xt7zpc2t7q73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7q73/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-04-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1997 1997 1997-04-21 2020 true xt7zpc2t7q73 section xt7zpc2t7q73  













.m.”.--mw «es s . . . . e A


WEATHER Cloudy today
showers likely, high 60. Cloudy
tonight, low near 40. Chance
of rain tomorrow, high 60.


Jazz presented Pancho Sanchez ’s Latin jazz

Group Saturday. See Diversions, page 3.



April 21, 1997



(.‘Lustfieds 5 (."arroon

(.‘rusru'ord 5 Spam _2




Diversions—3 l ’iezi'pom! 4




University to spend $00,000 on retention

By Brian Dunn
Staff H 'riter

Because the aduation and persistence rates of UK bachelor's
degree students fave decreased over the last six years, the Lexington
Campus has allocated an additional $60,000 to hel fund a new advising
office. According to the 1996 Kentucky Higher F. ucation Accountabil-
ity Report, UK's strategy is to increase the first— and second-year stu-
dents' retention rate, or the percentage of students who stay at UK to
graduate. Simply, UK wants to keep students in school.

“\Ve’re in the business of helpin students,” said David \Vatt, vice
chancellor for Academic Affairs and esearch.

UK is using the $60,000 to pay for a new advising office and personal
counselor for undeclared students, he said.

The(plan includes moving undeclared students out of the College of
Arts an Sciences, Watt said, and into Undergraduate Studies.
UK is now interviewin for the new counselor and his or her sup‘

portin staff, Watt said. I e hopes the chan es are made by the end of

May. att said the College of Arts and . ciences tried valiantly to
accommodate the undeclared students, but UK needed to do more to
hel]; the students with degree and class choices.

he move may be the first in a series of changes to increase personal
contact between the University and the student.

“The whole campus has to work to solve the problem,” said Louis
Swift, dean for Undergraduate Studies.He said many students com-
plained about UK being impersonal and said they didn't feel a sense of

elonging. Swift said of the idea for a new advising office, “We were
thinking of ways to improve so that students can feel at home on cam-


Tersistence rates
bachelor’s students


i HIP/o







pus right at the beginning.” According to the accountability report,
graduation rates decreased from 51.4 percent in 1988 to 48.1 percent in
1995. The persistence rate dropped from 78.1 percent in l988 to 73.9
percent in 1995. The persistence rate is the sum of the graduation rate.
students still enrolled and students who transferred within six years of

“Graduation rates of




Ian I; I

I I!




first enrollingUK wants to increase the graduation rate to SI percent
and the persistence rate to 78 percent. said the report. Swift also said
UK is s increasing UK 10l classes to 35 this fall. UK is also offering a
new three-hour UK I0l class that would combine campus orientation
and a niajor's orientation.

"It celebrates
being alive

By Brian Dunn
Stafl Writer

The drums chanted, “Nuanarpuk, nuanarpuk,

The drummers’ faces relaxed, their eyes calmly
shut and their heads gently swayed to the soothing
rhythms of the drums, cooing, “Nuanarpuk.”

This drum circle was the epitome of the word,
which means “to take extravagant pleasure in being

Green Thumb, one of UK’s many environmental
groups, couldn’t think of a more perfect word to
name Saturday’s Earth Day celebration, the Nua-
narpuk Festival. The festival lasted from 1 p.m. to 5

.m. and included music, speakers, workshops,
ooths and extras such as face-painting, tie-dying
and drumming.

About 100 people coursed through the festival,
which was sponsored in part by the Student Govern—
ment Association, the Student Activities Board and
Green Thumb. Emily Gallagher, chief organizer of
the festival and founder of Green Thumb, said the
festival’s purpose was to “teach people how to be
practical every da ” and to show people what envi-
ronmentalists work on every other day of the year.

Saturday’s celebration in UK’s free speech area
was the first Nuanarpuk Festival and the first UK
Earth Day celebration in three years, Gallagher said.

Among the highlights of the day were speakers
Liz Natter, an environmental racism attorney, and
Sally Edwards, an ex ert on environmental policy.
Several experts led discussions and workshops on
such issues as industrial hemp and organic garden-
in .

gFianna Rua, a Celtic traditional band, and Amoe-
ba performed. Along with Green Thumb, Environ-
mental Professionals, the UK Forestry and Wildlife
Association, the Residence Hall Association Recy-
cling, the Kentucky Hemp Growers Association,
Amnesty International and UK Sierrans participated
in the festival.


PHOTOS BY STEPHANIE 008le Kernel tin/j

FIE-Mlle Lara Baker, an arts administration and history sophomore, and Wade Davidson, a forestry graduate stu--
dent, make tie—dyed shirts at the Nuanarpuk Festival where The Amoehas (below) provided live entertainment.

The groups set up booths along the sidewalk
between the new and old Student Center buildings.
At Green Thumb's booth, members handed out free
white pine seedlings and sold white Nuanarpuk Fes-
tival T—shirts, which later could be tie-dyed.

SAB plans to continue the Earth Day celebration
tomorrow, when they show the movie The Medicine
Man in Worsham Theater at 9:30 pm.

Green Thumb will have a booth in the free
speech area from 1 I am. to 2 pm. tomorrow.

“One of the main focuses is to get the campus
involved in environmental issues to let the campus
know we’re here,” said Rachel Ross, a communica—
tions junior and membership chair for UK Sierrans.

“We are in environmental crisis,” said SGA Envi-
ronmental Chairman Gottlieb Duwan. “I think the
students are a good place to start.”


Sunshine brings out hundreds lor AIDS Walk lor lite

By Jennller Smllh
Stafl Writer

Hundreds of feet took to the pavement in yester—
day‘s AIDS Walk for Life to raise money and show
support for AIDS awareness.

People from local businesses and groups as well as
UK students gathered at UK’s Commonwealth Sta-

dium to enjoy live music, food and get a little exer-
cise while helping to further a great cause.

- Events lasted from noon to 4 p.m., ending with a
post-walk raffle. Ten raffle prize baskets donated by
ocal restaurants and businesses were awarded to

Entertainment for the pre-walk festivities includ-
ed live music from three local sin 'ng groups, as well
as music from Z~103 FM, whic broadcasted live
from the Commonwealth Stadi-


..... _ k

m F. [Rpm nintbe I997AIDS WalkfirLfemoved

twayfimCmmultb yesterdayafremm.
_._ ._ _ .0. ..__


um arking lot.

alkers and their pets alike
enjoyed the beautiful day while
listening to local groups Inno-
cence and Sister Sound, and the
Lexington Men’s Chorus.

After the groups performed,
the exercise festivities got under-
way with a welcome program and
warm-up aerobics.

Walkers who didn’t participate
in the aerobics could simply enjoy
the sunny weather, get some
snacks or view the AIDS quilt on
dis lay in the Nutter Center.

veral articipants walked in
memory olploved ones lost to the
AIDS Virus.

“It’s a social problem that is so
complex and has so many aspects
to it,” said Mary Beth Dumell,
executive director of AIDS Vol-
unteers of Lexington.

One participant in the walk and

.J. .

volunteer at AVOL said she found out about the
organization through her sorority.

“The people from AVOL came to our house and
needed volunteers, so that’s how I ot involved," said
UK student and Delta Delta De ta social sorority
member Beth Hunter.

“I’m doing this walk to get volunteer hours for
my health communications class," UK student
Heather McCollum said.

Proceeds from the fifth annual AIDS walk, which
is presented by AVOL, direct] benefits AIDS
patients and research in Kentuc . AVOL works
under grants to increase community awareness in a
program called the Community Education and Pre-
vention Outreach. In addition to the community ser-
vice as ect, AVOL provides client services to HIV
and AI S patients.

“We just 0 ened Rainbow Apartments, which is
transitional ousing, (and we're) renovating
Solomon House for patients in the late stages of the
virus," Durnell said. Several companies — including
Central Baptist IIospital,_]oe’s Cafe & Bar, Lazarus,
the Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington Ja cees,
TurfCaterin , 104.5 FM The Cat, Z-103 an 1580
The Beat — onated $5,000 or more.

Dumell said her mission is “to do all I can to pre-
vent the spread of HIV and AIDS.”

She said there is no reason that more people
should continue to be infected.

“The key to stopping the spread is education and
good rsonal choices as well as carin for each
other, Durnell said. Durnell said in xington
alone more than 300 people could be living with

axi‘ ' - l



Greek groups
take honors

By Kathy Reding

Nam Editor

Concluding its annual Greek \Veek. the UK
Greek community honored its top chapters and
individual members Saturday night for scholastic
achievement, leadership and community service.

()verall, Alpha Delta l’i social sorority won the
lntergrcek Programming Assembly's chapter
achievement award in the sorority diVision for the
seventh consecutive year. The sorority also )ickcd
up awards tor highest chapter GPA. most c iaptcr
and individual community service and campus par»

Michelle llargis, ADI’i president, said indivrdu—
als in the chapter work on each aspect of the over—
all achievement, helping the chapter win the

“Scholarship is our main focus," llargis said.
“\\'e have our priorities straight."

She said the chapter's “consistency" sets an
example for the Greek community and helps cre—
ate coin )ctition and motivation ainon r or ’aniza—
tions. 'l‘ e achievement award goes tot e chapters
who earn the most points in the II) other catc-

For the social fraternities, Alpha ’l‘au ()mega
received the overall chapter achievement award.
The fraternity also had the most improved GPA.

Kevin joynt, A’l‘O president. said his group
hasn't finished in the top recently.

“(Saturday night) was certainly something we‘ve
been w'orkin ’ toward for the past year,",loynt said.

lie said t e fraternity revised its bylaws, com-
mittee structure and financial systems in order to
become more efficient as a chapter and recover
from debt. The fraternity also formed its own
scholarship program, accounting for the improve-
ment in GPA.

“We weren‘t happy with where we were,"joynt
said. “W'e have very bright individuals in our chap-

Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity won the
lnterfraternity Council award for the highest
chapter GPA.

Tonv Hayden, IFC president and Sigma Nu
social raternity member, won the 1997 Greek
Man of the Year award.

On the sorority side, Meg Wig ins, past Pan-
hellenic president and Delta Delta )elta member,
was named Greek Woman of the Year. Wiggins
was recognized for the UK Greek Educational
Development rogram she initiated, designed and
trained peer ediicators for.


STATE Committee avoids
vote on education plan

FRANKFORT— Rep. Freed Curd, D-Mur-
ray, caught many members off guard when he
made a motion Friday that the joint education
committee go on record favoring Gov. Paul Pat—
ton’s higher education Ian as written.

“I think it’s a bad t ing for this committee to
go on record supporting something that‘s not
even in bill form,” said Rep. Bi l Lile, R-
Louisville. “I don’t want to be painted into one
corner or another based on conjecture.”

Curd’s motion was tabled, which had the effect
of killing it and still allowing legislators to avoid a
direct vote.

Melissa Forsythe, Patton’s press secretary, said
the governor understood wh lawmakers wanted
to see the plan in a bill form fore making deci-
sions. plans to delay a May 5 special session.

Cmpiledfvwn wire reports.




2 Monday, April 21. 1997. Kmnu‘i’i Kmu'l




April 22.


Tomorrow 15

Special environmental movie nig
Featuring: “Medicine Man" and the brief
documentary ”Now or Never!“
Then, join us for a special candlelight vigil frond
9:15-9:45 in the Student Center
Free Speech Area.
Admission and Popcorn are Freel




arth Dal):I


By Chris Easterling

Spurn [ulnar

GAINF.SVILI.F., Fla. ~ L'Is'
found itself two games out of third
place in the Southeastern Confer-
ence headin r into this weekend’s
series with F orida.

Ifthe Cats could capture Z-of-i
from the 23rd—ranked Gators at
NicKethan Stadium at Perry Field,
it would leave them in good shape
for a berth in the SEC Baseball
Tournament with only three con—


fL‘i‘Ci’lCt‘ SCI‘iCS U) g0.


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Friday, April 25 at 8 p.m.

The Brewery in Louisville
426 Baxter Ave.
(502) 583-3420

The Brewery and all

Ticket Master outlets or charge by phone at
(606) 28l-6644

But there was one small prob—
lem for the “'ildcats in this pic—
ture — Florida is also fighting for
its playoff life. And Florida is liv-
ing life a tad easier today after fin—
ishingr off a three—game sweep of
the Cats with a 184) win yester-

The Gators (37—17 overall, It)—
11 in the SEC) have pulled into a
tie with Vanderbilt for third place
in the Eastern Division. Florida
will need some help from the rest
of the conference in order to
secure the East’s final berth.
Vandy owns the tie—breaker with
the Gators because of its 3—0 mark
against UF this season.

“Obviously, Coach Lopez did a
great iob of regrouping his teaiii
this week." his coach Keith ,\ladi~-
son said. “He pushed some good
buttons. shook up his starting
rotation. He made some good
moves and it really paid off for

.'\s for the \Vildcats. their post-


season hopes have been all but


the Kernel.
Call 257-2


The Campus Calendar is a free. service whit It appears in the Monday edition ol the l\'eiitn< to her nvl

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eliminated after the sweep. The
Cats fall to [3—1—4 overall, 6‘15
in the conference. They find
themselves now four games
behind the Gators and Vanderbilt.
which makes a return trip to the
postseason less that imminent.

But Madison said he thinks L'ls'
still has a chance to get into the

UK appeared to have hope
early on yesterday to pull out the
final game of the series when lead—
off hitter David Cheatle reached
base on an error. He eventually


Spring Broke: (:ats
stumble in Florida

scored on a wild pitch by Gator
starter .\iatt .\icClendon to give
UK a 1-“ lead.

But the Gators had yet to bat,
which needless to say, had been
the Cats' downfall in the first two
games in Florida.

It didn't take long for Florida
to wipe out what was L'K‘s only
second lead of the series. And who
else would it be to end the \Vild—
cats' nirvana than Brad \Vilkerson,

The l‘)‘)-i Kentucky high
school player of the year from
()wenslroro's A )ollo High School
plagued the “i dcat pitching staff
all series, and yesterday was no
different as he doubled in ”Mid
Fckstein to tie the score at l— l.

\Vilkerson was 9-for-1] with
five runs batted in and five runs
scored for the series. 3Art

Jar“; a.

, u um(thru’?inid-Juti'e)

l llll'r I lllll Ill.lll flirt ri/.i/rs/s
Art Museum llIIII i. _"i

I \IIII‘rlI l/tlti llllt ‘I.rs/tr Ill
limit (In (rt/It 1 Iron ll\'
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l\ll|l'r|l lie/Ill) In Instill fir/ll
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l\llll‘.|l ‘iiii llllll
lurr/ (It llll.lll list/wilt a
MI ‘luseiim llllll’

ll'ltl it


-SAB Randall Gallery: Crystal Heis.
BFA Senior Exhibition, 257 Student

Photos and Mixed Media by Young
Kim, MFA exhibition; FREE (thru 5/09)

Priewman ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, 12:10pm, 320 Rose St; 255-

Career Center Orientations: MMJ'
8:30am or Tues a: Thurs 2:00pm (thru

TUE DAY 4/22

-EXHIBrr: Kentucky Countess: Mona
Bismarck In Art 3 Fashion , UK Art

.... 440M- 4 .

7§sOpm. 206 Stud

8:00pm So: \liirleiil (

LE on I?)
-Center for. s , ..

. ‘ ,V m
Scale Turbulent Quid Ft

327 McVey flail .1 are?


I .ireer
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\(rilxplat e Illlll.irii
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,- 12:00pm.

. .* a?“ '
tr Workshod: ‘How to,
Find Government Ernployment.’
1:00pm, 201 Mathews Bldg,-

\ ll it)

_ 7-2746

iii lllt
jot ‘Iallir \\\


(1 State.

it , Committee Meeting,
Board Rm, 203 Stude

' l
yior-l‘lail, .
A ldent's loo 1


aim, Jefferson Johnson, con-
ductor. 8:00pm. Singietaiy Ctr, . i‘ l
Concert Hall; mm: . ,.

m ulnar; Sevotion a: "
Lunch (31 all you caricat). 12:1 ..- t
429 Columbia Ave;257-59891 i; . . _
‘ ' i '. '5 it. a a .. presents'ldols of the
-' ' . About the '
Thursmy lJve , . l'_ e en , e, spo y
502”Ooiumbia Ave; 25 °' m


33'»: . a. I; ‘


Singletarthr Regeptidn t-,- . . ‘


foraflay 1:1" 0"...
' ' ‘ {‘SAd

Spirit, 8:00pm.
‘Arts Bldg; Paid


. r'rrrrl
»_ .ritrl

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I' ner ai the Dorm.
Hall Oak’Room;

i: votngierarxcu.

‘liislirn gludenf Ass
. ||l \lirrttriltli

International ('liiistian lellousiiip
' ,' lllltillt

Hose \l .Illll Iv'ose lll


'Sunday 4/2 7


' -All
2 Kenzie.

. I‘ll i flint

l\ttlllltll|.l Iloiise roi

., Univ ~
. 502 '1 .

ng of the i
and,’ bi

mt Dept.

'12:00pm. Peal Gallery

riortn; raise


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s‘aoll: Fossum in .~.


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Ouignol‘ ehtre. Arts


/27)s " t
. *;


M .A"l A

: George

Symphony. y;
‘Bb‘ulden, conducltgfi:00pm.s
, .51 ngletary gr, ‘Coj'icert Hall: rim:


i ,

~Newmnn Center Catholic Mas, 9:00
& 1 1:50am, 5:00 a: 8"


-CII flan Strident Pdlowollip

Praise 1 léOOam.
bia Ave; 235-0513
»- ems“? at“
I Lu; W "
uh. 1:00-5:00pm, Alumni

33%,; if

ball vii-3deorgia, 2:00pm;

Thu Did Annual

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udent Ctr;


Free Food, Drink, and Music!!!

Thurs, Apr. 24

Noon until 2pm
Student Center Putlo














~ “taro-w


.-\_ is?! r


22-: =





in a







 "ml Present ThiaCoupon When
You Buy One Dozen
Sanchez 8 I083 II °°" Bagels
,- “°" ' And Get Six More or
3 Our Regular Varieties
f n 3 FREE!
‘ LamrurpucmNomoflmu-ply
. Ingletal'y enter ”WW-W
, on) Lil-mt!
1 Nichotaavlilo Rd. 90.. Open Mon. “rough Fri. 6:30-7
r By Jeremy 3090!! what to say'to the crowd, the Mex- UK ”.6 3! Sat. 7-6 Sun. 8—4
1 Stafanter ican-Airierican nianibero knew Cantu Explrumm
‘ ‘ exactly when to say nothing and
'l he energetic Spotlight onjazz just play. And although Sanchez
season ended with a bang as The did some virtuous soloing, by no
Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band means did he eclipse the rest of
left a salsa-hungry Singletary Cen- the band.
1 [er crowd craving more on Satur- Led by pianist David Torres, it
day night. performed more than two hours of
\f Poncho Sanchez and his octet music centered on the danceable
played everything from the stan~ polyrhythrns of Sanchez, Ramon
dard Caribbean salsas and mam- Banda (timbales) and Jose
bos to bebop—influenced Afro- Rodriguez. The three iercussion-
Cuban jazz. Ending their set with ists stood behind a bulwark of
I a medley that included renditions more drums than you can shake a
: ofjames Brown and “Oye Como stick at — it's no wonder they use
‘ Va,” the group had most of the their hands.
1 diverse crowd —— Sanchez com— Rodriguez’s performance was
mented that it “looked like the one of the highlights of the show.
1 world" —- dancing in the aisles. He played bongos, a cowbell and "EN“! MM! Kemlmff
. Q“ a d?)' when most. PQPUI?” numerous 9th" PCWUSS'U“ "‘SWU‘ MAMBII lilies Poncho Sanchez and his onet ended SAB‘; Spotlight on ]azz
; mu5ic considers a percusswmst lit- ments. Sanchez even gave reason m grand style with their entertaining brand ofLatinjazz.
j tle more than a human Rodriguez his seat at the congas .
metronome, Latin music has con— for a portion of the show, and cal consequence, though. thev floor in the Singletary Center.
tinually honored the percussionist quite honestly Rodriguez showed made up for in flair. Dancing back Still, it was refreshin to see a
as a talented craftsman, if not a every bit as much talent as and forth throughout the show thousand overdresse , middle—







' WHL , .-.4.


gifted artist.

With three Grammy nomina-
tions, an impressive discography
and a worldwide touring schedule,
Sanchez is perhaps the most dis—
tinguished conga player in Latin
music today.

Better than knowing exactly



As Latin jazz goes, the band's
horn section played an overall
subdued and lackluster role with
the exception of the occasional
saxophone/flute solo by Scott

What the horns lacked in musi-

W ... .- van-«v --41-¢a ..


when they weren‘t playing. They
even did some orchestrated horn-
swinging during the James Brown
num )er.

The only real downfall of the
group’s performance was the
restricting environment of
assigned seats and lack ofa dance

aged men and women sipping
()‘Doul's and dancing in front of
their seats.

Saturday was Sanchez’s Lexing—
ton debut, and though the band
travels all over the world playing
its hot Latin jazz, no time is too
soon for an encore performance.

Ali plays dual roles as jester and King

By Dan O'Neill
Art: Editor

Americans and Africans by informing the igno~


Kenluih Kernel, .llomldi. .‘luguir 3]. 19V" 8









20% 0": when lltlll show your tilt in.



Offer good or all lorarrons Suede, leather and other disrounis extluded


2: ' 1 *‘k‘k‘kI/Z (out office) The rich tradition of music within commu—
' . iiities also intertwines in the form of an extrav— .
To When I get to Africa, we gonna get If on, agant concertjames Brown, BB. King and the GOld Dlscounts
_ because we don’t get along.’ I'm gonna eat him up Spinners all make appearances at the pre-fight
96 Ifyou think the world was surprised when .‘V’ixon festival. Complete with their dancing
’5 resigned, wait till I kick Foreman it behind. entourage to accompany the chanting tribes- $50 80 1 5o
—.MuhammadA/i men, the entertainers add to the film's outra-

l geously fun atmosphere.

That’s just a sample of the outspoken yet \Vritcrs Norman Mailer and George Plimp-
ei- often oetic words of Muhammad Ali, which ton. who covered the fight, serve as the two




[IE or "IE lillili Muhammed Aliflexe: a right
hand for a group of Zaire tribal people in the
excellent documentary ‘When We Were Kingr.’

perva e much of the stirring documentary
When We Were Kings.

The film recounts the famous “Rumble in
the Jungle," in which the aging Ali takes on the
youthful brute and heavyweight champion
George Foreman in Zaire, Africa. Beginning
with a variety of press conferences with Ai
s outing off classic quote after classic quote,
t e film quickly shifts to his arrival in Zaire and
the trainin process. All alon , Ali and promot-
er extraor inaire Don King Eeep their mouths
running non-stop, to the joy ofeveryone.

But the film is more than Ali talking smack;
it details his importance as a political figure,
and the event’s significance in history.

As Spike Lee, one of the film’s narrators,
pointed out, “There was a time that if you
called a black man an African you better be
ready to fight.”

In art, the film chronicles how the fight
helpe break down this barrier between black

central narrators. l‘iach provide insightful and
intiui.ite commentary on the fight and the
main players involved. One instant they'll
speculate on how King's hair got into its
upright position and the next they’ll offer a
revealing story of King's persona.

Much of the film's success comes from this
ability to balance humor with historical fact. In
that regard, it achieves a simplistic beauty simi-
lar to the documentary Hoop Dreamy, only
doing so in halfthe time.

Ali's magnetic personality, the phenomenal
historic value of the event and the documen-
tary’s intense structure make this an accessible
and enjoyable film, regardless of individual

It’s only fitting to close with another taste of
the champ’s own pleasantly imposin words:
“Only last week, I murdered a rock. njured a
stone. Hospitalized a brick. I’m so mean, I
make medicine sick!"

Seniors! Our Representatives Last


Kennedy Book Store
Mon & Tues Only April 21-22

Visit To Campus

to be in this movie.

The best moments in 8 Heart in
a Duffel Bag come from Pesci and
two med students he

debut as the man with l’esci’s
heads. Kristy Swanson, George
Hamilton and Dyan Cannon are

’ ”llllfll bag a 900" place




‘ “mi“

lfll‘ the IIIIOI‘ ‘3 "8308'

man loses eight severed heads at
the airport? That’s the question
posed in the new comedy 8 Head:
in a Dujgel Bag.

Joe esci stars as the hitrnan
(big sur rise) whose luggage gets
switche with a college student’s
on his way to meet his girlfriend’s
parents. Pesci then must retrieve
and deliver the heads, or else lose
his own.

tempo pace is a major asset. Over-
all, however, the movie’s bad
points outweigh the good.

The most disappointing aspect
ofgifted screenwriter Schulman’s
debut is the weak script. He fills
the story with an overabundance
of subplots and ultimately comes
off as repetitious. Schulman recy-
cles the same jokes over and over,
ruining any semblance of what was

all passable portray-
ing the family
Cameau goes to meet.

Pesci is excellent as
always, but it’s hard
to understand why he
does movies like this.
With his perfor-
mances in movies like
Goodfellar and Raging
Bull, Pesci has shown
that when at his best




(01‘t Offh’e)
‘8 Head: in a
Duffel Bag’

Orion Picture:

kidna s, dplayed by
Davi Spa e and Todd

None of them stands Louiso. Spade plays the

1 By Matt Muicahay directorial debut with this hit-and- out, but that’s not t same character as he
Stafan'tit miss comedy. surprising, consider— does in every film, but

. 8 Head: in a Duffil Bag has its ing the one-dimen- it’s a funny one
What happens when a mob hit- moments, and the movie’s up- sional roles offered. nonetheless. He, along

with Louiso, who