xt7zs756hw01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756hw01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1981 1981 1981-11-02 2020 true xt7zs756hw01 section xt7zs756hw01 «their? :‘ viewer t. if 1hr- .a ififif «a iii-‘4'? " WW ”amorht’mifii it? ‘ ' . " . . ‘

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“ warm”- in?


Vol. LXXXIV. No.55 An independent student manner since lm ”1:03“! of Kentucky pf" 1r

:;-’;‘i Monday. November 2. 1981 x m’ Kentucky 3‘

l — I-
' CHE considers eliminating 1

, ., one Of state S enta SC 00 S l, -. --
.‘ 44.] . #‘éflflhzggfé, aIII‘I' a, . _ I ; I

. . . . II .4 f a 4 4 74444 '4 444 ‘3 By JANEGIBSON Jam“ Bad", an “‘8th at “’3 have m a” other semcu at the UK a" 4.

I I, Stathriter dental school. “The only explanation Medicaloenter. ‘a '

I- 1 I. . tr. lspeopleinKentuckyarenotseeking “A lot of people interact in the ' ‘ ‘
5' II-, 241134 _ ‘i _ —-—*—-—-—-—— dental health because of a poa- medical center settirg," he said. “If ‘

I .1“ I i 1 . Ia ":9 ‘-'. I , economy. 'mat is very different than you take away one area, you create a ' ‘ .

. 7i“ , ‘I . I“ reeponse ‘° ‘5 ”We've“ we" sayingtherearetoomanydentists.” void. There could be no interaction: .
= .. , . WW 0‘ denim-‘3 m “‘9 “mt alarlee Emrich a Lexington den- between fields which is a part oi "

I.: 4 :I'4 " II . , I 4} Eunicky's 245:?“ “.133“ Educa- tlst, said, “The problem stems from education.” 4 I3 I
II . I-‘%. I . ,ggtfaed’ . a“ ' ‘ l: . I \ °" lllfncat't 'fi 9! N43443: graduating dental students con- King said reducing enrollment ‘ ~ I
, .. I I J" -, M ,t - 422' mag“; 44447: “‘9 gt-egating in urban areas when the would benefit potential dental .- -

I . M . W I II ‘ II gr III . 3 3 Snyder atmecumtivedirectorof need lay in rural patent the state, auldents. . ii _ ‘
‘4 ’4 ’ . a“ ‘2’" , 4 4 fl 5444* theCHEsaidarecent survey, sentto In 8 av l I -hon "4 the his notnghttotakey “4444"? t’
. I . ,9 , . , a, .. I I, I4 . . . Cities. But there remains a real need and put them into a crowded field, ._
. ." “ ‘“ ' -.a 4'. t _ all pactlcmg Kentucky dentists to I“. dentists in sane 0f the he 4d ll . ttfi bet
'1 ‘ ‘ ‘ . 4 «4’: ‘ ' “‘ determine ma neeth showed it parts 38‘. ' It mlgh . ter to send
I II _ _ l -, g ...- . I that at wmIWof m “clam“ state. them into another Ifle by IIIreIdIIuctIng
' i I ‘3‘ «W. _. ‘ ed believe there exists an oversupply A solution to the problem, he said, mlmhndflglzlglmlml I“ someII e1 d :nsh 4
. . ‘5: , , I I _ of dentists. Of that 81 peacentfilzmper- would be to stablish a scholarship graduation II 3110010? p00
_ , - , I 33‘ ' cent support reductions our on! fund which would require recipients . '
L . {ti/e,“ .r'; ‘ 4 «3‘ . “I in both the UK and the University of to practice in need areas “pal (161138114344: 0: ”I: 3?.ngfiny
4-.... ._ - ‘ i‘ it, . ‘ muisvillledentalprograms. graduation. awareoilxoblans magi: lieahearg '
‘ 4. I , . . with I' it. me survey indicates that approx- William King, amther Lexington for them y ,
' : . . . j" ilnatelylzpetcenttlmshtUK’s den- dentist, agreedwithErm-ieh. ' den. . t .
,. I . 4;? . , N. talschoolshouldbeclosed, compared “It’s not that we are putting out too the Carpenta', a mm.m°r' i -
_ I .I . 4% l at“ I to only 13 percent who thought UL’s many students, but that they are all “‘dutpmb‘em“wmd"gfi
4‘ . ’4 » a. l, . prosl'amshouldbeeliminated. goingtothesame areas,"hesaid. “mm“ “he“ he “W _
‘- 1 4% ell-”41». c,» . V ' Snyder said the survey came in Those iota-viewed favored reduc~ m} . m 1i . t 1;
‘ 4 ,, ‘ ,K . . ' response to complaints from ing emollment over the more drastic . 19"" flunk, 1?“. .e 2e ““3“
a x ,1 ; a; ., ’ ». . it; I a,“ numerous social agencies that there solution otclosingaschool. “‘ b‘“ I dfi'm'figwfi as 1” ,3»
. f l ’i I. . ,; i “ . are too may dent'nts being turned Merrill Packer, dean of UK's den- SW82?! ‘1'“ den .3" 4r I
4‘ ' 3 M: . for ‘ , mtbystateschools. tlstry school, said that dentistry in An.“ f “’3'“ .mmumm’t ‘ »
‘ _ to”; r _. J i _ i . ». According to several area dentists Kentucky is being affected by a 444441;" 3‘3“. m'“w“°m¢ts who wish-m , ,
‘ - . . . ;:;-:"If *3 I . and UK dental instructors, the over- downswing in the economy. Once the bee ‘5 deatlilsts sbutif k tak- :2;
I, I - ' a... “sin 4 "a ‘ W ' 3,; 4 ' is “9913'!“an l8 Mt necessarily the economy improves, the perceived . ome 9 to the ”man”: will
~ . - a '. .1, 4 , 4 ' 4‘ ’4' ”‘23,; ' or fit. result of overpopulation, but of ovel'populafimwilldiminish,hesaid. m8 Wmueglrtthefield "she4 'd I
, . .‘ . ‘ ' -, I ‘ ' Ti:- “ - I distributionandeconomy. Reducing enrollment would curb out- "9“ y I I ‘3' s” the ‘
. ‘ I- II _, II.‘ : IfI 1‘ ' 33:44., ~ .‘I 4 .. .. .~ “Whenyoulookattheraw numbers putuntil thatimprovementoccurs. . meddeglw. 3 “mm
‘ t . ,wh'jfi-"Igu 4 sf}-.. 4 , ' ‘2 "32‘ ‘ ‘ ‘F 0f dentists versus Powhtioni there Bruce Murray.aresearcherforthe Idehzols 083‘": (3:; C l :5 - ‘
I 3144“?” I IIIIII II he IIIIIIII - I are more people per dentists here University's dental school, noted the :ntistryznior ’ a we
4 4 4 . fiwm ’~ ~ 4 ‘43; 4‘ 4": ‘~ 4' . f . . ‘ i 4 . than “4 s '8 states, said affect that closing a would “it does upset you when you have '52:};
a eJfl .fI , . . . ”it . ~i . . . a,
. :- r at. we: ‘;:,.,I,, .1... a: ‘ . - setywsmlsallmhfeagouwmtjff “if
  . -— - , G o d so 3363 mm “ ‘W‘ «
. . .' 4444444-N,L;a".4I§.¥I.I4‘ fig”? " » . . r u I u theschoolisgoingtobetherewhenl
. ‘ - . the #174 3’35»: I . . . apply," he said. “I wish someone
I: _-. ..,,;a;,_ 4734‘- ;r;‘, . . wouldcomeupwiththeanswer.” I -
‘ =‘ 4% *“ ~~ . ticket rob/ems ................,............
. T 4 . i '. k! aq‘efigé'kkhggf : 4 4 4 i‘ surveyed “"0“” the closing 0‘ UK ‘

': 4 . -4 4 4 g.» 'a "4.4,“; ’a {4:44. 5.4"!“ 445'» "R537“ ‘ :1: ' ___.__._._.__. may not involve changes (in the pre- 0V3 11me most were alumniof ,

» I ~ . . .34414‘4‘4'44‘44‘1‘44 4t , . jg. Kiri-’34! I ‘ rifflgt ‘1 .' By NANCY E. DAVIS sent systen),” Burch said. UL. UK’s dental school has only been I.“

> ’ . 3,: . ”refit? err-2?: ”A . i- a:- . ' Senior Staff Writer “What is at issue is not whether cruisince 1966. .

f ‘ ‘- y 1‘er eggs”. . ’ " ',. ‘ students get tickets," he said. ”The IIIIISIleyder 4441:4444 fi‘m’m" demde
: ‘2' . is"? t ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ issueisthelocationofthetickets." calm . ac ml recan- ,a I
I I ByJ.D.VANl‘IOOSE/Kemel Stall Revamp“ “the mmmma, The majority of the people [result mew concermns the states dental :4

" ' W' ' 'I basketball ticket distribution pro- supportedthepresent system of first- schools by January. Asked whether
IDHII'g 3m, 9 greasedonesteplilrtherlastnight. come-fhst-serve. Charles Hite, who the CHE has the power to reduce
..,: ' . ‘ , Approximately 30 students attend- represented Sigma Phi Epsilon enrollmentorcloseoneot’theschools, .,

s , Telecommunications senior lealle Anne Davis bummer-being cmwnedthelnl homecomingqueen Saturday night. ed a meeting held in the Student {“me said, no“, main fear is Snyder replied,“l supposewe could." - ‘

. . , . . II I . Davis was sponsored by Phi Delta Theta trata'nlty. Runners-up were: Kathy xiv-any, Laura Hubbard, Danya Olwan Center to discuss possible alter- that if a random distribution system He said the cite-la used to deta-

f-I .- r “mm“ W“!- nativestothepreeentmethod. (were to be implemented), then the mine which school. if any. wwld be

" Suggestions ranged from CNN! would losealotofspontaneity “1°”? included mt 3.11:0th
. ~-. . . . I eliminating the party atmosphere in and attention.” and Size and condition of faulltlesUL

v: 2 Homecoml ends With new of ueen no... inns... cum all: “immiggvmmmm murmurs". WW“

I I "9 q facetious idea ofestablishinga Wildcat andthelnterfratemity 7a compaIIlI'Ied to UEsIdtIiO. 813d also

. a. " . _ intheColl eofArts&Scimcescau- Comicilallsumortedthef‘u'st-come- movedln anew in fig years
. I, III I I . _ :an Staff :cI‘KER played the ItIraditlonal Happy BII'flI' tist John Bayley performed the abolishing tickets altogether. players are behind IB camping out,” “My majorconcern is that they not
5‘1:.:4 an: ‘ mm” “‘54 dflmeN- . ham . c which held A sulxo'nmjttuI comprised of said a resident ot‘ Wildcat Lodge. OVerreacttowhatappealstobeapm-

f": ‘ a The 250mm “mm“ m P“ . “cwsuulmden "we“ my; - Dean of Students Joseph Burch Stu- “They lhlnkit’sasmtshowofloyal- blah." Dean Pack“ Sm “If M

“NETFISC'M‘ ‘mwme’cmmg'm'm'm‘ m "3e 405"" "n' dent Association Vice President'aob ty." cut back too much MW» like the

.' .“"‘1.a.5a{: ; I-.I Reporta- K"duIringthefeativitiea,andcombin- mediatdyafta'therally. byClarkanlecholas Pisacanoofthe A popular misconception is that eng'neering school did several years
4 -: '4 4 ’ -——————-——— °d “m the Wilde“ band “"91" Mule for the masquerade ball on biology department, will recommend some studenm believe that they have ago, there may bea shortage later. If '

‘ ._ . 4. I “Sotnewliel-eovertlleRainbow.I hiday night was performed by suggestions to the Athletic Associa- to camp out in order to get a ticket, you close down a school, you cant .

a. » . . Ieslie Davis, telecommunications Home duplay competition “m Maurice WilliamsandtheZodiacs. tion Ticket Committee. “This may or Sce“'l‘|¢ke¢8."PI808 gearit backupovermght." ;

. . serum, was crowned homecoming were also announced”tiltingi the

. 3 ~ - queenduringbalf—timeceremoniea at ceremonies. The over awar was - ‘3
. . . Saturday’s UK-V‘lrginla Tech football wonhyAlpha Gamma Rhofraternlty. N" "g ca 99 ppeal 1' [1,123, coup,

I ,. . I‘l game, highlighting a week of Ratta'aoni-lallwontilstplaceinthe rs, r r a s O I e l n n I
' - 44”?““CW44 mm°°°mm3 “i mmfimmmmdmd 4°“ ”d J! ”n m “I new I wanted to be in the tient. Whodoyou think knows more child and the family; then later in :I,
4 ' 44444444” . - n In the division mt place ByVl medical field, but l did!" know Wthh about what happened to that patient privacy when you get a chance, then
I -. , It was such an honor ito win), Greek . I Reports slottofltmyselfinto,"Roehmsaid. duringtheeighthours?" I youcanfall apart." .
. .~ 5 DamsaidSheattrlbutedhersucces W3“ t° Chi Omega sorority, while _______________ As a child Roehm wanted to be a Mrs Roehmagreedabout theclose ‘
. ; .' € to the support of Phi Delta Theta, the Farmhmne was awarded second and doctor but decided against it after nurse-pa tient relationship Mrs. Roehm said she doen’t think ._
- ; fraternity which 39““ her; Chi “PM Dd“ P‘ took thehonors for ltiss:10a.m.asR.ogerandAma tllreeyearsot‘medicalschoolatUK 4 nursingcanbeclassifiedasanine-to— ‘4
" ‘ . 4’ Omega thesororityofwhichshe’sa third. .. . ‘ “Asanurseyouarecomernedwith fivejob.
. . .2 . .. Roehmleaveworktogether. Illkedthetypeolworklsawnurses . _
. ‘ . / member; and the familiarity of her The half-time festivities were the Both work the 11:30 pm. to 7.30 do at Kentucky State H ital" he thesame things thedoctor .5. for ex-
} name mmmlactulehmaptaln mlmination of a week or excltirtg . am “9 ' ample, how well the surgery went," “We attend afternoon classes three
" l ' am. M ‘4 St‘ Josephs Hosp ' said. he 'd “But alsoconcerned da a week for two hours since we
I I ! otthevarsitycheerleadingaquad. events. Mrs.Rodunlsanunecaremanasa‘ Whenaskedifhewouldrecommmd sI sal . youareI I ya . . .. he ‘d “I
, . . _._.__.__ Votlnsfortheroy-ltybsennfter mmma ,mwhmMMl“ u menu, ommmenmmm withhowthatpatientiereactmgasa msouspmtlrne.Is sal- ey
-‘ , I . the style show last 'ltleaday night, ’ 3 u . mtofujesurgerthowflpirfmfily bothhopetoobtalnthetrBAdegl-eea
‘ Add t' l H ' nomad nurse in the ““53“”? feaaion Roehmsald Irecommendlt . . , .
" 4 ‘4 ictm'esl Ion: bef omdecommg 444444444 4'4” hosted by 640444. room. to be considered as4an alternative. I ‘3 30m? to react. “3 two thfferent bylm'
.‘- . g ca °“" °" page mm. m “l ““3”“; Realm. an, and his wife. 25. have would like itiimenetopped allowing "3"“ ““1“" "3’“ w“ ‘0 “We putiniohotns at St. Joseph‘s
. 3 "2:5: _' __________ _ chum from an “1%“ mm lived in m {0" almost ‘0“? biasedopinionstoinfluencedlem. on other. plus another 10 or so for classes," .
' .3471: . R incl l l l' candthtea. modeled h xi t years. mutantheybothbeganupper “A doctor has more responsibility “When I have a (Mug child on my Roehm said. His wife added,
.‘ '4 wrath it {met fashions from “8 t Le ii; on division inning m 3‘ UK ‘0 05' but spent the least amount of time unit it tears me apart, but what good “Sometimes I spread myself around
- Wm 5' many. ‘3“ W‘“- m hmtlidrB.A.weeelnnmns. withthepatient,”hesaid.“Whenlgo will 1 be to that family if I tell somuchlthinkl‘mtwoortlreepeo

f 5 - 433:. ”mm” "mm“ by 8‘5““ W a” “m“ Many Ill-filed Will!- My Nd on duty i spend eight hours with a pa- apart?," Mrs. Roehm said. “Help the pic."

I.__ 4. .I ,Ig-jI-I‘I'II; -' tratemity. mcy ”ma. 6'0“. Miro said It. WIS pleased With the “‘1“ MM WI .W
‘ Baker. second numerdlp nominated hmlotllatthetaahion allow,andadd- m tosetllr. m um W
,. s» W‘- W M mm “=- da'lW-Wmm" we, ............................ and male students ' '

{#743,292 conningluliwmnya Olwan.thlrd A aware dance Iva-hid on a. _ . l .

“a W“ W by Winter Ski Wedneeday. with N 3°“! to "I think weareauwortive oteach ‘ '

; , ’ -. *ézl 1“ Moclatlon; and advertising ”m" thaUnltedWayJ‘hedanoewulpw- other. We can ham to each other! WET—— "Appointment is not based on “In fact," Noflsinger continued, “ ,

III»; at. eIII. .‘l Lain Hlbbard, tom-th Miller-up ant-ed by the Student Volmteer Ad- WMWI..MN¢ adorStafterEctum gender,butmqulity."aheaaid. “orteoftlnmaleatudenta (inboththe I I
345:7 ll“? '32? nanlnatedbyDelta 4"" N“ ("”4 vlaoryOotntcllandS’l‘RAYCA'l‘S. Mn.Rodimaaldshefinthlthardto Tim French, a first-year lull-sing first.” and second-year elm) 1 a.

'a‘ ' 1}“? -.‘ nlty. The “W m m W m m who l. not a mine ——————'————— student, said he plans to attend was recently elected to a clan ot— ; ~ 4.

,3 , f7?,i¥§*fzi§ ‘ Honlecomlng wince-ea from the at the Wildcat Roar. held ‘nnlraday understand but “an.“ and that it mtheaia school but first must ob- ficaIn I

3.151.572, it? ' Unlvu'altya “ community colleges nlsht batman-Mott” atudmta. helps to know her lit-band can idm- MW M° muses ml tam hisnunilu degree. He intent ‘0 Pint-year mlrsing studalt Elaine ?- 7 l.’ '» ..

:isifiitiifiga I--a.. maholntromcedthlrlmthehalt- AlphaOmia-onPlaa'orltymthe titywithhu'careu'. laathanzpercentotallmmna- unmml‘m‘lmmmm- WHEN “ummhfimm , I.;: ,

$95.35;; gig-3.x. mm. a “Yell Like Hell" cont-t wtdle the tionally, male students rqlreaent 5 - M ts «

a...» a. 1.» Munodtmaaldahethinkamnea placaachool. ahldenta in mining ire-en .I _ .. , .

.1il_.*ij§eII..fI}=.:I,; I WM! 0“! mm. who bemu- competltiai '- wul by Pl ere-peclelpeovle- percent at the musing emollment at “l really jut mm to do ponletiang MWCII- ;-,‘I‘.,~:,,I,I=-';;’;;,Ii:;-

shaggy celebrated his oath birthday sham Kappahlphnn-etrn-nlty. an,” m m to l. m lheLedWchl laminate. lntnemedieeltield."mncheaid. wright said the had heard tint jggigjsraggsii

*a‘ae,g,,;l,§5l,;e,g Wiwmtedwllhlcehbythe Ode-do Hm AM 0’1“" rather than learn to become 11 m m." mm mum out Nearinger said she doesn't think some patient did not like luring 53w

”$444544” 0 o mnem’hheeeid- a, m mu in an “my” etc there is any edema attached to male male inner attend tliern. and said :jIIi‘I
”Iii-“w; mm the Rodinuchoae the mm “d m male mm” out at nurses, nddim "The M]. m- m m it was My” they af‘éiétrg' 2

Ség’éfli’e, I” 5' same (told. their W declslan 6 students In the ”could-year [1'0- aion in medievaltimeawaamp-unt m W. Wt added fidifi’i"

1f“ cannabattqultedflwly- m said Dr. Anne L m lnala." tirt if aha was attended by a male fight;
$3». "I have valid to be I I'll. ever ‘ a “that ' The kit that mm ll M M lune, ‘1twulkh'tmme3‘ 11:; {IA rt

{agix A reviewed Harmon Albert Colllna'ooneart. Seam“. since I w- e little dd," “I‘- “44:; II I had fernalel tlfaMI‘ I‘m “*3; m ”goth none 1‘ firm. ' 3k .
neggtII“ “m "I“ h m“ mu” II II said. “any: came no coded “Last year. we more male in “1 think tatceotype pone, w nclua mm a m. as,
1344i“ NM "444444.44”, 444'“ a“ 4' hapltnl work m the pert-time the tint-year mm than this she said. “We dort‘tpaylh-tmch-t- loam tome-these male. "11m “t is .

44%? if: lobehebndwhenmloeeodmh year." eh- eeld. elm she's "not tuition to it. here‘- no problem at haven't telt cabana-ed at all." he .

- 4 i reboot " m"lty. all. e eeid, "ihvu'tdthu." ‘ ‘ . ; ‘.
i?"_ ;. ' 4 ‘ ' .
44 , , , _. '.:‘_§."‘"" vrmfi'rwfit‘ ‘ ‘ ., , .. . . , . . , ‘tli , ".'5.a'r;~.“‘"a..:“a“ ,_ at a- . ' .‘ , _ a "
. . a... , . , ,2 11. . t a": . ,e . .‘.I-' 44?;7‘ 141' ,‘ . :92“. I. _ , a. , . it? I II I ' “I" t; ‘. ,I’ r , 'k‘n‘ _I 1% i , _II,-Ar*"f . ‘I . a? I n‘._ r “-3, IQI . I .y ‘. eta 4:“ 44:}, .3'434‘1. via, I I "3;? vI ., .I
4 it? 4 4‘; '. 454‘4'44‘4’"J4§4'4*.§Ffi34“4"4ifi§3s ‘ti4wié?,e%€sihfi ‘ ‘4‘“. ,. V, first I* ' ‘ fire-Ia: ‘ i'.+§t2I:Irirflt tartan. . «a . I 4
z 4 f“ " »f""a“'4 4% :1": ‘1 4‘44‘ disenw' N i 4 4 3 ' “‘ ’5 it ' V“ ' ‘ 44 ‘ 4‘44 454‘ “1.4534435 *1 it :4‘4 ... ~. 4 ~ '
. ' was" . a “ .l ‘1 ‘ ‘ ' ‘“ ii; of ‘ a", ‘ ‘ ‘ '
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3. Efféi" .. ,3 , h "it . M“ 3k ‘ ‘;;3f __ V-i jl‘:‘ . t. .- .. ;. .. . .va~-. 1.. . - - ~§ . m2; 3.2:;‘J‘ijiil ”Cw ' ..=~.. 1*. ~. §W4~Q~ a. a a- 4 'OO‘Wf-srlt. ‘;;:, .3, , _. 9; I .-

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the . * . I

$3393.33 3m Stclden M M M u Annual“ mwfllm M. Gander BIIIII

i it?" , . . ”Wino“ Edam-lulu? Jul-mm MM“! gamma: Mower
ersuasm mam

_3. ,3 . 4W uni“... hu... Steven when»: ualieitilehelaon NM

2£5 , “Maintain manila! meantime: Whmww WW I

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-- ~. 3 Kernel mm mm“... :

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x ‘ - - d:
Approval ofA WAGS sale signals and to Senate Circus ...
i?» W
h . by”
it, ’l‘hemostpopularshowinthenation's havetoldtheWhiteIIousethattheywillnot and
capital closed late Wednesday aftemoon to urgeniePLotoi-ecogniaelsraoi. , _0 ONE 0‘3
:3:« somewhat tepid reviews. By a vote of 52-48. 'I‘hemechanics of thesalewillprobably go 0 H” ERE c S Hm
_' the Senate voted to sell five airborne warning down in political history as one great mistake. 0F 05 E : as!
: and command systems (AWACS) planes to The motivations behind the sale were . WE I ” i “3.
Saudi Arabia. overblown from the start, the rhetoric con- .‘ bsc
The sale of the planes was a cause celebre in nected with the sale from all involved would ESE. H’lLT : 0
recent weeks; its supporters decried a defeat not have occurred had the sale been proposed g
of the sale as a death knell to President to another country, and the administration Cs], wld
Reagan’s foreign policy making. Its detrac- was far too late in beginning its lobbying ef- AWA ,. ”////5 Sou
tors feared the loss of Israeli support for the forts. 3 //’/"”7./////,/ mg
current administration if the sale went / / _ , 5/775”
through. And still to come is the second chapter in the - ”if/W/w/ , v. W 3 ////// 3'3 7;”; W“
Senator after senator submitted tothepresi- formation of a coherent defense strategy for v //;'>: / ,1 / ’/////////z/ ‘- /4////// a
dent’s intmse lwbying as the White Hm the P8131811 Gulf r9810". AP AWAS 88183 to V/{/ /; // ,/,,,y,///////x¢ l/I”://///;/i/ /9 :4//,(//7////.///CZI/l/I/I/,/,n»/.:///I/:'l /////////z 3. N
became a revolving door during the last week Egypt or ’I‘urkey or a softening of the hardhne ' / . f 4 7// // i ” // %//// WI .5: ”#:7771541- ..’,/ 3 43s
of debate. The Israeli lobby also came into stand asaustthe PLO could lie the next step. ”7/.” , t > ///////,;///////w 3 and
playas it attempted tocoerce fence-straddling An increase “1 Israel’s Mum" mlhlal')’ / ,. 1’ / ;% 7% ,///// , , . m5“
senators into believing that approval of the might also occur considering that countiy’s m. , / ///; {m <37“? by]
sale would give the Saudis a license to turn the upcoming surrender of the remainder of its ‘ |.3 ?:zc,/,',’,' / // / g/f/é/jflé/égéég, a“,
Middle East intoa slaughterhouse. Sinai Peninsula holdings. @ ////// 2 (3/ / é %% /’///:,; / 1 r to t]
It is now clear the sale will not produce any Whatever the next move, the president {It - ‘ / ' / 3? j ’ ’7‘ 69/%%¢V/2//‘ ‘1 amt
malor foreign policy chances The White should be mindful of the farce this sale 4 ”3’33 ' % 46/??? ;// t W“
HousewantedtobnngtheSaudisintotheMid- became.Hismotivesinmakingthesale were '.__' ,,, 1:- "V ‘g? , ”Pg/fl M” ’7" 3 33:
tile East peace process, 1310le the Saudis commendable; the Saudi oil fields are collec- ‘ L ’ ‘ ‘/ “7.71/4 ' li
Wild then embrace Amenca and the-Camp tively the single most valuable piece of real ‘ -~ - / the
paVid accords 3and3lure the Palestine Libera- estate on the planet.But in his attempt to de- ' ‘ 3'”
‘10“ 978811128th into negotiatiom With the fend them, the president unleashed an embar- a 7 m
Israelis. _ 3 3 _ rassing cacophony undeserving of the impor- ~————\.t No,
But _the Saudis have smce relected this tance which should be attached to the ad- =——~:r- : com
sccnaHO- They contmuc to hate their Egyptian ministration’s first major foreign policy deci- ~$
neighbors for forging peace With Israel, and sion. =E 1:::—_— i (3 33 w
,3 l . j is tr
: l _ F“
% S: 3 cdl‘
I r _ __ ___ 4b m: WWI'L— W“ W 6% 3 Chi:
3 ‘ _ pen
. 3 I I I I if:
' l
/ , Current bans on cnucizlng cases unda appeal he;
‘. ‘ ‘ '1 3 '5‘ I I I I I I cl:
“ear?! 3 n3 3 stifle useful evakiatlons of U.S. judislsl system 0...
ti 3 ‘2.) .03" t ‘ The Commonwealth of ‘ toremainmuteanduncriticalwhllea gun
. 3 / , I Massachusetts is in a boiling con- m trialvordictiabainaappeaiedandap ”I;
3 ‘ _ *9 Q =' ,’ Wyaboutajm’sconductina ' I I . I II 0 I pesledandappesledforslltheyears . tak
m 3 3 ‘ - O___:,,« J” I , rape case. Superior Court Jorge ittakatogetdlatoverwilem =- h'
r .-_ 3 / 3: o’ 0:3; :31 Hubs-tAhrmappamtlymadea state'l‘henolsegrewsoloudtlnt wantnopuhllcdlsulsiaiofthetrlal. 1 way
3/£ 35;.3'1‘. .';F.”,_=,‘Q;r deslwiththefivemaiscunedofdie JutteAbrams did mums” its outcomesndthejudgu’owncon— i 8T:
_ _ ’ "' £5? '._'.,’L"i" crime. Iftheywouldpleadguilty. he do. The guys and gals in the black ductuntilitiswrlttaisomewhesetlnt ‘ __
'7‘; ‘ -W. v ‘QL- M! wouldgivethemsmpmdedsentences robes are like baseball umpires. atlonglutthecaseisclaed. .
. \Q‘l _.3_33 "" "’3““‘ ...... andalightfine.’l‘heydidandhedid, RightcrwrothiItm-unjuhm Sineemoda-ncssesarenevercla-t
3 3 ~ / afterwhichtheslnutiiustarted. theymaheuptheirmindatheynever edthisishutafancy-dsncywayof; ,
4. 3 | m 3 ‘ Itttmoutthejudgeisnotamale change them. nomatterhowthe unnamedfidlmdhlm:
3» 3’ '| a \ . 6,7 1’t 3 chauvinist oink.llehad plalIihle evidenceaiawttheyhsvcmades Mllkealllwloll‘emfl'
: ' 3 .’ J, , ‘ mmfascthuuhedidreuons mistake. Mostjimseemtnthink prunuedtelawmts.’l‘heywantu ‘
« . will v ( / ‘ somemayfindconvindmandothers that admitting they're wrong de- tobelieveattaclnnguiemiathonme
, " ‘l . ‘u i 3 3 may not. But it is what happened meanatheirhigheallim. asattackingjmtice. I
\~ 1... 3 / \. ‘ afterthejudgehadpassedsentenoe ButloandbeholdJuiheAhrm AgondjtnflehssstryimMopun;
3 .lr: f- m. whichhashroadermeaningforthe reversedhimelf.Nshirsllyitlsnot mW)M.MmmZ ‘
i , 3. mam milliorIofuswhoarewos-riedor toheexpectedthathewouldjmttp hm-rsppedJutmoreoftmthsnnot:
.3 A .m merely enraged over what daily sndsay,“lblewit.Imsdesmistake the can-ado! their in use i- the: ‘
- transpires‘ in and bout . ' going tendency manytoaqiielchpuhlic‘
M m: monotonous we won. new swath wesnc animator m. " °‘" "" Sailfm" Miami: Wma”osm,aoa.m r
wwwaemeobmmaeneuaa-..anmmsmmmo, Gov. Edward King.wholndput ntionaliaatlon,aoheaaidnew,very mammawmm
" FRANK-.mmm.m” Abrams on the bench, opined the lreahiaetshadetmetohiaattention andrett-etoesplainthemaeivu. I
Me's decision to let the ms so thsthewaslgmrantofwhuihelnnd- ’l‘heyissuedeu'eesinwhatsppears
3 stimkondryice.0therlessfavmblc edouthissentaices. tomanylaymentobesstylethatisst
comments wereheardacrossthe It didn’tworkout happilyever mceinsduitsndincomprdunihle.
- after-.Whmthejudastrledtoheedhis 'lhcywon'tdeigntodeieidtheirml.‘
I. I l I l critiessndsettlimsrldit,hepta lnu,andifukedsquestiai,will..
~ 9 m s and out 3 of some mam-mm” “rim-Wm a..- ‘
droppedworkonthdrsophistrlessnd indessplrsse.“AtthIpointlntime, ;
' It to be 3 t to throw away their haireplitters to emanatxslldbeinsprlopiate." 2
m "'7me ‘—'———-—— inmmonandmakeswt-buyinga thotuhthen'not tiehcallf m caneflying outfrombehindthe J e many vebumled:
sanepeopletobeaittpofwhat’s joy, anymmiicfinmm'um bochramihootingthatthemelnd his rape case. but by met-ins-
3 “in and what s “out" these days. A 5* H Gettingbecktonsttn'eisin, but fa- in. given in to "outside m" and NM and by Fulfil! We" :
nshonalnewspapersyndicsteanda' C convenience sake, artificial home Cluflvemedmflmmm. thatitwasshockincforthegovm andnmwerinaqlllfim MW” :1
local newspaper have recently plants are in. too. Bars whee it traditional dates are in. Honor with lob-wmmtcdcbanthccuc. ”MWNEWWN‘W 3;
A devoted-ninecopysogeetolmot doesn'tmatteriiyouapillbea-mthc tlieiollniain,oopeeiallyiiit'ayotn- Mnybetheiudscdld chicken out Whtbflrmmnl I:
what's “in and “out In different "“0" floorsrein,carpetinthekiwhaisnd treat. Going Dutch isalsoin. but he Mmybcbcdcddcdhclndm- MWWMW‘NNW :
3 mannequin-y. P batheomisout. Mdlidupthehutab. soda-mistakesndwastryinctocor- untamedlomonflchmerlc-n I; t
3» “Pam-lbw 3. I mgr? all: to .______ Commitments are out, in- itattanandwieharamout. Artdeeo rcct it 11! law Wen-m. who lam Mm 1: -
if my In . cry cw ‘ , depuideneeiain,andit'anotehea wsll murals out. too. Keeping llbm'lu with value WM- 2-
3. afflie‘in-"cormpondtomyview- mmwmugd‘im‘ lfyuiukfa'helpand/a'guidag jotnmlandslrepugwlthdiestce: Minimum" ©lfilml‘mm‘0-‘R- 3
pdnt.nnd-omeottlne“wu"ufllai> “a m damseto m- occasionally. Intellectual ccnverss— on are in, as long as the people Minn-emblembthedldn't 2' de'
3} plywmyllfe-tyle. - tlons are in, paetidointellectmla are downstaindon'tmindthemt-ic. doltmlsllutcflfllsumccmfl-y Nichola- Wn "WM 40'6"!»- : m
i Mpolflsdlu’twwrymenelrly Wstabetminiftheyhsvebeen out. outclclosehisinsndbsck to a fellow Mutual. It says ismsofnatlonollmportaneolnhls :
“ ssmuchasthefact "lit my "ill" and mostly W' People who have C" m" . ' something when distinguished syndicated column. ..
g .. n ownedwstebeihforttreeyeana- Jock typusreouthut healthy ingslosimcaineifywresincereh , a
ii" at. weJorthemostpsanoton .mlldmu bodasreinsslon‘sstheysrenot intoo'l‘lnieuecessreoutbut - Wilheflu'vsrdsAhnDt- "
,3; null-mtau.3o,inheopinswithun m 'mmm M to “a m 'h in ' 9"” niowiuintarpratahidae'aaaamptto . - I:
‘2': M'Ibwmflumymm_ Wmmmmm. a.” w ' ty ' mm! w klmml'mb 0m 3
ii: Wm fwtheflrsttime mmgmmum'. T-shirtsthstsdvoesteminesnd ammmtsndsmokiminmo- Mcmwwm that .3:
l. ’ ’_ ’ m “mYmm’thve m bId m “3. Kill“. flmlloutlldeAmtddlne n .f
i: “38.8 Ins and Outs towaitiniinelortieketa,thu-e'anota mmfinyC/DCNM hemmmdltw-nlsndm “mummggm m :2
3 . bsdsestinthehoinesndthsremno Halal. Faint. Bostm. RiIh. Mufusmsntounokewflle slursdslammimsrwndheesineof 3-:
mhmeoodisait.Pntty mmmmmmm Jamysndlldlyllstchstmmt. lanolin. hlslsttimthjuflehsvs it my .:
g Wabash? mgmmm_ NestvemlIic,oI-swmdln- mammasnmmlessywm W WWW mm“... .- :-
.; naturismmidiiqoorimit. mmmmm- Wammmmw“ m”°"m‘“'°°"m- ed,sndit'wouldbelfthetrlslhsdnot 9H- c-l-II- “ “0 Km :
'33 ummupuflveJndlfyouthnk edsnythlmisotn.&lntuieblunhh edsboveisln.$owmtlicbslsoin. Mm” m the “mum :
dash-shamanism. minimhuthlanllhmmt. hum-”cm? m“ “WWW"WW malw-thcehlbdlyachlm, tn“ “'1 W “ W :
_ ”mullahyw'rem memu-uygh'm withshnosphce.peopleproutsnd mutt oditorandtsoomptsuutln mm “*‘llim- ;
, 3 bop-hum playingdmnhandnaivotoptattan- Ila-lion fiwymnlmlnlw.mflnsln Mambmwmu- IdlI-‘ilmmu. :
3 hubmmvldnoumthst myu,muhm Sad-Wanna!!! lounsofllm. mmnyhnmmm m m be“, their a
. $331:me Mmu.‘lhuesrsdis‘ll: ' In... our“... telephsIs E

’ . . -. m - speak mind and fit! u." ..

:~.,,f3 -. 7 » j A‘n, a matter at finsndal ability. MI,” 10!! m" COUNTY by Berke Bmthed W. “ uh. 5: 3
i j~ nth ninth ht ill-kl Ind III-c Vitamimandamphataminmmin, name. no MOMS mmmm ‘ - . us. latter. aha-ls ha Ila-nos to E: '

333:3 sash nah me look his s m mum. an herb m an as. mamamm $133M"? W Wu 3' 3 .t a“. d m u 3

Wing Mammals. atria wiai waist W at WM minim mwmw " ' . 707”! m 3 tbs comm-ta in para.- shat-ls '3

ij yea mmem-hhflw munch-mots. mun Wflflm. Am Wlmfl’ : PM! drum: 7-, Imminent-molasses. .3
i M! ill-l Mill-s '0 M “I 3.1,thth 3 ““55"” “MM/i i' , 3 We at». is... writing m tor Ia ..
fligirfliviiifiz' *hbrdwflfcsvfllsh “hum-mm“- _, , I \ 3" g. g i \ " “w"esh-IusflehIQ-ts :
iég union's-um. museum. .3 5" . 1 ,o'e , “K, 41») e" .197; . . ' Iv- - calls- I! I- 6- c-I- '-'z ' "They

' Ions-s can and man who tit-in m.mumasttla ‘3 I Cf $1 is n a , .- - . {t ‘ ‘ ’ T III-In. cit-III m M “I 5' ultlmt
‘;Tr‘.v~:,.,;;~. much-mumsflfl mump‘yhbujob l , . 3 J 3, J .ib . 2 if «Imam-am g m,
. I ll- me III 0"! dud-themes m. mil- in .. .. ‘ ' ‘ ’i ($51" - M3, . ., unmet-gm. : '

.1 ~ mmbhmflfi i» '\ 3 v 3 “- . .. . Ops“ ‘ 2r, 3 summary". 3: 3

3 3 “It‘d” “wad. 94') ._ i i u ,, at. 333,5; ’ 3‘ . 1 ‘ h m. m d ’ fl
» h . ., -~s-I-hllymls ”Hal-hid.” ’A .1 3 2‘; ~ ‘3 h 3 2 \W M; ‘ up at g. u... u. 3 i
~ ~ ‘- vim“ mutual-Ilium ‘ .4 . " ‘ “ “I“ "I -- ’ ' m. :2: 3
_ wA ”I“ union‘s-amnesia: I ‘ r t , t t . 3

3 3 ‘ )-«,f ': 3 3
' ' "‘ 3, W’aftsfifl'tifitiofi‘fitfi . . a ‘ ' * ~ ‘ l " ”fii‘LK-Wic «a
_ ,. , ' ~ . 7 3;; *e“"‘“. a! «r l"w‘§.‘"‘*£‘;’tv7ij::i;_f. ;ja‘_..,3ri;;; ',issi' fifid‘rdc . 3 . s -. elitism”, 33: .,~ , ~ 33 i 333333333313
' ' . r ”i vi“ $553 -’ ; - z ’ " -. - ‘ . - ‘ c3 ”£3 ”Miscgt if; ”9%. ., - - V ‘ i . . A .24; m3 it to. ' . ~ . .~ , ‘ ‘ '
~ . ' , . . '“ 4 it . : ‘ - ’ A "’W'Tdhctaii‘l‘ “iiiiiia‘i‘rr ‘ is t - - - , "w “ ‘ ’ ‘
v V . , v ' ' g .3 .7 4 41' ~-» _ ‘ , .. - , Wimaia ' ‘ - ' ' ~

 7 ~ w. 5: ~, 5. 5:3“ ~. “fa-j 53575.5 #25 »_ ‘5. I ~ _ 5 _: . .. ' . a . , .. f . . , ' ‘ w. " 5f" 4 - ’7 j: 551*;5’35‘: tr5hfgjfi$§§£§$ "1 . i 7 ‘
5 5 .5 i,» 5.55.5555 org}; 9 ' 3‘. ‘, ,. :57}; .'~- ~ . - . 5 5 , . , ‘ 1 , N51. 5 -. . 5 ' . ,t‘ .. 1 5 _ '5. .5 5115315335.;.3735; 5 55;i',r.5‘55c5i:...'5;. 3,; 5:55.35 5555,..15f55y5m §§3s§t§5~i55 5 v Q . » , '
c.5555 ' l J H . , l ' ' -. " ' '4 ‘- “ ‘ "- ' "V 51- L ‘ 5'1“?75'5.-r.,,.5:,,'. 1‘5-,L‘iti‘ffz'llh'é§~l§hl ', ’ ‘%23l;l‘ ‘12-} 4'." ‘
" ‘ ' - , ' Jew» -..,. 5,-..“WWmh... .. l». w - m » ~ .
or 1
_ rs??? 2.»;-
_ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Mottday. November 2. issl-a 5.51-3,
. m" ’—' of»
» news roundu canon-shun Collins brings back the bins in
p H! W “Pt-b the Albert eolnm concert — but a btmeb of dancing fools whom;
big. It’s guilt to be the but concct in crtnliiu stray feet prualted the ally 5 “£31.33
[lexington this year." came for alarm. 5 ‘5 ”52,55,5.’¢3ls:£
it! an charitiu. But it would allow the 01 'c This sound bit of advice came to me Collim’ style of bins isn't the t. ‘5} ,i“;
Na'Ion Cannittee and the arts and hmhzem:_ World in a lettu- from lat year's Student weepy. drink-your-troubles-away 55*
5 dowrnents to use the IRS tax system to collect Cents Board Concert Committee variety. It is aemual, wailing, get- 5555'] 5’~.~ 1:5
5 Mmmm3m5 _ _ chairman, Markl-laswell. down-onsthe-floor music. The 5r; .5. _. -'j:5
. WASHINGTON - If it's true that politics WARSAW. Poland — Challmging the PM Thunday evenirg’s concert was, lcebrakers' tight imtumentals on 5, 5,“ "x '
' makastrancebedfellows,thebattletosavethe Parliamentmlmtiml anionic-due. 10°11 indeed,sfestherintbecspoftbis theoldstandards coupled with 011- . 5
federal tobacco pricesipport mm was a . “WW ““1”“ W W “'1‘“ end year’sconcei'tcomniittee.00llimarid iii" flawless gtntarworlrmade for- 5 5 . . 5 .
claslicexample. CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. 5— A $2 mil