xt7zkh0dzh6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dzh6w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2001 2001 2001-02-28 2020 true xt7zkh0dzh6w section xt7zkh0dzh6w LEFT 0F CENTER


Belly button

Lent is so much more
than that stuff you
clean out of your
belly button before
going out on a date.
It is also a religious
event where many
people give-up
something to
celebrate. Besides
the waffles, syrup,
coffee, crack and
pistachio ice cream,
here are some things
that you can still give

Green vegetables: Now
this may not be too
hard for some of you.
but for the
vegetarians out there
this could be a huge
deal. (By the way,
why be a vegetarian?
God gave us sharp
teeth to eat meat
and it tastes good. i
don’t need any other

Smoking: This may be
tough. Not only can
you no longer smoke
your pork barbecue.
you can't get your
nicotine death cloud
either. This seems
repulsive to some,
but others rave it
beyond belief. Maybe
you could take up
something healthier
for you that still
gives you a rush.
Maybe bungee
jumping without a
rope, trying to tag
semis on the
freeway, or trying to
pet the pretty little
tiger at the zoo. Just

Prostitutes: So maybe
you have a problem
with the curb
dwellers. I won't tell
anyone. I will laugh,
but i will keep quiet.
If you have a
hankering for one
half way through the
holiday, you could
always go to a local
college bar like all
the other dirty old
men Maybe you
could find a dirty old

Napster: Oh wait. That
probably won't be a
problem here soon.
For the record execs
that think that they
are getting robbed. i
ask you to prove it.
Sales are at record
highs and you say
you are losing
business. That makes

-Ron Norton


E-mails to date —
Seventy-five! Thanks
for the overwhelming
response in the quest
for my replacement, I
cannot thank the
responders enough.
For those of you how
didn't write in, i give
you Triumph from
"Late Night with
Conan O'Brien." "You
had no say in the
replacement and sent
my man Ron no e-
mail love. You are a
nice person... FOR ME

3.9 2.7

It looks like the sun
will be here, but what
about the warmth?


VOL. 33106



Newa tips!

Call: 257-l9t5 or write:







Bush gives
the state of

union l 3

ht: www.kyliernel.com

SOA opens, closes some doors

What's going on: Birth dates OK for signature sheets but
experience requirement is still a problem for some students

By Tracy Kershaw

krws trition

The race for Student Government
seats opened Tuesday night for many
students whose chances of running had
heeii squelched when they had to get
student identification iiuiiihers along
with signatures on filing petitions.

Less than 2i hours hefore today's l‘.’
p.m. filing deadline for elections. the
SGA Supreme (‘ourt ruled that sigiia
tiire sheets required for filing will he
accepted with hirth dates instead oi stu


dent identification numbers.

Sen. Brian Roth filed the claim
against the Election lloartl because he
said he thinks everyone should he eligi
Me and candidates should not he pun
islied lit-cause of a clerical mistake.

The hoard issued new signature
sheets on Feh. lit. the first day of filing.
requiring student identification ntiiii
hers hecause the ones originally distrih
iited to candidates only asked for hirth

Presidential candidates need l.tltttt

student signatures to run and senators
need itltl.

The constitution says signatures
and student identification iiiiiiihers are
needed on the sheets. lliit it also \Jl\s
anything that can identify a student can
he used. This would include hirtli t'liili's

'l‘he llljlll‘ll'llttll is good news for
many students who had trouble getting
student identification numbers alter
they had already collected Silllli’iilll't-s
and hirth dates.

"I am ,iust glad justice was served.”
Roth said

Experience clause still a problem

Another Election Board interpreta
tion is still a concern for some students


Lone senior Saul
Smith will take the
floor at Rupp Arena
tonight for the last
time as a UK basket-
ball player. Smith has
been the subject of
constant criticism
from UK's devoted but
sometimes overbear-
ing tans. See page 9
for more on Smith and
his time at UK.

NICK TOIECEK l 9H0”, when

going to
get the
credit he


- J.P. Blevins
Junior guard, on
the reception he

expects Saul Smith
to receive tonight
at Rupp Arena.

The interpretation ot a iontroyei
\lTIl e\pet‘letire ietiiiireniettt ior Student
(.oyt'i‘iititeiit elettioiis has opened the
race ioi some liiipetuls hut i~ low-pin»: .it
lt'.l‘sl one ticket out ol the wonte .t

'l‘hetoiistitution iy indidatt-s t it
t'liiel leadership positions must hiat-
served one year in student i.o\t- mine i t

tin Sunday. llit'l. tetti In lloii l in
terpreted this clause (is lllt ll lllzi .i stii
dent iiitist have served one ii iii the
sitnlt' leadership tilt-sillitll in my I K sill
Ilent oreani/ation

'l'he inteipietxitioi: \\llli h spt-t'itus
the leadership position he held .it l'i\
will keep \lttieliead \t ll" ll,tllslt‘l stii
dent .\'Lc \\'i|son from inaking .i run tor

See SGA on 2


Former UK
player arrested

By Nick Tomecek

est-N”, (ONO?

liill playt'i
imagined lit-
er Ely-I'Mi'" mason-‘0' tAttract!!-


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Team computes, competes

Database: Computer programming team up
against schools from all over the world

By Andrew Cohen
$715736 iiioqwniirh "

At this tiriie of year, many
UK teams are lighting for chain
pionship titles.

For the basketball team.
March Madness is approaching.
but members ol‘ I'K‘s computer
programming team have a d itl'er
ent kind of madness on their
minds computer program

And it is this madness that
has helped I'K have one of the
best computer programming
teams in the nation.

In fact the programming
team could be on its way to win
ning a championship title In No-


vember. the team placed first in a
regional competition and earned
a spot in the Computer Program-
ming World Finals.

The UK programming team
will compete against M other
schools. including MI'I‘. (‘al
’I‘ech. (‘arnegie Mellon. Harvard.
Stanford. Ilt‘ Berkley and sever
al other teams from North Amer
ica. Europe and Asia. More than
‘3le of the best programmers in
the world will take part in the
conuwtition. This virtually guar
antees that the competition will
be very intense for the UK team.

The tour-member I’K team
includes Andy Martin. Neil
Moore. Bill Wyatt and Leonid

“I'm only a little nervous
about the competition." Neil
Moore, a computer science se
nior. said. “but more excited
than nervous.“

”When I was told We were in
the finals. it was hard to believe,“
Leonid I’outievski. a computer
science sophomore. said.

Andy Martin. a computer
science senior. said he has high
extwctations for the team.

“I have great confidence in
our team." he said. “We are

The coach of the team is
.lerzy Jaromczyk. an associate
professor at UK who teaches ale
goritiiiri design, data structure.
senior design projects and t‘tilll'

.Iaromczyk. who has taught
at UK since 1986, was previously
involved with advising program
ming teams and Iias coached

since lthltl. He equates the coiiipe
titioii to “the Olympics of com
ptiter programming."

The contest will be held this
year in Vancouver. (‘anada from
March 7 11. During the competi
tion. each team is given a prob»
[cm which riiiist be programmed
into the computer

The team must split up the
problems among themselves ac
cording to their strengths. For
example. one member could take
a problem on computation geoin
etr'y while another may tackle a
problem on number theory.

This isn‘t the tirst time the

, I .

team has competed in the coiiipe i . ‘ j *va
tition. In 1999 the team reached ‘ = " “3E '
the finals but did not place

This does not deter the team

“I hope that we will do well."
I’outievski said "We have a
good chance."

mortar com I KERNELSTAFF
W 11%;“; Rig}

Members oi UK's computer programming team will compete in the inter-
national competition, “the Olympics of computer programming" In March.

UK’s computers wait for new homes

92'!!! film???“


Walking around campus. it
is hard to miss the piled up com»
puter screens and computer
equipment lying around in sortie
