuz'm
avoc la terrc fcrmc. Mai; mus can; qui mnnxfismnt 1a.
sagcssc 8: la polilizlue dc nos ancicns rbpuhli
rout quc , loin d‘cnlamcr L1 nmindre Ji 11!; :1 :15: cm:-
qus'wzms d’lialic , it»; conliuncronl. ix pm‘lcr 1c. [hrdL-Au Cum.»
silence, comma ils on! {all dcpuis 1c connncncumvnt, Ck;
In gucrrc. 11 u’csL p15 11mins vmi qu‘il; vicmtunL d: i‘t'CP-
voir-uue forte lcg‘on, puiaquc, 3: cc (iu’ou dit', i'm‘ :mf:
palyé nlystéricusemt‘nt 1‘16 minions , soiL 5L Hire C‘x.-p1'(t,
5011 en cnulributinus , subsides , fournilurcs, Kc. Quch
farce imposanlc ils auroicut 1m cmrchrniruvcc uuc summit?
pareille !



:ins , again—




c Londrcs, 1c

Hivr .111 malin, M. ('v=1dcr, cupiirinc dc pavilion (h:
l'amiml Sex-vi; , zu‘j'iva :‘1 1 amimuh‘ :n'cc I'imporkmw up”-
\‘vllv dr‘ l’mrsniufl- (:ignedl‘ quc l'u‘czzdn'c du cc“, a ‘
wmp'u‘l't" sur Twanrdrc «:spnguoh: (10 (inn ('orduvu. \ «2i -i Er:
snbfimmo dc 1;} 0.!" {she ufiisivnu do. sir Juhn Jervis , Chung.
do L1 bale dc Lagos, 1;: 1i} i‘bvricr.

LC I“; an nlzziin, éiant 4‘1 huh Iicucs au mm} (in my
Saint—X intent, 'H'Int cu afi‘is do Nipplm‘hc ch: l'cixuir};
cspngnole, i1 (it, ,,. dis’pmifium paw: l'uiiazjnzyr . qzinirw 5!
n’cm quc 15 wussmux (is, lignn‘. , b; (lulu! lui vim numwrf"
quc X‘mmsmi 0n avail £7. Jugvzml . (H541. qua Them: 111‘
dil pavilion bl'ilauniqzh‘ it 1% Cil'L'Oflvl‘lih‘TS (in L1 gar-gym
oxigcuigul nu cuui, (Nuislf, jzt
(uni dca )‘a‘glvs oxv!i12:ri1'x‘:;

R E.

"’1 mars.





. ..,
mu Crux ymim‘ v11 1:: ;11'~


nfél Hi f'urma- L‘Il I?“
la. plus grands L'élfiriéé, j»: (11ml ' [‘1 I .
5i par-131, 55-pu1xmL um: pzu'iiu :14; I”; d. ).'.1-‘-k‘ . is
[us cmpf‘chni, pzu' unc canumLulu ;);l1‘il.;ilc, dc m? Itiuimll'r.
Par 1a hmvourc & h lmnna; mmluiic ("9 \'air.:«-.:i!\‘ «1in
on! pn arriver sur [memi , 12mm iui lui mum wk 2
v; ix: :zxux' ([3 112 (111mm, 1:- .‘1'../'1:.'"/:,vr (1.] JAN/4A) & 1::
Sm ,Vir-u/wrs , 11‘}.- é‘h , {'1 [at Sun! ./.-.i:/o/'i ,
do 7'}. ,Lc combat C(‘SSil {my 11,55 cinl‘l hcurch du soir.




S'm J(.‘A’.’¥])/l ; 1:.-

n ' . ' - | r
L’.;mu‘z11 Jcrvxs duum [:1 [Me (Ins nun-L. 01 ldcswm sur
sou c~ca<1"c , muumnl it 300 lmmmm. H (1!! (111; ~::.:- 1 -


nluutm VdisitfiauV uspugnuh (lu'il 21 pxis, U. y ;; .‘.. :‘5‘:
1110115 61 322 blusabs; pxrmi lcs moms ml 1- (is; fig;-






17111110} o—Xat'icr 1\’1“111i1111.y's1221. L’amirzd 5e
Prop-11.011 (1’111101‘ I: 111513011111: dés quc lcs prises 11311315110105 ,
(J 1'101cn1, 101111135 d1'1111zi1ém , 561019111 011 élal. (1c lcnir 111
111131. 11 ajoulc r1111: 11,- 310011 11: f'inz‘fwr nvoi1. 11115 1111 cor-
mix-c cspugnol BL furcé 1111 1111111: 1‘1 8’1‘11110116'51 1a 0616.
1.1: 21/11. on pr 51:111111111x (11111: 0111111111165 (111 paflcmcnl
1.111 1111-3511111: (111 1'01, 111111011911111 1’111‘1'C‘1é [1115 (121115 son
101112.11. privs': (11111111111 1es <111'cc112urs (1c1a 11111111113 51 sus—
pnulm 111111 1111131111111 on 1111111611111‘3, j11squ’i1 cc (1m: 1‘0
131111113111 :111 1111.1 cut. oijt en considi‘l‘aliun. Cc. 1110553141:
my 10111111 1111111 1-35 (11-11): chambrcs (1es (16111113 115502 vifs,
11011:; 51111111103 01111g1'15 11c 1'c11v0y1‘r 1w; 1161:1118 A (10-
s d1‘1111.'-1'a111111s L‘Lé, (121115 1cs 4119111;
11 1'01 111‘s adrcsses :11: r1e111111-11'11111‘111.


13:1(11‘1‘ , am}


: 1




11111111. Le 11351111111 1.


c111111:111‘1:'< , 111‘ {11‘1‘513111Cl‘fi

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,:’~"-.11' 5.1111 mast-'31: , {a 1’u11111'c1).1111111 5111' l'un'C-Lé do. son
9011:1311. "
' 11 V {111 51 11151111 (111 10rd mairc 11110 ass-sm-
~ I n‘ , . l - ’1 v u . .
911111111 111111111r.-11:r;1: (1c negommh 1X 11c b;.11q1111:1»s ,

nmyr‘ns (.11: remédicr aux 1211213311225
11190111: do munérdilc. L’11s—
‘11‘1"<1(11"1) 11.3:- 1 111111 1111111‘c. 011 5“ 11111111111
1725-, Lunaquc 1c royaunw 111011 11‘11111111L'pa1' 1111-9
1L: , 5111:1160 par 1.211 p111'11 11111511111" on

011 ("m-011111 1.1 11161110 116110.156. .SL
116 111.171‘ 1:119 g1‘1111111: 1111111011th pour
’4'~r.-.‘-:r111g1‘1‘ 10% 11111149 centre. 1:, 11111111‘1'11111‘. Les 11111151111111);
isms {1L 1121111111101 (11- 11.1011111‘1‘5 5’113511111111-1‘0111 ; 11 1111
11’1‘113: 111-. 1011111201011 on;

CT 3111‘ 16:;
1111 c0111111z‘1‘cc 11‘.


(111?” 1111111

‘ ‘J

5111;11:1/‘1: (‘1011


' ., 1‘1‘1: 111‘ gnu-1'11: civi
1 .1‘111‘ 1111121110111111111,
"11111 51: 11111'1z151 111 11111211







c11111‘c1111 1111111111111-1111‘111 (1111111101111


'11-‘1111-111, '1 11 11111015 (1: 121 11311111113, it (11131:, (:11 111611111:—
111.111, 111 circuiulion (11: 10113 1111115 1110y131ls. 1111115 111 1011111110

1011:; 11m. 611:1):111'11: 1121-9111 1,.11131111'211 & 1.1 cunfiurwé s0

11151115: ,
11 1111. flu-1‘11 111111111111 11: 1111711111 1-1-—

1':"1:1l+111. 1ia\1s gbn-fi‘.

I 682 )



716111, (110
W cmnpugmc
g) pawn-11L- 111
{1119110 (11:5 (1
311m (Rs 1
murcc, 511

11 11’1381

111‘ 1:11ac1m 1111 1rés-1‘oible secom's. 011 cspm
1e p11b1ic en générzil 59 [1161111119. cos (-1..
cue 11c 11111116111111: 11c 1111111111111 1111-

cc (1111 1:111 11
«1112111111111 , (1119.
cmhhumm, 012110 (115
cum: cxp’huiiion.

11y cut, 10 9.8 ,
compagnie (185 Indus,
1116111 arrivécs (16 1’Indc
11101‘. E11155 110110111. (1116111



11m: a13e111111ée (112‘s (111‘1‘1‘12111'3. 1.111 11
01‘11’1111 a 111 111:3 1.15}: Hes réuvm-
8L 11:11.13.“ (-111 19 novambrc 1
11‘111111'111111115 continual: {1c 1‘é‘gnn
(111115 cctlc panic 1111 11111111111, 8L 1111’011 y (‘1011 suns in:
(111ié111dcs 3111‘ 11:3 prélcndum 1n1c1111011s 11os1ilca (11",1‘111011.
811112111, (1111 116 11115011 a11c11n1‘ disposilion dc guano.
Les mémcs (111110611115 (111110119011-111 1111 0011113111 (.1111 u 011
lieu (11111-5 11: voisinuge (1c Fish: ([11. Prince dc Gallm:




1:1111‘c lcs 110111: vaismsuux a11g1ni~1 11,2’1‘1'og‘r1131'1i. [e [121..- _,.._)})..,g. 11
rieux , 8: 1131; si‘; 1‘1‘1'11'1111‘5 '1'1111<;:111. (11s

1111111155 (11>;‘:11:). 3711111: 11‘. '18, 1a bun/1111‘

. '3 31:11:11.11‘11-‘1‘9 1111‘. 111 {111111 11:111.: 11111131111111

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1 311:1 11: 11 &



11.311113 111111 11 .

‘("-‘|1‘L% 11-11;




:1 . :1 111:1 {.c 13111 11 unc 1‘ .1. (1311'; 1-.\'.‘1

1-“. 11:115- ‘131115 11,1»:1'11’. 111. .‘ hwy»; 51.111313, -:111 (‘1"' 31

'c 11'11111'1“ 11.: 1.1 :21111‘ :1 111.11 111111: rpm-0.5)”- 11"”


(TN; 12111:”


2:11‘111‘ 1').111‘.\‘ W111—

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1:1_ 11:11.11" BUR ‘:.:1:.~' 1111.11

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1- 5.1.31: 11.}; (11111111112111 11 3'11. 1 =1, .111. 11: 111111 111,- 11::11'
i111 1111.11.31 11m: 1‘;~11;‘.€111.: 1111111111115 :11: 11111116111111: pmu' su1~
x'v“. iv-s ;"1‘1111111S(11:"- 11311-111011." . 11;- 1111111411‘1‘. 113111 11161111111111
.1;..‘.L 111‘ 11:11.1»! 1cm. 11101-1311; (inc 50 1111111‘ guinéw;

11 (11::1-111-11vz,
11011:: 1113111111.” = , 1111:.111111111.1~ 1.1
(11! 111111111. Um; 113.119 111:0]:1112:
11112111 “1111111211116 }>11111‘ 11101:.
1‘111'111'1: .1

{1111‘ 3'11"1‘Ic 111‘ 1
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111 111111 1‘


1!: “J'-



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1 ,_ - ~ - - '1‘ .‘,- '1 .;fl._ lqll.‘s ;1(
11'1 (111111111111: 1111;310-(11111111111111 .11211'111‘1‘1‘; \1131111‘ 1.11:;111‘5 ‘»- ‘> . .
1 1 ' 1 . ,~ 3, ~. 1 . 1.5111
<1c11‘1.’11‘,""~' (11: 1.: {11111501111150 . 1“. (Lu 1'11 1'011:'.1(1:'1.111111l ‘11 I ,
‘ ‘ ' ‘» l‘x‘dll 1]



301111111: (1'9 111111 1111111:



..:1111‘:.‘ 1.113111111‘, 11111-
1121 811111.115: 5.0111. $11113 11115, 91.2“ ‘
(1.111s 11111.



Y :‘1 ca; (‘1:1.1:"111.‘11“ <:<1«1‘111: ’







(‘111-1111,‘ (1111 1-11 I" n
.. -. .- . , . Iv .- . 2'1. 11
1715141121111 ./‘ 111111.1111‘11‘ 01‘111.11111;11c1.1.1 1c11'11r1 , (1111 (1! 1‘ :1 \‘l
, .
~— _ _._,‘ >_".__,’4 J
M —— -—’»- 11's. 11,-
1!) 11:- 11.131". 11113111411115 (1’011'1‘11‘ 0“ puicmcnl d“ ‘1 ""


2111 11111 111: .
1111:: 1.1111111: dc. bunqgc.

6 51115 Manny‘s, 1111111; 161121 11111 1:: 9:11.111





vient, MUIf 11'an Y‘l‘fibc' po‘Inr sc trouvc‘ m anssi mauvaise
II'U'llfIIIgHIC? 11:1 I21i'1 (2\.(p(10n (I I 113352121111 IoIn CI :5 (Ian;

(II' III _ “511110. (L5 5‘". pIzIL'us (M (20511-


U-m. . gnu-p.20. SHCCC'dU 1111 11011111“! Idling-er, “1111.251 (Inns 1(- 111131110
(I'l'w cum.


.'.' 2) ”2131 pm inIIiII'2'I1CIIL dc CUII‘MIIIL‘I‘ II: Iiécrulog: (:0-

III‘ '2'11111'111I:



'III(I.I— ' j: “.lxnis'lrz. I31:III'~}‘ , 1111111 (1 In suih' dos IIIL‘SKIIII'I'.‘ (III'II a
:'.-.(';1 (III gmlw:11.:111'70'11151'nI Li" })1"1"1.‘."1’ILI 1'('2)I'I.'s;-.11L.111I (111
).'111:I:' Luna-(.117; . I.: 'I .11' (III 2:1 (I SlIt‘lIl'Il. '115;I1111:111 sabu'.
I'.!]l‘l):2 ; -‘.I.11'II.II 5.1311211 3i. I‘.I).II.\1'.1('1'.1, I111111Ir1135
III.".i.< !."111.Ii'.1~; I'IIIIII'IIIII'; . (st.L2<.-:I1:I'.5 (I11115»1=.111:111':5—
(11.;I'I2tu «1217.111 II2111' :'.’I.iI ('IIHIII'I' Inf»; '3; Huh: 111':—
.,III".-'.') I. 1(IIII.', I'IIII (sz '1'1115 I'HHIHJ‘L hI'.‘"'c.: (I1: 1.9.—
2.~.;:1(. I'11.iI|-'- {1.1111' ~1-5 11.1111I11'v11r; - .5I111 , (li):‘£‘~lzl?.)l1‘
I.I 1112.5 I'II'I 552' (I.': (:011'1'111 II'I' I1=.I.\':2'.1.I.{ . (‘5' (It.


11 1'11







fluvil ('11 :‘.'11L-.2.- (I-'\'I.III.:( I<;1 chxIIIIIt , K II1121I11115 I711 c1111~
" ."I 'l'l‘(.‘I_,
'T'iI'UP 11:112 (1 (:\::I-'-III51' 5-511 IIIHHIIQ, 11151". I.>115--z1—('(I11'l1, (.
£1,111“? -.:1II 5.I:I'11.1-.1I..; I.' III.2III.I. 1::11': (I.'. v.1'155rrII1 'I‘II(:I:I:1<,
1‘.II:'IH.".‘.I (251112.15, IIIIII‘l :III II'IIIHII (II VI.I!::III(‘.< I2.»-
"yIII iII;1.'; :I' .-1'.'. (III...- II2 I-Il"‘(I1.‘L'Ill 'mi :u'IIII: :I(III:I11i5-..
. "-1.112. IzIII' ‘ III) I'IH'IHI‘HIFIII (I) I.' C.IIII:IIi--.:1I1'c I. I,I.1;1-;,
5-1. ;- ':(';~.21'.Il..1'2.121.11'. ('11 (III:I>:-.I iImII :11'1.-I5 i'$1111'I.:1111.I.x , t1; (“:1 .:5-«III

:3..- 31'1 I 11\ 1':':15 1.111 115 ('I. (1111111.:1'. IIIIII'L d.1115 I11 Ira—
' 1111 I1'("5-I.'I>I!1'l 1: {\iLL‘r‘. (I5 II. ".'I' . I): :.'.I1'I .'1 1311':
('1 :.)1l. (1..-1H: (‘Iui (Hui-3'1 1'. (I11 11111.1



”.'.Iiim. I):l I'IIIQH‘II‘IIII I.) "1212(1L'; I.: ;;'11-.'1'.1I. !I“'






1(Ic I ”I I)L)2III(>H',
5, I125 (”Ur-.13 (I.";..11"1Is. Ines


1111-. 511.11 11151" 111.: b.2115
~aII2.<:II.1.I:. '11: 1111111221: .'iI(::11.';:-.II11I 111 .1 I11. I"“‘ (13111111116.—
‘VIH; ~ 3.1.115 :Iuc II::5 Ito-.112; (2291:" '

(“(11119 { 1;:





11:5 (3:1 12.11". (I.- I.’..Ii'r.
2 ' .)::'—;'.'IIII.' (xi (Ir-F


2..1'1.Is (I-J 1!1-.r.-'~(':15
.'c; , Inn-111.111 5.21115 I:'II'.1V..1' (1.1 (111(- r-255(I:11-.'1: a

~131;\'('11i1' [1.1111 16:57.1)11' LI. i1'.11;.}11iIII'1.'2 :1 01;]1111IL2.


.02: [’(u'l's, 14 20 17?.I1[.I.5.2.


()1: se smwicnt (1110 II: Iii'c:11)i1'n (11'1I12111111 Sllf‘I‘('S~IIVC-
3.552. ;mI2III. up. 5ix ('IIVuyIIs L,.;11('VI' (Io soriiz' (Ics
351422.205 (II; 31 I.'-IIIII)1§.IL11('. L's. (zinIix (III (:iiuyvn ’\!i5Is.2IIv,
éIII IIIIIII5I1'I (Ia. ( I: RIMES. 1111115 {1.21'5 I: (i110 I':1I'—
fi‘lln.) IIIIIi 51:11.23 (5.»; I'éVuhIIioiIaIin 1251 I:.1I.111('((2 pair in:
1111i IIIII;





‘III'l'I1i} 0.1 IIIL211 11:1: (' .5 leIIIL'..UIINuIl(\ 5i
'gw'nwux'x (1'..i'.I(:1.1"1'I. '1 21:1L (I: LII'.1)1(I1(- (31' (I:"'\;;
you 1112. IIs (1112'. 1i21I113‘. I.('I.'1 ('I..'.. I? (‘1 '-IVIII"~~;I. 1111-111 111‘1
I'IIIII (.I:1:II.Ii€(: , 1'1'..1'.iv.'I:I.-I‘.I' 2'1 IIn I‘iI'Eit 5-. 1"\ 1'1I11111I55
pg}: ('1 I} (:III'iII (7: L1 I'11'v11L1'2 (I;1





”.2, (-11 I.Ii1I:2-.Ii—



.5i (‘II.1II'.{.-1' 1111):
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