xt7zw37kt12r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kt12r/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/30 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing March 5, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing March 5, 1940 1940 2019 true xt7zw37kt12r section xt7zw37kt12r [fl/2"": \
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Vol. 1, No. 30 Federal Works Agency, U. 3. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator March 5, 1940
CC ' ' 99
R001 Over Amerlca Youngstown, St. Petersburg ( )pen
' On A” March 24 Pr ° t 842 H m 3 Provided
, Office of Education Radio Series 0] CC S 0 e
' Featured by CBS Nation-Wide Chain Shelter Rent $12.43 In Wesuake— hazard; Atiheck-up otf dytvellmgs fogmtefilit’
- . . . , occupying e prOJec S] e reveae a
W Jgaaaa Paaa Iagagaa Agagg gag"
' wide educational program to inform shelter- Projects were opened during February in haytéatmn'l, k - St P t b 1 f .
needy Americans—whose incomes may vary Youngstown, Ohio, and St- Petersburg, F134 N 0:0 an will s’ei'rxie 2:1? gagiligs‘gwlilozg as}
. - - - , eg es, . -
from $1 000 to $10,000 a year—how housmg they Will prov1de homes for 842 low-income . .
services’of local savings and loan associa- families. Thigeisaggdl ail)\;2:otri}'11:n\x£i}lli 2:61:20: 2113:2109
tions, banks, private industry, and Govern— At Westlake, Negro project in Youngs— for Negroes occupying substandard dwell-
ment agencies may help them improve the town, the. average monthly shelter rent per ings in St. Petersburg. The average month—
roof oyer th?” heads. , , dwelling IS $12-43: only 75 cents more than ly shelter rental of $8.85 per dwelling is just
- ‘R.ad10,. printed bulletins, and graphic ex- the average rent Negroes must pay for SUb‘ under the average rental of $8.90 which
hibits Wlll bring the information to Citizens. standard shelter in the city. Annual income Negroes in St. Petersburg pay for substand-
Qooperating “filth the U' 3 Office Of E_du— per family in the project is expected to aver— ard housing. The project is built on a site
cation. are various Government h9u51,ng age, roughly, $1,020. Built on a site which which was predominantly vacant. Hot and
figmlegdflgfi {(1518, Sovfimnilent t.Prinéing was formerly one-third slum, the Westlake 001d .water, electricity for. lighting, gas for
' temce’ an e O um la roa cas ing ys- project will consist of 600 units, constructed COOkmgi heating, and refrigeration W111 COSt
The radio series will be entitled “Roof at an average estimated over—all cost of the tenants about $402 per month. _
Over America” and will consist ofl 13 half— $4963 each. This includes gas ranges and , A survey 0f several slum areas In St.
hour documented broadcasts. They will be electric refrigerators as standard equip— Pegersbugg. at thertime “ii-e locaileaIiiilt’hority
heard as part of the Democracy in Action merit. The monthly cost to the tenant of all :11 rlmtti thtst :Iépsécgtlon 1‘.) rmail. $5: I?
‘ series over a coast—to-coast network of more utilities—heat, 11013 and COM water, 6180' hisgc iifesubsztandard disilllinZS 1211:: ‘13:: zip—
than 100 CBS stations at 2 p. m. E' S' T" tricity for lighting and refrigeration’ and proximately 150 Negro families were living
' ever un ay, e innin ‘arc . gas or coo ing—averages . per uni. ~
y S d b 'g' ‘ g M h 24 f k' , , _$7 66 .t two or more to a dwelling. A report by the
, At the same time the U. S. Government The project is built in the notorious building department described 20 percent
Printing Office will release a. booklet on this “Monkey’s Nest” district, a slum Which de- of the buildings as being unfit for human
subject. It Wlll trace the historical rise of rives its name from the appearance 0f its habitation. An influx of families from un—
our- diversified housmg Situation of today, tumble-down pine shacks. It has long been tenantable buildings in other sections of the
tellirtig (it Planet]? efigiljt§dt0 {affectdinaprove- regarded as a dangerous fire and health city is said to have caused the overcrowding.
men s, arge y y in 1V1 ua s, an iscuss
- present concerted efforts toward better con-
. ditions, both in city and rural areas. The . .
booklet will also contain a simplified key Before ' '_ ' Six out Of seven f’f o ,4,
to the functions and services of all Federal these Gr‘flith Street Shad“ m ,‘"'“"“' “' l ““
housing and home—financing agencies. YOUHgStOWn, 0hi0, had no pri- {3; g, ‘ ..' .
' Exhibits sponsored by Government hous- vate toilets or bathing facilities. x ‘y‘ i . EE Ii ' . .
ing agenCies \Vllhbe displayed before thou— Three out of four were sub- , a r _ ;y , ' .
sands of persons in schools and colleges and t' d‘ d i, fl {I .. g m a , ,
at meetings of public and educational s an M ' i; " {i r ’4 ’1” I u 1.1” h".
groups. These will depict how the Goverii- “ u i: 7 ,9 it! 1' {"3 " ' f 3’. a? to , _.._ , -"'_‘ "
ment not only tests building materials and ~ j ‘ gx ,, _ ' 3 " ‘
methods but helps industry rehouse entire ~ b . ' ”w”
communities. ~ g! “ ' 7 - or, '1
. The broadcasts, presented over the De— fig ‘. gig 539”“ ; . r ‘ '
mocracy in Action series, will cover the fol— “3% Wk} ‘ fit it; . "”3: ' " ‘ - g ..
Sweet Home”? ~n/ . - - ifféJféfifgflflwa : ,; After . . . Westlake Project of
The status of housing today. . . . Slums 2g - g; “ ,g A . .
that blight metropolitan, industrial, and nag _%‘.9 "'ga ’ I ii, 3; :Q‘g’ ‘ja the Youngstown Metropolitan
rural areas. . . . Extent of substandard «~- ”~> #la *2 ., Housmg AnthOth, Ph0t0-
Mar. 31. . . . How We Got That Way. ”sf '1 o " I" [oi-.3 All 618 dwelling units have pri-
History of housing problem in America. v. " _. “’W‘a _ ‘.' "I “1'91"". . " vate indoor toilets and baths.
. . . Americans on the move from south . “A -*
' (Continued on page 2) ‘ 'R' .
' 1 I:
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CW - and. Hoess homes H0 CltY' E1 Grog alld 011 th 4
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. _ hOucl-llato rdles . phy Qc1et prOVQVerh 1911S Inlente A111 01151 1V_
pieé Theslng 1‘s an 1n H Slcally M0 lde alhellt and fServ-el‘ica ng ldua
and e"’ . ' morihortél eXcouSin y writtre tha bettel'lelps armlces an trad' 0 l O I
reSCuGové . Hgage ges eSS1Veg- 011611911 U11 100 1 Roofprjva OwneVailab“ An V e ‘ wIle
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R0 odorarne axle 1‘ h Wil e Wil‘l : Willlprov. 135, f0 Tintedlew thu— the an $50 ase ' n as .915
Rosehwe Roy VladAddaoquh rdern and be i} be 1hg tahd ir tea aid 3-11 Vat eQuit 80 ’0’ 69,84r13ric SOCiatpur-
RogSeveafld, fiSeVeleCk ms, 55 weSS- AphOt luStl-Writt he undiVidchers 5‘ 0f e ihd-y act‘erceh 0'92 e 0f t l°hs 1
ert t. ' 91-h t, L’.Ifaw It‘d“: Ol‘k ,. i1 1 1:110 Ogra ated en in roof, 1131 !_ Stu- .the lVidu 112111 , t, 0 ’ Of he .
May 5 D. K511} E: Hgéf‘hlfilcélvlfllmgi 03113“ Iéiethepgs' With §1opul;r0vesr 1:11:81“ 2?]? attftal :11ogngaidrto$$0§ghéghlint1 ac
Ge - . 11.1 e 01- er aid 6111 ' 11 F211 b. gel . “Hal- St e‘ h “C(lu‘ ,“it TS h ’ ‘1 it ‘
tt' -. a1 ’ F. .el' 1g H 10 1C1 ts .Vl 11‘ W e 1s;- -V re - e '5 t1e
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bgih0r11% thguate bholneth' , Lolililiciahlg' 158(181'21.ds,llsEra-ticolnnajl'tlonall are C figs, pricg4, 01‘ althorégv priczuhted6y273 6(5) pel‘er
so ’SOc'leS- hul 01151 1“g S 1’11 : hen~1H0 1‘01- on, Nlttee pr0 OODe Iti bout ages ‘ A to 26 - L-e“t
methgalm. _ . hber 11g 1- Abo 1k. Bur 115% me Lest P atj , Fedgralh Tat Pa. lsi , 13 am mom .5 p 1enq
Ma“ 11113111110», ,1. 1w W 11 01 Land 1101:1211 111m Hare- 119611161
2 )ut- loti Civ' cal. ‘ . . C1 and ab A Rank S 111‘ 0115' . he 13 111g of t ie 1
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{leigllfig fees Ofe blOu g thés and P a M ducat? on flaking-2:? OdCGeS-iT‘-—l_l)”s:: $139273, 803‘“!
Fura‘borhfiulati bung? NeX NnO- “A . ubli unic' Ion,S Inaizcipalit.“»cati°na1 2;:603g 5:5”
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\ he G ' - R pennieall wiloraE-tlng and ing-S Slu nitie nlcipaltles ” "g I “hire “en‘ e1. °5r11_"-___' $87,911?!” '2
{311111 aEden 001118 W “ts 1558511311. 01d WI.“ i151? cljathrOul Leég Official Ssue P1131913: “1;; 01:11.6 ”“92 1232332? 12-9
A‘ er" 0r ‘C‘ - ‘ Z0 - Se‘V‘.. t “It eb ra gh ue’ o “Vat-‘1‘; and M ‘ if: .1
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egrghy-Slgf’ Ifiperirfight f3 Engllew pu “‘9 nUFrai'VdOCk 155118 d Lox: Rstatlhg f0: 1 [lgmehtfdol'2§""'— 2155815:— ‘ ’032’691 6':
Ann]’ 3. -Y ent’ Ou. aha . rpo“ SH Cis , S. — e e, f ‘OT ”Rages-fa: .51 —_'
11111 8111; pp .; C S- 111V. : 111 $95 .A 00 HA I'lt ea_ “I, P —__ ’ 1nt —_ 100
g, enty V hat, Gre 1116 Le th an p ’ C01 R H0 UR -___ €1-_ 2r -0
e a h e , tc St e d 1'0 1tr- e . us- cu < ___ 00‘6
June . rPI‘is 116'y aIII er-lbeltetc. . h- ates_ ROck pOSsigram Ibute gloha1 N A51; I’m —_ 79 1720
2 e ’ Te 11]. t0 ' L y 11‘ . a S a D- ew j
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Bet rni] ' K8 . H1111 - , " ltts: P In P J M tain 0f SCuS a1ys. Cl afl ”’069
G0vte*‘h2g' ePlng unity (1% Hhoenixhoehixahone andpuflic Isle“ 1:115 TW eara ets Tr * 1845'”
in ernl uSin the pan: ' 0115‘ pr - ’ i] y 31‘ 0115’ e in 0 1 110 ea
te115tm112t b Fm 1111 21111131111: 1112111211ka 1161211 8111311311 11 Shana PKWSIum
cial ’. Con - . a e y , D- is ecti, Tit of n e S” S e
t . gu tt F" c. cu . e a Ct 21 _ H Se .
June Institlffigtois cooiganfgrbusine 11”es it1;nic,l::§t0rs,segbyiocisafn ($311115 Ehitect S (’1’; havzd “ng 15110235 of 1? Hon
9 nS ’ mat Tat- of 83 M of Ch an ev as ann. 1‘ th th ea , rec H am afl Sin
S“; - . ’ for eri 1011 bu11‘-. Vkl th ail. ta -E1n’pects 111g e 1 ere r1ng entl ou . , “C ets d g
A Get 'H be 211S 0f din ’ th‘ and e 0' ma Mo - 1119 of th 0c 3r th y b Slng 1e .esc-
h H el‘e’ tte ’ n1 2 g 01" , 1t 1”0 n1 tt h e 31 e t e eel D‘ .311 r1b_
C Ou - 0 s 1‘ en Tc - 1t A . y ft Ca M Ou Th h ‘W S 1 1‘ 1V _ h
h‘oizrafiégg 1:1"Whacw (20111111331111;- hiial 1101f thiflgtafif 5115;: HouEisSEOEOugi' ch; 3121111; fetal?” 31116510111111
fih es pr _r: L' eM iOn‘ A 'ai1ed sin ity ir fix. IngA a - th e ls (1‘ 11th s Oint . ‘0j_
ancédres OJect 1fe - ean ‘ ' ust' sug ad OfAecto ’ and uthnd e n’ Slum lrec Oriti Curre S 0
b. ett S 111 ‘H H In. Inm min. uSt' 1‘, H G 01: a~She ew h Str 1;: Aes t nt] “13
1 Hm °me, a Se aw 11%;; 1- Slug: ,
1ms “5 reh of L gula am ho . a1 '1 d1 Au- Par 01" t Se Pr -S ar ar 1” s by
u h a . s] e a u 1d 5 t1 h C 0 e e lu
red momeS bllitagm nlugal Ir featun’ Ph Slhg prescusses Slumy Va e nevfnd 1Y1Ject 1" dest a is 1115_ '-
ol't ’ h ed nic' 5511e 7 re ‘: Oeni acti -(.3nt pr - di c.3111) . Pr .eth lses I‘OYe pur—
g 0m 21 1 S 7 a X V1 S 0 St 0 0d . d 1
ages es eipropgiality’ ansg’s an dCity A t1135 i: wh 63901 :Ithblt met mals ingut of and
' . a . . r . u , ' 2
refsnsesatlng Sing e3: thf’s onttorne ls deevIn tie Sufi “rye? mya be «21:15:95: qt‘fie ‘
ederal fousino pags p511: 1:211 5' “PWXf the ta diselinlil dweell -jh the in 21; ‘
- o - n' ' 0
2 rlty blnary tuarln theo Clealng D' .OdS. of th he 1e me_ (
ef0re ho 1y en fact I- 11p 1vlsion e relaflet 1
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th “Sin prOje S tw e U‘Onfngcts” - C
e entg Div'cg—tho Ver SHA Sloh 15 de 2
”er efir Y (11.1% aris1 '
dlff 1 th Stb 313111 gram ng'
Brent 6 Se ullt bct ki ac. “
USHCOHd by thends 0f 1
A Systuilt EWA I
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. eelgn 0r OIIlHlllIllty 1V1ng 1n 1 ree {
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1 V , , p 4 2 :' 3:1,, '
» D . , - . , i 3
[LAPIDATION is only one aspect of a _ , ~ 2,.., ' ', 7,3;
. . . slum; shelter is only one of a family’s daily ' ,, . ., “ Vi/ ,' , if? 1' ' ”'2
needs. Tearing down dilapidated houses , ; .Xflyi‘ a... ,»’» i: ’3?
does not remove the slum any more than ,, 8 {#:“Cfizjgééq ~ ~ , 5? 3 ‘ 1:
: building low-rent housmg satisfies all the , ’ 112:. 33/ c.;' ,» if " ' .5 .
. d f 1 - f -1- u - .1 «,3: my; I»‘ U.*fi 22 - ‘
. nee s o ow—incoine ami ies. Family needs _/ «(a / gage/aw? :3/ fig”), i d3», ~: . »
, are pi'ov1ded for only when Wise planning .} ,;; , :Wfi? 3.53%? E 3,19 : -, '-
:ng , , = . ’ 15”?» f»; 123M.- é - ,3/: ijzvmzn‘ i,;,’,‘,'~ {W 3;: '~; .1
, and alert management are brought together ,, .2; _ 'v-g - , f” , [gig/6.. j} 3; 5-,, j ,
in a low—rent community designed for 24— ”3 -1; 37' ,,:,,;1-'§;f,,:., ' {3% ”' £32,. ’5 '. .. ‘, .-
hours-a-day living. ’1 i”: 5‘ %’3 7:39; '4 i / ‘4’ ’ I
. ' . . . ”a... -,.?" » 7.,» 32' X ‘ [.,. ”.,. . 1’ .. ,, l,' 1, ’ ,' "~ ? ‘.
At Hill Creek, PWA HouSing D1v1s10n ”“ 1 ’3 _ t. §%13 .,, -' .3 .1 ' ‘3' 2: - ,‘-'
prOJect (now under USHA lease to the it ‘ ' *' _. ’ " gr» «.3 Fifi» ‘ - ”4’23.
Philadelphia Housing Authority), such a IIH ' " ‘ ~;_».. , - . 9"“; .1"- 3;
- combination is provmg its effectiveness. A‘V’aw": .. %. :31?" - - ' , ' 16 33.22.“ ” ”i.“ 2.1;?" .. ’6“?
‘ The physical project provides the space and ' \‘\\\ - 7 ., ' , ‘ lg " 7’ ‘ ' MW ‘ ' I
' the facilities for well-rounded family and " ;. ~ . " , " ,. 5:" i" :3
. community living. The management policy, V, , " ;, E ‘1’. > ' 3 ,
- . . ,- usage... , .,.r'.1,;/":.,.:.2-*x14,:73. » ; ’ ~
emphas1Zing tenant maintenance and re- f“ . , ’1. ~ g
sponsibility, stimulates the use of project a , -‘ . 7‘25; ,,,.- ‘ ii , <2 .q
‘ facilities. Three organizations on the proj- 1": ' 223"" ,M'" ' "'
u - . . . " ' “W "3' .,.-1. ='v
4. act, the Tenants Assoc1ation, the Civic A550. 1--.. _.. ._.. -,.. y,___,,:,,,,___,,, _,_.M_.._,,, , --.,_ W, ‘ ,_, __,,,,, ,, , (cf...
. , _ 3 i; ."
X _ i ¥ £11) In]: . . . 'lho work of [he Uphol-
i ., , > ;¢ > i s f 4“; .‘ '4 I ' staring: and Interior Decorating
3 i 1}; a, . i5 . g i: X]; Classes is displayed in this pic-
< - ? a’V“ f ' f "kiwi/"K: hire taken ill 11 recent u-xhihil.
. u. i . ‘ ‘ 3 a 33%. ,5 :2 ,._ M ‘1 , “331:3?pr .,.V The chair at the. left was ru—up-
« ‘ 3 g ‘31. ’ '15 :3 ,» M "‘3‘ ($33“): holslcred hy the class.
: , -} . 3 , :- Wag";- z. ._ _ =_ , 3, '1“! ‘ a”'- Center . . . Children in the pre-
" ‘3’; ' ' 'V-W 1“». , -' . fit, ’ . ,, 5" .- Mr‘fw - ' schnof group. Theirlcndcrs.Mrs.
- u, ’2. ‘ ~ ‘ ' 2‘ ‘ F“ . ‘ ‘ ,-4‘.' I ' - .f . E. Lehman, Miss ll. Nadclslein.
‘35- 3 . «$- ; . .. ’11) a)! ,, . .,.» 3‘ Ya 4. ;, 2 f3.- and Miss M. E. I’vgg, have
_ , > 3 - , ‘ . -;, a} " V‘ 7.1g ’1, I " ,, I, “‘33? 7’"-3'-‘Z' f”: ', developed a program which pro—
M 4. ,» .,. . :3“ --"u". -» .,. .‘ ' is... "(I «‘5 ‘ :x ,
‘ M V is“? j_ énf‘wjgg ,3 «.,.i‘, m, 3‘ , *3; xi " ‘ m , > y .. , vides training in department and
$4 .63" i“ T A "j" i, " a" 3. a y' ' ., character building.
lug»; _ .1 ., ' W :3; 2/; x ’ - i 1- _é .z. »’ ,= , '—
~ ,; 3 , £9: gg‘t’z ”t 3“» ‘3? g .5. , " i I 25w ., 2‘3 5 ‘5 Bottom Beadcrufl, Art, and
i, 1;: -,'f1é,;;§‘«~" §§(§. « X "2‘1"; 1‘54} , a ’ . , 4%, ,, 3 Pottery. All the objects on the
In»? ' “'4»: \ .2 > a I \ issue‘- ' ,, ‘4 . a .,.-:3
. “T , ,. ‘1‘ \x ~-.:,-:"" _ 4 ‘ 9x, ‘ if: ' .37 .33; = 1H _=-‘ i d. hers of those three classes. The
:3 j» s i ; . 23 . " 2.; " =
-, aging»? ‘:j§ ‘§§ ‘ @333 ~ ‘ 1 , if ‘ . V G . , .. - ' A ,‘i a”
, . , . ,. , . . . .. i. . ~ . . . ~1- 3. i
;, :7». 1: ,, ,, i, g .3, 3,, ,; .,.. __~ ,.- :_ 1 2, ,1
VF»; . .~~-~.,» } . - . , r ,3} is. ; , 353% » -,
, ciation, and the Women’s Club, in coopera- .-. im‘FJTZf . J 3*3 ¥, ~M§f :1.»- m ” ”fl 3, ,-' if
l tion With the Work PrOJects Administration, gtvafie‘g» 1;; ~ , x _, , {5, .,.: .,.-.4 -, V *M;.w.w», ,; x,»
; are respons1ble for a leisure-time program ~ $3f3§5§iigg * '- " ~ 53*»-2:,;6'».-i: - ’ »‘ ' .,
, calculated to include every member of the - 3ffi“.¢fi* ‘ :' ,: ,;‘,'»,,, g; 2
. . . ' :,3 ,i 1 ‘ f: , . , _ / / 3 3 " ' 23/ - '»
community. The program ranges irom kin— * pg? .5 . . -- _'. ,» - 69f“ :3 ,, 2.:flmga , ; :7;-
- - as : ,-..:a\j,;,;:;,~g;,,“rig-=37»: - «H i». ;:/%/V;,;,/? 21/. ~ 1" «7; ,»"-.“’I"” \ . g,
dergarten classes to a course in Interior ,, ,, , gig/V: -,. , v: HV’ 9/ wV/V 3133”?” a,
. . . . . ‘"/‘..1»”\/“. -,.» ~ . " ”’3 ‘”‘ ii,
choral music, dramatics, public speaking, . ‘ . U ' -: t
and journalism. , ' . i, 7 ‘ " , . M
' . ' . .,.7"-~... 3: '_ «at. y; '7‘" ,;"’v' “W rm ' yrs-W ~ 0" » ."7 ' 7“"
H Leon Raidei, Hill Creek Manager, says. £1.31"? w: . @M‘? . ,; .5». ”7...: V“ . .13»; _V . ,, ', .
- . waw'hv" v”? ,- -- - ~_:,,..,.~v»~~r’r'.. -‘ ’, 3;; -.'.». 1;». ' «a : "- =:u’~’-: ».,'.. .
There are so many group activlties the ,. ( i; ; , —M3,4imy — “\Wx ’/ \
problem is to find space for them.” The . 5,; 3:7“ :-_ mg— g -' ’fi ’ 2" (may x. ' .
. , - - - 1.. “a“ ' xiii; 6: ’. . i. ~ . .- , , ‘13:”! ~
proJects indoor recreation space includes . 3% .,.,eé'em: - ., 2 .,., , \ a“. a, ‘ g, :3. t - .,.
a social building and two recreation base- " i; :1 We “:«W‘ ~33”... i": \i ‘2,» "' ¢;;_‘;7%<%
- ,. i “ ,, ’ ’1-“ ~“'" W *' .2” " ‘ .;,, , 57"" 0*». :3"
Dr. C.-E. A. WlnSIOW of Yale 5 School of ,VV”W.W@.W"jwU,.g.',ir,;3fmg,m:g§gz;4‘ssHui ',:;»,. 1 .s ._, .,. ,3“ .,y»; :
Medicme says that such prOJects present 3: : " :§4Ex*,a‘..i;1 ’ *3,- ', ' ,3; ~
- . : ; ' ;‘, 33-“;; m»: bug; yvn .4.;,. V); 2‘}. v5.5; ,1, s; 5-: ,- h, : , . . .
“the one definite factor de51gned today to ,- . 8.0““ ‘3‘ . ' , _1 1,5};
uphold the family. : " My..- ,

 Public 1—1 - .
()uSIIIg B1115 with 1 ,
111 St _ . of (1\V1e)i)11\e1~ t9 undertake the CO 1
I ate Leo-181211; _ 1 Fur l ' lugs for perSOns of 1 1.15“"11Ct10n G , , - ‘ '
(as of F 6 “PCS thia (”8215- Would aISO 6 0w Income in L01 gla 1‘ill‘lllcl M
, s ,~ . x ~ ' ‘
. Chru“$26,1940) Amepf’“e‘ t0 county housinpleSSly grant '1“ D' b e“
_ Wlth most of the St on bmments Wou1d 3150 im‘ _gv aUtlloritieS_ 0 1501155 USHA H ,
1n seSSiOn it is . ate Legismtureq 1 . _ Ollds of hOllsin plgye proViSions oVer 10110 . Ouslng
siderationy iq ~b11_hportentto know Wha}; .10“ “WEBStments. g authOl‘IhBS as legal bUSihessm’e dlrt farmers, tOgeth -
present,housj 8mg glven t0 hOuSin “:3- validatin B“ ing 110 ofnGand State ()fiiCials 1‘ er Wlth -
1e - . 11g blus are e - g. t , . g 111 (s. B. V eorgla’s 1-7 . a epresent—
glslatlve bOdles of p "dlhg beIOre the \ahd the establi 1 33) Would (18011" 1l/L'filcon recentlv t 0‘_c0u11tles met .
them are amend Sevgn States. Mogt f tracts and a 1 Slment, proceedin s 8 Georgia Fam ., a 1the 1111111311011! f m
ever, an attempta-tmg; 1n california 110 0 ties. gleements 0f housing ill’thcor}_ rural housmglers Uhlon, to discqu UOSHtAhe
State Hous' IS eing mad ’ W' 011— and program in te “ 75
mg Anth . V e to create a N , means of th . rms of the 1
18111 Of I‘ur OI‘ItV to ha (1 e“ Jersey. L e Geargla f _ 166ds
a1 hou - ‘ . ll 19 the prob— “101111 ' egal In Ve Geor e B _ arm fann}
12111.31 H0 _ Slhg, and In K 1 ( make 0in t" Stments 13-11 G _g - Hamllto y.

. 115mg C01 - . _elltuckv the ties 1 , g3 long of ho - 1 , €0rg1a and . “1 State Tre .
thOI‘lZe the 1 111111551011 B111 W - egal InveStlnent~ 115mg authori- H , ’ Chall‘man of t 35.111‘61‘ of
hOUSing comcrffizggn of County 311d (1121;021:1211 233%, _and all Other bfiigmplllblgc officers firzléslsrgtfiutlaority Board ifieagfgrglg State
descriptiOn ‘ ns_ FOIIQW' - Clarles- 1a Odies ’ ' 'W1 e Confe ’ uncmg the

0f each of th mg 15 a brief 1 and l“ America said mum on rural ho -
Cillifor .1 ' e pendlng b1115-, New York: Amend 1n Thonlas ’00 that a 1'u1'a1 housin 1.15.1111;
, Illa. Stat _ mg L ments to P . unty Ga 'gp10']ect
e H aw A ubh the T ’ ‘! mad
£31111 (S, B. 62‘ A B 51-) Ousmg Authority 1118) A( ' B' Int. 1116 and A CBHOuS’ a t LISHA Program “is 1‘13 D0551b1e under
ousing Authorit ' f “70““ create a St t" on] , t. ‘ meT‘dments apply t~ ‘ - Int, 0 “a construction ;, ‘ we 0“ the Way to >
a housing auth :V Wlth the usual pow a e e 3 0 1101181119; pro' . ° 01‘ are l'elated @1168 Would ' He said the
_ 1 G JeCts alded b . th make othe , Confer-
t0 undertak Ont-V and the ex er; of 1m. OVernment A y the Fed— e mOVeme , , 1' COunt1e5
the . press powe 11:V r ‘ ' .‘ mendment . Hts POSSlb‘l' ' aware of '7
for perSOn e conStruCtmn T ‘ p on510115, 111 th . S WOUId cla _ EV1d 1 ltles_
_ s of 10 - 0f dwellin and ch e Pubhc H . r Ently the 0th .
Thls bin 11 W lncOme in gs ange some of ousmg Law Very m - er countles
as Passed the . I‘Ural areas greatly fac'l' the b0nd prov' . th “Ch mtEI‘ESted 1 Were already
Amendmen ASS‘dmbly- ' Dr ' 1 ”ate the fina - 151°“ to 8 Program b n the POSSibilit' 1
ts to H . _ OJects under nClng Of hou . Sec 1 ecauSe Fred T . 188 of
(S. B 63- A OuSmg Coo ‘ 511011 LaW_ 5mg . retary of th 'Brldges S
. , , B. 58 peratmn La , R] h 9 Farm . , tate
H . ) Would 1 VK lode 1‘1 1 _ 15 files 1; 81‘s Umo
Sousmg COOPeration L make. the ex1sti11g would (1 f and. _Va11datillg B111 1 16 000 “(jibe conferenCe to Sh n, brought
tate Housing Authoritaw aPphcable to the ings conetc are vahd the Creatiol ~S- 3- 84) ru’m h“‘“{V1dua1 inQuirufi co 0W that over
. , r I, 0 ‘W he r. iw A
H Kentucky: Amend y authoritieshads’ and agreements ofpfigfigief- fmm farlrféig tfiiogrim had beeen “gag-ma
OuSin C, ~ . ments to IV - - a > g Afte . Oug Out the ‘ 1V6
210). gs 13112111551011 Act (S B 211:1.mmpal . South Cilrolina; A planat'r a mornmg Spent in listtat-e'
housing 'pro‘glfl‘i would facilitate} the,pS.blB. It? AUthorities Law ‘(énellgldrlmnts ‘50 Hous Hamiléons 0f the rura1 prOg enmg to ex-
am in Ke 11 la oriZe cre - - . . 086) ' on and U ram b M
SOme of the . . lltucky by C] . , . . atlon of re . would au- - SHA R _ y 1‘.
. pr0V1510 - . arlfymg tles W1th glonal hou - VIII and N d ePTesentat
1t (3011f0rm 111 “S In thls Act and DOWer t0 C011 Slug autho - e Ved the Ives C01-
. truct d . r1- Sumed ’ afternOOn .
Housmg A ore Closely t0 the U ‘ make persons of low ‘ S Wellm s f the natu 58551011

K Ct. S B nlted Stat Would 1110011113 ' g 01‘ ti I‘e Of an 0 e 35-

Act ap . - . 210 w 1 es also ex In rural 0115 were k p n fOI‘um

Phcable to - 7 oud make th coun . preSSIY grant - areas. ‘ as ed and a J ' Ques—
Rural Housing C “hes 0f the sixth dag: ty housmg authorities_ thls power to (tissscussed f°r organizingnsfitrgd and Plans \
Would authoriz Ommlssion B111 (S ' . _—’ ‘ eOYgia Coun_

. 6 th - 1 B. 2111 R -
zsglogal housing foérrifiggn of county and Plttsbul'gh Authorit S 5116::Slutltofi‘s Were pasSed by the

un . lon - - - CO
for periggéieoftlfe constructions Oylgzelifiwfl Speakers fOr LOC 1)]3/1 UPPIICS ing thegnee: f{gripol-tance of and 62:61:”:DFe

' 0w' . 1n - ‘ a - . . 512—
Housing Coo e _ Income In rural areasgs The Pittsbu h a eetlngs Delegates to the m:u:.a1 housmg Program
Specificall p rat1on B111 (5 B 2 is answ . rg (P3,) housin study Ways f 19mg were pled d ' .
nish fi y. authorize public-b ' .12) Would Inat‘ ermg the pODUIar de g authofity thGir 10 - -0 PUbhcizing the ge to
1 nanmal and other . odles to fur- 1, 1°“. about their local mild 1"or infer- of callhes and of W1 . program in
:g Commissions, assmtanCe to h 0 ug_ bgfasmgnjng mambers of tlilousmg PTOgram i coxnty commissioners “1,1111? the support
egal Investm ore 106211 or - . ‘3 Staff to s ng uthorit ‘ 6 State H
ent_ . _ ganlzat peak , , 1 Y Board - Ous—
lgak? Obligations :fE3L1'(S11 13' 209) Would 3:11:1er “$6le haveligfhe EequeSts for minimum 0f °°unty 1:111; encourage the
ga ianStmen£ 1C OuSing a . 1 5110 as th 1‘0m 01‘ a ~ A pres Ol‘ities
- . gEDCIes Rou d e Comm ' g m- , ent, Gem. - -
and 0thpr fi S. for pubhc of-hCer b n Table Vari umty Executiv houSm g1a has 0111
_ 4 . g auth ~ 3’ one ‘
Validatin 1}3n0181 bodles d 5’ .ankS, Partment of, .Ous branches of es M' - . Orlty (Then I‘Ural
. g B111 (5 B an fiduc1ar1 S'd Pubhc As - the De- 1851sslpp1 h . ‘35 County) .
Valld the Cr 1 . . 213) W0 1 es. 1 e Conn-nun-t SlStance the S N y 61‘ “Blghb ’ Whlle
. eatmn . ud declar Nu - 1 y Forum th ’ . 011th ext Week’ - or State h .
and agreeme ’ prOCeedm e TSlhg Assoc‘ ' .’ e Puhhc H . S 155119 0f P ’ as 25-
nts of housi gs, contracts ten Tea h latlon, Pl‘ttsbur h - 831th 31! W111 Carr . UBLIC HOUSING
Missisgi , ng‘ COmnliSSjonS , L-b C ers, Mondav L g Klndergar_ in . y 3‘ detalled stor ’ N0-
7 u pp]: A - 1 erty F0 . - UHCheOn C1 g authorlt y on rural h
Authol’itie mGIIdments ; . ~ film, Plttsb ub, East 165 thrOu h Ous—
8 Law (3 B f ‘30 H0usina “anon b'pe ‘ ' urgh PerSOnn 1 ____w_
Creati0n 0f 1' . ' - 93) Would . 0 Side ’ C131 (40171111111111: T .. e ASSO— ry'
eglona1 h . allthorlm .Communit -V ‘VIeetmg S 7 Sched
““88 Church, ang 11111111110? 0f the F112? £01m.“ Pemng Datesl
, W l 611 S Club ‘ aptlst Local uutlmrity 111111 1111016”
_———————7-—_——————_———-— uu 1 ’ ‘N h,
66 ‘ly Collstr o 1777;)” 1 “1111111112!" (11‘ Date 01,1111]
uctlon R 477 Wan“
It eport fikron (011i077fil) Phil —"
_.777 cm 7 ‘ altilnore M 77u.v,, 276
N "#7, ' ”W77 77,, hrc‘lirfgifggm} “ ‘ Week 01111 (1 giltte (MOEW.:13:%;2)GW 434 §:2§—:0
umber of Pro' 77 ’ 77 ll 5 ”HMO I‘L‘hrllfil‘rltlejtr Porc‘c'lmlzc larlotte (N ‘-;”__’ 225 7 _ 0
NUmber of dwéfigs under conStruct' '#~__ I "40 change 1—A)nA__» ' (J- 37 3 9-40
K323; e“timated $353.3?ternstruc‘fifi; 7 179 — —~~ I‘l‘ederick (M‘dj;g;-2:)----~ 108 340410
ge oval»- 11 OS of n ‘ 2’ 178 . 50 _H—
A a costl 8w h 69,91 1 . y 3 20—
verage net constructizf,2:1"t hOUSing :913Tngi’tffi $312,635 003 131311 533,388 ig-ig £33232? 1%X3'f4—1) 86 40
Per umt $4,472 1 ’ ’ 00 +0 M 1 W472) 3*23~4
.35 i CCUmb (M-H 206 0
' llncmaw (am . . 1 $2,309 1 $4,476 #0 \H , Iss—giz) 333,40
mg 01111111111061 3 1311mm; thehOuSe . V 1 $2,812 -09 LL“ 011931180134 #1 '" 90 3_20
“0’“032 (C) hind [rehltocts' fees. 10m'“"“.‘1lngstrucmral - l —0'11 13.111118, (Fla —3 . #8)" 746 ‘40
211m Cost 11H“ 111151.111, dove] aillhlmstmuve ‘1. 190%? 3111(111111111111“, 1 1 . Y West ' _2)7~4_.,,_ 3— 7—40 ’
~ 'um, 1 . ~ . c 10 1 _ .' ' ( well. ‘ ' 7--...___A_7
Iljubncaunn i: .11 D umhmg' ”mum, and 019mm] mm H and “mmgency ox- #
‘01‘ sale by t}; )lll'oveq by the D‘ 7 . . / . ' 1 There '
VI; eb - 11 to, . . ls ,
1 Hum] f0" Pl‘I‘IAI‘lC¥)(i~llhr:'t:Irj\fl§n.t OfecDJCuErgnuefrfa: (1):??? Budget, as re( . . and h1‘101)9h1isnu:m Elm-day period b““W’en bid , - .
should be a‘l‘h‘ewed gsh1n5f1mm D C luéifijd by rule 42 of th J adx emsmg
" 0 n - ( -' .- vscr‘ t' _. e o' t .
mm'lhonal Servxce Bi:25ni¢)1r)11.lc8.$sl gi2§ticc?r?$leti§: 2;? 816“““112.
~ 5' v- . ' - ‘ . -
4 m1, Authonty, W35%;£¥t%‘:'- thlélgle COpies. 5 Cents.
1212682 U_ r