xt7zs756ht1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756ht1h/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/42 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing May 28, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing May 28, 1940 1940 2019 true xt7zs756ht1h section xt7zs756ht1h r -.w' . *-. I ""j -‘
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Federal WorksA enc - John M. Carmod ,Administrator Vol.1 No.42 - Ma 28,1940 U. S. Housm Authorlt - Nathan Straus,Adm|nIstrator
C F Palmer Elected R 1 H St d h NAH O
' ' ura OUSlIlg I‘6SS6 y
New NAHO PreSIdent I 3 1 M t. t Pott ] I
At the business session concluding the I]. nnua ee lng a 1 S urg
Ei hth Annual Meetin of the National As- . . . .
g- ~ ~ g - The first seSSion of the Eighth Annual ing movement for its own success, perhaps
soc1ation of Housmg OIfiCials, C. F. Palmer, . . . . . . .
' - . Meeting of NAHO (held in Pittsburgh May tor the success of its continued eXistence,
Atlanta busmessman and Chairman of the 7. 4 . . .
- - - 3- , , 19—18) was devoted excluSively to rural must quickly find some way by which to
Housmg Authority of the City of Atlanta, . . . . . . ,,
' was elected President for the coming year housmg'. Gathered in the ballroom of the begin to meet the rural housmg Situation.
The new list of officers follows ' Hotel William Penn, several hundred hous— .
P 'd t C F P 1 Ch . ' H . ing‘ officials from all parts of the country Dr. LOUISE Stanley
res1 en : . . a iner, airman, ousmg _ , . - _ , ,
) .1 ts . .
Authority of the City of Atlanta. 35511156313211.25255153521525.5315 £53.:ng Dr- Lou... Stanley, Chief of the Bureau
Vice Presidents; George E, Evans, Chair— )roblem of Home Economics, U. S. Department of
man, Housing Authority of the City of l ' Agriwlturei was the DEX'C speaker.
Pittsburgh. Edward Weinfeld, New York Dr. W W Alexander In her discuss10n of farm housmg, she
State Commissioner of Housing. H . _ , . made extenswe use of the data from the
' Board of GovernorS' Adlhe Administratgl 0f ghelFal-m Security Farm-Housmg Survey of 1934, the farm
' . . ministration ad resse tie meetin' as _
Nathan Straus, Administrator of USHA. follows “I think erha s there ma be Eome part of the Consumer Purchases Study, car
John Fahey, Chairman, Federal Home . ‘ 'fi ’ _ . t1 pf ‘01:] t tl fi'yt f _ l ¥16d on by the Bureau Of Home Economics
Loan Bank Board. 518“} canfutll'n iefac 1a, 1e 15 {101”}; in cooperation With the National Resources
. . sessmn o 115 con erence is concerne Wi -
Bleecker Marquette, Consultant, Cincm- Rural Housing Board, and also referred to 51190131 data on
‘ nati Metropolitan Housing Authority. “I think most of the co le don’t al' farm homes in sub—'margmal areas: collected
Nicola Giulii, Chairman, Housing Author— p P ' 1‘9 128 by the Farm Security Administration.
ity of the City of Los Angeles. the POVel’ty Of 0111‘ farm POPUIaUOn- Rural In farm areas, Dr. Stanley pomted out,
C.-E. A. Winslow, Chairman, The Housing housmg Is for 13891318 least able to express you do “Qt buy or. rent a home, but a 'farm.
A th st . f th C't f N H the need f01 housmg and least able to sup- The house goes With the land. The kind of
u Oiiyo e iyo ew aven, th . Ith'kth . fth .
and Chairman, Committee on the Hy— DOI‘ ousmg. 1T1_ e experience 0 e house the farm Will support depends upon
giene of Housing American Public last 2 years has conVinced us that the hous- (Continued on next page)
Health Association. 7M. , u rs .. ,1 "r M_ , .
James L‘ StephenSOH’ Executive Dn‘eCtorv ; A'LgtmlEN‘t (own Housmc AUTHORI‘IY
. Housmg Authority of the City of Dallas.
W. W. Alexander, Administrator of the 7! W, ‘ ”fiat
Farm Security Administration. ;’ ' $1,,“ , 7 .L, , 37:33
Ernest J. Bohn, Director, Cleveland Met- i M‘ 43333th
ropolitan Housing Authority. . ,_ We”??? _
Miles L. Colean, Director, 20th Century 4’2}. ; ' WW
. Fund Housing Survey. ”a... ..- . _ .,..-.,..,“‘?_.,.,,.c._w__-7 “MM. , . . f‘mt‘ A U ---.
Jesse Epstein, Executive Director, Hous— , é ‘ ‘ , 7 ', " ’
ing Authority of the City of Seattle. , ’ , ,(_,«,,~»7,3;§ ”134% m
. . . - ’7‘; ' ’0’ / , ,
Col. L. Kemper Williams, Chairman, Hous- _ '3 “55‘3’5' M~ " r M! u
ing Authority of New Orleans. .’, I M ' . ‘
Carleton F. Sharpe, Manager of Green 3 . i a ..
Hills, Cincinnati, and Chairman of Man— ' 1:7 ., tax! I I w
agement Division of NAHO. ~ 2 , '3 f} .
Director of NAHO: Coleman Woodbury. = V7... ' ””0‘”)’»{’»2-:£,§7 .. ,- , “a;
- - ,, “Men/e, Mme, ; «Me-,4,» V,» "veg, ' y,n,;;,,, _Mu-,M7‘ M7;
Ass15tant Director of NAHO: Edmond ‘ MM, ..,_«”£,*‘";,,,“,,”,) 3‘
Hoben. Chief of Field SerVice of NAHO: ‘i , " ,m “9,,” we. . 1- .. ,M; 4,},ng
I car} Henry Monsees‘ / - “a,""efiwéa‘i‘géwfiw,aa’hramaez%ifiz{we =
fhe Management D1Vis10n of N AHO, in ,# ,g,“lm;i;i,¢€§§rw 23:94 3?"? 7 am% ' M? MyaMégg
its First Annual Meeting, elected the fol— :M‘” MW,,,WM Jr“. 1%»
lowing officers: 74$,«.,§”%Wmn , M,WWWM (
Carleton F. Sharpe of Cincinnati, Chair— , V , ' ' ' ’ ' ' ~ .1 " ””1
. . . w, ,.,, M.
man; B. J. Hovde of Pittsburgh, Vice—Chair— , . ./ , / . , , A [LEG H E NY COUNTY W NM” ;,:,.~Mw,.M-M,~..,z_:,,g
man. Members of the Executive Council, hm..,,WWW..WM " wfl~xwzw§e,,wm S;
. 3—year term, Abraham Goldfeld of New ”7“* H0 U C j 9“: g A U T H F R i {T $3,233,,me ~, g: ' ’2 njt" HY
York and Raymond A. Voigt of Milwaukee; if: , , .,,l - 5 ~ i i =, J w , ‘ M :‘”‘:i‘ “’1.
for ”5,119 Z'Yeal' term: Llonel Al'tls 9f Indlal?‘ Miss Barbara ROSIen, ASSIStant Secretary of the Los Angeles housing author-
apolis and J. Stanley Raffety of Cincmnati; . . . . . . .
for the 1-year term, Eugene Oppermann of ity, Views the Allegheny County Housmg Authority exhibit at annual N AHO,
Detroit and James L. Stephenson of Dallas. meeting in Pittsburgh. UK LIBRARJES

 the fertility of that land and the farm in- ——‘M No single factor is more responsible for
come. The farmhouse must be large enough Managers’ Division Meeting today’s migraucy than the increasing mech-
to take care of the full family ‘cycleffrom The First Annual Meeting of the Man— anization of . our farmswtractors, trucks,
one generation to another. , It is adv1sable, arers’ Division h ld 'n P'tt bu h tl pickers, combines, cultivators, graders, shell-
therefore, for farm homes to have at least g . ’ e 1 ,1 s. rg on ie ers, listers, and harvesters. Handling a
three bedrooms. two days prior to NAHO 5 Eighth Annual lar _ tl y - 11
. . , gei acreage ian manpov er econonnca y
Farm owners in general have better hous- Meeting, Will be fully reported m the next could, they are obviating the need for men. . .
ing than tenants. This varies with condi— issue 0f PUBLIC HOUSING (N0. 43): as While the mechanization of farms in the
tions of tenancy and length of tenure. Win the round—table diSCUSSiOHS held on East and Middle West is prying farmers
Farm operators have better housing than May 16. loose from their homes, increasing mechan-
croppers,croppers better than farm laborers. ization in the western areas to which these
. Facilities are much more difficult to obtain in case an agricultural expansion should farmers flee is fast lowering the number of
in rural housmg than they are in either Vil- prove desirable; they should also be near migratory workers needed year by year,
lage or City housmg. An indoor water sup— adequate transportation lines. Location is crop by crop. Even now, not more. than
ply depends on income, availability of water, therefore much more iin t ’ one-hall. of all the migratory families in the
p . . . , por ant than the .
and an access1ble supply of electriCity. Of price of land. Nation are able to find work.
the variousfaCilities, €166?“th varies the It is desirable to create some local organ— Three TYPCS Oi. “01‘5ng Needed
least With income, as it is almost wholly - t‘ 'tl r n s . t' _ A r 1 f _ h . t . t
dependent upon accessibility of power lines. iaa ion, e1 ie a a socia ion or a coopera 113 piogrann or ousmg our ranSien
tive boaid, fOi the puipose of handling the thousands therefore must prov1de hous1ng
Consumer Purchases Study project. Projects resulting in a cooperative of three types. First, housing of a semi-
Dr. Stanley exhibited several charts and relation are producing a high standard of temporary nature, to care for the immediate
maps prepared from data collected in the living, a more intelligent and understanding needs of part—time seasonal workers in any
Consumer Purchases Study. (The charts Citizenry, and children will grow up to be given locality, and second, housing else-
and figures will be published in forthcoming an asset far in excess of the actual cost of where, perhaps, for these same workers dur-
reports of the Bureau of Home Economics.) the dEV31013111‘3htS» ing that part of the year in which they are
She called attention to the following facts: LC H I( ‘1, not employed. Such housing would at pres—
Of the median income groups in various 0n - eysel lng ent be needed for a maXimum of some
areas, an indoor water supply served more Leon H. Keyserling, Deputy Administra- 5004““) persons.
than nine—tenths of the group in Vermont, tor and General Counsel of the USHA, the Third, as IOI‘ housing the other 500,000 01'
New Jersey, and California; four—fifths of third speaker at the morning session, after more transients, we h‘IUSt consider that they
the group in Oregon—Washington had an mentioning the tremendous need for rural cannot be 01355911 as migratory workers
indoor water supply; three-fourths in Penn- housing, said that a widespread housing JhSt because they are migratory and W0111d
sylvania—Ohio and Michigan—Wisconsin; program brings an alliance of capital, labor, like to work These people tht be absorbed,
one—half in Illinois—Iowa and North Da— and materials toward the end of economic 501119110W, into the national economy. Uhtii
kota—Kansas; one-third in South Dakota— advancement. a program is evolved specifically to aid this
MontanaAColorado; one—sixth in the Caro- In addition, the urban housing program 110W apparently unneeded group, they 111USt
linas and one-sixteenth in Georgia— needs to be joined by the rural program be- be cared for $01116110W- The problem Of this
Mississippi. cause (1) a combination of the two would group 1e as important to the well-being Of
It was found in the course of the Study help to cut construction costs. In rural the Nation as is the problem 0f housing the
that plumbing facilities varied more from housing there are no building codes, no pat- numbers of migrant workers upon whom a . .
one community to another than from one tern of city life to which we must conform. type 0f agriculture depends.
income group to another. Experimentation is, therefore, more feasible, Living Conditions of Migrants
For a picture 0f rural slums, data were ahd we may hope that lowered co§ts Will That the need for housing is present
obtained from a study made by the Farm result. (2) The rural program W111 have throughout the Nation can be seen in a
Security Administration of 50 sub-marginal more to contribute than the .urban program momentary review of the conditions under
families in 11 counties in 9 States. Four toward cutting down SUb51fiJes by lower which the migrants live. We find the ini-
counties reported that from 25 to 68 percent COStS and greater tenant maintenance. (3) grant workers in the cranberry bogs of New
of the homes studied had no toilets whatso- The devebpment of the _1nd1v1dua1 house fits JerseV in housing consisting of crude bar—
ever; 15 percent had sanitary outdoor toilets. 111t0 the general thinking 0f the average racks, designed to house from 10 to 30 fain-
The most usual source of water was a Spring American better than group dwellmgs- (4)_ ilies, without bathing or laundry facilities.
01‘ an open well—only 6'4 percent Of these The rural program offers the prospect 0i Down in Florida we find typical housing for
springs 01‘ wells were properly enclosed; increasing the role 0f home ownership in migrants to consist of a l4-room shelter,
93.2 percent of the families use kerosene CODHECthh With the PUth housing program. each room containing a family numbering
lamps; 31 percent had electricity. . - from 2 to 10 people. For each 4 to 8 such
$300 a Year Cash Income Jesse EPSteln shelters, the common practice is to have a i
. , _1 A paper (“Housing Migrant Agricultural single open-pit toilet. The agricultural
At the CONCIUSIPH Of Dr. Stanley 5,81)?“ 1’ Labor”) prepared by Jesse Epstein, Execu- communities of Texas, during the harvest
P12 Alexander said that 1’800’000 faiin am- tive Director of the Housing Authority of season, become “open camps” with a huge
ilies have gross incomes of less thinfia5010 the City of Seattle, was read before the fluctuating migrant population deprived of
per year, according to 3‘3““ OF giicu _ conference by Ellis Ash, Assistant Director facilities for washing, bathing, or cooking,
tural Economics data. Since thls 3‘39““ of the Seattle authority. A condensation In Arizona we find housing for cotton pick—
includes what they pay for taxes, ferti meg; of this paper follows. ers to consist of deserted chicken sheds and
and seed required on the farm, the” cas Today the average American citizen knows barns. Eight or ten families were found in
income is probably less than $300 per year. that there is such a thing as a wandering one barn, with rough rag partitions for pri—
' army 0f homeless, part-time .iObleSS Ameri— vacy, and sleeping on the bare dirt floor.
NIaJOI‘ JOhn 0' Walker cans, seeking food, shelter, and economic In Arkansas and Kentucky, we can see
Major John 0. Walker, Director of the security. Before the migratory labor prob— strawberry-picking families living in tents
Resettlement Division of the Farm Security lem can be coped with, a complete under- which are frequently improvisations of
Administration, was the next speaker on the standing of the causes of migrancy, as well sticks and canvas. Other families sleep in
program. After sketching briefly Farm as its nature, must be reached. their “jalopies” or trailers, or out under the
Security Administration’s experience with With the coming of the drought to the trees. Camps in Washington State are nota-
Rural Housing, Major Walker said that Middle West, combined with the cumulative bly without water facilities, which means
there are certain discoveries made thus far effects of agricultural mechanization in all no bathing, no washing, no toilets, and . .
which are worthy of note. (1) Families re- parts of the Nation except the southeastern drinking water at 5 cents a bucket, prepaid.
spond exceedingly well to the improved States, the numbers of migratory workers Whetheremployer housing can be areality
standards of living made possible in new increased by leaps and bounds—the national prior to the stabilization of the now chaotic
homes. (2) Projects built to attract indus- total is now estimated at over a million, half migratory labor situation, depends upon the
try should be located near good farm land of them in California. (Continued on next page)

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F3” ’ “,v""f’; “If,“ “3;” Egg; 33m. , _ ,4 ,. V.
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n?» »' - tffence in Ifiifilay at themg and insties and
; ‘ ”’2’fo 3Q _ ’r‘VmL-tz : ; . 1 re . u '
y. Waw~ £0161 housmg alstburgh. A Lent NAHOCcthe
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' . ”I 3%}5‘4” y M 2 fig Keorla’ Ill'—Ren d then exhibits
I , r; /%:=v; ; V 2 a» t e -
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. , Z 12L 3 ; 2% 4*f':,Aj;,".‘,§i:_:f:/xf;, .V (”a g ters’ cialth haZarSt had bee‘n dssrles of pi:
EV ~ .. i ; 3’2? “ illust mPS- Pi S grOwing he to elim'
- 2' , V 1" ' WW rate 3 - . Ctures, Out of 1'
..__ ‘- 51 é“ i c 4 i): qgestiOHabllrmClpal healtvlv ere 21150 u Squat_
g- ’3 W g . g dISposal, andwae” Suppl; hazarsd 33% to
.. Kg ”r #2-“ “g , ; if Hammond 1:; OSure. ‘ , Inadequate was?
The w w; , _ "“w , M; g Akron 0’ - '_TW0 ar- . e
eXhlblt ,. ”Mun Ne the entire 1 . Sketche ngs.
at NAH ’ ”W”{W“’“a w York - prOJect S of
by t O S annu l . %« @flfl %ackgr0uh d Cnty,_011 - play
Wil ' (Co v he - a m . % Ous ‘ Were an 01-
thelilggness of 211:1“? from Page 9) 01110 WP A A feetlng featul‘ d yghvfi built egjreHarlem £12111th 1313:1111? and b11163
. Therlelailncial abilgtgjyers, as :Nen 1t Project 8 Cooperative Three adfiisi’t-QueellstidI—éousfiis: nlespgf E‘jrst
111g mi‘ as been 1. - as “Do C WOl‘k Were alc .101131 pr . e, and R 0 Te.
grant 1tt1e s n O “0 dls 1 OJect ed H
te ‘ Wol- . tat ~ 111 . P . paye 5 yet 00k
0 mumty R to be
. gilly thioé‘lfiigratoyfiggomy deIiizcale 1n_ DISCu SS d elathnS ings amt Mich._rl§;NYA table mod 1
arm Se 6.9131 GOV 01-f01. its e .5 upon T} 8 At Cle a Series of f) 1aI‘ge CO] e ,
any mea cunt-V Ad ‘e-rnmeht t XIStenCe 3 1e 00mm ' M66 ' pr ' “Hand 01' Slte Plan ored dra
‘ Sul‘abl mlnlst ’ ’ 1'11‘0u h ' 101't w uhlty P _ tln OJectS ’ I‘m—p S. W-
mlgratol e ste 1"atlon g the th as Dre ~elat1 g 5111361.: hoto
‘y W ps tow , has 6 tw Sented Ons Co , 0f the . lmpo graph ‘
gun in orkers ard the h taken 0 aftern and dis “111111;th H Clty_ L 58d 0n a 1 S of .3 PW
States 1935 has' A Camp ouSing of The Com Coll meetin CUSSed at re. 011185, and v arge dra ‘ a1-g8_SC 1 A
— - - ' gs 0 One f Vall , . ngs a e ma
fornia WaShln~ now s program b as 111d d' mumty 1-e1 - 11 Ma r 0- Cor e3 V1 0f W D
A - gton O Dread t e- If 11 mg f -. atloh y 1.3_ a Dus CI _ _ ew H01 00d H‘1
tua ’ . r-IZOHa ’ rego 0 Se 165 ha 7- _ aqht' 5 field 11d “af ‘ ’ gist] n . hes. 1 IS
getjlllgr It .15 plénizgazl and $1 OifiighO, 0:1? and gegelffl to do wiltefi’l :91‘vices,‘::sddefined Vantagetsleléf Plotuéesl :tl'glntermr “b
. With F at 1 a. ‘ ‘ 1nsid Welf‘ . 'Cl‘eat‘ acti _ ' Su ’ a d' efo 7y
Ca S , t Ev e ale Ion v T1 per- _ 1a re
’0' re for 50m A S hOme t hese Cam en- Exclu 'and Outsid of the Col ’ education 01 IOmaS C01 block Plan gram of “ad-
111mg. In C 8 21,000 fals {fad projecgjs’ t0_ tiVit'81ve Of ind'edthe hOUSi nmunlty bot}; GEE 0f dilapidlhty’ Ga T Illng-n
10 011st. . ni‘ s - 165, 1vi , ng ,_ . ’ a ’ ate: '— wo
$11321? providelgfilhg‘ the];s 2:: any éfivéfi fined Witsfilqh prograaml’s Duvate DESI-lift but tl‘atigfivgnUPSH A; (1:135:11 housifizwihmodels
fracti ', medical east tem lnps’ FS A Load 1.81%. mum--97.!) are Prim _ y ac— B UBLIC H rul‘al ho , e 0the’
on Of th ’ and s ‘ porarV h - 00m - lons- T up and ‘ army C0 Oston OUSING me (See - 1”
$13th 6 migr Oclal faC-li . OuSIhg . mlttee On he rep“ inter—nel- I 11- slumS ’ MaSS_ . , No_ 33 lllus-
L FSA‘ aspect of ants. Th" _1 ltles f0~ ’ 111g Dro‘ Commu _ 1t by th 9 Lboq; C1 y COUStru _' Elghte ).
hop the 15 15 th 1 a DOin Jects mty Rel ‘ e NAHO ~13rts g Ctlo“ a en Pict
ers, and *es’ throu IprograhL E e ether" Of ts; (1) T] elnDhaSiZQd at10115 in] $129 an’d 'raphsv Stat; -nd finish d 111395 0f
of the F "hrough 1871' gl'Ou . Ventuall Social 3. 181-9 is n the f 10.115_ meome lstlCS of e Droje
anc plng‘ f y (2) Nd 1'6 . ' eed Of OHOW . 1(110x . ’ Const ‘ . rental Cts_
tO be arn1 Plac 111g 0f 1 0 \Voflv The a Clea/510 eal’ly 111g d - Vllle T luctlon - 5; fan ~
able t e”lent s .1CprCen + . " thos - “thomt n Space Plannh . erlugs ’ elm—1 VIEWS nly
A11 th 0 guide eere- ““matnve .e 111 the y shOuld and fa ' - -1g 0 ' nterio - ‘
at farm 111 each 5 Catlo1 001nm . 56cm- .cflltles muha v 1' Vlew
grant a . We kno Worke . Camp M 1’ rem—e . unlty 1. ‘3 advm - , New. . S and r
~ gncm W of th 1‘ n11 . : Oder atIOn eSDOns'b e from Jack . ‘—Dls en.
rung h tul‘al W e hou . gratIOn sh n hOUSi :and Com 1 1e for “H SOI‘Vllle play of
fifth as been OrkErs j Smg 0f 1 -' eltel‘, but ng shOuld munity l'f edu_ 0u5111g' ’ Fla-—St‘ news 011 '
year of made, W S that a 111- be th . pl‘OVis' be mo~ 1 e. (3) panel b 111 Our T' 1115 fro pplngs
gram th an en e ar . begin- ‘ ’e Prlm . 1011 of 19 tha ack of “he ” , m the . '
at ‘ - 1ergel e 5961 act1V1t‘ 313’ p - good s1 n gOOd 1’1' 3 tab1 ’ were d‘ mOWe
needs of 1s tr371ng d 10y pro mg the th leg She ulpose 1elter . “ladel . 9 11101 15p1a ;
. gra em uldb . (4 Should he p11.a , (e1 of .Ved 01
thou 3' Ver espel‘at In; a - Selves - e dev 1 ) Com . 5, th . a I a,___g. the . 1 a
gh at th ltable a 91y to pro- vice of Vvlth t] e Oped b 111111111: 011 e pro-met 01X - ‘ project
mere th e Same . I‘my of meet the mana 1e encou V y the te y a large . , and a ”mules f .
an 'tlme perso Int . gement lagem “ants T aerial . Slum 0 act“ .
need H a fraction neVer abl 11s, a1- 1 he dls . ' 8111; and - Oledo 0 - VleW f Were 1V1"
' ' ' - 10us' CUS$10 - ad- lllu ’ hlo,_ 0 Phil mollnt
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ehOu ' colnpa .. 1“ 1mm - 1 SDOn - - - 110m as Stat d 161 by h r 111 ch p 13-
res‘3‘mb1 Smg- B ldble to edlate Slblhty f y cannot e that arge pla p otogl‘a h arts and
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Orke - S' The ’ llkewi n for t 01' Its t 01utlon “3 the 1‘ n on’ Te , moullted
Urban h rs Is not housin Se, the t he cit - enant Of a e— 10nta "-—P 0n
' ' - h 9 - y In S be 00mm $58 of t] I‘ogre
tr1a1 OuSmg. I .rural hou 3 0f m1gr Olltles 1 gener 1 yond the on All ~ "3 Slul SS Phot
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_ . . . _. . k 11g 3. _ McK y, 1"
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lem of an adequ- ure Whi h n that ty Ould eVeDJC elvlce. If or them ed by C" es Village . '_PiCtu1” I
. rehab. , ate labo C HOW h Pe lnent Of ually ‘ they dld to take 1 dlro, 111— . es of St
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I any Urb g and W e panel - S‘ the m tSbul‘gh’ Nels Sho - Author“
an 111 . elfare - dISCus - Odel V S pro Wing m Y)._A
istgflatehaim’ 01; 1:33: recoilg‘i‘zgin Housing Small £131; gerrfcr:‘$,1xlvith afigggphaSes
‘ 1'9 ab‘- . h - th V‘ 0 e1 1 a . 6 tab
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2“mllies Welfare P'ttSbUr 1; '_A tab] ents' and
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, V .4
ades b to 811‘15 fI‘Om

Carmt’dya Hayes Speak Cut In SubSIdy Costs Approved
At NAHO Conference I Do - At NAHO M t-

On the second day of. the conference, I]. ISCUSSIOH 66 111g
James 13,13‘3795’ Special Assistant 1:0 the AF' Subsidy reductions and R. M. and R. costs tial to our democracy, rests in a large meas- .
th:n%ati:iiiiiidealantfiltilugt “Esmfgnfintfi: were thoroughly discussed atawell—attended ure on our joint ability to produce lower
building industry, declared that restraints in sessmn of NAHO s E1ghth Annual Meeting subs1dy costs.
the building industry are more widespread 011 the afternoon 0f May 1‘3- The 59551011 - ~ - 1t. WOUId appear to be. the better
and varied than anyone imagined before the was presided over by MT. Jacob Crane, AS- part Of WISdOITl to accept the validity of Ml‘.
current Federal investigation started. In sistant Administrator, USHA. Speakers Crane’s challenge . . . it would appear
most large communities, price-fixing ar- were Warren J. Vinton, Chief Economist equally valid to accept the recommendation
rangements seem t0 illVOlve practically and Planning Ofl‘icer, USHA; O. A. Cor- to service a typical cross—section of the low—
every group connected Wlth the construction zilius, Executive Director, Columbus Metro— est family income group, since all are in
1ndustry. . u , 1 ,, politan Housing Authority; and M. L. undeniable need of housing, rather than to

The ”99011, WhlPh was Off the record, Murray, Engineer, Housing Authority of attempt to service the lowest possible level
Was highlighted “nth numerous anonymous the County of Los Angeles; Leon H. Keyser— obtainable by the application of the maxi-
IHUStraEIOIIS Of cases now In the Attorney ling, Deputy Administrator of USHA, sum— mum subsidy.

Generals files. , marized the discussion. “Finally, it seems the better part of wis-

The conference was clnnaxed by_a ban- Reporter for the session was Philip M. dom for local authorities to approach a con—
quet, at Wthh Federal Works Administrator Klutznick, Assistant Director, Housing Au- sideration of this subject without the desire
JOhn M' Carmody was the‘princ1pal speaker. thority of the City of Omaha. Extracts to build maximum reserves for impregnable
Mr. Carmody said that adequate housmg from Mr. Klutznick’s report follow: security against the potentiality of illusory ‘
for th? entire population is an important “It was uniformly agreed on the part of future hazards; rather should we expect rea-
factor m ‘preparedness’. 'All'Americans must all speakers and virtually all participants sonable safeguard and reasonable reserves, '
enjoy the necessities Of.hfe 1f thls country is in the discussion that ensued that every rea— with a flexible and elastic policy that will
toube fortified Wlthlnatlmifil tougjlmesszd‘ sonable effort should be made by both the make possible ready adjustment as needed.”
adefiitglulitoiilsiiit hi 612111.311 elgguzégzzw 2111;le United States Housing Authority and the _—
othelr needs to all, our people if we are to local authorltliias to reduce the COSt Of hous- I{ '11 H' h S h 1
demonstrate the energy the term ‘prepared— 111%Dii.,tl$ifiilo,,lf tiealspgcyéeded to illustrate IIOXVI 6 1g C 00
ness implies. the manner in which he believed future re— Gives HOIISill Pa 63111;

. . ductions might be accomplished. . . . Inso- g g
HOUSIHga Health DISCUSSCd far as debt SGI'ViCB is concerned - . - every Public housing as atheme for popular folk
' ‘ - .\ effort is being made to improve the attrac— drama is being utilized by the Austin High
At JOpilIl, M0" (.onfel BHCL tability of local authority securities,with the School for Negroes in Knoxville, Tenn.,

Through the efforts of Miss Frances Per— inevitable result that, given a normal mar- where, as the main feature of the commence-
kins, Secretary of Labor, 300 representatives ket, money rates would have a tendency to ment exercises this week, students are pre—
of Federal, State, and municipal agencies be reduced. senting the pageant, “Better Housing—Bet-
recently met in Joplin, Mo., to study health “Mr. Corzilius presented an analysis of ter Living.” The pageant has a cast of 200 .
and housing problems in the tri-State zinc Poindexter Village project, of Columbus, characters, a speaking chorus of 100 voices,
and lead mining area of Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, which disclosed a need for a near max— a singing chorus of 50 voices, and a musical
and Oklahoma. imum subsidy if the project were to avoid score written especially for the occasion.

Secretary Perkins issued invitations to the financial difiiculty. The local housing authority did not take
Conference, which the U. S. Department of “Mr. Murray stated that the question as part in the preparation of the manuscript,
Labor officially sponsored, in the hope that to whether or not this rent level should be but, when informed of the proposed pageant,
a comprehensive analysis and discussion of established in excess of the lowest possible immediately pledged complete cooperation.
problems might lead to the development of level obtainable by application of a maxi—

a coordinated program. mum subsidy is a matter of policy and not a ‘ , .

The tri-State area, about 30 miles in diam- matter of mathematics. _Charles L' V' Prins, recently. appomted
eter centering around Joplin, is mining coun— “Mr. Keyserling made it clear that the Pll‘eciol ,Of the USHA Informational Serv-
try. The communities are composed largely first step is to determine the needs of the 16? Div1s10n, has left £01.. an extended field
of jerry-built shacks, housing the miners local market and to establish a rental which trip: M1" Prins W111 V1511; projects in eV‘TJ‘Y
and their families. Silicosis, contracted by the local authority, in conference with the 7601:1011 0f the country durlng the tour, Whmh
the miners. rapidly develops into tuberculo- USHA, determines to be the rent that should ls expected to consume from 4 to " weeks.
sis which is spread and nourished by the be applied to the existing market. There- —_—“——_
flimsy, crowded houses in which the miners after a budget is determined upon and the Schedule Of Bid Opening Dates1
and their families are forced to live. The amount of subsidy computed. ——-—————————————
people are practically 100 percent hillfolk “Mr. Crane stated that the future of the Local authority and project Number of Date of bid
from the nearby Ozarks. public housing program, which is so essen— number ““5 "PM“
___— Eiloxi (Mis:.(—5~3)...)__._. 102 6—18—40

' . runswic‘ Jim—971 ___. 128 6— 4—40
WCBkly COIlStI'HCllOIl RCPOlt Brunswick (Ga.~9~2)..._i 144 6— 4—40 -
i Week ended Week ended Percentage g;bltigii,eg0(liylfgifijgjgni 3g: g:2§:38 .
a... . .r, W Ham '7 1 ”My 17' 1W] iliym‘ 1940 Change Houston ('l‘ox:i3;2)..,_: S33 (3—28—40
. , Martinsburg (\V.
Number of projects under construction 1 "ERMA”; 209 205 l —I— 1.95 “1454)-~~~~~~~—~ ’18 CF20¥40
Number of dwellings under construction 1____,___,.___i 80,882 79,784 +1.38 NI artin S l) U 1'}; (“r-
Total estimated over-ail cost 3 of new housinguux“ $358,756,000 $354,067,000 + 1.32 Vii-“6‘3-~—~-»----—-—-—- 52 6—2040
Average over-all cost 9 of new housing per unit_._,.__‘ . $4,436 $4,438 —0.05 Phoenix (Ariz.~l~3)...,_. 135 6“ 3'40
Average net construction cost 3 per unitmumuhmu $2,773 $2,775 —0.07 P1101130 Rico H- A-
! Includinv )ro'ccts‘ which have been com )lctcd ‘ (P. R,.—-3——llr,V,_._..r____,__‘ (2910 5—28—40
. TIncludt-s? in) llluilding tliclmusc, includilne structural costs and plumbing,