xt7zpc2t7n47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7n47/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-07-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 07, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 07, 1977 1977 1977-07-07 2020 true xt7zpc2t7n47 section xt7zpc2t7n47  

Vol. LXIX. No. 4
July 7. 1977


Consider the campaign for mandatory
retirement. It is mounted to show you the
way to the sunset. Society forces you into
retirement early and urges you into soft
rockers. It suggests the most active in-
terest of your retired years is TV, napping
or reminicing. For wild days there’s

andatory retirement and bowling
Mhave a lot in common: almost

everyone plays, but both are
terribly boring.

Seldom do college-age people think
about retirement. It’s too far removed for
our attention. We can’t picture ourselves
killing time (about 14 years) in a rocking
chair, sometimes staring into space and
always thinking about the past.

Just wait. You’ll get your chance in
about 45 years if society and life ex-
pectancy do not progress.

by Joe Kemp
Managing Editor


an independent'student newspaper


‘ "5;"
W 3"“

Univejrsity of Kentucky
Lexingtort‘, Kentucky






-$'even J. Scholar

To keep your confusion at a minimum,
neither retirement benefits nor the sanc-
tity of UK’s 12-yesr-old formal system will
be explained here. If terms like “vesting
period” and “fixed annuity” are what
you’re interested in, read elsewhere.

Rather, it is the chronological age of 65
that is of major concern.

This country runs on the premise that
when you reach 65, then it’s time you
gracefully step aside and let someone
younger take over.

It’s true that three bills designed to
outlaw mandatory retirement are now
before Congress. And President Jimmy
Carter has indicated he would support any
one of the proposals, but don’t expect
sanity in this area to arrive soon.

To a great degree, UK has successfully
imposed the neat orderliness of forced
retirement on other’s lives.

Continued on page 12



‘ ""41 iafiwfigulw‘ng nor: ‘1 v r




Conflicting views for the road to recovery

Editor's note: This is the
second in a series examining
the abuse of alcohol in
Fayette County. It contains
the writer‘s views and

Kernel Staff Writer

Defining alcoholism is a
problem that continues to

face the medical and
psychological professions
What exactly is
alcoholism? Is it a drug
addiction? A physiological
disease? Mental illness?

lack of a sense of will? An
extreme allergy to a toxic
substance? Or an un-
conscious self-destructive

Alcoholics Anonymous
\AA) maintains that

alcoholism is an incurable
illness that is progressive in
nature. While they believe
that alcdiolism is fatal if
allowed to run its course, it
can be controlled through

By the time many
alcoholics reach treatment.
they perceive themselves as
failures. This outlook is
reinforced by their repeated
failure to handle the drug
(alcohol) in a socially ac-

cepted manner.

To join AA an alcoholic
must conform to this creed.
Alcoholics are not offered the
hope that they may be cured
since AA believes that “once
an alcoholic. always an

Only through total ab-
stinence can an alcoholic
hope to stave off the
destructive and fatal effects
of the drug. AA maintains.

Sonny Dunlap. ad-
ministrator of the three half-
way houses in Lexington
operated by the Volunteers of
America, thinks that society
is partly to blame for alcohol

“Society sends out at least
two conflicting signals
regarding alcohol.” he says.
“One is that alcohol is nasty,
dirty and sinful. The second is
that the use of alcohol is a
symbol of masculinity,
sophistication and sexual

“Look at all the advertising
for alcohd. It doesn‘t say
anything about being good or
bad for you, but stresses
sexual themes. We seem to
want our people to drink, but
then when they become
dependent, we want to
discard them."

Dunlap has experienced the
alcoholism route first-hand
but has remained sober for
seven years.

To educate the country
about the seriousness of
alcoholism, Dunlap said he
feels it requires a great many
more alcoholics to become
sober and to willingly speak
publicly about their ex—
periences, as he does.

Dr. Claude Steiner ex-
presses a conflicting view
with the traditional AA creed.

In his book. Games
Alcoholics Play. Steiner
argues that alcoholism is
neither incurable nor a
disease because this would
promote illness and
chronicity rather than
generating cures.

This theory is called a
“decision theory," based on
the assumption that some
people make conscious
decisions in childhood which
influence or make predic—
table the rest of their lives.
Such people have “scripts"
they act out which may in-
volve life plans such as
becoming an alcoholic,
committing suicide or

Editor llICIlel
Mario Mitchell

Managing Editor
J 00 Kemp

Am Editor
Nancy Debt

(hie! Photographer
StevenJ. Schuler

Jennifer Greer
Ken Kagan




homicide. going crazy or
never achieving any success.
Because scripts are based on
comcious decisions rather
than on tissue changes like a
disease, they can be revoked
or "undecided" by similarly
willed decisions.

The difference between
these two theories involve the
alcoholic‘s ability to exert his
or her will over problems and
the conflicting belief that
one’s self-will is impotent
when dealing with a
progressive disease.

Another problem arises
when attempting to define
what constitutes successful

treatment of alcoholism.
While abstinence is the route
of AA, a aiccessful return to
social drinking is the goal of
the Steiner school of thought.

Paul Andis and Ted
Golasky, directors of dif-
ferent treatment centers,
believe that if the alcoholic
will take responsibility and
control over his or her life,
then a lapse in sobriety can be
coped with. Their
measure of success is
whether their clients can
bounce back from that
drinking spell, realize the
dangers and maintain a sense
of awareness.

Next week: Warning signs of
alcoholism and treatment

Bruce W. Single‘tcn... Requiem for a German Shepherd

Jack London wrote the
Story, Call of the Wild, about
a large dog who was kid-
napped from his home on a
farm and taken up north to be
a sled dog.

At first, the dog is pictured
as a pathetic beast, simply
seeking to survive in the
harsh Alaska winter. As the



story progresses, however,
Buck becomes a creature of
the wild His place, he finds.
is not in front of a warm fire,
but at the head of a pack of
wild dogs.

It is that kind (1’ life to
which a certain German
Shepherd named Polly
would’ve been suited.

Those of yoi who have been
around UK for a few years


might remember Polly. As a
pup, she node the wagon that
delivered the Kernel around
campus. Her picture, sitting
on top of several thousand
newspapers, has been the hit
of the show in any presen~
ta tion the Kernel has given on
its operations.

At one time, in fact, there
was a joke around the
newsroom that our name
shmld be “The Kentucky
Kennel" because of all the
dogs around.

There was Alice, Auggie
Doggie, Big ’Un, and of
course Polly, ready to play at
a moment’s notice.

One d the favorite tricks
was to attach Polly’s leash to
oneof the rolling office chairs
and let ha- pull you around
the room. And yes, there were
even times when the beast

(by then more like Gentle Ben
than a cute little puppy)
would pull the Kernel's
wagon with hardly a strain.

Though she loved the
campus, her favorite spot
was Henry Clay's home. To
her, the word “G0" had no
other meaning. All you had to
do was mention the word and
she’d run first to where her
leash hung and then to the car
doa- in eager anticipation.

Once there, she‘d look for
“puppies" to chase. “Pup-
pies,” for Polly anyway, were
not limited to the canine
variety. Anything that
squirrels and birds—were
fair game when Polly was
told there were “puppies"

She neve- bore any real
puppies though. 0n the advice

of Nancy Green, UK student
publications adviser, Polly
was spayed at a very early
age. Perhaps more than
anything else, that operation
kept her from growing up.
Though her body was huge,
her outlook was sweet, gentle
and childlike.

Her disposition made her a
natural, therefore, for
dealing with kids. Last
winter, when the rest of us
were trying to keep warm,
Polly was out rolling in the
snow. And when the kids
came out to ride their sleds at
Henry Clay’s home, she was
there to pull them by the

A airvivor, indeed an ac-
tive participant in the winter
of "n, Polly was not to be so
fortunate this summer. Her
large body, so suited to the

cold weather, simply could
not take the heat.

Some people treat their
dead pets as if they were
saints. They spare no ex-
pense, leaving no human rite
unperformed in observation
of the passing of their loved

It is not necessary to do
those things for Polly. She
was, after all, just a dog. But
her life. and her treatment,
was better than that afforded
to many human beings.

She was always well-fed,
well cared-for. And in return,
she gave absolute devotion to

her people.
We shall miss her.


Bruce W. Singleton is a third-
year law student. His column
appears every week.

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Bishop won't support .

ordination of women

Kernel Staff Writer

"You are fussing and fretting
about so many things but one
thing is necessary. The part
that Mary has chosen is best:
and it shall not be taken from

Luke 10: 42

Addison Hosea is a kind,
gentle man with a soft North
Carolina draw], who has the
ability to put a visitor to his
office immediately at ease
with his warmth and folksy
humor. He seems an unlikely
figure to be caught in the
middle of perhaps this
country's most divisive
religious battle.

The Rt. Rev. Hosea is
bishop of the Diocese of
Lexington for the Episcopal
Church. which covers all of
Kentucky from Frankfort to
the Virginia border. He has
refused to ordain women to
the priesthood, a right
granted to women by the 1976

Episcopal General Con~
The basic issue, Hosea

says, is the example set by
Christ in the ordaining of His
apostles. They were charged
with carrying out the
teachings of Christ and
setting up the world wide

“Jesus could have come to
us as man or woman, but He
came as a man,” Hosea said.
“He caild have chosen a
woman to be an apostle, but
He didn’t.

“Now some people may say
that Jesus was limited by the
conventions and standards of
His day, in other words that
He was ra‘sed in a society
where women were limited in
their responsibilities, but it’s
my belief that Jesus was not
limited by anything.

“Nearly everything he did
was unconventional and if
God had wanted women to be
priests, Jesus would have
ordained them,” Hosea ad-

Last month. the first
woman was ordained a priest

in the Diocese of Kentucky,
the area west of Frankfort.

Margaret Sue Reid was
ordained in Owensboro by the
Bishop of Kentucky, the Rt.
Rev. David Reed

Reed said that at first, he
was also opposed to the or-
dination of women, but that it
became apparent to the
diocese that Reid had a
special calling to the

“If God wills that someone
be called to the priesthood,
who are we to question His
will?” Reed asked. _

Reid‘s calling and study for
the priesthood caused the
bishop to evaluate his own
values. When someone



Addison Hosea


to scripture,
the priesthood
is limited

to men '


suggests the Hosea opinion—
that according to scripture,
the pristhood is limited to
men—Reed offers this:

“When Jesus chose His
apostles, they were only
Jews,” he said. “If we go by
that strict interpretation, all
priests should be Jews,
because Jesus didn’t choose
any gentile. ~

“The point is, God didn't

stop revealing the truth when
the lastverse of the Bible was
written. God has guided
mankind confinuously in the
2,000 years since Josus’ day
and I think one of the truths
He has revealed is the
esentialequality of women.”

The division here is one of
fundamental importance. For
Hosea. the issue of the or-
dination of women is the most
controversial during his
eight-year tenure, although
recently the revision of the
Book of Common Prayer
similarly divided the Church.

Apparently, thousands of
Episcopalians are embittered
enough to break away from
the main body and form their
own church, but Hosea said.
“Perhaps 20,000 out of three
million does not constitute a
significant schism.”

While Hosea will not
criticize his fellow bishops for
the actions they take in or-
dinations, he does feel that
this step theChurch has taken
is an error, unduly influenced
by the women’s liberation

The only way the bishop
can impose his will is to
refuse to ordain women
within his own diocese, which
Hosea vows to continue and to
refuse license to a woman
who has been ordained in
another diocese, which he
also vows to continue.

In other words, Sue Reid is
not comidered a priest in the
Diocese of Lexington.

Many feel the next divisive
issue will be the ordination of

Ellen Barrett, a self-
proclaimed lesbian, was
recently ordained a priest by
the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore Jr.,
bishq) of New York. Her
ordination produced an angry
response, signaling a bitter
battle to come.

It appears the Episcopal
Church, struggling to keep up
with modern thought and
cultural evolution, faces a
never ending battle to
maintain its heritage while
appeasing its modern



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UPPER Kasai: Miller goes

Kernel Reporter

There is something about
Fannie H. Miller that makes
her a teacher who is not
easily forgotten. There is a
reasm why many of her
students, both past and
present, drop by her office
just to say hello.

“Fannie goes that extra
mile for all her students."
says Opal Reynolds, a faculty
member and long-time
associate in UK‘s College of
Education, where Miller is
currently the coordinator of
student teachers in English.

“Fannie Miller cares. It‘s
just that simple," says Will
Buck, who student taught
under Miller recently. “The
time and effort she invested
on my behalf was typical of
what she did for each of her

Miller~ has the difficult job
of guiding future English
teachers through their first
real experience in the world


of public education. She tours
Fayette County in her gold
l972 Torino, using her trunk
as a mobile library of in-
structional materials and
giving her student teachers
timely advice and support.

“I have a concern for all
my student teachers." Miller
said. “This is a time in their
careers when they need a lot
of support and en-
couragement. I do my best to
give it to them."

Her office in the Taylor
Education Building is often
filled with students who come
to her, each with their own
special problem.

But whether the office is
full or empty, to step into
Fannie Miller‘s office is to
have her immediate at—

When Miller is not in her
office, the door sometimes
looks like a bulletin board,
covered with scraps of paper
or envelopes—messages from
the many students who wish
to contact her during the day.

There's a $.4 millio'n road ahead

You‘ve probably become
acquainted with that fence in
the middle of campus. And
you've probably cursed a lot,
too. bemuse the detours lead
you to trees and bushes in-
stead of buildings.

After a few days someone
had the good sense to cut
some holes in the thing to let
folks get to .the Journalism

Anyway yw’d better get

use to the inconvenience and
the sounds of bulldozers and

That‘s because UK is
spending ”(5,000 to build a
utility trench-walkway that
will be 15 feet wide. It will
extend from Euclid Avenue to
Kastle Hall and will be
completed in late October.

Contractor for the project is
the W. Rogers Co. of



“She sometimes receives
several calls a night,” said
Judy Muir, a staff member
who works closely with
Miller. “Some calls may even
last for an hour; some of
them come from former
students who are teaching
and have run into problems."

Miller’s colleagues in the
College of Education have a
high opinion of her, both
personally and

“She’s so supportive and
full of selfless energy." said
Dr. Cathy Morsink, associate
professor in Special
Eduwtion. “As a teacher she
is one of the best. She will
retire in two or three years
and I don't see how we’ll

replace her.“
Miller has not confined her
seemingly inexhaustible

energy to her duties as a
coordinator of student
teachers. She is also the
president of UK‘s Phi Beta
Kappa chapter.

In addition, as an assistant
professor, Miller teaches
courses in instructional
methods and advises the
honor students in the College
of Education.

“I like to be involved with
students whenever and
wherever I can." Miller said.
“I would hope to see them
develop to their fullest
potential and eventually be
productive in their lives—to
find peace and contentment
within themselves.”

Miller seems to find her
own fulfillment simply in
being involved.

Caring. That is what
Fannie Miller does so well.



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..'- -WW we-

New... .. 4...... .


Kernel Reporters

When the University’s
journalism school flunked an
examination by a national
accrediting team in 1975, it
precipitated a full-scale
overhaul of communications-
related departments.

Now, more than two years
after the accreditation
debacle, increased funds,
personnel changes and
general reorganizau'on have
put the school on the road to

The most glaring change
was removing com—
munications from the College
of Arts & Sciences and
creating the College of
Communications. The school
(i journalism and the new
department of human
communication make up the
new college.

As a result of the changes,
the journalism program was
reaccredited last spring. In
reaccrediting the school, the
three-man team cited tighter
organization, hiring faculty
with professional e perience
and the improved job
placement of journalism

Farrar succeeds Teeter

Dr. Dwight Teeter, who
was director of the school
during the reorganization,
has since left to take the same
post at the University of
Texas, which has the largest
journalism school in the

Succeeding Teeter will be
Ronald Farrar, chairman of
the journalism department at
the University of Mississippi.
A native of Fordyce, Ark.,
Farrar will assume his duties
at UK on Aug. 1.

With an extensive
newspaper, teaching and
administrative background,
Farrar seems well qualified
for the position. He received
his BA in business from the
University of Arkansas, a MA
in journalism from the
University (1 Iowa and PhD
in history and journalism
from the University of

shapes up

Farrar received the
distinguished service medal
for research from Sigma
Delta Chi Society for
Professional Journalists for
his book, Reluctant Servant:
The Story of Charles G. Ross.
( Ross waspress secretary for
President Harry S. Truman.)

The 41-year old Farrar also
co-authored Mass Media and
the National Experience.

Communications revamped

The department of human
communications’ curriculum
has been revamped by
various committees over the
past two years, said Dr.

Robert Murphy, former
acting dean of the College of

“We saw a necessity for the
various departments (such as
speech and telecom-



has improved


munications) to work
together—to look for common
goab, especially in resear-
ch—and we've gone a long
way,” he said.


Ramona Rush, journalism
professor and administrator
from the University of
Florida, officially began her
duties June 1 as dean of the
College of Communications.

“I’m looking forward to a
productive time here. I want
to build the College of
Communications and I‘m
excited about that
challenge," said the 40—year-
old native of Little River,

Rush has not yet planned
definite charges. ”I want to
see what exists and then help
build that as 'much as

After acquiring a BS in
communications at the
University of Kansas, Rush
was employed by KMBC
Radio in Kamas City, Mo.
Soon she earned her MA in
radio, television and film,
abo at the University of

In 196) Rush earned her Ph-


Ramona Rush

D in mass communication,
concentrating on in—
temational communication.
She minored in lbero-
American area studies and
spent nine months in Lima,
Peru, surveying mass and
interpersonal com-

Rush has also written more
than 40 articles. The role of
women in communication,
communication behavior of
older persons, the future of
mass communication and
international communication
are a few of the subjects she
has researched.

While at UK, Rush plans to
continue her studies. “I’m
very interested in keeping up
communications research in
gerontology.” she said.

Changes bring improvement

Murphy said Rush’s ap-
pointment, increased funding
and reorganization have
improved communications.

“The new funds have
helped quite a bit,” he said,
noting that reorganization
has made it easier to use
funds more efficiently.

“Now, money filters down
through one less agency—
we’ve gained autonomy.”

The increased funding from
the University allowed the
journalism school, which has
250 maja's, to purchase new
equipment. The shopping list
included photographic
materials, electric
typewriters and video display
terminals (VDTs). The latter
are electronic editing

0n the other hand, Teeter
said the inclusion of per-
manent faculty positions and
the appointment of qualified
professors was “pivotal" in
regaining accreditation. Plus
the fact “that we had an
ungodly number of Phi Beta
Kappas didn’t hurt,” he said.

With accreditation
restored, the outlook for the
communications program
appears better than it was
two years ago.

Although the loss of ac-
creditation was an em-
barrassment for for UK,
journalism officials said it
spurred improvement in the
journalism and com-
munications programs.

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, July 7, 1977—5

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Kernel Reporter

This week’s offerings are from,
respectively. the band originally
scheduled to open the ill—fated REO

“Nothing But a Breeze" * 'k *
Jesse Winchester

The most visible beneficiary of Jimmy
Carter’s Vietnam draft pardon, Win-
chester deliberately timed this album’s
release with his own return to the States
after 10 years in Canada. But that’s
okay, because a broadened audience will
now be able to hear his winning
progressive country style. Brian Ahern’s
slick production (along with guest vocals
by Emmylou Harris and Anne Murray)
should help bring this excellent singer-
songwriter the recogntion he deserves.
Especially listen for the title track. “My
Songbird,” ‘Twigs and Seeds" and his
stirring interpretation of “Bowling
Green." (Nancy Daly)

"In Your Mind" * * *
Bryan Ferry

More originals this outing, plus
reworkings of some Roxy standards.
Perry’s vision moves onward and out-
ward from rock to the coolest, most
affecting white shuffle this side of Box
Scaggs. (William Fugate)

“CSN” * t t *
Crosby. Stills and Nash

The reunion they said could never
happen has resulted in the most im-
pressive album so far this year. Stephen
Sfills’ brilliant showing (even his voice is
in prime form) should catapult Crosby,

. . .consumer tips——+

:nd that
Speedwagon concert, the bqium from

replaced them, and an import alh for both
a singer with cult followings :
himself and the band he fronts},

A word of explanation: I don’t P311133:
review imports. mostly becausd



seals-'54:: ,1“ KO! KW "

Stills and Nash back to where t )fessional
seven years ago. Highly ”(inimitable
production makes CSN’s i; ments—
harmonies and guitar arrang raphical
and a wealth of autobiog package
lyrics—a highly listenable .D.)
which shouldn’t be missed. (

“Me, I’m Feelin‘ Free * 1
Marshall Chapman


on the
Epic Reca‘ds has jumped feminist

country mus‘c craze and the the last
bandwagon to come up with wgirl. As
thing we need now: a cosmic coizhall can
her liner notes proclaim, Manje best of
drink and whoop it up with th boy. She
them. (“Marhsall’s a good ole’ Jennings
can come on the bus," Waylon. tunately
is quoted as saying.) But unfor ks much
Chapman can’t sing, she croa ‘d nights
the way Grace Slick does on ba nediocre
and her original tunes are so II, I hype
they make all the promotior Vimewhat
giver this debut album seem so

ridiculous. (N.D.) .

limited availability. This one‘s kind of
special. so I‘m making an exception.

Sin After Sin

The second album for the British group,
Sin After Sin is an anemic work on several

The songs, despite their interesting
lyrics. are repetitive and ponderous. The
instrumentation is weak and the situation
is not helped by the presence of session
drummer Simon Phillips, who was
trundled in because the group lacks a
drummer of its own (or did when the
album was recorded).

Onealso has to worry abouta band with
the utter lack of taste to attempt to do a
rock reworking of Joan Baez’ “Diamonds
and Rust." Abominable.

Judas Priest is probably capable of
turning out perfectly vicious heavy metal
rock. However, they seem not to have yet
realized thatthe most important aspect of
good hard rock is that it possesses variety
despite the limited base on which it
operates. This crew is obsessed with
endless riffing on the same basic theme,
and it’s making their sound incredibly

Lights Out

UFO, also British, was selected to
replace Judas Priest as the opening act
for Speedwagon before that concert was
cancelled. No great loss in the cases of
BBC and Black Oak, but this band
deserved to be seen.

This group has filled out its sound well
with the addition of Paul Raymond on




Albums Judas Priest, UFO and an import

guitar and keyboards, backing up Michael
Schenka‘s strong lead guitar. Before
Raymond joined, UFO sounded painfully
shallow with only a single guitar to carry
the bulk of the melody.

The band‘s sound is still all too
derivative of older groups, most notably
Bad Company, the Moody Blues and
Uriah Heep; but with those bands either
declining or disintegrated, UFO stands as
the next best bet. At its best, the band may
evenhave the other groups beaten at their
own game.

Phil Mogg's throaty vocals propel UFO
through the top cuts on this album, the
title trackand “Electric Phase." It’s their
best ever. and a worthwhile purchase.

(Charisma Import)

Hammill, who is also front man for a
group with the unlikely name of Van Der
Graaf Generator, has turned out an ex-
traordinarily moving work in this album.
It‘s his first solo work since reforming
Van Der Graaf in late 1975, and it’s
definitely worth the wait.

Over contains the same basic features
as most Hammill albums. The
emotionalism of his lyrics spill over into
both instrumentation and vocal delivery,
making his work a taxing listening ex-
perience. His lyrics contain metaphor as
complex as it is profuse. which seems
strained—but only until one sees his point.

The difference between this and other
Hammill efforts is that the train of
thought is never overextended here. Each
song is just the necessary length, no more,
and each appears to be a more accurate
reflection of Hammill himself than
earlier, similar songs.

At the risk of being overly gushy, Over
is a masterpiece. If you can possibly get
it, do so. .


. _’ _ c. ,.






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maruuo mu
“Twit?" Zig‘“

“A hell of "i :J' u? “J: h"" 3
wtth (icivm'itue, chrirrr
. anc mower I loved: it
PG, ,. ., .









gen-av “3:43











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