xt7zkh0dzn3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dzn3b/data/mets.xml McIntosh, R. M. (Rigdon M.), 1836-1889 Cunnyngham, W. G. E. (William George Etler) Methodist Episcopal Church, South 1894 scores (documents for music) M2127.N49 M350 1894 English Publishing House of the M. E. Church, South Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Sunday school music Hymns, English Methodist Church -- Hymns Revival hymns New Life: Or, Songs and Tunes for Sunday-schools, Prayer Meetings, and Revival Occasions, 1894 text 1 close score (160 pages), 15 x 18 cm. Call Number: M2127.N49 M350 1894 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C New Life: Or, Songs and Tunes for Sunday-schools, Prayer Meetings, and Revival Occasions, 1894 1894 1894 2023 true xt7zkh0dzn3b section xt7zkh0dzn3b , unsung-pm mfi'x' mun-nu:n .,

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sus: . ' ' one but him. A came to earth from yon - derthrone, \Vith
sus: ‘ ‘ one lmt him. pleads my sins be - fore my God; He
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Shep-herd, and my Guide; My ev‘ - ry Help in time of neml,—'l‘he 11:1111l3t911at_l)le(1 and (lied.

lil'e and love for all; He (11ml, :1 ran-80m on the true, To save me trom The Iall.

in - tor-('edes 1‘01’ mo.— The 110 - 1y, god-like Son ol‘heuv‘n For-0v - er mme shall be.

leads the Chris-Hun home To ev — er- lust - in: joy and 1>ezu:e,\\'he1‘e $1110an nev — er come.


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all thine own: The bless - ing, Lord, be ours. «

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