xt7zw37kt57w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kt57w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 2002 2002 2002-03-07 2020 true xt7zw37kt57w section xt7zw37kt57w Music reviews: Morissette, 34 Satellite | eat...




March 7, 200



'W9 m of W '

Bat Cats drop
the ball
in early
innings l 8

Visitation policy not likely to change soon

Response to survey: Committee member
says findings will take time to process, report

favored some forin of a 24-hour
visitation policy. Noah Friend
said change isn‘t likely.

By Steve lvey


Members of Resident Stu
dent (‘ouncil's Visitation (‘om-
mittee were happy when they
received the results of a visita-

“I really don’t anticipate
any major change tin the visita-
tion policy) next year. simply
because we got started so late."

said Friend. a history sopho»
more and
the committee.

tion policy survey distributed
in the dorms two weeks ago.
While most respondents


Graveyard shift provides


What listing. pie:

(Above) A campus phone service employee responds to calls Wednesday
afternoon from the campus phone operators office on Central Campus.
Information Technologies Manager Sidney Scott, who oversees the cus-
tomer service center where the operators are located, would not allow
employee names to be released because of safety concerns.

(Right) The late shift operators at telephone services maintain the organi-
zations 24-hour, 7-day-a-weeii policy. Services include directory assis-
tance, call transfers throughout campus, paging to Medical Center physi-
cians and overhead paging at the UK Hospital.

chairman of

Friend said RSt‘ receiVed
abotit 1.600 survey responses

"That means about .t.'~. per
cent of all students living on
campus responded." he said
“That's pretty encouraging '

Friend said the next step
for RSl‘ is to take the results to
statistics professors.

"We're going to run the
numbers through some coittput
er programs and have them
looked at by professionals."
Frieitd said.

"Then they will prepare a
cttinpi'ehensiye report llii take

time the report has been
compiled. Friend said RSt‘ and
committee members will have
more meetings with the

Some students do not think
the surveys will affect the ad
ministration's yiew on ch'ing
ing the policy

"i would like to see :1 El
hour visitation policy. but i

don't think it w ill happen." said
clared freshman

enough student support. some
thing should he done.”

lither students. like My
Slacker. an English freshman.
said a Zlhour policy on the
weekends may be a fair com
promise Slacker said he under
stands l'K trying to maintain
some control over the policy.
but thinks (TK‘s policy should

Asliford. .ui unde

“Rut ll there's strong

she said
Manny Payton. a physical

therapy lreshiiian. said he sup
ports i hanging the policy

"l'in in lawn of a L’lhour
liolicy.” he said ‘We're all

model those of other colleges
“My girlfriend goes to

'l‘ransy. where the policies are

much more liberal." he said

grown llils
think the administration will
ever go for .i change "


What's the 411?: Telephone service employees act as the grease
that keeps the university machine cool and running smoothly

Williamson. a supervisor for
the center.

Williamson said telephone
operators often experience

By Emily Hagedorn

SiAiF wnntn

Robby Martin-Curry might

be one of the most popular peo
ple on campus. in the past
month he has received more
than 100.000 phone calls. and it
may be as high as 450.000 by the
end of the semester.

What's the 411'?

"We have one or two callers
that call me by name.“ said
Martin-Curry. an operator for
UK's Information Technology
Customer Service Center.

The mass of cubicles that
make up the center in McVey
Hall are all a-buzz as students.
faculty and the general public
call for campus information,

“You get a chance to help
people." said Barbara

their strangest moments after
the sun sets.

Considering UK's informa-
tion service also aids the med-
ical center. many patients or
their family members call late
at night for doctors and loved

“People who call the hospi-
tal tell us their situations some-
times." she said.

Other operators have had
similar experiences.

“1 have a few patients at the
medical center that aren‘t well
off physically." Martin-Curry
said. “They usually call late at
night for their doctors."

Some get to know their
callers personally.

“There‘s a couple of ladies
that call so tnuch we‘re on a
first name basis.” Martin-("urry
said. “There‘s one lady that
calls so much i have her home
phone number memorized."

Partygoers also proyide
some entertainment for the
late-night operators

“On Friday and Saturday
nights you get a couple of me»
briated people." Martint‘urry
said. “You get the Tolly-Ho
crowd sometimes you know.
the people that go out at three
in the morning "

Regardless of the strange
late-night hubbub that some-
times pervades in the opera-
tor's cubicles. working as an op





erator has its benefits

“its a nice )til) it's laid
back." said David Duncan at:
education senior and telephone

it's also a

"You learn to walk in .in
other person's shoes." Martin
(‘urrt said. “We get a lot of peo
ple that are not wel-offtili\s1
cally. and they call for the din
tors. and you have to remeiiibei
their condition "

Mattint‘urry said prosper
the students c. ll often. too

“They don't know how the
system works. and they get
frustrated when they can't get
through to who they need to
talk to." Martin-Furry \iilt’i.

in spite of the interesting
stories third shift operators ac
crue. they say it's no replace
ment for a good night's sleep

"i kinda like the sun
shine'Martin-(‘urrx said


..,,‘ ,1“

here liiit l ln't . . . .
(U ‘lts definitely time for a

change at l'K "



Jessciraus l mus. arm

Within days of birth, this lamb was trampled by horses. Lisa Pantzer,
the lamb’s owner and veterinarian, brought the lamb to her fiber class
Wednesday. “With the determination he had already showed," she said.
"i had to save him."


SG senator cites
spending abuse

Accounting 101: Student Government
administration accused of misusing funds

3].; at: 0'

As the Student Government meeting was drawing to a close
\V'ednesday hi: it. Mary Catherine Correll. a senator at-large
and presidential candidate, rose from her chair to draw atten-
tion to the St. budget

(orrell then act used St} s administration of spending stir
dents money on themselves and unneeded expenses

( iting departmental iiithoriz.'ition and voucher papers and
pairt hase orders. (‘ori‘ell said Robinson and his staff spent inon-
r-\ on expenses that concern her

Among the expenses are $2.734) for Si is Web site. 8700 to rev
pair.’ the St} offices. and more than $3.3m for .apel pats that St}
gave 'o freshmen f'orreil also noted monex spent on personal
Paar. Pilots for some of Robinson’s administration. Robaisons
personal Christmas cards car rentals ind meals for the Board
of St'ideiit Body Presidents

St; has a budget of more than SBlIifl‘m

hot/Liner. said all e\penses can be backed ‘Lp by i‘ere‘pts

To \fiV that this is done for financia; gain is absurd."
Rottinson said

Robinson said he will hat e the Operations and Evaluation
Foinitzittee iityestigate budgets from the Last three years

“There is no subyect i'd rather talk about or that l'm proud-
er of than our financial accountability ” he said "if there are
an'. concerns l w ant those addressed "

After the statements about budget concerns drew to a close.
( orrell -"‘.:‘F‘(‘l what she felt was anomer iniustice Minutes before
the ii‘wi-YLIILZ heuai‘. K'. ';e Jewel} the [,t‘f~ senator 'Jill‘f‘ tip to her‘
itiistaking her for Man Katherine Thompson Robinson s run
ning mate

He isked her to e... end '3 itiotioi‘. to end "he :iteeting early.
thus st tppin: 'iii‘. seii'.‘ rs chance to \peak

Al; Anioli. senator t1 ~i‘ thet oliege of Dentistry was appalled
it this ictien ‘ieti do that its called sabotage " he said

During ’ and follow lllkl' the meeting seyerril senators said
in :zzxestigatior. should occur "i supper“ every effort to investi-
gate this debat le in 1’s nmpiete and full extent. ' said Joe Impel-
lizet‘1. senator at large

Leslie Proffitt. senator at large. said these accusations and
concerns have been a long time coming

"it took courage and balls for people to say the things that
certain people didn't want to hear " Prot‘htt said

Kernel Staffers Emily Hagedorn. Sara Cum, Ashiey You" an
John lampier contributed to this report.


 z i THURSDAY, MARCH i. 'zooz | «Ehrlickvitsniisi.


The Low-down


63 so

Let the wind
take your
troubles away.

VOL “I09
ISSUE “i0?



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Authorities finish crematory search

NOBLE. (la Authorities said \t’ednesilay
iliet'te t'mished excavating and searching the
mam property of Tri State Crematory. where
hundreds of corpses had been discarded and left
in rot The litacre property has been cleared and
the grounds combed for human remains Offi
cials have found mill corpses since the first
discmery of bodies on Feb 13. and thc\ said the
lltltl\ count could rise as they identify the
recnyeretl remains

Poultry producers cringe at embargo

J \l‘lx'SON. Miss .\ looming Russian ban
on l' S poultry couldn‘t come at a worsc lime.
industri officials say Health concerns about
American poultr\ appear to be behind the Russ
l.‘lIl \tzriculture Ministry's announcement last
week to impose .l ban on all C S poultry liegm
nmg Sunday. Many chicken producers in the
South ari- nnl\ now iecnyermg from plummeting
sales that occurred when Russia stopped import

mg l' S poultry m 1998. said Mike t‘ockrcll. chief

financial oliicer l'nr Sanderson Farms Inc

Child thrown from mountain survives

l).\Rll.\Nl‘.l.l.li. .\rk, .-\ l I 2 yearnld boy
who was apparently thrown from a mountain
overlook survived the :‘s’i foot tall and his mother
has beeii arrested Sasha Drake Webster was
found at about lulu a m \t'ednesday. nearly five
hours after his mother reported Iiini kidnapped.
Lisa Gilbert. 20. was being held in the Yell (‘Ollll'
ty _l.'lll and prosecutors said they expect to charge
her Tlmrsdat. Thei would not specify the crime.

Lawmakers could override phone ban

MIAMI Florida lawmakers are poised to
ti\'t‘l‘l‘1tlt‘ etfnrts by local governments to restrict
the use of hand held cellular phones by motorists
and instead study whether dialing while driving
leads to more accidents. The Senate has passed a
bill barring cities and counties from fining pen
ple for using handheld plumes while driving
The legislation is awaiting action in the House.

Honor committee ends investigation

t‘HARUlTTESVlHil). \'a A l'nirersity of

Virginia honor committee has finished a year
long plagiarism inycstigation that has already
forced :38 students to leave school til the 137
students accused of copying term papers in
Professor Lou Bloointield‘s introductory physics
class. is were found guilty and 23 admitted guilt
and left school on their own. according to a state-
ment released Wednesday. Ninetythrec students
\Vt‘l‘t' exonerated and 20 still await trial


Dr. Seuss has
never been
described as
shagadelic. but
that may be about
to change. Austin
Powers star Mike
Myers is now
expected to
headline the big
screen. live-action
versron of Cat in
the Hat Producer
Brian Grazer. who
got into a rather
public catfight with
Myers after the
actor abandoned
the Grazer project
Dieter. denies
rumors that Myers'
partitipation is

a make-good.
Instead. he's
focusmg on what
makes Myers the
perfect cat's
meow. "The blend
of his irreverence
works very well
with the Seussian
child sensibilities,"
said Grazer, adding
that Seuss' widow,
Audrey Geisel.
approves of Myers'
casting. "Having
Mike puts the
story on steroids."
No director has
been named for
the film. which
Grazer hopes to
begin shooting this
fall for release in
summer 2003.

Nudist bikers butt heads with county

SAMSULA. Fla. The sign on the fence
leading onto Eddie and Suzy Colosimo's property
reads “Private party, nudity." Two dozen tents
and campers are parked in a pasture in front of
the Coiosimos' house. Motorcycles are parked all
over the grounds. About 50 visitors are staying
on the property during this year's annual Bike
Week. Many choose not to wear clothes. But the
Volusia County Sheriffs Office is trying to put a
stop to it. Deputies have ordered the visitors off
the Colosimos' 6-acre property, saying the couple
is running an unlicensed campground. The
county issued a cease-and-desist order against
the Colosimos. who could be fined $1.000 a day or
arrested if they don't comply.

Justice Thomas calls boycott 'silly'

CHAPEL HILL. NC. US. Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas visited the University
of North Carolina law school Wednesday and dis»
missed a boycott by black professors who con-
tend his legal opinions harm minorities. Thomas
was invited for a (lay of private meetings with
law students and faculty members and planned
to give an invitation-only speech. Five black law
professors planned to boycott his visit. saying the
high court‘s only black justice helped to turn
back the clock on racial progress.

Yates feared doctors might be Satan

HOUSTON Andrea Yates told no one
about the voices or delusions she experienced af-
ter the birth of her first son because she feared
Satan would hear her and harm her children. a
psychiatrist testified Wednesday. The 37year—old
mother who drowned her five children in the
bathtub last June is on trial on murder charges
that could bring the death penalty. She has plead-
ed not guilty by reason of insanity. Psychiatrist
Dr. Lucy Puryear testified that Yates worried
some of her doctors might be Satan.

Cartoonist denies apology to widows

NEW YORK An award-winning cartoonist
offered no apologies Wednesday for an editorial
cartoon that portrays some widows of the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks as greedy and superficial. “I've
done a few lousy cartoons in my time that I'd
love to take back. but this isn't one ofthem." car-
toonist Ted Rall said. The cartoon outraged sur»
vivors of the attacks. The New York Times pulled
the caitoon from its Web site Tuesday.

Woman impregnated by stepfather

AKRON. Ohio A woman testified Wednes-
day that her mother helped her stepfather im—
pregnate her with a syringe when she was 16
after charting her menstrual cycle to determine
when she was most fertile. The 19-year-old
woman. whose identity was withheld. said she
agreed to the arrangement only after her stepfa-
ther threatened to kill her mother. She said she
never told her mother about the threat he made
while holding a gun. Narda Golf. 43. went on trial
Wednesday on charges she helped her husband.
John. impregnate the woman,

Compiled from wire reports

online this week

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Students, 56 say
crosswalks vital

At a junction: New proposal requests
city’s help in improving pedestrian safety

By Sara Cunningham

Sim WRIlEii

Student Government passed a bill Wednesday in support of
creating designated crosswalks at the intersections of
Keeneland Drive and Limestone Street anrl Limestone Street
and Virginia Avenue.

“When I leave to go to class and have to cross that street. I
feel like l‘m dodging bullets." said Julie Espelage. a nursing

Espelage lives at Royal Lexington, an apartment complex
near campus. She said crossing streets such as Virginia Avenue
is a gamble.

Kyle Jewell. an LCC College Senator
and sponsor of the bill. said something
needs to be done about these areas.

“Students can‘t see the cars coming.
and the cars can't see the students com
ing." Jewell said,

“These crosswalks would be better for
pedestrians and drivers."

Awareness of these areas increased af-
ter two students were killed while crossing
the street at the intersection of Limestone
and Keeneland Stanley McGowan in -
March of 1999 and Randy Lewis in October comlng,
1987. Both were students with disabilities.

Jake Karnes. director ofthe Disability and the
Research Center. said several attempts
were made to make the intersections safer

after the deaths of McGowan and Lewis. can’t see

"Several options were explored but
none of them seemed to be great solu- the
tions." Karnes said.

80 passed a bill last year advocating Students
crosswalks in the two areas. . ,,

And while the previous bill did not re- (3011/1ng.,
sult in more crosswalks. Jewell said he is

- Kyle Jewell,
LCC College

can’t see
the cars

confident the new approach will work. The
new bill differs from last year's in that it
specifically asks the city to take action.
he said.

“We are showing that we want the Lexington-Fayette llrban
County Government to do something to help. not just that we
need help." Jewell said.

Karnes said that even though crosswalks were considered
in the past. they did not seem to increase safety in the
proposed areas.

Jewell said he is certain they will be able to get crosswalks
at both intersections.

“I‘m sure they are willing to work with us. and if they are.
we are willing to work with them." he said.

“We want action,"

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Despite Shumaker's exit,
UofL partnership will go on

Staying together: Schools hope cooperation
will continue with Louisville's successor

"l really hate to .see Shii-
maker leave because the work-
ing relationship between the
two research programs was so
good." lloling said

Todd said that in addition
to his partnership with Sliii
maker many other relation
ships haye formed between the
two schools [TK's Board of
wt 'I‘riistees met llotlfs‘. the
l‘Iiiyosts of the two schools
made connections and lloliiig is
working on yarious protects
with Nancy Martin. liotlfs yice
piesident tor Research

"'l'here‘s a bonding at mul
tiple points." Todd said of the

Todd said the connections

By John Wampler

Milli Him)”

l’niyei'sity ot litllllSVlllt‘
l’l‘t‘Sltlt'lil .lohii Shiiinaker will
hecoiiie the new president of
the l’niyei'sity ot' ’l'ennessee.
but that will not stop the iiitel
lectual cooperation between
lliill. and ITK. oilii‘ials s!i_\’
"I don't t'oi‘esee any
backs," said .liiii Iloliiig. acting
yice president ot Research
l‘i‘esideiit lee 'I‘odd illlll
Shumaker have been Working
together to combine research
etloi'ts between their schools
Although the work \\'lll
continue. Shitniaker's depar
lure does create a certain yoid


wiiiild help the schools in i‘si‘i ye
the i‘iilltilioi‘atiyi' i'lloits Still.
Slitiiii;ikei"s stici essiii \.\ ill pli'.
an llilptillillll iole iii l-‘iiiipmu
things in nieiioii

'lliope that the ll".‘. pie I
dent will see the K‘. will,” ..i tin
icollahotationi, inil Ill do
everything in my pouw to we
that we continue tlit I ‘.,i-l oi
coopeiatioii 'lodds said

(' iri'ently. thi two limits
haye seyei'al million ‘l'illlls
Will‘ll! ill i‘tillitliiii’itiiiili. l”'
year. lloling said

-l’li.'k Illanton senior xiii-
president tot :idiniiiisti ition
said that in the iris! i lg ,‘illll
l‘oll. s.i\\ initli o'hii i. il-.
and did not \ll‘Hl i i_. iiiit i. :‘i
tionship~ Shiiinil'ei 'lll'll‘l
stiiiiil that lllt‘ siliiiols tides
weren't necessai ll‘s l‘illiltii'llll'.ii
or lllllllll‘ilil\"‘. lilaiiton s tlIl

“'i'odd and Shiiniala-ii had :i
great i’lppttit with one .mothci.

.llltl oiit ot‘ this deyeloped a
gieat trust." lllanton said
Shiiinriker‘s Work with l'K
is not completely over. as he is
not i'\pei ted to take oyer as
l'l"s president until July.
'Ioday. Shiimakei‘ will go
‘.'.llll ‘l'odd and seyeral other
highii education tillicials‘ to a
meeting with the Kentucky
Senate‘s Appropriation and
l‘l“\“l lli'l ominittee The main
M ii. yyiil he the need for 8
Hunt liilllltl of Bucks for
in zoos through this program.
the st lll‘ matches dollar for (lol-
I o pi tyne liinds raised by Ken-
Iisi k: iiniyeis'ities to support
iinilo - ed i’lillll'S. professor-
«lilie iililitional faculty. gradu
in students and stall at Ken
“H k» iiniwi'sities.
'loild said he will
u oi loin: ith Shiiinaker.
‘ i regret seeing
"l‘odd said



Hiking trails offer respite lrom school, work

Through the woods: Nature preserves and
state parks provide paths for feet to pound

downtown lex'ingtoii. encoin
pisses ititl aiies of woodlands.
me: idows. ponds and ( ieeks.

’l‘hose willing to devote an
entire day to an adyenture
should ti y Natural Bridge State
Park. which has nine hiking
trails ranging from one half to
it?) miles The hour drive to
Slade. Ky might he Worth the
yiew from the Hillel high nat—
ural sandstone arch spanning
oyer the Daniel Boone
National Forest.

Lucian 'l‘aylor
dents with health
should talk to a
before going.

He said those looking to
increase physical fitness by hik-
ing should start slow. increase
distance gradually and be

“lf you go (hikingijust once
a year. it‘s probably not going

By Kristin Durbin

'ylAil Wllilfll

It the only hike
taken recently is from the
(‘lassrooiii lliiildiiig to (little
iiions Market. perhaps an alter
noon at one ot Kentucky's
nature trails is past due

.Ieiin Iliirham. an iinde
clared sophomore. said she
hikes because she can escape
from school and work

“I like to get away from
citylil'e.” ltiirhani said

For iiiosi. nature is what
hiking is all about. Kentucky
has a range oltrails throughout
the state, some only minutes
away from campus.

Students with little spare
time should try Wayelaiid State
Historic Site oil" of Nicholasyille
Road. Wayelaiid offers a quick
nature trail. plus Flower and
herb gardens in the spring for to do you much good." said the
short strolls associate professor of kinesiolo

Want to see local wild llora gy and health promotion
and fauna" Rayen Run Nature A hike ome a Week can
Sanctuary. ‘4!) minutes from help tone the leg aiea and


said stu


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strengthen the hunt] l-i- said

lilyen it
goal. \like .‘yloi g in.
ciate at Phillip Malls llilliliiiil
and Ski. i'ei'oiniiieniii-d piepai
ingoni-selt'hom hi» id to .

M'ii'giii said the pop-t
shoes are essential il.-;,~
on the season and li-yigttl;
hike .‘yloi'gan i:giit
lllkt‘l'R litll' \lllfil llllh ltii‘ l) it
ll'('ll\{t‘ liliiits flit lly[l_1
winter lilkes

Seeks are l' ..

l\illl'». lx‘dt

siiggiisti ii

ll. Spam [calendar 1 I i

fitness Isl" the

1it l'll‘

Anglin F all: in the
John 8. Stephen-
son Memorial
Forest in northern
County, is a
popular moderate
hilte around Lex-
ington. The inter
lalls 75 feet troni
an outcrop. Ask
for directions at
the Berea Visitor's

mcuwono l
«mu SH"

itii' hikers because they can pre-
\‘i-nt llllsll'i‘S. Morgan said.

in 'ltllllllilll to socks and
Morgan said hikers
should always take water and a
low kpai k and a light raincoat if
'i s i‘iitil tllll\llll‘v

find cyen though many
'iails at" 'y‘J‘ll defined. Morgan
sitl/l takingr a map is always a
good idea on longer hikes.

He said it could potentially
roii out of a dangerous
si‘ll itioii


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Student Gigs and ‘< Eer's 1' 2-H“
DDlOR if) the MONDA" "ti‘i’; it "‘ s e 1' 1'
Calendar. a 257- 8867 '
Freshmen Focus

’lebdn Meeting t
Amnesty Intnrnntionnl Mominq

”Math Tutoring


‘Matlv Tutoring
‘History Tutoringit07 ‘00 109‘
‘ Biology Tutoring

' French Tutoring

‘Knmpo Soil Dolor“.

'Jnn Spoctoculnr UK School ()0 Mus-r

‘lmormlonal Chm» Follows'ilp Frldnv Follows'up

)i’ioer‘ 'ts Anson rm; tam-i

-.,i an

.Vo’snan‘ ”937.;
Wet. Bar7 or" :‘aw-.g - ~
'Ul Kondo-tu M, :
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‘Cmollc Mon.

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Christ “In Aodi'fiiiir'
'” WlI/l'l. 4 a, ‘:r
‘Mt 13)67C“V~

Maury? waits/um ' w . ..
: Tm iio‘llioo/ioi a * ‘i- .

L 70F Ami-w-





 Stdue Methaus
Scene Editor
Phone :51'1915 ) t mall Ielneldtiiyahoot’om

4 Linunsmv, MARCH 7, zoozl KENTUCKY KERNEL

Striking again: Angry singer back in full force for new CD

By Sarah Zopii


Alanis Morrisette is
known by every girl as the
woman who had the guts to
berate every old boyfriend in
“You ()ughta Know."

She unavoidably hits the
scene with the outspoken
(t'mler Rug Swept.

It's been more than four
years since Morrisette
released a full album to
the public.

It‘s safe to say Morrisette's
fans will greet her restless
return with open arms. but the
rest of us may find ourselves
in question. Music fans in
general may wonder if she is
capable of making an album
without that underlining irri-
tant attitude?

Hider Rug Sleep! is a well-
produced album. having a
crisp, filtered sound. Unfortu-
nately. the album's lyrical
selection is limited. Morrisette
is known for putting her anger
of past relationships. letdowns
and life experiences in song
form. Under Rug Swept is
no exception.

From the beginning to
end. this album silences the
heart and opens the confronta-
tional part of the mind.
Morrisette's style persuades
listeners to think about their
own heartbreaks and mull
over them.

Only once on this album is
a delicate side of Morrisette
heard. in the song. “That l’ar-
ticular Time" Morrisette deliv-
ers the intimate details of a
relationship gone awry.

llnabashedly proclaiming
her experiences in painful. bad
relationships and lost love.
Morrisette i'inds audiences
with the forlorn as well as
the angry.

The former star of Nick.
elodeon’s “You (‘an’t Do That
on 'l‘elevision. " her first album
was the praised. popular and
angry Jagged LIN/e PHI. :1 girl—
power kind of album. Mm“
risette hit the charts with real
and powerful lyrics. all backed
by a rough rock beat.

With ('mler Rug Steep].
angry Alanis sint‘aces again.

Although l respect your
honesty. Alanis. do us a favor
and find something that makes
you happy then write
about it.



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New album ‘borrows’ rhythms, I I [,qilquolr/mi

makes for unpleasant listen ; ”NEE @E'm‘
By Charlie Bradley t‘awn over, .‘H Satellite is no makingv llilx type of musii- to I m
\'AtLW'~1.‘F;J tlit‘l‘ei‘ent. exeept thev sound net biz: liahelx know it :i

t h
like an pathetie amalgaina- sountl Worketl onee it Will MARCH '9

I hate to Mite It I‘t'Vlt-W tionot‘allofthoseliantls. work again Why (lo mu 8 P M
.IHR? I” Pill] *~"III"Iltlll;:. but 'l‘hev pretend to ”wk m a think that lIllllIl Bizkit and 0 O

iiiitoitiiiiazeh .41 Satellite-Ix l I, . - . . ~ ., . Kom em both my rinmm‘
_ impItlit k “him sort ot “as. - r l t . A
zilltllili Stop lt‘1l\'l‘\ the \\‘llll no I - « ~ " - R C"

the l\'l‘l(‘\‘ are inane and thev “l” 1” Th“ “Elm" WW" “1“?»

I‘lioite lhiyilliuni lh \lllllilfi' ai'eti'ying touet that “indie" sound the exai-t mine. Illill 2 & 8 P.M.

ll "Ill“l ll “l \lllll‘ “l 1}“ ””1 \(lllllll. “'h“~h )5 a” the l‘llgf‘ tlll‘_\’ .‘Wllll 5"“ (ll Illllllll ill"

l” ”H l' H “mm H ‘l n" now for some reason. All of “”“l‘lmp ‘

popul si no \ the ”fig. thev use are surelv Enough eoinpiainiiiu If T":
l)itl \ou ever we the \‘lll meant to be (“why but all you buy this album you are

, .. , l _ t I)" ~ ‘ 1 a \, .
\lltl\\ Mom on thI Rim pm] up annoving the pm out lainr, stupid oi hot-h [Iiitkilx LEXINGTON

\ on knou hon most it llllt ”t W“ after about 30 seconds (“HULle though. \ou ptoli l‘
llllllllw on that slum wtilllllil‘ll l 1 'l , ' hlv wont tintl it at Voui‘lotai PERA oust
\lltllllll. \et the\ lust liatl am ””3 8101113 m {3‘ record store sinee thev are on
. V . I“ x ‘ ' ' ' .‘
tlitlei‘eiit eleint-iih ol sink in “*“ml‘m “H 1" ‘1 mm" -‘ the obseui‘e llltlt’tHVllfx'

thein (hie «Ioontlt'tl like “mnllm‘tlfl “N asked me l” Reeoi‘tls label This album Ile» CALL 233-3 53 5
(‘i‘i-etl, one wuntli-il like Nit