xt7zkh0dwq3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dwq3d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770826 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 26, 1977, no. 192 text The Green Bean, August 26, 1977, no. 192 1977 2014 true xt7zkh0dwq3d section xt7zkh0dwq3d A ,.... ‘* <»   ‘L
26 August — Fall Faculty Meeting, Carnahan House
l Current Exhibits: Foyer, King Library North — The Kikkuli
Text: a new publication from the King Library Press. Also;
A Recent Acquisitions. Gallery, Department of Special Collec-
; I tions — Three Exhibits prepared by Library Science students
(through l5 Sept,). Lobby, King Library South - "Nine
f Illustrations from Bambi": drawings by Bill Crouch (through
August). .
Q Contributors to this number: David Farrell (Editor), Faith
‘ Harders, Mary Ransbottom, Cathy Stevenson, Bob Turner, Terry
p * , Warth, Paul Willis.

  __2_ · 
[ Library Tours September 6th-9th
I The Reference department will be offering brief general
_ tours of the King Library September 6th-9th. We would
j welcome volunteers from the staff to help with these.
, It's interesting for our users to meet staff who are
y not usually at the public service desks. We will provide
I as much help/support/training as you feel you need
I before giving; a tour. If you think you can spare 30
V minutes during that week please contact Patricia Renfro
I or Mollie Sandock at 7-1631 as soon as possible.
T Poster Collection on Exhibit:
I · About 60 posters from the Department of Special Collec-
I tions are on loan for "Prop Art: Protest and Persuasion"
I at the University Art Gallery. The show opens Sunday,
g 28 August, and runs through 25 September.
»_ The posters in the show are drawn from collections of
I 500 World War I, World War II , and the French Student
L Revolt (1968).
I ACTS Executive Committee Officers 1977-78:
I Bob Sandrock—-chairperson
. Karen Boucias-—representative to Administrative Council
Q Gary Stottlemeyer--representative to Library Faculty
E Cathy Stevenson--recorder
4 John Cleveland
i LSO Meeting Notes:
I A Library Staff Organization meeting was held August 18
T in the Gallery. During a brief business meeting a motion
I was made and carried to increase the LSO dues to $3.00/year
it for full-time staff members. Terry Birdwhistle and Bill
Cooper presented a very interesting program on Oral History.
é They shared with the staff, by means of a tape recorder,
3 some of their interviewing experiences.
I 1. On July 21, 1977, the House-Senate Conference Committee
I on Labor-HEW Appropriations for fiscal 1978 agreed on
I an appropriation of $5 million for Title II C, Strength-
; ening Research Library Resources. President Carter is
now expected to sign this appropriation bill when it
_ reaches him.

2. The authorization for HEA II C for fiscal 1979
E is $20 million.
{ 3. With this appropriation, research libraries are not
§ only recognized as national resources for higher
Q, education, scholarship, and research, but Federal -~
§ funds are made available to strengthen their re-
E a sources and extend their services in the national
J interest.
4. Progress is being made in the Office of Education in
5 revising the draft Regulations (see Federal Register,
i v. 42, No. 103, June 6, 1977) of HEA II C based on the
3 recommendations and suggestions submitted, including
§ revision of the specified regions. The target date
Q for issuance of the Regulations is early October
I when the fiscal 1978 appropriations will become avail-
» · able.
? 5. Some preliminary observations follow: Although the
j law and Regulations seem to be based on research lib- ·
V raries submitting individual applications, it would
seem wise, particularly in States with more than one
research library, that there be joint discussions and
` planning on the use of funds requested and that each
application reflect cooperative planning. ,
6. Based on the national distribution of research librar-
ies, it could be expected that the number of applica-
tions from each of the States would range from one to
approximately five.
7. Based on the appropriation of $5 million for fiscal
l978, it could also be estimated that funding of appli-
cations might range up to $50,000. Larger amounts can
be requested, however, and the need of the applicant
library for further funding in fiscal 1979 can also be
indicated. “
· 8. It is likely that the Commissioner of Education will
appoint an outside review panel of librarians and
scholars from the various regions of the nation to
evaluate applications and make recommendations for
(ARL Memorandum
July 25, l977 )

 -q- `
The Library Staff has indicated to the Professional 1
Activities and Staff Development Committee an interest
in conducting meetings effectively. The following six
suggestions were compiled from several articles, par-
ticularly "You and I Have Simply Got To Stop Meeting
This Way," a series of articles by Richard J. Dunsing
in the September 1976 through February 1977 issues of
Supervisory Management. These suggestions are for small _
meetings, although some may be adapted for large meetings.
1. Have an agenda. Let the participants know before-
hand what goals, objectives, or topics are to be
discussed or acted upon.
2. Be well-prepared. ·
3. Tell participants in advance if you expect specific
information from them.
U 4. Be clear and specific concerning actions to be
taken by the members. Be sure each person knows
what is expected of him.
5. Keep the meeting on track. Accomplish what you
came to do by getting people on and off the "air."
6. Adjourn when the goals have been accomplished.
If you finish early, leave early.
Below is a short bibliography of recent articles and books
on conducting meetings.
Auger, B.Y. "Making Meetings Productive." Industry Week.
179:52+ Oct. 1, 1973.
Bradford, Leland P. Making“Meetings Work. La Jo1la,Ca1if.:
University Associates, 1976. V
Dunsing, Richard J. "You and I Have Simply Got To Stop
Meeting This Way." Supervisory Management. 2l—22, Oct.
1976—Feb. 1977.
Grote, Richard C. "Hidden Saboteurs of Group Meetings."
Personnel 47:42—48 Sept./Oct. 1970.
"How To Hold Meetings." Dynamic Supervision. Waterford,
Conn. : Bureau of Business Practice.
. Jay, A. "How To Run A Meeting " Harvard_BusinessNReview.
54:43-57, Mar. 1976.
La Sota, P.E. and Zawacki, R.A. "Successful Staff Meetings."
Personnel Journal. 54:37-28+ Jan. 1975.

Pattullo, G.W. "Why Staff Meetings Fall Flat." Nation's
W Business. 61:67-68, May 1973.
` Rush, F.M., Jr. and Phillips, V.F.,Jr. "Getting The Most
Out of Meetings." Business Horizons. 17:55-61, Oct. 1974.
This, Leslie E. The Small Meeting Planner. Houston, Texas :
Gulf Publishing Co., 1972.
PARIS (KY) IIBRARY \/1S lltlll
_ Y (Editors note: Terry Warth recently visited the John Fox Jr.
Memorial Library in the Duncan Tavern complex in Paris, Ky.,
’ and submitted these notes.) The John Fox Jr. Memorial Li-
brary contains books, manuscripts and memorabilia given
. by the Fox family. Ms. Elizabeth Steele, who founded the
‘ f ‘ library, reports that the family--now only represented by
a nephew--also supplies the money for the upkeep! In
addition to the John Fox material, the library also
contains a wealth of genealogical sources, including
genealogical magazines which the D.A.R. has been col-
lecting since 1941. (Duncan Tavern is the state head-
quarters of the D.A.R.) ,
E Their most popular possession is the manuscript of "The
.“ Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come." They also have the first
~ edition of all of John Fox's books autographed to his mother
( and father.
E The library is for reference use only. It is open 10-12
Q and l-5 Tues.-Sat. and 1:30-5 Sundays. The people in the ·
library are most cordial and they make one‘s visit a very
Q real pleasure.
1 · `
F. Alberto Gallo, professor of musicology at the University
g of Bologna and senior editor of Rivista Italiana di Music- `
( ogia, will lecture on Italian dances of the fifteenth century
i and their musical and social context in Room 2 of the Fine
i Arts building on Friday, 9 September at 3 P.M.
~ Professor Gallo holds degrees in law and in philosophy from
1 the University of Padua and has been a member of the faculty
I of the University of Bologna since 1969. In l966 he received
the Edward Dent medal from the International Musicological
i Society in recognition for his achievements in the study of
- Italian musical history. He is the author of numerous mono-
‘ · graphs and articles on early Italian music and has edited
; many treatises and musical transcriptions of medieval and
i Renaissance music.
i His lecture is sponsored by the Commission for Cultural
{ Exchanges between Italy and the United States and the School
of Music of the University of Kentucky, is free and open to

-6- J
to the public. He will illustrate his lecture with
slides and music examples.
PERSO{§.'NE| ·. I
If you are taking a class on library time, please remember
to send a note giving course and meeting time on it to the
Director's Office; note should have dept. head's signature.
Thank you.
Reminder on Work Study:
When you hire a work study person, please be sure tn send
their name and dept. where working to Director's Office for
our files.
l I Correction:
The Art Library job listed in last week‘s Green Bean is an
LT III, not LT II. If interested please see Faith Harders.
PROFESSIONAL ENPl,1Hl*lE"~ll.,BE?l,’{lRii !!lll1f [€fS
Industrial Relations Librarian, Princeton University Library,
Available: as early as Dec. 16, 1977. Application Deadline:
October 15, 1977. Sa1ary:$13,000»$l5,l00.
Assistant Catalog Librarian, Paul Meek Library—Tennessee,
Available: Oct. 1, l977. Application Deadline: Sept. 20, `
1977. Salary: $10,000 minimum.