xt7zpc2t7n8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7n8k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1980 1980 1980-02-01 2020 true xt7zpc2t7n8k section xt7zpc2t7n8k Vol. LXXII. No. 97 Ker cl Uigvmlty of Kentucky
extngton. Kentucky
Friday. February 1. mo . gii hidependent etudent new
. I l . V i l i . n no. i
' P0009 $0999“ precautions r ' - -....:.:.. .~
for women Ivmg In area est ’ . _ g
.. wk“ § §\ In. 3-9.: a 3*
By ANNE CHARLES the Transylvania Park area. In I979. Metro Police said that “weirdos“seem «W . is 1&2” . 2% If ' .
Staff Writer l4 percent of the reported rapes in attracted to young women in area sur- “ ' .
Fayette County occurred in that area. rounded the U K campus. College stu- . _ __ '1 U - V ‘W §i ' ‘
“The m05t important things are according to Baxanna Oney. crime dentsthink that the residentialareaisa if 2.... it W‘W‘emk _' I ‘
(rape) prevention. not to be afraid to analyst for the Lexington Metro nice. quiet neighborhood and don't '3 “w...“ at: . .. .
call the police and not to look at eve- Police. take the precautions they should. such _ * 1"“:j2' if}.g§;}ta_f-i-";..
ryone as a friend.“ Lexington Metro During I979. there was a IO percent as keeping screens onthe windows and ‘ ' w”
Police Officer Mary Pritchett said last increase over I978 figures in reported closing blinds. Allen said. 5' _‘_ ' g; “was. _.__ .. .
night during the Personal Security rapes; indecent exposure cases “We‘ve used every technique possl- I ‘ n 72%“.«ifgtfi‘gsggk ‘ \- .. .
' Information session. increased I4 percent inthe area.Oney ble to apprehend these people (the t 'W .’ \‘xesm g y “W ‘3
She and four other speakers advised said. Sexual abuse reports decreased weirdos).“ said Allen. "What it boils , 1% p _ .» gkkwesggt p " ..
the approximately 30 people at the three percent while sodomy figures did down to is security." ' y g . .ws‘t‘rf [ yw‘ ' A
Newman Center to be realistic about not change. Some precautions the speakers s , Q‘Exsi’fithiQ s. . . . ‘
the possibility ol'bcwmingii rapt’vic- However. these figures are often offered for better safety in the home ‘ ”ti; “V” figgmémfis ' ’ ’
tim and 10 be prepared P55'Ch0l0glcall) misleading bfcaUSC more VlClimS have involved common sense. such as lock- " t‘s:e:“\a.e. . '
for it. begun reporting sex crimesto officials. ing doors and windows and not vvalk- ‘2» _ .I N ., 1\\§\£:§§s ' ‘
A detective. two officers from the Pritchctt said. Also. victims 50mg- ing alone at night. Other suggestions §§s§ ”i215?" ”:3; flngte _
WW“ “6”" PM“ “Wm“ ”me ”PO“ attacks from their homes wereioinsianspeciai Iucksandawide- ht . » behest t
and two representativesfromthe Rape when the actual attack occurs else- angle \viewverin the door. in additionto 3% " *Qtesg.‘§§§§3t\
' . l CriSis Center offered suggestions on where. which distorts statistics. being extremely careful with extra ' a” *MV.”\*“‘ 3 .
safety and home security to the area The majority of rapes occur in the door keys. . > ' °' . .
( residents and students present. Rela~ victim‘s home or apartment and take The Metro Police willperformafree ‘ ' “s XE _‘ .- 2 ‘ ..‘
tively few male faces were in the place bewteen l0p.m.and3a.m.. Prit- security check of the residents‘ house .. " " 3 ~ ..,-:':c.- "‘ gt;
audience. chett said. or apartment. and point out actions MR - ' ' i . *s '-
" The session was held because lini< “Students don't see people as thatcan be takento make homes more :3 . .. ' : ' a" A
versity and local officials are con- strangers.'she said.“Oftenthese rapes secure. Officer Don Lee said. “We use &. x . 3*. p ‘ . .. 63%
i cerned over the safety of female are made by acquaintances." our abilities to test your weaknesses." i G ' f wii"11_ .}
‘ students and other residents living in Detective Bill Allen of Lexington Continued on page 4 at 2r » g E: -' V 6 tax
' - - - - . , . . . . . as? f
UK FinanCIal Aid office warns students g .
I I I I I ‘ ' -~ ‘ ' - ii. “’M‘fit vo-rvixm Eryn" \f-I'e't.
Of l’ I sky scholar Sh Ip-finding SBI’VICeS - ' s %t
I.” .“M CM,“ contained another number for use by exPenscs of computerized applica- . . . ,. ........ g .t eel ~' 5+ s
5‘3” “m” the news media . tions. and I sometimes feel bad about 1 is?» wfhlgl Q» lgfg ' i
. _ . . _ .. g _ . .} $155....r155gyw».2‘,N) ._. . g ‘3... g “A;
Private student-scholarship services Steve Dam. who was listed as the charging that much. Renschler said. - swash: sKs ” '1' t
. maybe bad risks.accordingtoofficials director of Scholarship Bank in the Financial Aid Director .Iames Ingle ' ‘ high K ’ ”R‘s
. , a . . - - ' u ' ‘ . “2“.11’:-i."‘-3:W\I$K {’ .: '. ’-:- " *Yr "1}.
in UK s FinanCial Aid office. press release. could not be reached at agreed. saymg. 01” application COV‘ 3.3““ Q; ' ‘
' “It has been my experience that pri~ either number. The student answering ers all the options offered by most col- ’ ,” himflgg 9“"
vate services offering assistance in service. however. identified itselfasthe leges in scholarships. loans.grants and _, 332° I‘
finding Scholarships and loans are not Southern California Educational Ser- “'Ork-StUdy- For needy Studehtfii there I i. ' .. - ' Vi '
useful to students." said Linda vices and took the repoi‘tei‘s‘ namcatid IS ample federal aid." i' " '
- Renschler. grants officer in Student address. ”l have a great deal 0f skepticism ‘ I _
Financial Aid. “I have been told notto When asked if Dani could be about any SCerCC which takes an ’ g
‘ advocate the use of such services by reached. the answering service said. exhorbitant fee for services that are
. . students.“ “I‘m just an answering service and l already available on campus for the
. One scholarship-finding service don‘t know anybody.“ student.“ Ingle added. ‘
. i v called Scholarship Bank has distrib- “I‘ve been aware of such services for Renschler said. “We have even sug-
' uted press releases through the mail at least seven or eight years." gested that the student report any
promising college students up to 32 Renschler said. “Not many students. attempts to sell this type of service to
"leads“ on available loans. scholar- in my experience. have actually used the Better Business Bureau."
. . ships. work-study programs and such a service. and in any case the lee Ingle also said that the College
. grants in return for a $25 registration charged is quite steep “ Scholarship Service. a part ofthe Col-
fee. She said the same information lege Entrance Examination Board. has . ay TERRY KH’S/Kcmel Staff
‘ ‘ Although the press release did not offered by Scholarship Bank is availa- "In the past few years dCWIOPCd aleg- RUSSIan dancer? .
state the company‘s address. it did list ble fora lower price at anyadequately- itimate financial aid information file.
a number for students to call if they supplied college financial aid office. but it is only'inthe planning stage right Communications Junior Shelly Whitehead takes it behind the Engineering Quadrangle yesterday. and ‘
were interested in the service. It also “We use a processing fee ofSStocover nOW." wrong step while skating across the icy parking lot couldn‘t regain her balance. I
2 800 ' ' ' ' / ' k d' 'b t'
, Sign pet/170” oppOSIng 017L ery (70 9t IStI' I U [0/7
. By STE‘ El‘ “- 10“ l "LR Students attending the ticket distri- sections 3l to 35tomorrow night atthe Donald Clapp. who said the decision Although some people said they game tomorrow mill" 53"5‘1
. StalerIttr bution Sunday booed Williamson's Tennessee game. He said they are was totally up to the three deans of think Student (iovernmcnt was WEthe undersigned students ofthe
announcement; Scarboro and his omitting section 30 from the petition students, involved in the decisicn to chance the l'niversity of Kentucky. do hereby
Student ire OH-‘t lht‘ PTQPQSCd friends began circulating a petition drive because they think the patrons “We‘ve gotten a lot of support from ticket distribution sistcm in tiddiiiim voice our wholeheartcd disapproval of
Change In basketball ttt‘kt‘t distribu~ condemning the lottery Monday atthe sitting there are from the Blue—White people we don‘t even know.“Scarboto to the deans ofstudc'nts. SO President tht‘ PI'OPt‘Wd '01100‘55'5‘9'“ “lbaSl‘Cl'
“0” has nOt Subtitled “"00 ASSOCIHIC LSU game. fund. and may be partly responsible said. “Most of the people who called Mark Metcall denied that S(i was ball ticket distribution for the SN?“
Dean Ol Students T- Lynn Williamson Some of the people involved in the for the demsion. wanted to help and asked iI they could involved. reasons:
announced the change SundayOnthe Iotterydeciston aretakingthe petition Scarboro phoned WVLK‘S “Big have a petition to circulate. We have .. . . ._ ‘y . l .. ‘ . Whereas. the new system will des-
‘ - contrary. more than 2,800 students action personally. Scarboro said. Blue Line“ last night and talked to about 200 petitions out right now and "Ylliatls nottrueatal. MGM!" Mud; troy the student unity and effectively '
haVCJUSt begun to fight the PYQPOSCd “Dean (Joseph) Burch (Dean of Stu- Kentucky Basketball Coach Joe B. will be getting more signatures at the W have "m ”ken d ‘ldnd on H "M ruin the Wildcats homecourt
lottery distribution system by. Signing dents) came up to me at the [.SI‘ Hallabout the new distribution policy. game on Saturdav." “(1.? or the Other l“ . _ advantage;
their names and student 'dcm'l‘calm“ game." he said. “and he said to me “He said he thought the fans were “Keith Elkins. (associate sports pro- We plan on making “ random sur~ Whereasthisaciion would endanger
numbers 10 a Petltlhn- _ ‘We‘re going to beat you‘ and he always very vocal and supportive but ducer of WliiX-TVhaid he was going i :6) m ”“3 students next Md" hi Wd' Kentucky‘s stature as the basketball
We intend to fight. this right up wouldn‘t even listen to what I had to that he hasn‘t talked with Dean Willi- to interview me and Wes Loy (a btisi- and well compare our “whimlh capital of the world;
:22: 1:: l'iih‘litoiliirysiiftiilingdggrn sayg" . amsolp or Dean Harris yet.“Scarboro ness administration graduate student) :yitilazhde‘gé:lgl:Ziggygrfgfltifih _ Whereas we demand to be given
1 boro a landscape architecture Junior . carboro said‘he would like to work said. Ialsotalkedto Cawood Ledford after the game (Saturday). ‘said Scar- . ‘ . . freedom of choice as to where we sn .
whoihelped orgamnd the petition outda comprtomise with the deans of and he said he couldnt believe they boro. “And we ve had support from Will (ireg Scarboro participate in Within the student block of seats
drive stu cntsnsuc as offeringa game for a were domg this to us (the students in Cawood Ledlord. and Assistant Bas- the lottery on Feb, IO" We hereby demand. as student sup-
Th. . game. They can have the lottery for section 3”.“ ketball coach .Ioc Dean." “What lottery?“ he asked. but then porters of the University of Kentucky.
will Seagflfr‘i‘gjfgcgz“Taxi: 2:53: 1:6 in“ game 31d give us the seats for .Scarboro said he also tried to speak Dean (Franlearris told us they‘ve he added.l“l guess I'll have to I'may that we do not desire a change in the
than on a first come 'first was: basis 2 astbgame. 'de :fld- With UK PreSIdent Dr. Otis Single: had a lot of outside pressure to change notever sit in the front row again. present systemthatwill benefitno one.
forthc last ”:0 home‘gamescame with b 03323;) Sal t ey had collected tary. but said. "Singletary wouldnt the ticket distribution procedure.“ The petition which is circulating We give our wholehearted endorse-
no notice » a out , . ' Signatures yesterday and talk to us at all. They did talk with Scarboro said. “He (Willamson) said among UK‘s student body. and which mcnt to the first come'first serve baSis
- they wrll Circulate the petition through Vice President for the Administration we'd be crazy not to fight this,“ will be Circulated at the basketball that is presently practiced.
~ Oda) The citirens planned to meet later with state Natural administrative and research facility for establishing alierna- wor'd
. ' Resources Secretary Jackie Swigart. tives to traditional courtroom methods ol resolving
state In sometimes emotional testimony. they told the House controversy. A FRESH Ol'TBREAKOF FIGHTING between Kurdish
Natural Resources and the Envtronment Committee of their rebels and government lorces has taken at least 50 lives in
“MN" HIGHWAY OFFICIALS will meet in ”"50"“ "‘P‘mnm' PRESIDENT CARTER THA‘ Ari) Prime Minister .Ioc “New “an a "h“ ~r0i0man ““1 5““th '
Louisville Monday with representatives ofClark Countylnd.. Ethel Gabbar’d Of Laurel County said ll" state‘s policy or Clark vesterday for Canada‘s help in getting six I S diplo~ in him“ ”1“ r9“"““"”‘”3 government clamped down 0“
to discussa change in an Interstate 65 detour route inthe city. exempting “'5'“ construction from strip "1"" ‘13“an matic employees out of Iran. and Sdld he doubts the C‘kilr‘i' “cm“l‘mm‘m m “” ”mum“ cttort m head "fl further
Major repairs are underway on I~65 in Louisville. south of should be ”0'.“th because u is"tailor-made forexplonation will cause harm to American hostages there C'Mh‘" helm” lcll'“ “"d mm {0“ ~
the Kentucky-Indiana border. and heavy trucks and recrea- and 9°"ul‘"°" by unscrupulous entrepreneurs and Caner expressed his gratitude in a telephone call to Clark. ll“ new bloodshed was reported as signals grew stronger
lional vehicles are being detoured away fromtheconstruction politiCians." whose embassy in Tehran used faked Canadian passportsand ”‘3‘ some 9'03““ may be POSSIblC '" resolvmg the US'
area near the Kennedy Bridge over the Ohio River. nation Iranian “Sag“, spirit the six Americansout ofthecountry last Embassy standoff and winning freedom for the approru-
Passenger cars are still allowed to use the bridge. but Clark weekend mately 50 "mftit‘an hmlas“ "l lehran. who sPM“ me" “9‘“
County busmessmen say the loss of truck and recreational CONSUMERS WILL HAVE access to a means oi‘molv. The PItstClt‘I‘l tt‘tmrr‘. t ’.in tits t-iirm. "i Iti"hi‘l‘tll“:\ "\l’il 'l‘" ”‘ ~‘ '7‘" ‘3} “WM“
vehicle traffic is hurting local economy mg minor disputes Wllh busmess and industry without the hllllt oi incudslwp i: .i :*;’ ~ .. tit“ v t . u . ~H- . - weather
need for going to court as a result of legislation passed by the real courage "
SEVERAL CENTRAL AND EASTERN Kentucky resi- Senate late Wednesday night. said the bill‘s sponsor. Sen. Congress adopted resolutions of gratitude to Canada on _ g
dents yesterday braved icy roadstotell legislators oftheircon- Wendell Ford. D-Ky, Wednesday. and Canada ‘5 embassy here and consulates TODAY PROMISES TO BE bitter cold With the highs in
am about irresponsible strip mining and OH shale Ford said the measure would cruteamtiomldispuie reso- around the country were besieged with countless telephone the low 205 It Will be clear and very cold tonight withtbelows
development Iution resource center which would provide a centralired cells expressing thanks around five above Iero

 . KENTUCKY [)9ch “(Daniel
erne It/Ilrll in ( llli‘f Mnrk Green Kim Aubrey Thomas (1.“ John (lay (in) Linden
Jay Foselt llob ('ochrm m,,,,t,,,,,,,‘,,t, hm“, Spam Editor “lh‘t‘lrll u] Pholographr .
('Iry Willis Murmur hlirory Paul Minn
tlrmuurnc It/rror ('lndy MCGN Slit hm... Brian Ricknd David Maynard
chkl Rudd 4tmlunl torsion! Spam Editor Phi-m Marriage!
. . t 5the Masses Ilsa Dawson! (“1" “I'm" I'Itrwlurnmenl Editor
editorialsfiicommet; s
’Petty hostr/rtres’ must end
‘ . n I I
‘ t C unications facult second chance
Singletary gives omm y
lhe death of the (‘ollegc of ( ‘mr‘ttltt'r let.itrs h.-. .le‘...1i process ofpublrerttformatronthroughthe mass be the bestehoicc. He's givingthequick-tempered and ever. and the Journalism SChOOl remains fairly
' been stayed off at least for Win; ;:; ire wart ll: .fr.r argumentative ('ommunrcatrons faculty a second respected and 0f hlgh caliber.
The confused. unstablecollct‘ A. l" t hicl of w ‘r -: ments centered around whether the comrnunr- chance with the probation. If faculty members Wt” maketan attempt to get
. support machines when l'K pt“ guy ' . surgl ‘ r. :.-:r department should be absorbed rnto the ( ol- ()bvrously distressed at the tntra—college bickering. 3'0th Myth the” colleagues and WIVCIO m‘akethe COI-
told the 20 full-time (‘ortrttrtrnit~ ‘ittl'm Lit -.-' leg oi Arts and Sciences. kept separate from the he told the committee and taeulty to "put these little lege f1 workable one. perhaps there. wont be SUCh a t
members Wednesday that he had deeutcd to retain the t‘ol'3gc o! Journalism and leleeommttnrcatrons. petty hostilities away . . . If you can't. we‘re going to massive stafftumover. Because “Othlhg can dCVCIOP 1‘
i , ‘ basic structure of the program. \trotftcr suggestion was that the entire college be rnsrst that you hate each other on your own time." Dehl’le leave after 4 semester‘or NO-
- . He said, howcyer. that the collt‘ys ..t git ht; ty:...-; d Lib" into Arts and Sciences or other colleges. l’K’s (‘ollege of (‘ommunicattonsleaves muchto be ‘ lhc proposals PTCSldCht Singletary made. mClUd-
‘ on probation for u Pt‘hhd of two t... 'hr:.-.- m.- ‘siill other ideas included; . . desired.’ 1 he telecommunications sequence is ayoke; ”‘8 accreditation for the advertising sequence. sound
, because of infighting among the “hut“ tjtrg. n ._r lr Improving the area of broadcast tournalism and frtghtenrngly few professors stayonfromyearto year. encouraging. Whether these proposals can hC carried
‘ developed as the diffL-tmc,A m the .- . r. f‘ dcycloprng it into a tclecommtrntcatrons department (ourses are added. dropped and altered wrth each outwrll bedetermrned h.‘ the (“d ofthe probationary ‘
I ments surfaced; professors in the dig: in. '1 or 'rpproyed by Singletary Wednesday ); changing semester. Despite some very recent puri Perlhh- ‘ h . .
human communication were more inter. t“: .. rt ZiMaking Journalism a school independent of any chases and rmproyements. there ts still a shortage of . It ‘5 “P tothe {39U1t.\~“tth help from patrentadmrn-
‘ _ psychologicaland sociologicalconnotation» »r h tollegc. while pushing communication and tclccom— decent equrpment (re. cameras. studtospace.etc.)for istrators and the 809 students 'h‘ olved. tohkeep the .
and human contact. while those intotrr t7 -l.sr: .rrtt’ r. 'nuntcatrons into another college. students to use. COHCBC 0f(.ommuntcattons from drownrngrn 3963 Of
.. -‘ ' ecommunicatrons werc morc concerixd “Hit rtrt- lhc decision Singletary made Wednesday seemsto Human communication is still developing. how- clashing phrlosphres and battling egos.
.‘ M__._—_ .. ,. ”.7 .MmW—W ‘ ~
' L h Ed '
' ' etters ('0 t 6 ITO!" ’
. l
. Renaissance Man with the grant chain stores Andagarn encourage rt lloyycyer. \lr liardrn can security in\o|ycd whenthe Soviets cally safe. transforms into a poten- non-nativeEnglish~speaking'lA‘s for
. the state weed usto raise our retail had not done hrs homework and this .rredircctly attacking the [LS]? lhcn rt ttally dangerous area every Monday. teaching p051ttons. 'snfortunately. -,
' . - ‘ In responseto Rebccca \lafker's chA Wish .rttrclc shortid hate had more thottght will be too late. as they will already Wednesday and Friday night. 100 many departments are dragging their
. , , ter of January 38. "l-utare Man." I 0t” ‘vt-ttt‘ titt‘t't'hmt‘ht 1‘ ht'lhll ltftd Polish or .t hayea grcatamount ofthe earth‘s sur- many swimmers combined With 0P9" feet and the plans have been 5'0“ m t
. ' would like to explain that a "Renato unfair to the Kentucky fartncr. to you face tinder thetr control Soviet expan- diving boards and insufficient lane coming. '
' " sance Man" is not simply one who ths’s‘onwntet’xétnd tomt'tcstthifl hUs- Prank t).( lark sronrsm has to be stopped now. while ropes add up to trouble. Currently. Academic Alta!” t5
. knows about the Renaissance rsuch ., iness \\ e will continue to frght the law \strononry. associate professor we are still in a position to do so. Solution: 0n busy nights make sure monitering the progress ofthcse plans. ~
' ' . . i person is a Renarssancc scholar} (Me It is indeed sad to see how many all lane ropes are installed before the Perhapsin thefuture. othercollegcsat
.‘ .1 who is knowledgeable about numer~ Joe Melton lll American security? .\merican males no longer belimc Opensw'rm period beginsClosealldiv UK “in develop their own plans. ,
. ~ " ous aspects of mankind‘s social. aes- Food Distribution freshman strongly enough in anythrng to fight rng boards. Allow no drying from the although the problem ‘5 concentrated
3 ' . . , With! and \Ut'ht'tlt‘ Units?“ 0“ Jhd Con lomeration After reading \latk koopman‘strd- for it, I happcnto believe that the prin- side of the pool. Designate two lanes In thC Arts and Sciences. BUI there IS
. V . the” ht‘tt’r.‘ Jhd !‘ t"W“hhfft WI" 9 rctrious article. I tclt compelled to ciplcs upon which our country was for fast swimmers. two to three lanes one thing “0 can do now about the
. tictpatrng in them is a Renarssantc l have been tnterytewed by Apt-m4 answer it sothat it will notappcarthat founded are worth fighting for. if I for medium speed swimmers and problem—complain If you have diffi- . .
Md” reporters rnanj- times in the past on a the entrtc student body adheres to hayc to. it seems to me that a lot of "‘kitkhOfldetS” and thC remaining culty in understanding d foreign TA
V‘ I ”C I‘ 111W“ lht‘ktPPCHdttt‘“ hs‘s‘dUW yttrICly of subjects. \eyer have these these beliefs theseantr-drattactivistsare usingnice- lanes for“loungers.”Allswimmersare and feelthat he she cannotcommuni-
I t . 3. the RC"“"‘“”“’ fttl¢1lhthtl “Wh'rth-n resulted in such a poorlywrrttenarttclc I suppose the “leftist“ elements in soundtng “1 don‘t want to kill my to swim in a circle. COUMCF‘CiOCkWtSC catethe materialeffectively. complain
' . _ occurrtng during the l4tlr through as the ttnctrtled“Deterioratrngo/onc tlrts country are overtoycd about the brother" arguments to hide what is in within each lane. t0 the department chairperson. it
. |7th centuries rrr I‘lllUPL‘I produced “ lr may“ Professor Black and mention of selective seryrcc registra— fact cowardice. A simple posterboard sign.display- enough students ina course complain
' I philosophers. thl>t~ and ‘Ut'htN‘ myself souird like a couple of ntncom— tron It gives them something to cry Also. although lam not a veteran. l ing these rules. WOUld be perfect! LifC~ about the TM“ speaking “hlhtll then
‘ - .f who. in the wordsof l-rancrs Bacona l‘m’l“ lhrs “ruck tc an tncohcrcnt about bc~.rdes nuclear energy. which resent the parallel drawn by Mr. guards should not merelybeguardians he she Will b6 removed from the
I , I ,- Renaissance ‘Clt'htl‘t PhthN‘Pht‘h conglomeratron or statements made was the best cause they were able to Kooptnan between the VFW and the of life but also oflimb and orbit. Let's course-
I . ‘ ' ' “’0" all hurhlhgtl‘thc” Pm‘tht‘t‘v 51‘ by m\self and Black which. at least come up with since the draft was last KKK. which isasleazy.chcap.and not prevent an injury that will be remem- If 5‘0“ {991 50“" complaints aren‘t .
. . . . Walker‘s quotation of Albert l rnstctn from his side not onlv inadequately abolished. particularly imaginative piece of bered forever. being heard. come to the Student
.V was mm‘ mm“ W h“ '3 .rn ““t‘tdhd' presentswhat lsard. but misrepresents Mi. Koopman quickly resorts to slander. Government office and talk to one of
- . 5 ing example of a Renaissance Man what I sard tired left-vying cliches. 4 . whether at James Harrison (‘ohen us on the Academic Affairs committee
‘ . ' ‘ .' physicist. Pt‘hhml “C“‘lW "hhhl‘h ll lhc tone of the article attacks the end of a spear or an .‘vf~lb makes Gary E. Menorzi Graduate student ' Wt? Wt” help in any “3y “9 can. Thh‘ .
- Q , ' I phllowi’hc“ ”5‘th MU“ ‘tts’hlt" “industry “ However. the big users of lrttledrffercncc tothemanwhoselrfeis Foreign Affairs graduate student - WOC€55 Cit" “0th StUdChtS do have
_. .‘ - cantly. however. a Renaissance 'Vlanrs refrigeration equipment ta nrarot bcrngtaken by ht. hmthctjctg lltcse Forelgn TAS the power to get the department to
y _' " not. like “Future Man." "a man “h” source of flouorocarbons) are prryatc inspiring little itngles sound very itrce. New depths This letter is Written partly in sup- Change the instructors if the TA does
.I . hillfighljlm‘ hm ”n“ “h” mm“ and honsumei orretitedhnot “rndus~ hlttvlct‘s dosh.» “if“ . . America stooped to new depths port of Peggy ingleharts‘articleinthe not hilftadg‘TdfrasT. 9' .Enfl'ltsthh If.
. . . . , - trial. It is true that the inrtral rndtts— \obody dwhttt‘» war ”10ft than when it asked the Olympic athletes to January 2| issue of the Kernel and enoug " u ”1 Stomp am. an ' ey
H ' ‘ " ‘ triai manufacturers are resptynsiblefor my self. and I agree that war is not bear the burden of American freedom partly to inform the studentsaboutthe are serious about it. .
. . . ' 9|“). (roode the choice of the refrigerant. My eom- somethtng which should be blindly and ideals. Are they the only ones left problems of foreign teaching assist- One final word I would like to add.
, . ‘ ~ Lnglish graduate teaching assistant plaint hue m an mum-quak- present“. rushed into. helped along by a good who can be expected to show thedisci- ahtq Many students as well as Ms however. is that we give these ’l'A‘s a
_ -' i . . Milk war ilt‘ill‘tli where the rlls in the present dose of fanattcalptrbltc opinion How plrne it takestto malke'sacrifices for lnglehart. 'may- not realize that the chance. Sometimes it l5 merelya F355 .
- . - system ltc cycntust whcrc do \M drtrw [ht hm to “hat the} helm“. m) l nfortunately. Academic Affairs Committee of Stu- of getting used to a partrcularacce‘nt.
. '. 4. * . ldtsagree with the January lX. WW 2) Again "tndustry"as strch isdecrd- tht‘ continuous process 01 blatant even it they are. such a small group dent Government has been looking ‘Many'ofthcsc 1A3 are well-qualified
' ' y ‘ - editorial entitled “Raising rnrlk prices edly not responsible to; the carbon Soyict intperraltsm'.’Sooftenlltcarthe cannot bear the “Clght and responsi- intothe problem for several months! m 1h?” “Cid hUt are adyusttng to a
. . helps small business. consumers tn droxrdc butldttp tn the atmosphere. argument frotn those with more leftist bility m a whole nation. feel this problem is of major impor- 16’“th FOIC as the” 85 a “CWCUhUW
_ . . . -. . long run. [his is primarily dtte to our insatiable Ptthtts‘iti lns‘hhdtlttm than ‘m_\.\€lt "Hi If there is any backbone left in tance because it canaffect sucha large lit the course 0t htC-h‘t‘ allhavc 10d?“
.y . . ' l do not know what small business desrrc for energy. We. the consumers. fight if American security is inyol\ed. Amcrtca. it must come from the sup- number of students. With PEOPIC "Cf." different from 0”"
.5. . _ ,,4 )ttu talked to. but I do know that you dcnratrd more and we demand it from but I won‘t fight for someone else." port of all the people. not a small Many students may wonder why 59h“; the“ experiences help “5 8'0“
. . did not talk to .loe .‘vlelton. owner of sources other than nuclear energy Despite the inconsistency of therr con- minority. these foreign TA‘s are even allowed to and that s what life ts all about: grow-
- ’ < ' _' Melton Food Marts in Louisville. who which is a non—okidatton process. We eerrr for their “brother's"freedom.this Instead of. orinadditionto. boycot- teach a class. but the fact is. some ing and learning. We should work at 7
' . : ‘I; is one of the loudest crttrcs of the milk aretheoncsresponsibleforforcrngthe argument depends on whether one ting the OlymPtCS. why doesn‘t the departments simply have no choice. understanding those TA 5 who do not '
. .. ‘4 . lath. My grithndfatlhcrdoletMel’tonhSr.. increa‘sc tn carbon drosrdc. lor our adopts a narrow interpretation of “if ["3" take a stronger action. like boy- The problem is greatest in the depart- sheak astfluentlyt :1; :ce‘wytuidfcwtfhe:
, . . :ccn r‘iihtfngttrhc 12:“ Hearth“: H “1;: 2:12; (thinl‘l; phropcrly understand the American stcurrtylrs lt]\(ti\Ld: _ or if tottrng’allqshiprncntstoand from Rus- ments such as mathematics where t eyhcan urn ou _
._ y . .. . p tittrmciron,.indtht drf- ont makts aninntcllrgcrttappraisalof My “ht- Because those in power many sections of a course must be teac ers
-' _ “130th in 1960. ficulty in reversing this trend' [here the \Itllutlttn. titklng into account not kttow that unhappy people do not re- offered. Each professor can only teach
.. . .‘ - ' “ in I94). the state suspended out are few non-oxrdr/rng processes only currently unfolding situations. eta-t incumbents. l‘heyare afraidthat so many muons and the department B'arbttra Cook
» ,
‘ I. . meant we were not allowed to sell 3) lh'l ‘l ' ~ ~r . ._ l r - ' h“ ‘ d WCN‘” J’s/l . economy “011» . C.( L dbl MM“ and teachers to instruct the other sections;
. , ,1. . 4 . . t oncy statemerts taken out u ope at t. t tn of III. . on cost them thermobs. they must rely on graduate students. Th , 'k 'K I I
.  . . . dairy products in our grocery storcfor of contest and thrown together with recently. we have seen Russia extend What they don‘t take into consider- 'l he base of the problem lies in the e Ise'mut y eme we comes
. t . ~ .. . If) daylis. ln l‘)74.hwe were again cited out explanation about "tosrcology." It» \Phs'rs‘ 01 Ittthls‘nu‘ dud C(lntrttithtO atton rsthat'a bovcottw'ould hurt Rus« [tntyetgttt-tg hiring procedure' most all contrrtbuftrons baron: the lthK
t " . for se “'1’ milk elow cost and were , .. . . . . .. .. . z . , 1 ~ v. , . ’ , [j ‘ . . ' ‘ ‘ comntunt ' or u tca ion on e
.. 1’ a" f j fined $505 .lust recently. January It) and tth‘hl- tt dots to the riser really ( ubr.‘ .krtgoli. South vi cm'cn. Vrct sra much more than us. It would hurt non-native English-speakingTA s are editorial ahd opinion pages.
., ’ ~. 't' . . . ~ Ldp U i k drlltic. lldlll. UL..dnd lltl“ Afghanistan. What “5105(th ngl’CC. but “hanger hdp- hll‘ed Slghl unseen tnthetr nathC COUH- . . '
i r' , ~ :' -." 19"” “t“ IOWK‘d 0t” milk PHCL‘s to lcanapprccrareyoiing people learn- nation will he nest" lran‘.’ pened to ingenuity. determination. tries ’lhere is no University require- lime” Owner“ and “Wm“
, ‘1 ‘. . f, ’1 Sl-it) a gallon so we could compete ing their profession in this manner I Will liberals only consider Amert~ and faith in ourselves? We. as awhole. mcht that these TA's pass any sort of :aralgdmuaxridbertih’stiedi:crigd:tmilliee
. .' .l _ I, . ht”? PUllCd through much WOFSC oral test of English. The only require- \friter's signature address and
‘.'.,’ L" .‘ ©mswr=m I‘M NOT SURe shtlr‘vs“tchr:i(:‘drfdmhhfwa :32: 3:31“: Tail-i: (tThatt this"??? 13:55 the phone number. ll'K students '
W 4 -' I (1 im means to us we mi ht as wellbe . “ vi es ~0‘ ngts a. a oretgn should mCIUdC. m?” year and
t z . ‘ 'V . He HA6 ONE r . rzibbt l' .i > w h fh . All h , language) “hmh does not now major and l‘nrversrty employees
’ )vf‘. . . ~—— ’0‘ y .. _” l't'h'g'hWr “t 65> t'ey include any'oraltesting. But actually. should list their position and
. .r .. ’I’h " 5:“ .{fi J , , W“ h" Mhdt they are given plenty 0f the Unrversrtyrs not at fault here-this department.
t’ ' ~' 395’ . - “s
1‘ I I r, ‘ ‘ it) ‘3; it /' ‘ t r b 1': '3 -' theirllives will terminate as soon as durc moESl UhlverStttIfS U56. HOPCfUNy. reject contributions and frequent .
'l '. ‘IIV . ' .1 . - ‘Kk - '5 their master decides to have rabbit an frjld pgifih'rgofléienczgcsu:lilbe writers may be limited. Editors
9 t '. ' ti“ 2 l ‘i . 4. I] v” ' . stew never enters into their little :jnciu ff? 6 ‘ m eno - 00- reseryethe right to ed” forcorrect
. ' 1' I ‘r 1' ‘33 i [t / '~ '/ y . «i minds to disturb then i norant bliss '5 {an u ure. , . spelling. grammar and clarity.
[A . 3r . , / ,9 ~ t I. . - 8 I there is any way tostoptheprob- and may delete libelous ‘
I, . . . _, y t: f r Rhonda Cromer lem as it concerns us here at UK. it rsat statements.
. I ‘. I . s. . a. 1‘ / "a [K staff member the departmental 'iCfol. EfmilciIve Contributions should be deh-
.' " . . 't QM, "' ,1..— l I 3 ' 5?“?th and interviewing 0 a 0" vered to Room 114 Journalism. ;
_ ‘1‘}, ’ -mi5’ 2 (WE: SWimming safety etgn TA 5 would prohibit those who University of Kentucky. Lexing-
. , v. - _ at g g , x . I h. m . . y . havethe most difficulty c-ommunicat- ton. Ky. 40506.
. " ' j ‘ ,. ‘fya f g t N ' it ,v Swrmming rs one of the safer sports; mg in English from teaching a course. For legal reasons. contributors
. .' y‘ a ‘ I ’3 J) , , ‘ \t _ , . save for ahfe