xt7zpc2t5x8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t5x8z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19771104 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 4, 1977, no. 202 text The Green Bean, November 4, 1977, no. 202 1977 2014 true xt7zpc2t5x8z section xt7zpc2t5x8z UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
4 November — The Gallery Series — 1-Act Play — Noon in the
Gallery, King Library North — Cancelled.
. 4 November — Library Faculty Meeting ~ Gallery, 8:30 AM.
10-11 November — Special Libraries Association Meeting —
Louisville (see note).
ll November — Administrative Council Meeting ~ Gallery,
A 8:30 AM.
18 November — The Gallery Series — Faculty Chamber Ensemble —
Noon in the Gallery, King Library North.
Current Exhibits: King Library South, Lobby — Behind the Scenes at
Interlochen Music Camp, drawings by Robel Paris, Lexington artist
(through November).
Contributors to this number: Jessie Adams, Cynthia Bott, Amelie 5
Charron, Faith Harders, Claire McCann (Editor), and Bob Turner. (

 - 2 - y
Staff Development Committee A
The Staff Development Committee met Wednesday, October 26 to discuss . 2
its first program. Susan Miller, from Ohio State University Libraries, I
will be coming on November 16 to speak about the growing trend towards Y
research and publication requirements for librarians and the effect g
such policies have on librarians and support staff. There are two g
articles which deal with Ms. Mil1er's topic: Miller, Susan L., et al, Q
"To Be or Not to Be: An Academic Library Research C0mmittee," I
Journal of Academic Librarianship, v. 2, no. 1, 1976, pp. 20-24 and g
De Simone Watson, Paula. "Publication Activity among Academic
Librarians," College & Research Libraries, v. 38, no. 5, 1977, i
pp. 375-384. If you are interested in reading the articles, Mollie
Sandock has several copies. 1 g
The Kentucky Chapter of the Special Libraries Association will hold
a two day conference in Louisville, Kentucky, November 10-11. There _
will be speakers with expertise in different areas of communications.
In addition, the group will tour The Filson Club historical society g
library and its Kentucky history museum as well as the Brennan
residence, a Victorian town house maintained by The Filson Club.
A seminar on out—of-print and rare materials will be conducted by I
the Graduate School of Librarianship, University of Denver, December
5-9. Registration deadline is November 21. The emphasis will be on
identification and acquisition of material. The seminar is geared
to practicing librarians. Additional information may be obtained
from a leaflet in possession of the Editor. ‘
There will be a staff rotation during the month of November.
Acquisitions/CSR, Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Inter-Library
Loans have indicated an interest in having a person work in their ,
unit. Any support staff member who would like to spend one week I
(approximately 15-20 hours) in one of these units should first Y
discuss it with his/her department head and then let Faith Harders I
know by Wednesday, November 9. g
Clerical Assistant. Grade 16 Newspaper/ Micrctexts (microfilmer). i
If intersted, please see Faith Harders.

 l 5 -
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Assistant Dean of the Library for Technical Services, University of
Alabama. Application deadline: December 15, 1977. Available:
immediately. Salary: $20,000. A
Director of the Institute of Technology Libraries, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Application deadline: December
15, 1977. Salary: minimum $22,500.
Director of the Walter Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Application deadline: Novenber 15, 1977. Available:
immediately (new position). Salary: minimum $22,500.
Head, Regional Campus Technical Services Division, Ohio State i
University Libraries, Columbus, Ohio. Available: January 1, 1978.
Salary: $11,520 to $14,040 depending on qualifications.