xt7zw37kt770 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kt770/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1937-05-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 10, 1937 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 10, 1937 1937 1937-05-10 2020 true xt7zw37kt770 section xt7zw37kt770 fl§‘ The Un1.v rsity Senate met 11 the Lecture Room of McVey Hull Monday
"1 May 13 vith Pro esident Mcfey presiding.


1 The minutes of Apr11 5 were approved as read.


Jhe Committee on Duplication of Courses presented the following
new courses which wer- empioved: 1

Qoll e? go of Arts and Sciences


Geol. 124e and 124b ~ Regional geology. A study of the geologic regions
of the United States. The course will serve as tutorial work in
preparation for the comprehensive examination. Three credits per semester.
To replace Geology ll7a,b. Sem.inar. One credit per semester end
additional tutorial work.





‘n‘. Geology 26a. Advanced Geology. A study of geological history and the

fl interpretation of the geological record. A study of the various steps
in the development of North America as it is today. An outline of the
development of plant and animal life throughout geological time. Two
lectures, two laboratories per week. Four credits. First semester.
Prerequisites: Geol. 22a,b. To replace Geol. 15a — 3 ore. and 19a » l or.



Geology 26b. Advanced reology. A continuation of 268. Two lectures,

two laboratories per week. Four credits. Second senestcr. Prerequisites:



26s. To replace Geol. 15b 1 3 ore. and 13b e 1 cr.
Hygiene and Public Health 115 ggmmunicable Diseases. A study of



communicable disease with reference to c usal agents, avenues of infecti n
and methods of prevention, with Special emphasis on those diseases
prevalent in Kentucky. Two hours daily. three weeks, three credits.





f Hygiene and Public Health 125. Supervised Field Work. This course g
& follows immediately after Slccessful completion of sights weeks of theory 3;
Cd %

in public health given at the University. The supervised field work will
consist of directed observation and participation in the various activities
of the five full~time health departments which have been approved as the
field training area. The students will be guided by an outlined

schedule of required expreiences and their activities will be recorded,
discussed and evaluated at weekly seminars. Three credits.

... ..

M‘s—t .f 3'

of recording, filing and utilization of public health data.- Two hours,

last three weeks. Daily. One credit.


Hygiene & Public Health 203. Public Health Records. General principles

w 'm

History 121. Social and Political Factors in ggiienggriry giviligetiog.
The crisis in contemporary democracy and internatlonal relati.ons;
imperialism; programs of reconstruction; with emphasis on liberalism,
fascism and communism. The armament race and threats of another world
war; the crisis in world history. Three credits. Barnes. To be

ffered only in the summer session of 1937.






































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~ v . . . . . ‘45‘ . _ 1‘. 91*
Minutes of the University Senate ~ Continued, may 17” 19)].



History 233. Recent Hist oricai Writings. The principles of histo:ic:1
scholarshin, criticism= narrative an thro g; n


review of h1storicai writing. Soeci 1

d synthesis orimarily
a‘ *

historians of the last two generations. Practical applications will be

stress will be laid on t

made for graduate students engaged i pieparing diss3rtations. Also
designed to give a general introduct‘o n to h:L.: tory and its accompanying

ohilosophies. Three credits. Summer Sch ool. 1'j3/.

Music 42, Seminar. A seminar course for seniors. This is to be a
comprehEEsivewsthdy of the literature that has come to us through the
Carnegie Grant, together with a thorough study of the great works in
music which have been recorded and cannot be presented in regular

classroom procedurae. (This might be considered as a conserve ive way
. v 11..” A a \ ' .
of approaching the comprehen51ve examination in 1dea;. Two credits.

Pol. Science 211. The Constitution and Civil Ri.ghts. The American
conception officfvil righ ts as expounded by the constitutional fathers
ans as interpreted by the courts. The social, economic and political
aspects and implications of these rights. Soecial attention ill be
given to the decisions of th e Un i.ted S ates Supreme Court. Three

credits. To replace Pol. Sci. 210. The Supreme Court and Politics





Remance Languages and Literature 17. Elementary French Five tiours



a week, five credits. This course is designed to give all the work for the
first two semesterss of French in one semester by concentrating the study.

Romance Languages and Literatures 202a,b. 01 d French. Three hours

a week. Three Credits. The first semester is to be devoted to the.grammar
of Old French and the second will require the study of the Chanson de
Roland. Prerequisites: Two years of German and four years of modern



Art 1518 b Criticism of Art. Three credits per semester. Analyses.
interpretations:7evglnations. Specific arts pe criods of art styles of art,
are examined in the light of philosophical and historical modes of art
criticism. Prerequisites; Two years of studio work in art, two years in

history of art.

English lié‘ Expressive Reading. ‘Three credits. An introduction to the
essentials wf expressive oral reading and to the problems involved in the
appreciation and public interpretation of literature. Practice before
the class


Engligh £21" Teaching 3: Speech and Oral English. Three credits. Values
and objectives of Speech education; modern trends in instruction; analysis
and construction of courses of study; evaluation of text books and other
teaching materials; teaching methods; objectives and methods in speech


Note;n These COuTSSS in English are primarily for Professor Hollister
in the Summer School

















Minutes of the University Senate ~ May 10, 1937 - Continued.

§3g3_n: 104 M'tirr iril and Child Health. Two credits. Lectures and

conferences. i’he p1 inciples of prenatal, infant and childhood care
and training. Fight weeks» three times a week.

Hygiene 290. Seminar. For health officers. No credit.


Musigrlie,b. Form and Analysis. Two credits per Semester. This is

to be a new course and shall consist of the study of the design and
harmonic structure of Sim nple and comolex forms of music through analyses
of standard musical compositions. Prerequisites; Music 25a,b.



Hygiene 120a. Mental Hygiene. A course consisting of lectures,
demonstration. and field work, in the practical application of public
health methods to prevention and treatment of mental physical and

social me'adjustments and disease. Three hours per week. Three credits.

Primarily for nublic health nurses.


Hygiene l20b. Mental Hygiene. A continuation of 120a, three credits.

Hygiene 220. Mental Hygiene A course consisting of lectures and
demonstration in the application of public health methods to the problems
of mental health and disease. TWO hour periods, four weeks, three tines


per week. One credit. Primarily for health officers.
Physical Educeti on 25 Advanced Fencing. Two hours per week, ,7 credit.



Open to students who ha.ve taken “Physical Education 13, or who have had
experience in the fundamentals of fencing.

College of Agriculture


Courses for Rural Rese:tlement Supervisors :(June 14 to 30, 1937)


Agronomy 117. Soil Management and Land Use. A study of soil management
and of soil characteristics with particular reference to land use in




Kentucky. One credit.

Farm Engineering 103. Engireering Problems in Soil Management. Surveying,
mapping and determining areas of land; desig ing farm drainage systems;
problems in controlling erosion by terraces and gully structures. One credit.


Farm Economics 12:. Farm Management and Budgeting. This course deals
principally with the budget method of analyzing farm business; the nature
and uses of budgets; types of information needed and sources of this
information; the order of developing the budget——the uses of available land
area, the cropping program. the livestocl: prcg ram, the calculation of costs
and returns; checking the program of farm labor and power; keeping records

as a check on the budget. One credit.

Markets & Rural Finance 133. Agriculturgl Policy; General development

of the pgincipleg underlying agricultural policy, including analysis of the
place of agriculture in tb e general econom3, goals or objectives of agricul~
tural policy, causes and deveIOpment of the present agricultural problem,
appraisal of current and proposed programs, ar -d legislation for remedial

action. Prerequisite: Farm We inclics 4 Three credits.













































_‘_,.,. :5g:s=::.


Minutes of the Universit


y Senate ~ Continued, May 10, 1037
Farn Pcononics 122 ~ Rural Life. Examination of composition of population;
Cultures; the faimlv; and rural social institutions, particularly in view
of recent changes in local and national rural lifw. One credit; to be
given in Summer Session, 1937.


-__.. W...

001 legs 2.? fineness.


New Courses:




located at Camp Robinson, lloble: Breszthitt County, Kentucky. Stream
gaging, sounding. and measurinz§ the flow in Ventucky river location
surveys for bridges and power dams. Surveys for impounded wzter supplies,
location of small dams. Notes taken to be used by th: students for future
work. Lectures, recitatinns and field work. 44 hours a week for 1 week.
Prerequisite; C. E. 13. 1 credit; summer camp.


C’ E. 17 1 Hydrogrephic Survoy'ng. hiVED at the summer surveying temp

C. E. 23 Seminar. A study of current engineering literet , ..
to Civil Engineering; assigned reading and reports. Round ta b1 e co
ences for two hours 2 weak. 1 credit; lst semester.



C. L. 24.- San- tary rngireer1ng for Sanitary InSpectors. Elementary prinm
ciples of sanitary engineering ncludi ng municipal an.d. rural sanitation.
Wate :- supply, sewage disposal. collection and disposal of waste. dairy

inepection and insect contrcl. 16 hours a week for 3 weeks. Lectures
recitetions and field trips. This will be followed by 4 weeks of superm
vised work in approved county health offices with a weekly seminar in
F‘yette County Health Office. 3 credits; second term, summer session.

C. E. 106 Foundations and Tunneling. A study of foundation material
and its relat on to the structure. Principles of tunneling as related to
transportation and structures. Prerequisite: 3. M. 13 ~ 2 credits; 2d sem.


C. E. 107 ~ Soil Mechanics. A study of soil and its utilization in
foundations for structures and subgrade for highways. Stabilization
improvement of bearing values. Prerequisite: E. M. 13. 2 credits;




2d sem.

C. E. 123 - fiydraulics. Fxperimental investigation of flow of weter in
5353?, channels° over weirs, measure of friction and hydrostatic pressure,
hydraulic machinery. Laboratory three hours a week. Prerequisite or
Concurrent: E. M. 101. 1.5 credits; lst semester.

C. E. 154 — Advanced Water Plant Designs. Survey preliminary investigation,
method finance, Complete detail design of water plant, with specifications
and estimate of cost. Lecture 1 hour, drafting room 0 hours a week.

Prerequisite: C. E. 151. 3 credits; ist semester.




. 155 a Advanced Sewer and Sewa~e Disposal Design. Survey for sanitary
and storm sewers , complete detail design considering chemical precipitation.
and biological disposal plants. Lecture 1 hour, drafting room 6 hours a

week. Prerequisite: C. E. 152 a 3 credits; 2nd semester.

















. - . -. . , h >1
Minutes of the Univer51ty senate ~ L'ontinuedr Mav 19’ 1q37


1-- “mg «- ~wi-.

,~ r n
. A 150 ~ Water EFd B§W9 r Pl ant Operation.. Standfird methods of control for

producing best results in th< t1a.0; 1r:,D; 1wd,b.





Music Clfia,o. lane. Three credits per sen mes tel
Music 2167,b. otrirgs. Three credits per Semester.
Mossic 2l/a,b. voice.W11ec credits per semester.
218 ,1. Grgan. Three credits 9“? semester.
§§15:b. Concert Band. One credit per semester.



Music 1.10s, d. Independent Work. CreCit reduced frcm three credits to
two credits.



I"; "


c 9a.b. Organ nizetion a-d Training of Mu_sical Gr ups. (Strings and
*'*W* “"77“ i”. *7”‘ ‘rr‘ ”* . r‘ ‘ ‘
Band). Vhanged i‘om 2 credits to one o‘edzit per semester.



Music 9c. Organization and Tra in.ing of Musical Groups. (Woodwinds)





One credit. To replace 14a. two credits.



Wsic 1A. Orchestration and Conducting. Two credits. To repiace Music
14D two credits
College of Agriculture
A. I. 31 ~ Market Clas see a nd Breeds of Livestock. A course to familiarize



students with the present market requirements and wit