xt7zkh0dzg7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dzg7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-11-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1991 1991 1991-11-27 2020 true xt7zkh0dzg7x section xt7zkh0dzg7x Kentucky Kernel Wednesday, November 27, 1991 Vol. XCIV, No. 230 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971 FALL BREAK CB. Hollingsworth, ot the UK Grounds Department, busies himself by blowing leaves into place in tront ot Latterty Hat! on campus The falling leaves are indicative of the cold months to come. Students will be leavrng today for Thanksgivrng break htiileets {It ‘I sit ti iretgn Hoysen ‘letllillli their ad tiiiyk :l‘. ’ serum), M» iiifl Ul rl GREG Ems” \l ti: and lit .illl l’ztr Students give downtown personal touch By ELIZABETH CALL Contributing Writer People walking into the (‘ivit Center shops in downtown l.e\iiig ton on any given day may not see too much action. But on a Monday afternoon. the site is quite the oppo» s‘ite. Students are working \ igororis ly everywhere These students are members ol HE-Z'l‘ ill. a l. K elass iii applied re tail and promotion in the (‘ollege ol Human Ezriyironrnerital Sciences. As a part ot the students" grade. they must help store owners decorate display cases and lrorit windows tor their stores. liaeh store eontatris at least one tront window and two displa\ loeattti iii tarioiis places within the mall Karen Keteh the ins'triittor. said the class otters a good opponunity tor students to gain experience through working with area stores t‘ use \ ‘llandssori experience is berieli» tial in this tield." Ketch said. "We ran sit in the tlassroom and read Nevada jury says Humana must pay doctor in suit Associated Press LAS VEGAS A Neuid‘a itiry has awarded 59.8 million to a lor- mer ehrel ot start at a Humana lire hospital in Las Vegas. ruling that Huriiana ahUse the iudieial process by suttig the doctor lor' libel Loursvrlle-bascd lluniana lne. tiled the libel suit in 1989 against Hurnana Hospital Siiiirise‘s l'ormer chief ol stall, Dr, George Mead Hemmeter alter he alleged the com- pany was Violating Nevada‘s liospi» tal cost eoritairirrient law. The Jury s award came in a com rersurt Hcmmeter tiled against the toriipany tlaiiiiitig rti' libel lawsuit was designed to silerite liirii and other critics “'l'oday‘s jllly verditt sends a clear message. not to me. btit rather a message in a larger sens‘t‘ tor yus CORRECTIONS Because ol an editor‘s er ror. a story iii the Nov ll Kentucky Kernel tontained incorrett iiilorriiatiori (ireg ()ttsley. a 1K student. was stationed in Port Jiibail dur ing the Persian (itilt'War Da vid [)eatori. a lrierid ol ()us» Iey‘s. l\l1l;l.|tilllig in pohtwal st‘lt‘llte lri yesterday's Kernel Re betea Smith was iiitorrettly ideritilied tree and First :‘tlllt‘lldlllL‘lll princi- ples.“ Heriiineter said alter the \er. ditt was announced late Monday. llie Clgllldlltlllbg‘r ‘iury deliberat— ed eight hours bel’ore returning with a verdict. The \erdiet tame at the end ol a sr\-weel\‘ trial and I U) years ol bitter pretrial lighting. State ottieials also were drawn into the legal tray, Wllh aeeusauons that some ot‘titials were influenced by Humana's political clout. llemnieter hugged his attomey. Morton (ialane. when the first ol‘ the verdicts was read. Dennis Kennedy, Humaria’s' at- torney; tailed the \erdier “disap- poititrrig " He said the ease would likely be appealed. silthough "lltiLh’ ing has been decided yet." Allan Stipe. llutnaria Hospital Suririse's ehiel e\eetitive oll‘iter. declined comment on the \erdiet. See HUMANA. Page 2 about it. but that is not the same " Although there is ;il\\.t\\ a thaiite iiiereharils will not be pleased with what students hate tlone. lite“. should try nonetheless. she said ‘ll _\oti bomb, M‘ll bomb h- sard ”That is the .rianee \oti must take " Merchants eerierallx h.i\e thernselxes pleased with the dL‘liLs 'wtit'k ti itind ‘Itl ’It puts a tresli perspeetiie till the merchandise." said \ioria iaylor. assistant manager ot Behind < tiised \\ tlle i'i‘lYl hi {kllr t‘d .::.'.’lllt\i t‘i iiinty Dot lr\ iaylt‘r sard as .2 result the sit-res i then -..‘\I‘l.l\ s more :ttit'ritlt man tistiat . iltilltjt.‘ .i LIV ‘l‘lli‘ "i. ,‘ it‘lt‘ tart'.‘ il;l‘~- rt _il|\ .‘x‘fil‘. \. ‘r ‘13., . . r . i‘ir '.l.t.- ‘i\ l - ir'siiie n its at 4.1 ll ttitrht'i- ti ’tt‘l M ‘H ’llltt' ‘. til!\t' \{LliiQs’ . . l , t the «in tow .liii‘ wait ”- . ;\l'1t'l‘t'i’* "lb“ i‘s :- VHC li'w tll s tllli,‘ :iirie ‘ '.i\ior said .i’ili‘i' butt” i/‘t.ttt;’llt‘l1\ twin. i'i\ s .lallriiat‘ls. agrees lJRANKl‘l ”(1. K). lt‘t‘s and it‘t‘t‘lil‘s \itilitlrls liEJi'i' it " 'tt-t i.“ ' \\ ilkinson added :rrerit river theri ‘ ‘ ilzi lit‘\ ’..i’l s5. '1' ‘. .tli ‘lrlls (if ii (it‘. it in Kt'llltit‘h stl'itxwr graduate students " tor piittiri-J too lliJll. 1th) high beta-aw. List . ar‘ any employee ‘1 thought more taees in the trianged," \\ ilkinsori said "\\ . dresses and paid them " "l p at er P‘Iii‘. \t“.;!. J ‘T:‘ Governor says universities need reform Associated Press \\ allatt‘ ‘~'\ illiri .i' I In an interxiew oti Kenttrt‘i.» Edutatr- twriii twist llt‘ sLtltl Ult‘lt‘ is less t'lit‘t'ti .‘llt‘s .there, and said lattilty menirwr. \iititll~i haste rnstrutttori. wlirth he ‘\l d ’i‘llf lhe governor atso rennet/est state itili‘tJltirl pt opt: . i. its ‘9» ilkiristiri said he had e\pi l greater .fiari.‘. i,.,.. Departnier‘a simply liwili tl’ he department bar‘- ah-ilrt L‘ report l‘w, Hindu ii‘. T5,. e top or the tit-"1mm iii his l: asstitia’.‘ ks said \es'ierthi. irison also sax! ": 1’“ tal s‘thot‘l ~t.}"""" ‘r ‘ stirx‘rinteiidents it “shuts {Junta -i it. a proriipttri; both: the ei-x'eriior said he i ‘ t-v- 'hr'eat [it t'tiUeLllitill rerniza is. .iri‘ o.-3hi‘riri.' itts.~r': it \i.1ll\ltl'|lli_l‘.l‘1 as rain ‘sk‘ tr‘u.~ i7~ i‘.titli‘.'lsl whom lit, l‘iti’” .2 mild tr: .W ::_s anon. i. new STUDENTS Wage. {iti'.\t'\t‘l_ lfit‘yst‘i’: Tia‘ L». I. * ’ " “I tiller” .\i',' L‘s r" 'H t li'i'iil i!.1 tit!\ t'\::liitttt E . i Brian Axon. 23. from LouISVitle Ky load up the truck tor the trip home for il‘itlilkSglVi' 6: hetpcd tints Large: ,«- Wildcats tie "4 i \ hero rims — .. Volunteers in annual i blood drive q‘i'att moors Kappa Sigma elected to IFC presidency By CAROLINE SHIVELY Staff Writer Jeremy Hates. a management inn ior lroni Versailles. Ky. and them her ol Kappa Sigma social lr'aterni ty. was eletted president Monday oi i'K‘s lriterlraterriity (‘otiritil Bates plans to make some big tliariges [it st year “I‘m pleased and exerted to get things going.” he said “l‘xe got some good ideas and I think it’ll be a good \ear ” Rates said he crease torriinnriitation between lra termites and sororities “l'tl llht‘ lit ilt‘i .l tYlt‘t‘L titltlitll started where ”t tan tii\ol\e .ill sororities .irid ltateriirliesf he "ll would basitallx be an otgatii/a tron where we \oite all l\\llt‘\ ot would like to iii \tlltl the creek system as a whole.” ()ther lit‘\\ l‘llht rs int ltidt‘ \tr‘ \‘n- ms. {\3 -\:t\ :‘tesidrtt \iikt “artist 11, iiia Rho \l‘\ tat lr.i‘ ' ‘\ t Trap. : 1.:i t‘s \‘ri“r ‘ rtt'lr '\ltt [We‘liit‘iti lili.i' tr \mt'itilier tart J" \lia' .i.il tram llili‘- ' mi. ima- ti \li'lliill‘lHt .v .i‘. ‘ii "vltt i‘lt'\| itlt \llt‘it \llt‘d \ i‘irlllt s Vin r\.iiili.i r'si stit iii; \llht ..i’ 1's \., ll.lit‘trt:7\ li‘i‘i \li'lliJ ('li, -~ .i ';. iii: r‘ . iif.e --t‘\|.ll iid iii Kati; .i ‘ haw: v tor Win in \. i." ‘3 ilk" \\. I‘m. ‘t‘tlltli. .'lt‘\\\ i‘ .li' ‘xfl .ly‘yuu um s in r\ SPORTS UK TODAY INDEX UK volleyball team takes on Southeastern Conference rival Auburn in the upcoming SEC tourney. Story, Page 4. Residence halls close for Thanksgiving hol- iday. Everyone go home and eat turkey. ‘Cape Fear‘ a grip- ping, edgy thriller. Dwai's. “ .. ‘,. ‘i U. ‘ Review. Page 3. 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, November 27, f991 Army sets up surveillance for research in space By MARCIA DUNN Assoaated Press CAPE C.-\\':\\I-‘R.-\l. I-l'a. An Army surveillance expert flying aboard shuttle Art-anus spied on tar gets vesterdal trr (Irritbodia. Yuri, babwe and an litdian Ocean island that was a major staging area tor I S troops during the gulf war Space spy l‘hoinas Ileitiieu used .I special telescope to .'ootit tit on the Prints 27-3 miles below The I't‘llla‘ got! provided tew details as to what ll ‘ttrieir was looking at or the it .» ltiriott achieved. \Itlitarv otlicrals want t.» Kl‘.‘ .tl\I how much astronauts car‘ It.‘llr orbrt l'hetr eves could . I"c‘ltl .ha‘Itg \\;l."l:'1ty‘ \ltho.."r \tlarrt's l.:t\ II‘ (Li‘- ti‘. 1s :.t‘~slllt‘tf IIII\ Economic By POLLY ANDERSON Arm rte-cs l'lie ecr iiioitrtc slump has charities strugglrr‘g to cope with riicicascd number's ot people seeking aid this Thanksgiving including a class of poor who were the donors ’llc". or past years rrliicrals say 0 church group is what .r- at t -\ Connecticut tuitrt'g y! TCstf ‘v\."e‘l‘e““" . ' Iv l'\ r, ‘ " V V .s ‘ -.\“\‘ .lt rirake ' " .Iy Ill .ai s the rttost aboltst ed adults ..ist .s ta. rug is- In \lclttgar.. slitch welfare lt‘l ‘14“) month a soup knehet‘ t . trononrna.‘ ' ct~"“.t.'ic. In Rurlrirgtoi‘ \t tood service is trying It serve up to It“ percent more people with only a tiny increase in doiratiot ~ the emergency “Don: tell me that the recession is over." said Ruth Sheeter. evecnr trye director of the Housing Inf ‘r- rrtatror‘. Center in Kansas City. Mr: "President Hush itccds to walk with the people and ttrtcl .‘tll ‘.\ll.i1 it really means ” she said Capt Phil \ltirphy o: the .\atv.; tron .-\rmv in Raleigh \ (‘ s.it.l d. 2 nations tt‘ his unit at. 3:: \‘:\ l‘t‘t‘ ITUth last 7 wattev rchet drtvt-s, bt.t rh.‘ til l‘x‘v‘l‘lc' \(‘t‘KEl‘t‘ it. IT,‘ l‘ ‘~ ‘~:‘._" 'rs ~ear tor tb. (‘Irrzstirras ara’. Tlrllltl‘. ’ ll...’ ”lilc'ft‘ .th‘ ft'Hllt e'\c‘l bay . '2‘ IX‘Ir r'L' llt‘ whol.‘ .lr!f.‘re'rt \ll.2{. . .r - L'-‘|l‘t_:_‘ to trapper. tor sort. llalvlslttl I“ .oair rrl In Itrtttgepori t tllr c'ctil‘tyillllc Il'ttltld“ .t churches known as \rea ( one: about IIr‘llllt‘lhs tob in orbit is se cret He is loibtdden from being shown in shtrttle videotapes holding maps and target . traits. and his coir versatrons wrtlr ground controllers often are blacked .iut "There are lots of things that are iii the clear.” Ilentierr said abotrt tlrc experitrient Ill .ll‘- lIlIt‘l\l(‘\\ IK‘ltIly‘ the lltgltt "Certainly people under stand that the techniques that we data collection opera iitary we certainly \i ll‘tfl IiI (IIIlt‘l lk's‘ rise in out trons tn the u don't want t.‘ ple .. Illc‘ only one aboard \tlatttts w ho is trot a trill-time .tstioirart lath ot the live others .r' a trahtaiy bac kgrorrird tlentren‘s 'rK\ \I.tll “Lyear wit lienneit is the so. 'rttten'. .jot oll to a \' r: ta. 't‘rt wrzb IIlc apparent failure of a system that helps the crew track targets The problem was resolved yesterday af- ter the crew turned the telescope as- sembly off then back on. Hennen successfully focused on Katiipong. Cambodia: Harare. Zim~ babwc‘; Brisbane. Australia; and Diego Garcia. the Indian Ocean ls land used by Americtut troops dur« trig the Persian (itilf War. He could not find the targets iii Pretoria, South Africa. or (‘ape Canaveral. Astronaut \lario Runco Jr.. a Navy lieutenant commander. got ready to conduct a similar military observing experiment using special cameras, Ilrs tirst target. scheduled tor yesterday evening. was Pearl Harbor Because of the limited window spac e til the shuttle cockpit. Ileniren and Runco must take turns. Borh men worried the optical quality of the window, as well as bad weath- er. might hamper their efforts. Shuttle crews have commented for months on the have enveloping the globe. apparently the result of volcanic eruptions. Sure enough. have covered Brts» bane, btit didn‘t block Ilennen‘s view. “If we were flying two years ago. I would be a little bit more optimis- tic." Rutrco said before the flight. The astronauts relied on their own eyes to view an unexpected object yesterday m the Soviet space station Mir. The space station passed within 24 miles of Atlantis; rt resetnbled a small white speck darting across the darkness. “We can‘t make out any details downfall hits holiday charities trons 'l'ogetltet or .\(‘I. as turning away about too who sought 'l'hanksgrytng but out ot about 5H who applied laittilies 'lt's unbelievable. rt s tragic. it’s the most heartrw'i’errching decision I ve ever had to make.” said (“t‘k'tl' the director Kathleen Saritela Donations to tund the holiday areal program are down so sharply that we dot; t know [I we can teed the tarrirltes we \e accepted. never rund tlte ones we ve had to turn aw ay Santela said “In our annual mailing asking for dorrattons w e‘ve received a lot or letters frotir people who have been big donors in the past say mg ‘I just lost my rob Here‘s 82.‘ " she said "These are people who might have given Slit. 535 or more last year " Kay \\alliek. eyecutive director ot the MidAmerica Assistance Cor alitron tti Kansas City. Mo. scribed the ranks oi new applicants for aid as “a new class ol poor. new clientele who have never used as sistarrce before (IC - I These are people who tisec. to give to the I'nitetl \\ .ry llrll Thompson «‘7 Iias been lryr my at the ()pen \‘h2‘lte' in Ctiltlttt bus ()hio Irilv when he lost his tob at a racetra. t. \lllt‘c‘ 'lhorig’ he to 1nd work .2' .I locaf patter eotrtpai-v thts month will be spending fits Ilc‘ sltll lhanks t,\r giv tug at a shelter ‘lt ll be soitrethtrtg new tor tit.- hay. to pit. up vyttl wha' I can «It l'lrorrrtrsot‘ said in Jackson \§.ss. Cassandra (rump .‘l»\e.t' old mother ot llyc’. w. Inc or all people who hired tip last week at the Communi— ty Stewpot. waiting to be screened by volunteers to determine if they were eligible for aid. “You try to get a job and they just holler at you to come back." (‘rump said. Several charity administrators said the people seeking aid are get ting younger. "The age level is much. much lower than what it‘s traditionally been in years gone by." said the Rev Waynron Pritchard of the Ra- leigh INC; Rescue Mission. “And then the drug culture has had a lot to do with it." A study released Sunday by the Children's Defense Fund. an advo» cacy group. said younger workers have borne the brunt of the recesi \Ikln The study concluded that I mil- Iron of the 1.3 million recession— induced job losses have hit workers under age 25. Many workers over 35 lost jobs as well. the study said. bttt those losses were offset by tob gains among other older workers. some thrirg that clrd not happen with the youtrger workers. Charities rrr Michigan are strttg glrng under a particular burden this season because of the sluggish auto economy and the (let I cutoff ot welfare recipients who did not have custody ol tIllItIft'll and were deemed to be LIITIU'I‘tItIIc‘tl 0 . "lhe numbers are astroirotttrcal said l.ewis IIlclksUli. general ntartag er of the Captichrn Soup Kitchen in I)t‘lftill. WIIIL‘II It‘c‘tls Illlll‘ [\‘(IPIL‘ .t day in its caletcrra and provides food packages tor up to 4.000 addi- tronal meals a day. In Burlington, Vermont's largest city . donations are up 2 percent to 3 percent at the Chittenden Emergen- cy Food Shell, but demand for aid has grown 15 percent to 20 percent. “If we don‘t see record numbers of giving in December. we‘re going to have a real hard time with any kind of a budget this year." said its director. Steve Hingtgen. An elaborate Thanksgiving meal is not just a luxury for the unem- ployed. he said. “Culturally. their families expect it," he said. “The kids come home froin school talk- ing about it, and parents are under a lot of pressure to provide it. even if it breaks the budget." Some charities are trying new strategies to boost donations. In Columbus. Ohio. members of the local letter carriers union col» lected food for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank during their rounds ()ct 2b The food bank is also relying oti surplus military rations lett over from the Persian (ittlf War In Marne. the statch largest sti— permarket chain. Hannal’ord Iiros. Co. has begun asking suppliers to donate dartiaged goods. The dona trons go to the (iood Shepherd l-ood Hank tit l.ewtstort In suburban Cincinnati. develop ers of the posh Keirwood 'l‘ownc ('entre mall donated use of a vacant store to the St. John Social Sery tc e Agency Its store_ “The Miracle Center," will be open through Dec *1 to collect food arid clothing With the naked eye. But he's travel- ing at a pretty good rate.“ one spaceman reported. The astronauts later heard front the two cosmonauts aboard Mir. An amateur radio operator relayed a message front the cosmonauts to Mission Control. which in turn passed it on to Atlantis. “We were near the Kennedy Space (‘enter at your launch time. We listened to the countdown on amateur radio and then we saw the whole launch sequence. It was a wotiderful sight." costttonaut Sergei Krikalev' said. “We send otir congratulations for a successful start. We hope all goes well for you.” said Krikalev, who offered a special greeting to Runco. The two have met. Atlantis blasted off Sunday night. The astronauts accomplished their primary job six hours later, dis. patching a $300 million missile- warning satellite for the Defense Department. The shuttle's left solid rocket booster was found to be damaged after it was retrieved from the At— lantic. The forward skirt, located be— neath the nose cap. is cracked half» way around and there are creases in the motor case. Booster managers said they be lieve the damage occurred after the rockets separated from the orbiter two minutes into flight. probably when they slammed into b- to 8- l‘oot waves. High waves have caused similar booster damage tn the past. Associated Press RICHIVIUND, Ky. «2 Even be- fore completing an autopsy on a baby girl found dead in a landfill last week, a coroner said yester‘ day the infant had been born alive before ending tip in refuse hauled frotit I‘.;l\‘lt‘l‘ll Kentucky l’niversity. “I'm willing to say all evi- dence is pointing to a live birth.“ said Madison County Coroner Embry Curry. “There is a very. very remote possibility that. after the patholo- gist‘s report is in. we‘ll find something different. But I‘m willing to go out on a limb and say it was a live birth ” Curry declined to say exactly how old the infant was or what caused her death. Police are investigating the death ol the baby. w htch a brill- tlo/er driver found while spread» trig garbage at a Madison County I andfrll Friday. The baby had apparently been wrapped iii a bag -\ garbage truck lion. IxKI had tiist dumped the trash she was found Ill Another baby ~s body loutttl earlier tltrs year tn .1 gar bage brrr behind a resrdetrc e Irall at the university Kentucky \‘tate l’olree Sgt l) K I)LlllIIcI said the baby lound I'rtdav appeared to be ftill tertir Police hayc no vuspects arid are asking lot the public s help \\ as Baby found dead in EKU landfill “We just need inl’onnatton about somebody who was preg nant, but now they‘re not and they don‘t have a child." Dam- rel said. Even though the garbage cartre froin EKI‘. Damrel said they are not sure someone cori- nected with the university dumped the baby. ”It could be somebody who just dropped it off." he said. In April. a custodial worker found a newbom girl wrapped in a plastic bag in a garbage bin behind the residence hall. The baby died from expOsure. Police arrested EKI.’ student Pamela Michelle Harris. I". af- ter she went to the university counseling center and asked them to contact the police. She was charged with second degree manslaughter. a felony in Kentucky. But a Madison County grand _|Ul'_\ indicted the woman on two rtrtsdemeanot charges in June. saying she did not intentionally cause the death ot her cltrld A clerk with the Madison County District Court Clerk of free said Harris pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor counts ot concealing the birth ot art tntarrt and abuse of a corpse ()rt ~\ug .‘_ Harris was sen tenc‘ed to attend counseling ses srons tor one year It she fails to attend the sessions a six month jail term will be imposed. court records show ed Humana Continued from ca:- rurors itct;.:r ‘Icl ‘ ‘ llIlIll(r" :tr niriito: .:, and F: trig firtnset'l li. the bc. awarded putt-rive (Lilitd c; a. yItIE‘t..;; crtTitl‘c‘lisalr r‘. Barrio tor the am or actxr' Ilttliatt‘tci .tlsr iacr » .t . . .awsttrt tt‘rl \, t);»;r...tr \s'filh nice. the \tl'l :r‘ Ilurt-arta Southern lhe law turn that \larcl‘ ol I‘M" contend: delratrled UP li‘ SIUIIII ' ‘r \e\atlatrs out til \ts'ti lllIIIlt lhe stttt alleges llutnana .iic 'y‘ olaiet‘. lc‘deral racketeering. rtrstt tame and antitrust laws train l‘lh‘ to I".‘\.\ It. his closing arguritcrrts in the Hcttttttr‘icr attacked state llhlllcllivc' regulators as ’lack- "s‘s ot lltinrana (tarane \.t\(‘ Kenn .tv said in closing it._rrts that ltemtrteter lllttrlt stateirretits about the c(llll[‘.llt\. ignored c‘y tderice of their falsity ltl't'll I.lI\t and are rllcnrnreterr has rights. but w bet: he steps over the line arid y to lates IIumarraK rights. It. is liable UNIVERSITY PLAZA 388 WOODLAND AVE. lEXIllGlOll, Ill 255-6614 PRESENTS... ©-.—.E2lr?© . PEER We 8 WE W "um-n GREGG HANSEN 8r THE AMERICAN REGGAE BAND! _\ A} \— {1511;151:1- lor that." Kennedy said (ialane said Humana heightened lobbying eflorts in (‘arson (‘rty and got favorable rulings Irottt state reg ulators following the filing of the May I080 lawsurt against Hetnntc lc‘l Humana contends Hetnntcter tirade false statements about the company iii the late Wts‘tts III a sc ties of newsletters he wrote for hos prtal stall members. and in testrrrto try to a state Senate committee iii 198‘), The hospital's lawsuit contended I-letnmeter. after being elected ehret of staff by his colleagues. charged Ilutnana with “fraud." “unlawful dr versions" and an "ongoing pattern oi deliberately fraudulent transac trons " Hetnttreter played a role in the de vetoptitc‘trt of Nevada s I‘m)" Iiospt :al cost-ctvirtaiirnrc‘nt law He lattr alleged that Humana did not tollow the terms of the measure and other laws Ilutrrana officials said that allega- .roi. was lalse. and littrt the compa . y s reputation IFC Continued trom page 1 to make a big contribution." ()ne of the biggest issues the new council may face in the upcoming year is its risk-management policy. l’anhellentc Council. IFCs sorority counterpart. is considering llllplt' merrtitrg recommendatrons that could allect fratemities' alcohol policies. “We‘re not sure what to do exact— ly.“ said Bates, who just completed his term as IFC v'ice president ot rush. “We‘ll have to wart and see where the sororities' final stand is and take it from there " Ron Lee. assistant dean ol stti dents and IFC adviser. said steps have already been taken to dea‘ with these possible changes. “They‘ll have to deal with haying tnore controls over parties. he s'clltl. "An attorney has been hired to look titto the liability aspect." Despite changes and problems tn the system. Lee seems optimistic BEREA contact: CRAFTS Now open in The Civic Center Shops at Rupp Arena, Berea College Crafts showcases the brooms. woodwork, iron, weaving, and pottery made at Berea College plus selected regional crafts. Free parking, shipping service offered. Open ”IO am - 9 pm weekdays; ’IO — 5 Saturday. 606-231 -8008 PRESENT THIS an FOR A 10% DISCOUNT. AWZW. _ .- . -.__‘ about ll (”s ncyt term “'I lie upcoitttne year looks good." Ite satt‘. ‘l trope things can go a lit- tle taster while continuing to move iii the right direction Morgan said other changes that may occ or are int teased numbers of pledges and a new fratc‘mtty on catiipus next fall. ”II-'C will also be iii a postttott where it cart more closely work with individual fraternities.” he said Students Continued trom page 1 “It gives a whole new idea that we had rtot thought of." she said “It is ftiti that way " Students also enjoy the creative aspect of the job. As they stood in the store windows. decorating Christmas trees. some students dis- cussed tIierr projects “It is really treat I lov: ll " said l.aurre Stine. a student iii the class “You have to be really creative. though ” Kristin l'islic‘r. another student in the class. said this semester's pro» jc‘ct has proved rewarding ltslrcr eyplattred the course al lows students to step out ol the classrooms and get a taste for the real world. .Shc‘ said working in the (‘rvtc Center has proved especially beneficial because of the positive feedback front several people. “The people who see the win— dows .2, and the merchants who let us do them always offer good advrce.“ In addition to it being fun. stu- dents also say it is hard work "It takes itiorc tritte than yoti would expect ” said Rebc‘cca Itohn However. one student the experience tirade her realt/e she is not interested in this field said “I do not wairt to do this as a pro fession." said Iraccy Johnson People drifting through tltc (‘tvtc ALrALryty \O \“Q LLTMJJJ mssr 8 Hit a SAT 5 301000 £13118.ng view MON FRI ll ()0 2.00 'llili THUR 5 30 900 MT 6t SUN IO 00 2.00 (‘cntcr to do their Christmas shop» ptiig will notice the variety ol deco rations arid display s “'I‘Ilc‘ bs‘sl ptll‘l ls tllc‘ sc‘llst‘ ()I pride that you get when it is ltit tslied." I‘rshei said. vSUBUJflV" FREE DELIVERY! Delivery Hours: M-F "am—2pm ($5.00 minimum to campus & downtown) 325 S. Limestone (next to Two Keys) 233-781 1 A 0 Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, November 27, 1991 By JOHN DYER FORT Assistant Arts Editor Movies during the l980s “Nightmare on Elm Street XX" and “Rambo Kills Ruskies" ,._. forced many moviegoers to give up on paying high theater prices and re- sign themselves to the couch and a VCR. In making “Cape Fear," director Martin Scorsese had quite an enor- mous burden to carry: Critics and fans have anticipated Scorsese‘s lat- est film with high expectations A the kind that hurt Francis Ford Cop— pola when “Godfather lll" failed to deliver. Once again, Scorsese enlisted Robert De Niro, causing many to wonder if another “Taxi Driver“ or “Goodfellas” was in the works In addition, Scorsese took his first stab at a suspense filiri with “Cape Fear." Many wondered if Scorsese could succeed with so many balls to juggle in the air. And yet. even in Hollywood. miracles still happen. Scorsese did not drop a single ball. “Cape Fear" is close to perfect for a thriller film. lt entertains in~ tensely and is almost too suspense- ful. In keeping with the true movie “experience." there is not a dull minute. Scorsese succeeds in his collabo- ration with writers Wesley Strick and James R. Webb. Webb wrote the 1962 film version of "Cape Fear." based on John MacDonald‘s novel The Exerulioncrx. That ver- sion starred Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck, both of whom play cameo roles in this film. Scorsese and Strick bring a great deal of originality to the suspense genre. The film avoids rehashed cli- ches that often make other suspense films stale and flat. De N'iro‘s Max ('ady appears es- pecially compelling and repulsive at the same time. He uses his awe- inspiring creativity to abandon him self within the character. Cady is a violent criminal who has spent l4 years in prison for sex— ual assault. During his stay behind bars, Cady leamed to read begin- ning With Bunny 'I‘ales and working his way up to law books. He leaves prison to embark on a mission of terror and perversity. The object of Cady's frightening devotion is Sam Bow'dcn, his law yer who failed to keep him otit of prison in the first place. Cady vows to teach Bowden the “meaning of loss." Cady carries a bitterness with him for the 14 years of his life that were wasted in prison, when Bow- den could have saved him. Because Bow'den (Nick Noltei was disgusted with the violent. sickening nature of Cady‘s crime, he buried information that would have helped (‘ady”s case Bowden reasoned that since (‘ady could not read, he would never find out. Bad mistake. What is spectacular about “(‘ape Fear" is De Niro‘s original, fresh and inspired version of a psycho path. Max (‘ady is as believable as he is terrifying. He is likable on a cer- tain level; in many ways he is more honest and moral than the lawyer he stalks. (‘ady is funny. talkative and fascinating at one point and trashy. common and irritating on another. He clearly believes he is in the right he is on a spiritual mission He wants to revenge the 1-1 years stolen from him. Cady conveniently forgets he committed a violent and horrible crime. The religiously obsessed side of (‘ady allots him a fire and motiva tion Bowden lacks. It also gives (‘ady certain twists of character that cause us to forget what he really is; we are. so fascinated with his own \c‘ll'sc‘n'lllg righteousness. we for get his potential danger .-\t this level. we are prepared to accept Cady's challenge to Bowden as only fair. It is a mythic mum: a warm wrestling match between two severely flawed men. Cady wants to save the Bowdens by teaching them a severe lesson to make them stronger and more con- tent with life ~ if they survive The Bow dens certainly need it. As" a family. Sam Bow‘den and his wife. played by Jessica Lange. are falling apart. They are bitter. unhappy and cheap Sam Bowden‘s ambitions made him wealthy btit not decent lie is .i I ‘Psyeho Beach’ is flawless party By JOHN DYER FORT Assistant Arts Editor Actors‘ (iurld of Lexington has put together a hilarious. original romp called Pflrhv Beach Party. The talented professional group of actors perfomis the show flawlessly under the direction of \‘ic Chaney. From beginning to end. Pv‘y'ilro Beach Party rolls along without a hitch. This is one Lexrngton pro» duction no one should miss. Playw right (‘harles Busch has put originality. comedy and unpredicta- bility back on the stage. Playwright» iii—residence at the Theatre-m- l.imbo. Busch also wrote litmipirc Let/tram (if-Sodom and She Bllt'h of Bystmrumi. among others. where he has shown his talent for offbeat the— ater Bt’tlt.ll Parry takes place in Mali- bu in summer 1962. and satin/es the 1960s beaclidilanket coming-ot- age. boy-nieets-girl Hollywood comedies. For all purposes, the similarities end there. Actors' (iuild‘s Bear/i Parry takes advantage of the change in sexual attitudes and roles that have occurred since the sexual revr olution and the feminist and gay liberation movements. To this end. Burr/t l’trrrv casts several men in female roles for proper effect. 'I he result is a highly charged. androgynous running gag on sexual stereotypes as viewed in the l960s. The gag works without ever coming across tasteless or ob- vious. There is no bandstanding with re gard to what is right or wrong \c‘\U' al conduct; this is not a play preach irig any set sexual orientation Btisch and (‘hanev .tre tnerely tak- ing advantage of what were once silly preconceptions regarding rela» trons between men and women Burr It Party is the story of (”hicklcf. ti young girl standing on the threshold of woriitinhood. (‘hicklet is naive. innocent. scrawny and hyper r’hardly your ideal \la- Iibu beach girl Her orily passion in life is surfing. She hangs out at the beach beg- ging the boy-hunks to teach her to ride the waves. lnfortunatelv tor (‘hicklet the \lalibu “beach bums" do not have time for her they re- nore her simply because of her looks. which are not attractive to say the least. and do not trispirc young passion. Besides. surfing is a man's do main. But Chicklet has .i wellvkept sc‘v cret hiding under all that pre- adolescent innocence and enthti< siasm. \lalibu is about to be rocked and shocked bv a Chicklet that they have never seen. Billy Breed as (‘hicklet is bril- liant. Breed plays her with over— done girlishness and a lestl'ul abari‘ don that proves hilariously captivating. (’hi